SAINT PAUL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 WELCOME VISITORS & GUESTS We, though many, are one Body in Christ. Thank you for celebrating the Holy Eucharist with us. It is our hope that you experience the presence of Christ in our worship today. If you are considering Saint Paul Catholic Church as your Parish Family, please complete a census form or visit the church office between 8:30am & 4:00pm. Thank you and WELCOME! 3005 Country Club Road New Bern, NC 28562 (252) 638-1984 Saint Paul Catholic School (252) 633-0100 Saint Peter the Fisherman Mission Parish in Oriental, NC (252) 249-3687 COMMISSIONING EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS of the EUCHARISTIC Next weekend at all Masses MASS SCHEDULE Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm PASTORAL STAFF Father Thomas S Tully Pastor Father William J Upah Parochial Vicar Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00am & 6:00 pm Deacon Mike Mahoney Parish Deacon *Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am at Old St. Paul Deacon Rick Fisher Parish Deacon First Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am Sr Monique Dissen, IHM Pastoral Associate Mr James Anderson Principal Sunday . . . . . 8:00 am, 11:00 am & 1:00 pm (Misa en Español) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, *Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am Holy Days of Obligation will be announced in the bulletin NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Welcome to Saint Paul Parish for the Celebration of the Eucharist! In preparation for Mass, in an atmosphere of sacred silence, please cut off all cell phones & conversation MASS INTENTIONS / PARISH ACTIVITIES 11/15 3:30pm 5:00pm Confessions, Reconciliation Room MASS Deceased MacMahon Family + 11/16 8:00am 9:15am 9:30am 10:30am 10:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:30pm 6:00pm MASS Stephanie Light (living) RCIA, FLC Faith Formation K-8, School MASS St Peter the Fisherman Chaplet of Divine Mercy, SJC MASS St Paul Parish Family MASS Daniel Gerger + Movie of the Month, Chapel Faith Formation 9-12, NO CLASS 8:00am 8:30am MASS Robert Coughlin + Rosary 8:00am 8:30am 10:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm MASS Hartwig Kuehne + Rosary MASS St Peter the Fisherman One in Spirit Prayer Group, SJC Shawl Ministry, Conference Room Women’s SPRAA, Gym 9:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm MASS St Paul School Children Medjugorje Prayer Group MASS Gregory Lloyd Moore + Men’s SPRAA, Gym 8:00am 8:30am 8:35am 10:45am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm MASS Manuel F Segura + Rosary Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Confessions, Reconciliation Room Benediction, Church Men’s II SPRAA, Gym That Man Is You, School Library Greece Trip Introduction Meeting 8:00am 8:30am 12:00pm MASS (OSP) Geoege B Clay + Rosary Bulletin Items Due for 12/7 Issue 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 CALLING ALL BAKERS Volunteers are needed to help bake mini pumpkin or any other type of holiday bread to be blessed at the Thanksgiving Eve Mass on Wednesday November 26 at 6pm and then distributed to our Sick and Homebound on Sunday, November 30, 2014. If you can help, please call Joy Harsen at (252) 229-2394. God Bless you for sharing your time and talents. SCRIPTURE READINGS Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 SANCTUARY CANDLE INTENTION Lucille DeLallo Prayers for our Deceased REST in the PEACE of CHRIST Alma Vaupel John Schwantes Virginia Foye MOVIE OF THE MONTH Come see Joseph of Nazareth, the first ever feature film about St Joseph. Today, Sunday, November 16 at 2:30 p.m. in the SJC MANY, MANY THANKS! Court Monsignor Michael A Irwin #1704 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas wish to thank all St Paul parishioners who supported our annual Christmas Boutique in any way! Your response to our request for donations and to our sale was overwhelming and we thank you for your generosity! A special thank you to the Knights of Columbus for their invaluable assistance in making our Boutique a success! God bless one and all! Stewardship is a chosen way to live, using the gifts entrusted to us by God. Your generosity is most appreciated! SACRIFICIAL OFFERING Sunday, November 9, 2014 Offertory: $18, 702.49 Debt Collection: $2, 369.00 Collections this year are compared to last year (2013): Y-T-D : Offertory: -$11, 810.30 Y-T-D Debt: +$6, 696.12 Year-to-Date Total Deficit: - $5, 114.18 (Fiscal year 2014-2015 began July 1) PASTOR’S CORNER SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Dear Friends at Saint Paul, As promised, here are the results for our quick Mass Attendance Count on the second Sunday of November: Females: 1010, Males: 887 for a total of about 1900 souls at four Masses. (Saint Peter in Oriental is not included). As we stated, these numbers are pooled for the Diocese and the Nation and sent to Rome for a universal “impression”. Please know that it is the intention of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that each of us be included in his special New Year's Day blessing “Urbi et Orbi,” which is, to the City of Rome and to the Whole World. The Catholic Church in the United States celebrates National Vocation Awareness Week. This observance, sponsored by the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, [whose Chairperson is our own Bishop Burbidge], is a special time for parishes in the U.S. to foster a culture of vocations for the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life. Please be sure to take one of the seminarian prayer cards which are available this weekend. Our first responsibility is to Support, in prayer, those already in the Seminary for the Diocesan priesthood. We pray especially for Evan Waniewski, who is from our parish. Pope Francis, in his November 2013 apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, underlined the continued need to build a culture of vocations. “The fraternal life and fervor of the community can awaken in the young a desire to consecrate themselves completely to God and to the preaching of the Gospel. This is particularly true if such a living community prays insistently for vocations and courageously proposes to its young people the path of special consecration,” Pope Francis wrote. “A culture of vocations is one that provides the necessary support for others to hear and respond to God’s call in their lives,” said Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh, North Carolina, chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. “With God’s grace, we help build that culture through fervent prayer, the witness of our lives and the encouragement we extend to those discerning a vocation to priesthood or consecrated life.” A 2012 study, “Consideration of Priesthood and Religious Life Among Never-Married U.S. Catholics,” conducted by the Georgetown University- based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), highlighted the role community encouragement plays in the discernment process. (Full study: “The number three seems to be critical in making a difference in the life of someone contemplating a vocation,” said Father Shawn McKnight, USCCB’s executive director of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. “When three or more people encourage someone to consider a religious vocation, he or she is far more likely to take serious steps toward answering that call.” Father John Guthrie, associate director of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, adds that National Vocation Awareness Week should also focus on communities that are underrepresented among religious vocations today, especially Hispanics.“ While the number of U.S. Hispanics pursuing religious vocations are picking up, they still lag behind the overall demographic trends,” said Father Guthrie. “Fifty-four percent of U.S. Catholics under the age of 25 are Hispanic, yet only 15 percent of students in major seminaries are Hispanic, and many of these were born in other countries. To reach this untapped potential, the Church must do far more to engage and support young people in these communities.” Thank you for praying for “laborers in the vineyard”, especially Diocesan Priests! Peace, ALUMINUM CAN PROJECT Recently, our “Can Man”, Gerald Stallings, made another incredible sale of aluminum cans that the parish has been collecting. He was able to make a profit of $1003! This, added to our previous total, brings the collection amount to the grand total of $8,162. The check has already gone to St. Paul School to assist with the e-reader program. To all who bring in aluminum cans and other aluminum products, many thanks for your participation! Please keep bringing in aluminum cans to the Can Trailer. Other metals are also accepted (except for steel cans). Any questions, call Hannah French at 638-2195. Visit for more information regarding diocesan events Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh Pray for Our Seminarians ... This Week: FIGHT POVERTY in AMERICA! Defend human dignity. Give to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection on Sunday, November 23. AFRICAN HERITAGE CELEBRATION—Sunday, November 23 at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Durham. See website for details. THE ANNUAL HOMESCHOOL MASS with Bishop Burbidge will be celebrated at 10:30am on December 5 2014 at St. Mary Mother of the Church in Garner, North Carolina. Register at The November issue of the North Carolina Catholic is on-line. SAVE THIS HISTORIC DATE: Saturday, January 3, 2015 Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral Rite of Blessing and Ground Breaking on the Nazareth Property 10:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus Tuesday, November 18, 2014—Bishop Burbidge will celebrate the annual Mass for deceased bishops, priests and deacons of the Diocese of Raleigh at 11:00am at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Newton Grove (altar in the parish cemetery). The faithful are invited to attend the Mass and blessing of the graves of deceased clergy. Mass will be inside the church if it rains. Watch live daily Mass from Raleigh every Tuesday at 11:30am by logging on to SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Saint Paul Catholic School is sponsoring a book fair in the library from November 16 to November 21. All parishioners are invited to shop on Sunday, November 16, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, or Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 3:00 PM. Gift items and great books for all ages are available. Get an early start on your Christmas shopping and support our parish school. CHILI COOK-OFF Saturday, November 15 6 to 9 pm FLC JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL NEWS We are asking for support for our Annual Fund Drive. Please be generous in supporting our mission to provide a quality Catholic College Prep experience for our youth. These funds are used for operating expenses for our school. For Donations, please contact Danielle Kennedy at or call her at (252) 215-1224. We appreciate your generosity! Our Basketball Schedule for 2014/2015 season can be found on our website. El HISPANO CATÓLICO TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Obras Maestras de la Creacion de Dios: Este mes los delgados de diferentes partes del mundo estaran en Roma, para participar en el Sinodo Extraordinario de Obispos sobre la Familia. La reunion de este ano es la primera de dos; la segunda sera en el 2015. La discussion de ambas se centrara en la communicacion del Evangelico en el mundo de hoy, hacienda un enfasis especial sobre la ayuda pastoral de la Inglesia para los conyuges y las familias a la luz de los desafios de la vida diaria. [Para leer este artículo entero, vea el compartimiento católico de Carolina del Norte, la edición del octubre de 2014 en la página 20]. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Santa Isabel de Hungría Martes: La Dedicación de las Basilicas de San Pedro y San Pablo; Santa Rose Philippine Duchesne Viernes: La Presentación de la Santísima Virgen María Sábado: Santa Cecilia REZOS de la FAMILIA: ORACIÓN VIVA Quien reza como debe podrá vivir como reza. ANUNCIOS IMPORTANTES SEMANALES 16 de noviembre a las 14:00 – práctica de nuestra señora de la celebración de Guadalupe, gimnasio 23 de noviembre a las 14:00 – práctica de nuestra señora de la celebración de Guadalupe, gimnasio 29 de noviembre a 17:00 – clases de bautismo español, sala de conferencias Los ensayos para la celebración de nuestra Virgencita se estarán llevando acabo todos los domingos después de misa en el gimnasio, cualquier pregunta por favor comuníquese con Carmen Ardon Rosarios 20 Noviembre Familia Frumencio y Rosy en Cooks #22 Si alguien desea tener una Posada para Diciembre por favor póngase en comunicación con Dona Mary. Si le gustaría tener el Rosario en su casa o encargarse de los rosarios favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Maria Munoz al (252) 649-2450 o (252) 571-5973 Liturgia 23 Noviembre: 23 Claudia Veliz y Maria Elena Valtierra Si hay alguien interesado en participar en la liturgia favor de comunicarse con Elena Turner al (252) 671-3290. ATENCION: Si alguna persona no puede leer en la fecha indicada por favor llame al siguiente lector para cambiar fechas MUCHAS GRACIAS. AROUND THE PARISH AT-A-GLANCE COMING PARISH EVENTS St Paul Parish Community Food Collection: first (December 7) & third (November 16) weekends of the month. Monthly Parish Debt Collection: every first Sunday of the Month (December 7) — thank you for your generosity! Monthly School Special Collection: Every third Sunday of the month (November 16) Please join us for coffee and donuts in the FLC after the 8:00am and 11:00am Masses After Glow of the Eucharist meets after the 5:00pm, 8:00am & 11:00am Masses Silent Prayer Vigil for Life - every Wednesday morning (8-12pm) - Crist Clinic, Jacksonville. Contact: Bart Spano (633-4768) *November 19: Review and Practice Session for New Eucharistic Ministers . . . 4:00pm . . . Church* November 22 and 23: SPECIAL SECOND COLLECTION Diocese of Raleigh Campaign for Human Development November 23: Invitation to Order of Saint Luke Healing Service at 4:00pm at Christ Episcopal Church, Middle St November 26: Mass of Thanksgiving at 6:00 pm November 27: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Mass will be celebrated at 8:00am The church office will be closed for Thanksgiving on November 26, 27 and 28 November 28: There will be no 8:00am Mass at Old Saint Paul on this Friday. GREECE 2015 You are invited to travel in the Footsteps of St. Paul through Greece and Turkey with Father Bill Upah & Father Vic Gournas beginning August 29, 2015. The informational meeting to explain trip details will be on Thursday, November 20 at 6:00pm in the Saint Joseph Chapel. The trip includes tours of Corinth, Athens and a 3 day cruise to some of the Greek Islands and Ephesus, Turkey. For details contact Linda Winfield at 252-288-4143 COMBINED CHOIR REHEARSAL for MASS of THANKSGIVING Wednesday, November 26 5 pm Choir Rehearsal MASS of THANKSGIVING 6 pm For information, please contact Megan Johnson at 638-1984 WOUNDED WARRIORS Thanks to Father Tully, the Father Kenneth I Parker Assembly Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus will have an exit collection at all Masses on Saturday, November 22 and Sunday, November 23 for the state-wide Wounded Warriors Leave Program. There are wounded warrior service personnel at Camp Lejeune & Fort Bragg. Funds are used to get service men & women home for Christmas and emergency situations (such as leave for funerals). If they have a spouse that can drive them home, they are reimbursed for mileage. There are no administrative costs. Last year the program was able to send 275 personnel home for the holidays and 15-20 for other emergencies. Checks may be made out to Knights of Columbus and please put Wounded Warriors in the memo. All funds collected will be sent to the Military Order of the Purple Heart of N. C. . Thank you for your continued generosity. For more information, please call the Faithful Navigator, Vince Fragnito, at 638-6623. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Save the Date: Mandatory Retreat for 2nd Year Confirmation candidates at Saint Mildred’s, Swansboro, 1-8:30pm Parent/Child Meeting for First Reconciliation Grade 2 and Basic Religion, December 1 SAINT PAUL YOUTH GROUP GIVES THANKS The St. Paul Youth Group, grades 9 thru 12, would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the Knights of Columbus for allowing us to have a bake sale at their recent yard sale to raise money for our youth activities. We would also like to thank the many parishioners who made delicious desserts for us to sell. We are so grateful to everyone for your generosity! God bless you!!!! MASS INTENTIONS BOOK for 2015 The Mass Intentions Book for 2015 will open on Monday, December 1st at 8:30am. Announced Masses will be limited to 3 Masses per person. K of C CHRISTMAS CARD SALE "Were Back" The Knights of Columbus will again be selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" Christmas cards. They will be on sale after all Masses the weekends of November 22/23, November 29/30 and December 6/7. We have a nice selection for you to chose from, so please stop and see us. Thank you. SACRAMENTS PARISH STAFF DIRECTORY Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday 10:45am—11:45am NIGHT EMERGENCY CALLS 638-4436 Administrative Assistant, DeLesa Conway Bookkeeper, Donna Simon, Bulletin Editor, Mary Spano, Catholic Charities Catholic Daughters / Belinda Swager Cemetery Coordinator, Danny Gennantonio Deacon Rick Fisher Deacon Mike Mahoney Director of Operations, Deacon David Kierski Eucharistic Ministers (Mass), Mary Spano Eucharistic Ministers (Home), Joy Harsen Faith Formation, Joy Harsen Finance Council, Bob Nenni Funerals, Megan Johnson Hospital: Sr. Monique Dissen, IHM Knights Third Degree, Dick Dodson Knights Fourth Degree, Vince Fragnito Music Ministry Coordinator, Megan Johnson Parish Council, Hannah French Parochial Vicar: Father William Upah, Pastor: Father Thomas S Tully RCIA Coordinator, Marcelene McLure, RCS (Food Bank, Emergency Help) Rectory Sacrament Arrangements (Baptisms, Weddings) Saint Paul Catholic School School Principal, James Anderson School Secretary, Belinda Swager 638-1984 638-1984 638-1984 638-2188 638-4079 637-2322 229-1644 571-1597 638-1984 Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment Baptism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd weekend of the month First time parents must attend Baptismal Prep classes First Communion/Confirmation . . . . . . . . Please call 633-3030 Marriage . . . . . . . . . . Contact Parish Office as early as possible (6 month advanced notice is required) Anointing of the Sick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact the Parish Office Funerals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact the Parish Office Chaplet of Divine Mercy Imagine yourself a living house; God intends to live in you ( by C.S. Lewis) Take time to prepare for Christ’s coming this Advent and welcome Jesus into your hearts! 633-4768 637-9693 637-9693 635-6716 638-1984 675-0333 638-5318 638-6623 638-1984 Join us every Sunday at 10:30am in the Saint Joseph Chapel for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy 638-2195 638-1984 We have several types of calendars as well as wreaths, Candles and lots of other wonderful items for the Christmas season. Come by and see what’s new. 638-1984 633-2539 633-2767 638-4436 638-1984 633-0100 633-0100 633-0100 OLIVE BRANCH STORE & LENDING LIBRARY Located in the Family Life Center Hours: Sundays 9am–1pm and Wednesdays 9am-noon GET READY FOR ADVENT WITH US We are your headquarters for everything “Advent”! Don’t Forget! You will need your new 2015 Sunday Missal beginning on November 30. They also make great gifts. Just $5. New Item: Lovely “Madonna and Angels” Christmas Cards - just $3 for a package of 10. And hematite rosaries. All proceeds benefit St. Paul Catholic Church. MINISTERS of the LITURGY - NOVEMBER 22 and 23 Readers: 5pm: W Murray, J Murphy . . . 8am: J Pearsall . . . 11am: C Wasserman, A Kirby EMEs: 5pm: J Betler, B Vezina, G Andersen, D Fling, S Murray, H Conklin, L Donahue, L Gillespie 8am: M Fitzpatrick, M Spano, D Sierocki, S Schrenk, E & J Smith, N & R Tomasik, C White, S Perun 11am: H McHugh, S Stewart, MA Clay, MA Harper, J LaPointe, D Doban Servers: 5pm: A3 - N & N Shorter, C Osiecki … 8am: B1 - J Martin, C Martin, M Martin … 11am: C1 - J Magee, C Magee, O Rose AN ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE Many thanks to our behind-the-scenes parish money counters: Team 1- Dena and Walt Sierocki, Nancy and Rich Tomasik, Bill and Ginny Camp, Lynn and Pat Rocco and Dotti Dunham Team 2- John and Frances Wood, Sandy and Mike Richards, Rose and Jim Bottcher, Penny and Artie Litteken and Mary Spano Team 3 - Jim and Gloria Kelly, Craig and Kathy Manzene, Jean Manzene, Ellie and Kurt Neumeister and Linda Thorton THANKS to our young parishioners, Jonathan Simon, Parker and Christian Conway for their work on the first flowerbed at the front entrance. THANKS to the parishioners (3 women and 2 men) for their work on the second bed at the other entrance. THANKS to William’s Nursery for the sale of 18 shrubs at cost. THANKS to Little Guy Mulch for the mulch donation for the 2nd bed. MANY THANKS for the generosity of ALL who gave donations & work.
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