November 2014 Issue Beckley Woods Residents Association P.O. Box 43884 Louisville KY 40253-0884 Annexaiton of Beckley Woods By The City Of Middletown The annexation process, having been approved by the Louisville Metro Council, is now fully under way. First, residents will not receive a Middletown Property Tax Bill until approximately Fall 2015. The next item is the Garbage/Yard Waste/ Recycling process. The City of Middletown has contracted with Industrial Disposal, a division of Republic Services. This service will begin effective January 1, 2015. Residents will soon receive a letter from the City of Middletown providing information about this service. Please take note that you will have to follow the contact information contained in the letter to order your garbage and recycling bins. Residents are not required to order a recycling bin, should they not wish to recycle. Plastic bags for use in disposal or collection of yard waste material is prohibited! ONLY environmentally friendly bio-degradable/compostable bags will be permitted. The fine to the homeowner will be $50.00 per incident enforced by Metro Government. Compostable bags are available at local retailers. They will leave any yard waste behind that is in a non-conforming plastic bag. Residents may still use self-enclosed containers, carts, cans or tied & bundled twigs and branches. The scheduled service days are as follows: TRASH – THURSDAYS RECYCLING – EVERY OTHER WEEK – MONDAYS YARD WASTE – WEDNESDAYS (Holidays – one day delay) It is important that you contact your current provider and have your service cancelled effective December 31 2014. Snow removal will begin January 2015. Please note that if you car is parked on the street during bad weather, a snow plow may not be able to clear your street. You can help remedy this problem by parking your car in your driveway. Next, residents are asked to trim back low hanging branches over sidewalks as they pose a danger to people walking on the sidewalks. The City of Middletown will monitor our sidewalks for compliance, and if an issue is found, they will trim back the branches. 2014 BECKLEY WOODS ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION AND VOTE TO LOWER AMOUNT OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENT The 2014 Beckley Woods Residents Association Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014. The meeting will be held in the Chenoweth Woods Community Room located at 14005 Old Station Road. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. There will be two items of business addressed this meeting. First, will be the election of the Board of Directors for 2015. FREDA’S at FLORIST The next item will be the vote for the lowering of the amount of the annual assessment from $200 to $125. This is a very Freda’s has donated small floral arrangements to all Beckley Woods resiimportant matter as the amount of the annual assessment cannot be raised OR lowered without a majority vote. All dents forwelcome many years. Please themHowever, in mind we for realize your floral needs. residents are to attend this keep meeting. that attendance is not always possible for all residents. To assist in this matter, Board members are distributing the Proxy Ballot for the 2014 Annual Meeting. Also we have emailed the Proxy Ballot to residents with valid email addresses. Residents are asked to complete the Proxy Ballot designating their Board vote, designating their Assessment vote, completing the resident information section, including the email address, and signing the Proxy Ballot. Residents may submit the Proxy Ballot by personally delivering it at the Annual Meeting. Residents who will not be attending the annual meeting may either mail their completed Proxy Ballot to Gary Edelen, President, 406 Timberlake Trail, Louisville KY 40245, or dropping off the completed Proxy Ballot in Gary’s newspaper box in front of his house. For those not attending the Annual Meeting, it will be necessary for us to have received your Proxy Ballot by 6:00 pm on November 16th. PLEASE REMEMBER, THAT IT IS NECESSARY FOR US TO RECEIVE A MAJORITY VOTE OF RESIDENTS FOR THE ASSESSMENT TO BE LOWERED FOR 2015! WE URGE EACH RESIDENT TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE. Residents who have questions regarding any of the aforementioned information, please feel free to contact Gary Edelen at 245-6143, with your questions. WHO IS OUR BLOCK REPRESENTATIE FOR 2014 Even Numbers: Odd Numbers: All: All: Even Numbers: Odd Numbers: All: All: All: All: BECKLEY WOODS DRIVE Jim Daniel Dan Kramer BECKLEY TRACE Tom Holloway BROMWELL COURT Joe Lanham BROMWELL DRIVE Sam Hamade Gloria Spurlock LAKE FOREST LANE Jim Burks OLD STATION ROAD Jim Burks TIMBERLAKE TRAIL Gary Edelen TREECREST COURT Paul Dillon 552-7013 245-8383 BECKLEY WOODS 2014 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Sometimes it is assumed that all of the residents automatically know who comprises the Executive Committee. Just to be sure that you know who they are, we will list them here. The entire Board of Directors are listed on our website. 245-3776 245-2371 489-8044 245-7002 314-2203 314-2203 245-6143 859-699-4009 OFFICERS President: Gary S. Edelen 406 Timberlake Trail Secretary: Mary Hodson 403 Timberlake Trail Treasurer: Michelle Garman 14109 Beckley Trace COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Block Watch: Betty Lou Coleman Communications Gary Edelen Concerns Dennis Smith Landscaping: Michelle Garman Maintenance Dan Kramer Nominating Tom Holloway Plan B Tom Holloway Welcoming Michelle Garman 245-6143 609-1180 245-5755 245-6143 690-2100 609-1180 245-8383 245-3776 245-3776 609-1180 NOTICE ABOUT OPEN BURNING IN JEFFERSON COUNTY Open Burning APCD Regulation 1.02: Definitions Open burning means the burning of any matter in such a manner that the products of combustion resulting from the burning are emitted directly into the outside air without passing through a stack, chimney, vent or other functionally equivalent opening. Illegal without a permit. Having a fire with the purpose of disposing of yard waste is not allowed. 2014 BUDGET The Board of Directors has posted the current year budget and year to date expenses for all residents to review. Every effort is made to keep expenses to a minimum, while maintaining the the appearance of the neighborhood. Please refer any questions regarding the budget to Gary Edelen at (502)245-6143
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