Educate. Empower. Employ. 85 St Georges Mall 7th Floor, Ned bank Building Cape Town 8000 P. O Box 975, Cape Town, 8000 Telephone: 021-4881160 2015 Student Application Form 1. PLEASE PRINT IN CAPITALS AND COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS IN FULL. THE SUPPLYING OF FALSE INFORMATION WILL INVALIDATE THIS APPLICATION. 2. A SIGNED COPY OF YOUR APPLICATION FORM MUST BE EMAILED TO INFO@RAINBOWACADEMY.CO.ZA OR DROPPED OFF AT OUR OFFICES BETWEEN 10-2PM NO LATER THAN THE 15TH OF NOVEMBER 2014. 3. PLEASE CONTACT SHARMELA BHAGA OR DENAY WILLIE AT 021-4881160 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR ANY QUERIES. A. Personal Information: Full Name and Surname _________________________________________ Gender Female Age ___________ Date of Birth Day __________ Month ___________________ Year ___________ Home Language _______________________________________ Highest Grade Passed ______________________________________ Nationality ______________________________________ Passport or ID number ______________________________________ Male B. Contact Details: Physical Address ______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Postal Code _______________________________________ Home Telephone Number _______________________________________ Cell Phone Number _______________________________________ Email Address _______________________________________ 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary Chairman: Frank Gormley Directors: Denay Willie (CEO) Urs Lanz Delecia Forbes Simphiwe Mathebula The Rainbow Academy, 85 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: +27 (0)21 426 4759 Reg. #2010/019136/08 Educate. Empower. Employ. 85 St Georges Mall 7th Floor, Ned bank Building Cape Town 8000 P. O Box 975, Cape Town, 8000 Telephone: 021-4881160 2015 Student Application Form C. Education Background: C. 1. High School: Name of High School ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Highest Grade Passed ________________________________________ Year _______________ C. 2. Any other qualifications or Performing Arts Certificates or Diploma completed: 2. a) Name of Institution ________________________________________ Qualification ________________________________________ 2. b) Name of Institution ________________________________________ Qualification ________________________________________ Year _______________ Year _______________ D. Previous Work or Employment Record: Name of Institution ________________________________________ Position held ________________________________________ Part or Full time ________________________________________ Year _______________ Name of Supervisor and Contact Number ___________________________________ 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary Chairman: Frank Gormley Directors: Denay Willie (CEO) Urs Lanz Delecia Forbes Simphiwe Mathebula The Rainbow Academy, 85 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: +27 (0)21 426 4759 Reg. #2010/019136/08 Educate. Empower. Employ. 85 St Georges Mall 7th Floor, Ned bank Building Cape Town 8000 P. O Box 975, Cape Town, 8000 Telephone: 021-4881160 2015 Student Application Form E. Personal References: You need to provide us with at least 2 personal references such as your teacher or community leader. Parents and Family are excluded. 1. Full Name and Surname: ________________________________________ Relationship ________________________________________ Company or School ________________________________________ Telephone/Cell Number ________________________________________ 2. Full Name and Surname: ________________________________________ Relationship ________________________________________ Company or School ________________________________________ Telephone/Cell Number ________________________________________ F. Please CHECK and Ensure you meet ALL the following the Criteria for Applying to study Youth 17-25 years Resident in disadvantaged communities You have a National Senior Certificate (Matric) Academic skills necessary for further studies (Literacy and Numeracy) Your Household income is less than R 60.000.00 per annum and Inability to access further education or employment You are able to study full-time You are able to financially support yourself on the programme and pay monthly school fees Acceptable level of performance training and ability; CV and Performance Resume Commitment to excel in work and performance and strongly motivated to pursue a career G. PLEASE INDICATE THE WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING PERFORMING ARTS DISCIPLINE YOU WILL BE AUDITIONING FOR TO STUDY AT THE RAINBOW ACADEMY. YOU MUST CHOOSE A MINIMUM OF 2 CATEGORIES FOR YOUR AUDITION. [MARK WITH AN X] MUSIC: SINGING MUSIC: INTSRUMENT(S) DRAMA DANCE OTHER 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary Chairman: Frank Gormley Directors: Denay Willie (CEO) Urs Lanz Delecia Forbes Simphiwe Mathebula The Rainbow Academy, 85 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: +27 (0)21 426 4759 Reg. #2010/019136/08 Educate. Empower. Employ. 85 St Georges Mall 7th Floor, Ned bank Building Cape Town 8000 P. O Box 975, Cape Town, 8000 Telephone: 021-4881160 2015 Student Application Form Please answer the following background questions on your previous Performing Arts Training and Studies: 1. Do you have formal training or exams completed in any of these disciplines? Mark with an X Yes No 2. Did you complete music; drama or dance as a formal subject at High School? If yes, please provide full details of your studies; highest examination and grades passed and any awards. Also indicate the year. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. List any other training, exams, awards, achievements and certificates completed in music, drama or dance. Also indicate the year. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Please list any school, church or community shows and productions you were involved in. Also indicate the year. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Are you involved in any community service and volunteer work? Please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please describe in your own words why you would like to study at The Rainbow Academy and what you hope to achieve. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary Chairman: Frank Gormley Directors: Denay Willie (CEO) Urs Lanz Delecia Forbes Simphiwe Mathebula The Rainbow Academy, 85 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: +27 (0)21 426 4759 Reg. #2010/019136/08 Educate. Empower. Employ. 85 St Georges Mall 7th Floor, Ned bank Building Cape Town 8000 P. O Box 975, Cape Town, 8000 Telephone: 021-4881160 2015 Student Application Form H. Final Audition Dates: AUDITION DATES: Should your application be successful, you will be contacted by the 15th of November 2014 for a final audition at The Rainbow Academy. Audition dates are the 21st and 22nd of November, the 28th of November and the 5th and 6th of December. DOCUMENTS: You will also be required to bring a copy of ALL the following documents/ records to your audition as part of the qualification process. It is compulsory you check the list and ensure a copy of all the documents are brought with you. NO DOCUMENT: (OFFICE CHECK) 1. A COPY OF IDENTITY BOOK 2. A COPY OF YOUR BANKING DETAILS 3. A COPY OF PROOF OF RESIDENCE 4. PROOF OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND HOUSEHOLD INCOME LESS THAN R60.000 A YEAR 5. A COPY OF YOUR NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE (MATRIC CERTIFICATE) 6. A COPY OF YOUR CV AND PERFORMANCE RESUME 7. COPIES OF ANY CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS 8. A COPY OF X2 RECOMMENDATION LETTERS FROM YOUR HIGH SCHOOL, TEACHER OR COMMUNITY LEADER. THIS IS COMPULSORY. 9. A LETTER FROM YOU MOTIVATING WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO STUDY AT THE RAINBOW ACADEMY 10. PROOF OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT I, ____________________________ (FULL NAME AND SURNAME), HEREBY DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION FORM IS VALID AND TRUE AND I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ENCLOSED. APPLICANT SIGNATURE __________________________________ DATE ______/______/_____________ 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary Chairman: Frank Gormley Directors: Denay Willie (CEO) Urs Lanz Delecia Forbes Simphiwe Mathebula The Rainbow Academy, 85 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: +27 (0)21 426 4759 Reg. #2010/019136/08
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