Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association Visit us at 2014-2015 Officers President Titus H. Exum 2806 Springbud Court Louisville, Ky. 40220 1st Vice President Joyce Cecil 2nd Vice President Marianne Humphries Treasurer Cyril Wantland Recording Secretary Marilyn Puckett 241-7535 935-7002 245-4539 Audit and Budget Ann Hafling 361-5245 Legislation Melanie Wood Membership Open Necrology Joyce Cecil Newsletter Pennant Litho Nominating Melanie Wood Pre-Retirement Donna Duncan Remembrance Laura Marquess Scholarship Gail Moody Technology Pat Brock Blewett Trips and Tours Martha O’Bryan Ruth Boone Trips/Tours Treasurer Bonnie Wantland This is my favorite season of the year, the “Fall Season.” Trees begin to change and exhibit beautiful colors, cool weather for football becomes a welcome joy and fire places start to work in earnest. It is a time to reflect on where we have been for the past ten months and what is important to us. 894-0332 Past President/Parliamentarian Jim Hicks 897-5845 KRTA Membership Open NOVEMBER 2014 A Message from the President 426-0399 KRTA Representative Linda Ratti Insurance Tara Parker LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 499-5615 Corresponding Secretary Debbie Utz 452-1241 Community Liaison Anita Donaldson Volume XI, Number 2 776-0001 226-0219 290-4949 426-0399 964-0910 290-4944 459-2356 Titus H. Exum JCRTA President The holiday season is another wonderful time of the year. In November, the holiday season begins with Thanksgiving, which is a wonderful time to be with family and friends. We should give thanks for another wonderful year even though there may have been a few setbacks. We recognize our blessings and good fortune by giving thanks again. In the month of December, we should give religious praise by celebrating the holiday season. Christmas is not only for children, it is a time to get together with family and friends.We give thanks for our accomplishments, and reflect on the educators who many years ago had the knowledge and wisdom to start the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System (KTRS). Today, we are reaping their achievements as we strive to provide a better retirement system for future retired educators. Please remember to bring your non-perishable food items and school supplies to the December 2nd meeting. These supplies are greatly appreciated. Also, we ask that all retired educators submit their volunteer hours to Anita Donaldson at by December 31st. The volunteer hours demonstrate time and service educators contributed to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. In addition, the educators’ involvements provide a great economic impact that benefits our local communities. The volunteers have saved the people in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and in the local communities millions of dollars. 267-7779 456-9288 239-7424 426-5394 451-6430 241-7535 KRTA/AARP Essay Contest Charlene Bush 254-2444 KRTA/JCRTA “Working to Preserve Your Retirement!” PAGE 2 Reservations Marianne Humphries, 2nd Vice-President We are looking forward to a festive December meeting! Remember to send your reservation in early and before the November 17 deadline! It is early because of the Thanksgiving Holiday!! See you in December!! Executive Council Report/Update Linda Ratti The Executive Council for KRTA was held on August 18th and Faye Sheehan, our new president presided. TOPICS DISCUSSED ARE AS FOLLOW: INSURANCE NEWS (Be sure to read the Insurance Article in this Newsletter by Mrs. Tara Parker, the new Insurance Representative) The Over 65 Insurance will change to UNITED HEALTHCARE (UHC) Basically the insurance will remain the same and no action is required on your part. This change will save KTRS millions of dollars. • Silver Sneakers will continue with the new carrier • Spousal Premiums will actually decrease. • Express Scripts will continue to be the Part D Prescription Drug Plan The under 65 will have a new carrier for 2015 and you will have already received information for the enrollment by this time for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Your Pharmacy will now be CVS Caremark. MEMBERSHIP Current Membership in KRTA statewide is 23,641. That is 376 more members than this time last year. Acknowledge the generosity and volunteerism of KRTA members valued at over $19.1M to benefit the state of Kentucky and our local communities last year. • Increased Membership is Crucial. • Do you have friends who need to become a member? • Each local and district has a membership goal. BEWARE There are currently several well financed attacks at work against Public Pensions such as ours. KRTA is aware of these groups and hopes to be able to protect our interests with your help and future involvement when needed. KRTA members are working very hard to preserve the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. There is a new Teacher’s Pension Refinancing Plan that is in the works that will perhaps be very helpful. This plan was discussed in the KRTA Fall Workshops and you can read about it in the upcoming newsletters. Fall Elections and our Future Legislators Remind Legislators that a weak retirement system will not attract good teachers to Ky. All House Members are running for Office. • Be sure you know who to contact. • Work on obtaining their stand on retired teachers’ issues and inform others. •Legislators and candidates listen to people in their districts. • Emphasize to legislators the importance of our issues. WHAT ARE OUR KEY ISSUES? • Improve our actuarial soundness of KTRS. • Keep the current KTRS governance structure. • Keep KTRS as a Defined Benefit Group Retirement Plan • Promote full funding of KTRS and maintain the medical insurance fund. • Acknowledge that Kentucky’s retired teachers do not have the income “Safety Net” of Social Security. • Keep adequate health insurance coverage accessible and affordable for retired teachers. It is often easy to sit back and let someone else “handle” issues after we retire. We never want to look back after it is too late and realize our involvement could have helped to preserve our retirement and our benefits for which we worked so many years! Be sure to stay up to date on all the new issues by reading the newsletters that you receive both from the State (KRTA) and our Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association (JCRTA). Volunteers Are Needed Many organizations in the United States of America could not exist without an important resource, called volunteers. JCRTA is no exception. Volunteers are needed in the following positions which can be shared with another volunteer… • • • KRTA Membership KRTA/AARP Grandparent Essay Contest JCRTA Membership Please contact any JCRTA Board Member to volunteer on one of these committees or email PAGE 3 JCRTA Membership Ann Hafling There are over 5,000 retired educators in the greater Jefferson County area. Due to the ever increasing prices in the cost of printing and the mailings of the four (4) newsletters, plus the special mailing in July, only those members who have paid their dues will receive the newsletters. In addition, membership cards will no longer be mailed. A list of all paid up members are on file. JCRTA needs all retired educators to become members of the organization. Legislative Up-Date Melanie Wood Our Pension Plan... Troubles Ahead? For many years we have enjoyed having an outstanding pension plan with the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. In fact, it is considered one of the finest defined benefit plans in the country. But times may be changing. Last December the KTRS reported that the funding level is at 51% with $13.85 billion in unfunded liabilities. Kentucky Floor Leader, Jeff Hoover states there is a great cause for concern with our system and it must be addressed before it collapses. KTRS reports that if our pension plan is not funded they will write the last check 2036. Throughout the nation pension plans are being contested. Many Defined Benefit Plans such as ours have been eliminated for new employees and replaced with 401k plans and in some cases completely eliminated. What’s more, this movement is financed with billions of dollars from large Foundations and we understand that we may be the next target. The KTRS has developed a partial solution with a Pension Refinance Plan that doesn’t require new money from the state or from taxpayers. Legislators, many of them newly elected in November, will be making decisions about the future of our pension plan. Now is not the time for us to be complacent. We must rise to the occasion and support the KTRS plan. You will be hearing much about this in the coming months. I hope to see you at the JCRTA meeting on December 2nd when we will discuss this serious problem. Importance of Community & Volunteer Service Anita Donaldson, Community Liaison Some members have inquired as to the feasibility and importance of tracking volunteer hours. More information on volunteering can be found on the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association’s website. The collection of our volunteer hours transferred into dollar amounts will prove our worth to legislators and other organizations. Local Community Service Projects The local associations report one or more community projects annually. Examples are: supplies for special needs students, food drives, donation to displaced workers and tornado and flood victims, school career days, personal care items to nursing homes, and award scholarship to local student and teach local history. Volunteer Service Examples of agencies/services included in the volunteers’ reports are: Literacy Program, Blood Drive, American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”, American Red Cross, Senior Citizen Programs, Local Bicentennial Celebration and Heritage Days, Salvation Army, Family Care Center, Tutoring, Tax Aid/Adult Education, hospitals, Historical Society, Headstart Career Development, Foster Grandparents. What Should Members Do? •Volunteer • Encourage others to volunteer • Keep an account of hours—indicate youth volunteer hours • Give numbers of hours to Anita Donaldson by the end of December 2014 KRTA Volunteer of the Year • Recognition at Annual Convention • Not based exclusively on number of hours • Based on uniqueness of service • Each district will submit a winning candidate’s name to KRTA Submit your volunteer hours to Anita Donaldson, A volunteer log can be found on the JCRTA website. Copies of the volunteer form will be available at the December meeting. PLEASE, PLEASE, WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE BOTTOM OF THE VOLUNTEER FORM! THANKS & HAPPY VOLUNTEERING! Technology Update Pat Brock Blewett Are you in the KNOW? Are you receiving our updated information in your email? If you are, great! If not, then send us an email so you can be added. Put JCRTA SUBSCRIBE in the subject and email to You’ll be glad you did. Also remember to check our website and our FB page. NOTE: We will NOT give out your email address to anyone or any organization. Your email address will only be used to provide our membership updated information. PAGE 4 JCRTA Insurance Chairperson Tara Parker By the time this newsletter has been published, the time to enroll in our health insurance plans will have passed. This serves as a reminder of the changes that are taking place in coverage for 2015. MEHP Medicare Eligible Health Plan 2015 (Age 65 & over): •The KTRS Medicare Advantage plan was awarded to United Healthcare (UHC) and becomes effective January 1, 2015. Similar to the current Medicare Advantage Plan, it will be a national, passive Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). •Don’t worry if you did nothing to enroll because those currently participating in the KTRS MEHP are automatically enrolled for January 1, 2015. Everything will stay basically the same as far as benefits are concerned. You will receive a NEW United Healthcare Medical Card in late December, 2014 to replace your existing Humana card. •Continue to use your Express Scripts card now and in 2015 for prescription purchases as this provider did not change. •If you were participating in the Humana Vitality Bucks program, please use the bucks and points before December 31, 2014. The new UHC Wellness Incentive Program will begin on January 1, 2015. •Above all, do not panic or be worried when you receive a Humana termination notice for December 31, 2014. That is necessary to get you out of their system. But you will also receive new member welcome materials and your Medical ID card from United Healthcare. Your coverage will continue uninterrupted. •Many MEHP plan enhancements were made and can be explored in the KTRS September, 2014 “Special Medical Insurance Retired Member Edition” newsletter which you should have received through the mail. Turning 65 Soon: •If you are turning age 65 in the future and you are currently covered through the Kentucky Employees’ Health Plan, you will receive a KTRS MEHP enrollment packet that must be completed and submitted to KTRS approximately 30 days before turning 65. Kentucky Employees’ Health Plan – Under age 65 & Not Medicare Eligible: •Mandatory Open Enrollment was October 1 through October 31, 2014. •KEHP has new medical and prescription vendors for plan year 2015. The medical vendor will be Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (Anthem) and the prescription vendor will be CVS Caremark. •The KEHP still has CDHP-Consumer Driven Health Plan & PPO-Preferred Provider Organization style plans. •The Living Well Promise is still a part of the two CDHP plan choices. •Humana Vitality is still the Wellness vendor for KEHP. •(Compass) Smart Shopper is the Transparency vendor. •The new COBRA/HRS vendor is Wageworks. Hopefully everyone is enrolled in the KEHP of their choice. We all should be thankful for our benefits. KTRS – especially Jane Gilbert, is to be commended on keeping all retired teachers informed regarding their healthcare benefits. She worked countless hours traveling the state to present this information at the KRTA Fall Workshops. Thanks, Jane! Trips & Tours Ruth Boone & Martha O’Bryan 1. The one day trip to Ferdinand, Indiana for Chriskindlmart is still planned. The date is November 15, 2014 2. Savannah, Jekyll Island and Beaufort, Sunday April 12th – Saturday April 18th , 2015 is sold out. The cost is only $525.00 per person. *** 3. Savannah, Jekyll Island and Beaufort, Sunday, April 19th – Saturday, April 25, 2015, is nearly full! The cost is only $525/00 per person. *** 4. The Alaska Cruise Tour, 12 days/11 nights, May 16th – May 27th on the Princess Cruise, is also nearly full. The cost will vary based on your accommodations. *** 5. Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, &Black Hills of South Dakota, Saturday September 19th – Sunday, September 27th, 2015. The cost is only $709.00 per person. *** For information, please contact Ruth Boone at 451-6430 or Martha O’Bryan at 426-5394. *** Prices may vary based on single or double occupancy and the type of housing on the cruise. Musical Memories Joyce Cecil, 1st Vice President Over the years, we have enjoyed several musical groups at our December JCRTA meetings. We have hosted a group from Hite Elementary School and also the Cardinal Singers from the University of Louisville School Of Music. This year, we are happy to welcome the Chamber Choir and Men’s Choir from the Youth Performing Arts School. Mr. Jacob Cook is the Director of both groups from YPAS. PAGE 5 Congratulations Retirees!!! New Retirees For July 2014 Barbara Accordino Patricia Adams Jennifer Alexander Deborah Amerman Dessie Anderson Patty Armstrong Mary Baker Patricia Barron Janice Bobo Davis Bodine Susan Boldrick Patricia Boyd Cynthia Bradley Jean Brasher Sylvia Brestel Lynn Bridwell Lawana Briggs Jacquelin Brittle Durwood Brittle Andrea Bronger Patty Bryant Cynthia Butterfield Sue Bynum Judith Caldwell Doris Carter Laura Carter Rosemarie Clark Jerusha Coleman Mary Cornwell Patricia Cox Craig Darif Lisa Darst Pamela Davis Patricia Davis Mary Davy Patricia Dilg Anita Dillman Carolyn Doucette Richard Drewitz Ann Duffy Mary Eady Donald Easley Laura Ecken Charles Epperson Nancy Esarey Lois Fox Bonita Franklin Marilyn Grant Deborah Greenberg Martha Grinstead Jeffrey Gumer Wendy Hames Warren Hardin James Hardy Jacquelin Harrison Terry Hazelip Robert Hensley Eileen Hershberg Jennifer Hicks Louis Hilkey Betty Horton Mary Hoskins Douglas Jackson Lisa James Lisa Jarrett David Johnson Janet Kanzinger Charlotte Kieffner Jessamine Kinny Elizabeth Lewis Carolyn Livers Patricia Lord Daniel Lukens Diane McCune Karen Meadows Stephen Meyer Ethel Miles-Moore Paula Miller Jeffery Moreman Sherrie Morgan Phyllis Moss Donna Murta John Newlon Lynette Nix Lisa Oakes Mary Pawlowski Cary Peterson Carol Power Marilyn Raque John Reedy Mary Reilly Leslie Rivers Janet Roberts Pamela Robertson Connie Rodosky Joy Rohn William Routh Pamela Rowan Patricia Salyer Beth Sanders Norma Sangster Louis Sartori Susan Schmied Jon Sharon Brian Shumate Darrell Snyder Shirley Synder Elke Speevack Marlene Stearman Margaret Stone David Stringer Raul Cuan-Suarez John Summitt Julie Swan Darla Talbert Patricia Thompson Audrey Torstrick Jennifer Trice Neil Twomey David Vetter Robin Watkins Bonnie West Cynthia Wetterer Linda Whitfield Marcel Whitfield Kathleen Wicks James Wight-Waltman Linda Wolf Jean Yingling Guy Younce New Retirees For August 2014 Wilson Baatuma Jennifer Buhl Carol Clark Kathleen Clarkson Donald Coaplen Nancy Currier Derwin Davidson Phyllis Drake Erik Eades Charles Fleischer William Forbes Candace Foster Bertha Garber Patricia Gausepohl Jennifer Guelda Margaret Hagan Brenda Hamilton Deborah Hendricks Ann Holloaway Rene Jeanty Barry Johnson Kip Mackey Martha Mantooth Carol Montgomery Karen Park Mary Parsons Michael Price Neal Reed Peter Rivard Ellen Sears Dana Shumate We celebrate your retirement by inviting you to be our guest for lunch on Tuesday, December 2, 2014. Be sure to send in your special invitation to Marianne Humphries, 6704 Green Meadow Court, Louisville, KY 40207. PAGE 6 The Cape Cod Vacation, September and October, 2014 Titus H. Exum, President If you have never been to Cape Cod, Massachusetts you have missed a royal treat. I truly enjoyed the experience. As we drove through the mountains in West Virginia, we saw nature at its best. We observed the changing of the leaves on the trees in gorgeous colors of red, gold, yellow, birch, pink etc, The scenes were so picturesque and just beautiful! The bus driver, Mr. Gregory Thomas drove nearly 500 hundred miles each day so that we could arrive at Sandwich, Massachusetts to start the tour and sightseeing. Our group leader, Ms. Ruth Boone, insured that we had the necessary comfort breaks, lunch breaks and restaurants where we dined sufficiently in several different cities. We toured several cities in the Cape Cod Bay area and many historical sites to include Plymouth Rock, the Presidential Compound of the Kennedy Family, the JFK Library, the Xavier Catholic Church, the Glass Factory, the Heritage Museum, which has vintage collection of famous cars, many of which I had never heard. We rode on a real old carosel and enjoyed a river cruise. These are only a few of the numerous events. I now can understand Patti Page’s song titled, “Old Cape Cod.” Our hotel accommodations along the way and at Sandwich, MA, were great, spacious and peaceful. As we were leaving to return to Louisville, I thought of the song by Bob Hope and Shirley Ross’ titled, “Thanks for the Memory.” Yes, we had to pay for a few lunches and dinners, yes, it did rain but the local economy was enriched as we spent money in the rain and at many places. The bus ride was a little long, but a very enjoyable experience. “Thanks for the Memories.” GENERAL MEETINGS BOARD MEETINGS Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Saturday, March 7, 2015 Saturday, May, 16, 2015 U of L University Club 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Registration 30 minutes prior to meeting. Board meetings are at the KRTA office at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Registration: 9:30 A.M. Meeting: 10:00 A.M. Garden Salad w/ Ranch &Vinaigrette, Roasted Turkey Breast w/ gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Chef’s Vegetable Medley, Rolls & Butter, Coffee &Tea and Pumpkin Pie. Meeting: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Please detach this form and return it to New retirees as listed in this newsletter must send in the special invitation to qualify for a free lunch. Name: Marianne Humphries 6704 Green Meadow Court Louisville, KY 40207 Telephone No.: School Table Reservation: I am enclosing $ __________for ______ reservations at $15 each. E-mail Reservations must be in by Monday, November 17, 2014. Please Note: Without prior reservation(s), the cost at the door will be $20.00. Make check payable to JCRTA. No telephone reservations will be accepted.
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