Waterloo Historical Society NEWSLETIER Waterloo Historical Society clo Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen street North Kitchener, ontario N2H 2Hl Harold Elinor Debbie Russell, President Rau, Secretary Kroetsch, Treasurer 744-2979 669-8890 747-3009 $~1996 FEBRUARY MEETING AT VICTORIA PARK PAVILION SCHNEIDER AVENUE, KITCHENER MONDAY FEBRUARY 5 8:00 PM Rych Mills will be guest speaker at the WHS February meeting. Mr. Mills claims that much of Victoria Park's written history is inaccurate. He wants to set the record straight during his talk, "Myths and Myth-takes." A replica of the bust of Kaiser Wilhelm , as well as photographs and artifacts, will be on display. VICTORIA PARK CENTENNIAL REMINDER This year's long party began with a New Year's Eve celebration that kicked off the park's 10ath anniversary. Don't forqet the Grand Victorian Ball on June 15; the anniversary festival is scheduled for August 24 and 25. The Joseph Schneider Haus gallery exhibition begins on February 19. The resurrected city hall clock now graces the park. 1996 OPEN MEETINGS ANYONE NEEDING A RIDECONTACT HERB RATZ AT 886-7855. PRESIDENT'S CORNER General meetings are scheduled for February 5, May 7, and September 9. The annual meeting will be held on November 18. QUEEN AND KAISER TOUR CITY BRISK BOOK SALES Spectators lining the streets of Kitchener and Waterloo during the November Santa Claus parade were amazed to see Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm I riding side by side in an open carriage. They were accompanied by the Kaiserin Augusta, and HRH Albert, the Prince of Wales. Their appearance served to advertise the 1996 Centennial of Kitchener's Victoria Park. Queen Victoria was played by Dorothy Russell; acting prince was Harold Russell; Lorna Ferguson was the Kaiserin; and Willi Ristau was acting Kaiser. Sales of Waterloo Township Through Two Centuries are going well. Copies of the local history may be ordered through the Grace Schmidt Room, Kitchener Public Library. LOST AND FOUND A lady's brooch was found in the Waterloo Regional parking lot, Frederick Street, Kitchener, on Saturday, October 28. Contact Helga Hartman, evenings, at 885-0661. SUDDABY TO ESTABLISH VICTORIAN CLASSROOM The Waterloo County Board of Education has established a Victorian classroom at Suddaby public school, Kitchener. The "Ad Hoc Museum of Educational History Committee" is looking for donations of 1900 vintage school furniture, pre-1920 text books, and other materials, including an authentic strap! The classrooms, which may be viewed by the public this Spring, was established to develop students' appreciation of past and present education, and enhance heritage curriculum studies. Suddaby school was originally named Central school. It was constructed in Berlin, in 1857, and was designated as a model school for teacher training. It registered the first kindergarten class, in 1882; it also housed the first high school classes. WHS members are being asked to visit the classroom to offer suggestions, anecdotes, or artifacts. Financial donations can be sent to the WCBE Foundation, and marked Children's Museum Fund. Tax receipts will be issued. Volunteer teachers are needed to teach four or five days per year. For further information contact committee chairman Marg Dickson, at 742-2218; Helen Koepke, at 884-9461; or Mary Johnston, at 745-77036. Other inductees include Milton R. Good; A. Carl Rieder; the late Dr. G.E. Duff Wilson; Bonita Rope; and Jim Schoenfeld. KITCHENER REMEMBERED Murray Fried was recently photographed with Lord Kitchener, at Kitchener City Hall. The photo was taken in front of the portrait of the latter's great--uncle. Murray's relative, Elsie Master, suggested the name in 1916. A story on Murray appeared in the Ayr News, on December 6. HERITAGE SHOWCASE WHS will join with over forty regional heritage groups to celebrate a Heritage Showcase on Saturday, February 17, at Fairview Mall, Kitchener. Meet with fellow history buffs and visit the displays. EARLY-BIRD MEMBERSHIP WINNER Winner of the Garden of Dreams book at the annual meeting in Doon was Catherine Meyer. LAST CALL FOR MEMBERSHIPS Late 1996 membership renewals of $20 can be sent to WHS membership convenor: Helen Hartman 547 Glen Manor Blvd. Waterloo, Ontario N2L 4T4 EXEMPLARY CITIZENS WHS members will be pleased to learn that "OUr' M. Grace Schmidt will be inducted into the Waterloo County Hall of Fame at Doon Heritage Crossroads on Sunday, May 12, at 2 pm. Editor: Vonnie Haner 656-2631 Waterloo Historical Society NEWSLETTER Waterloo Historical Society % Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen St. N. Kitchener, ON N2H 2H I Harold Russell , President Robert Wildfong, Secretary Debbie Kroetsch, Treasurer 744-2979 886-7542 747-3009 April 1996 ~CTORIAN CLASSRooM General Meeting at Suddaby School's Victorian Classroom M argret Dickson, Mary Johnston and Helen Koepke will talk on the establishment of the historic classroom project and in the restored room give us an insight into the Turn of the Century education experience. As an added incentive you can pick up your 1995 volume. If you can't attend be sure to have a friend pick up yours to save the postage cost. Date: Tuesday, May 7, 1996 Time: 8:00PM Place: 171 Frederick St. Kitchener (Parking at the rear of the school off Lancaster St.) Huron Road Tours: May 30, June 4 & 6 M ary, Helen and Margaret have done it again! After declaring a sabbatical after their six heritage river tours, they delighted the membership by announcing a Huron Road tour this spring. The three trips immediately sold out and there is a waiting list. Well done, ladies. Regional Heritage Foundation Representative S usan Hoffman has completed her term as our representative to the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation. Susan also served as president of the Foundation and has done an excellent job. James Breithaupt, WHS Director, is the newly appointed representative to the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation. WHS Donations I fyou are looking for ,:"ays to save money on your Income tax please keep in mind that donations to the WHS are tax deductible. Heritage Showcase 1996 M any thanks to the WHS volunteers who helped with the Heritage Showcase held at Fairview Mall on Saturday, February 17: Bertha Thompson, Rosanne Atwater-Hallatt, Jim Breithaupt, Harold Russell, Jane Fair, Grace Schmidt, Mary Johnston, Helga Hartman, Debbie Kroetsch and Jack Eaton. Everyone felt the day was very profitable because we sold two Waterloo Township histories, thanks to the irresistible sales pitch of Mary Johnston! Someone came into the GSR to buy a copy of the book on the following Monday because he had seen it at the mall on Saturday. That makes it all worthwhile! I ~eSident's Corner R ecently new appointments were made to the WHS Board and Council. LCol James Breithaupt, QC was appointed First Vice President and Robert Wildfong took over the duties of Secretary. Bob replaces Eleanor Rau who did a splendid job and continues on the Board. New councillors are John Clare of Cambridge, Mildred Trussler of Kitchener, Norm Diemert of Wilmot and Ellis Little of Waterloo. Our thanks for a job well done to retiring councillors Edna Bowman, Agnes Reist, Norma Brenneman, Gerald Forler and Jean Carter. ... Harold Russell Hats Off To ... J ean Carter, eo-founder of the K-W Weavers and Spinners Guild, who has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the K-W Arts Council. She is a former WHS councillor and widow of a past president. Hunt For Your Autograph W atch in Volume 83 for an article about Schnurr's Hall in Linwood. Written by the original owner's grandson, Don Schnurr, and his wife Julie, who now operate the business, it details the many activities that occurred in the hall and on the stage from 1910-1960. The item of most interest will likely be the accompanying list of names signed on the dressing room walls. Some readers will be familiar wiTh Schnurr's Hall from years ago or may find a name that they recognize. If you wish to see the hall (which remains the same today as when it opened in 1910) Don and Julie would like to extend a warm invitation to visit Linwood on Friday evening, June 14, 1996, 7-9 p.m. Please RSVP by calling 698-2194 (evenings) before June 12. The entrance is off John Street at the rear of Schnurr' s Grocery Store. Please note that the hall is reached only by climbing a steep set of stairs. The Schnurrs are compiling a "book of memories" and welcome stories and remembrances. I This newsletter was produced by , Rosanne Atwater-HaIIatt, Susan Hoft'mantMarjorie Kohlit Grace· Schmidt and'Kathrvn Lamb. Waterloo Historical Society NEWSLETTER Waterloo Historical Society % Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen St. N. Kitchener, ON N2H 2Hl Harold Russell. President Robert Wildfong. Secretary Debbie Kroetsch, Treasurer 669-2775 669-8890 747-3009 August 1996 )lARiHILL MEETING T he September meeting will be hosted by the Maryhill Historical Society. At 7:00pm a tour of the historic Edward Salter House will take place followed by our speaker at 8:00pm. Date: Time: Place: Monday, September 9, 1996 7 :OOPM St. Boniface School Gymnasium Speaker: Frances Hoffman, co-author of Much to be done: Private life in Ontario from Victorian Diaries. County History Draw V em Martin of Kitchener was the winner of a quilted wall hanging in a draw sponsored by the Waterloo County history committee. A second wall hanging and a Peter-sEtril Snyder framed print will be prizes in the October draw. Two Centuries Honored R ecognition of Dr. Elizabeth Bloomfield's Waterloo Township through Two Centuries continues. It has received the Ontario Historical Society's Fred Landon Award "for the best book on regional history in Ontario 1993-95." Elizabeth has also received an 1996 Waterloo Regional Heritage Award for her work. Fees Due in November T he November 18 annual meeting will be held at Wilfrid Laurier University with William Fitzgerald speaking on the excavation of a Waterloo Mennonite home. To support your Society, please consider giving a tax-deductible donation in addition to the $20 membership fee. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete the form below and mail it, along with your cheque for $20.00, to: Waterloo Historical Society, % Helga Hartman, 547 Glen Manor Blvd., Waterloo, ON N2L 4T4, or if you have questions call (519)885-0661. Please make cheque payable to: Waterloo Historical Society. Name: _ Address: _ City: _ Postal Code:----------- Phone: _ Your membership card will be ready for pick up at the Annual Meeting. If you cannot attend it will be mailed to you with the next newsletter. ~esident's Corner W ith this newsletter and at the September meeting you will have an opportunity to pre-order a copy of our exciting new history of Waterloo County. Since December of 1993, a committee has been active in the preparation of Waterloo County from J 852 to J 872. It is our intention to have this book ready for the 25th anniversary of Waterloo Regional government in 1997. Fran McIntosh chairs the publishing committee; Walter Hackborn chairs the finance sub-committee. Dr. Geoff Hayes of the University of Waterloo history department is the selected author. The book will set county political history into a wider social and economic context. If you have insights to share with Dr. Hayes contact him at 886-2804. Your invitation to order a copy at the pre-publication price (which undoubtedly will be a bargain) is enclosed. ••• Harold Russell 1871/1897 Peace Monument A s part of the centennial celebrations of Victoria Park, the 1897 Monument to the Peace Festival of 1871 is being re-constructed. On May 2, 1871, the 3,000 citizens of Berlin welcomed 10,000 visitors to a festival marking the peace treaty which ended the Franco-Prussian War. In 1896, a monument was designed and built as a 25th anniversary project. It was unveiled on August 13, 1897, and included a bust of Kaiser Wilhelm I. Event chair Jim Breithaupt reports this important memorial from Berlin's history has been rebuilt from Stanstead granite. It does not, however, include a bust of the Kaiser. Unveiling and dedication will be Sunday, August 25, 1996, at 1pm near the original site in Victoria Park. few months ago to look at historical photographs in the Grace Schmidt Room. Over 60 images were selected, copied and framed for the restaurant. According to Susan, the result was quite impressive. Each photograph credits KPL and the WHS for their help. As a member of the WHS you are encouraged to examine the photographs whenever you visit the Red Lobster. Staff have had a great deal of positive response from the public, and are very pleased with the results of their research. WHS on the Internet T he WHS has a presence on the Internet. This will be of interest to WHS members who use computers and who like to "surf the net." Our World Wide Web page is being pointed to by several other organizations, such as the City of Waterloo; Sympatico: Around Town: Kitchener- Waterloo from Bell; and The Historical Society Page which lists Historical Societies in both Canada and the USA. You can find us at http://www.dcs.uwaterloo.cal -marjlhistory/whs.html A Day By The Nith River I Four bus tours to Goderich this spring weren't enough for our indefatigable tour guides. In August they took three bus loads of a Yorkshire male chorus and friends on a tour focusing on Mennonite culture en-route to Elora for a history of the Grand River and the geological formations there. Hosts for the Canadian visit were members of the Schneider Male Chorus which toured Europe last year. he first production on the Steckle Barn Stage will be Working Hands performed by The Heritage Singers, written and directed by Laurence Martin. Date: Saturday, September 14, 1996, at 7:30pm at the Steckle Barn, 811 Bleams Road (between Westmount and Strausburg). Donations will be recei ved at the door and refreshments will be served. Call 748-5719 for reservations. Local History in a Restaurant? R ecently the Red Lobster restaurant on King Street East in Kitchener reopened and Susan Hoffman was a special guest at the ribbon cutting ceremony. What's the connection? The staff of the restaurant approached Susan a .c o .;:: Q) i:S Q) c: ~ >- .0 '0 Q) N 'c CIl 12' o c: o S .0 .;:: Ui '5 •... Q) t3 en :t Q) Music Celebrating Work in Pioneer Times nresponse to numerous requests, the 1995 WHS bus tour of the Nith River was printed and a few copies are still available. If interested contact Marg Dickson at 742-2218 or Helen Koepke at 884-9461 or Mary Johnston at 745-7036. • - T Z • Waterloo Historical Society NEWSLETTER Waterloo Historical Society % Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen St. N. Kitchener, ON N2H 2HI 744-2979 886-7542 747-3009 Harold Russell , President Robert Wildfong, Secretary Debbie Kroetsch, Treasurer November JNUAL T he Early Years of Waterloo: Archeological and Historical Glimpses of German Company Tract Lot 13 will be discussed by Dr. William Fitzgerald and his associates who have conducted excavations at Lucinda House (1838: Dr. J. Good) and MacGregor School for insights into our 19th century community. Date: Time: Place: Monday, November 18, 1996 8:00 PM WLU New Science Building, Room NlOOl. Parking in the campus lot at Bricker and King St. (See ma on reverse.) 1996 of Excellence= Susan Hoffman; Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation: Outstanding Achievement Award-- Kathryn Lamb; 25-year awards--Mary Johnston and Kathryn Lamb; lO-year awards-Margaret Dickson, Helen Koepke, Debbie Kroetsch and Bertha Thompson; 5-year award-Elinor Rau. Wilmot Township Citizen of the Year awards-- Lou Cull, culture-- Natalie Kroetsch, youth. Ontario Heritage Foundation award-- AI Junker, chairman of Wilmot Township LACAC. Historic Hike W lease look for Grace Schmidt, Milton R. Good and other 1996 inductees to the Waterloo County Hall of Fame on Doon Heritage Crossroads home page on the Internet. The address is http://www/oceta.on.ca/region.waterloo/doonl. arren Stauch, past president of the WHS, organized a Volksmarch (people's walk) on a sixkilometre downtown Kitchener route. About 60 participated on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Librarian Honored Collection Donated to Hall of Fame on Internet P R ev. Erich Schultz, librarian from 1960-1991 at WLU, has been recognized by the establishment of the Erich Schultz Endowment Fund by David Gray, treasurer of the Friends of WLU. Interest from this fund will supplement the library's acquisitions budget. Erich taught courses in library science and theology and is a past president of the WHS. Congratulations The To Winners Of: 1996 Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation Award UW he extensive archival collection of the SchantzlRussell families has been donated to the . University of Waterloo Library by Dorothy Russell and her son Harold. T ~resident's Corner T he WHS' s membership has every right to be proud of its significant contribution to local history since 1912. We have been active in a variety of events of local historical significance including tours, the International Plowing Match and Victoria Park's Centennial. We have launched two major publishing ventures. Yet none of this comes without a major effort from the membership. For our Society to flourish it must have constant renewal of the membership and leadership. We must all seek out new members and offer to serve as directors, councillors or on committees as our situation allows. Please help us move towards the 21 st century by giving your time and talents to the WHS. ••• Harold Russell Map - New Science Building, WLU (see *) urban development which will affect access, parking, security and the vista. A historic section of the Huron Road will also be affected. Local groups have been able to get some modifications to the original plans which will be considered by Kitchener planning committee on Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. WHS members, remembering that the tower was originally a WHS-initiated project, are encouraged to attend Kitchener City Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 25, at 3 p.m. in the council chambers when the committee report will be presented. Victoria Park, Kitchener, Finally Celebrates 100! A Ready for Christmas A fter being out-of-print for several years, the awardwinning book, Kitchener: An Illustrated History by John English and Kenneth McLaughlin, has been revised. The new editions (paperback and hardcover) contain more than 160 photographs and maps, most never before published. Two annotated and illustrated Kitchener walking tours are included. Once again the authors have been privileged to use the resources of the WHS and many of the photos have come from WHS collections. Historic Site Threatened T he Pioneer Memorial Tower--the most noteworthy heritage site in the Region ofWaterloo--is threatened by beautiful summer weekend - August 24 and 25 marked the longanticipated 100th anniversary celebration of Victoria Park. The WHS participated in many ways, with hundreds of volunteer hours. Many thanks, though, to the members who helped with the heritage display in the Pavilion: Grace Schmidt, Elaine Peterson, Helga Hartman, Jane Fair, Lillian Daniels, Elinor Rau and Jack and Margaret Eaton. Your smiling faces and knowledgeable conversation about Kitchener' s past welcomed many people to our display. Grace, Jane and Elinor looked particularly stunning in their heritage costumes. Congratulations to all the Victoria Park volunteers!
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