Presentationer från Fysioterapikliniken och KI Constantina Lomi; posterpresentation Evaluation of an interprofessional student placement: qualitative findings and Alexandra Halvarsson; posterpresentation implications. ”Better safe than sorry” – perceptions of fallrelated concerns and balance in older women with osteoporosis. Marie Kierkegaard; muntlig presentation High-intensity resistance training in multiple sclerosis – an exploratory study.Alexandra Halvarsson; posterpresentation Long-term effects of a progressive and specific balance-training programme with multi-task Maria Lindström; muntlig presentation excercises for older adults with osteoporosis. Postoperative bracing after ACL-surgery with hamstrings graft has no effect on joint effusion one-year outcome. A Agneta Ståhle; panelrepresentant vid två prospective, randomized study. sessioner med temat: Meet the researchers/editors Presentationer i samarbete mellan Fysioterapikliniken, KI och Linköping Gunnel Peterson; posterpresentation Altered ventral neck muscle funktion in chronic whip-lash compared to neck Johanna Wibault; muntlig presentation healthy controls. An ultrasound Postoperative structured physiotherapistinvestigation. supervised rehabilitation for patients with cervical radiculopathy: outcomes at a six Gunnel Peterson; month posterpresentation in a randomized clinical trial. Differences in coordination of ventral neck muscles for individuals with whiplashassociated disorder and health controls. Johanna Wibault; posterpresentation Structured rahabilitation in primary health care after surgery for cervical radiculopathy – treatment mediators in a randomized Maria Landén Ludvigsson; muntlig presentation trial. reduction following Factors associated clinical with symtom different exercise inteventions in chronic whiplash associated disorders. A randomized controlled study. Christina Olsson; posterpresentation Self-efficacy – a predictor of physical activity after complition of osteoarthritis selfmanagement program. Ing-Marie Dohrn; posterpresentation To promote health and to prevent lifestylerelated diseses – a responsibility for physiotherapy today. Conran Joseph; posterpresentation Nature and number of complications and risk factors for pressure ulcers after traumatic spinal cord injury: How specialized are we? Ing-Marie Dohrn, Alexandra Halvarsson, Agneta Ståhle; Pre congress course How to take balance training one step further. Presentationer från Karolinska Institutet Lena Nilsson Wikmar; posterpresentation The meaning and the process of acceptance for patients with chronic non-specific musculoskeletal when participating in pain Evapain Rasmussen Barr; posterpresentation rehabilitation.Are job strain and sleep disturbances prognostic factors for low-back pain? A cohort study of a general population in Sweden. Ing-Marie Dohrn; posterpresentation Balance training increases healthenhancing physical activity in older adults with osteoporosis. Eva Rasmussen Barr; posterpresentation Inter- and intra-observer reliability of three movement control tests for the lumbo-pelvic complex. Conran Joseph; posterpresentation Living with a long-term traumatic spinal cord injury in South Africa: Experiences related to readjustment and attained participation (self perceived). Christina Olsson; paneldebatt Collaborative practice and health: fine in theory – what does it look like in the practice? Christina Olsson; posterpresentation Interprofessional learning in a primary healthcare context.
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