VIVE LA PRINT “LONG LIVE PRINT” CALL FOR ENTRIES Enter the National Print Awards… and Join the Print Revolution! Can you hear the people shout? The call is out for those with ink in their veins and a love of print in their hearts, to gather under the National Print Awards banner and join the Print Revolution! The National Print Awards celebrates excellence in the print, packaging, and visual communication industries in Australia, and recognises the highest quality work and exceptional craftsmanship. The Awards continue to be instrumental in lifting the standard of our best work to its present level and for attaining recognition internationally for the excellence of our industry’s skills. You are invited to submit your best work for entry into the 2015 National Print Awards. After a major review of the Awards process, we have returned to a direct entry process and the former 30 categories have been revised to a more compact lineup. We believe these are reflective of our industry as it transforms and evolves to meet the markets of the future. We anticipate that these categories will continue to be reviewed and renewed in line with changing technologies and demands. Our three major awards, the Currie Award, the Heidelberg Australia Award and the Fuji Xerox Effectiveness Award continue to be a highlight of the Awards and recognize outstanding excellence. The Currie and the Heidelberg Award winners will be drawn from all gold winning entries in the general categories. The Fuji Xerox Effectiveness Award will have a more defined entry criteria this year, and entries for this award should be submitted via a separate entry form. For more details see the “Categories” section of this brochure. The National Print Awards are run under the auspices of the Printing Industries Association of Australia. The Association is an independent, not-for-profit member-based organisation, representing large, medium and small businesses. To those who have their business and their heart in print – now is the time to join the crusade and show what you can do; to come to the barricades and put your best alongside the best from your colleagues and compatriots around the country. To those on the front line – your struggle has been recognised; your striving for excellence will be rewarded. Join the quest and shout about your achievements to anyone who will listen. If the beating of your heart echoes the pounding of the press, it’s time to join the fray with the very best you have to offer – and to stand together with your industry to demonstrate the Power of Print. Print is Powerful! Print can Change the World! Make way for the Print Revolution! Categories 1. Leaflets, flyers or brochures on a single sheet of stock (1a) 1-3 Colours, Offset. (1b) 4 Colours, Offset. (1c) Any number of colours, Digital 2. Books (2a) Case Bound. Any number of colours, Offset. (2b) Limp Bound. Any number of colours, Offset. (2c) Case Bound or Limp Bound, Digital. 3. Booklets, Catalogues, Brochures & Magazines (3a) Any binding, with or without a cover. Any style of finish or binding. Up to 72pp. Offset. (3b) Any binding, with or without a cover. Any style of finish or binding. Up to 72pp. Digital. 4. Packaging Any material. Any printing method. Do not supply mounted. 5. Stationery Any format. Any printing method. Do not supply mounted. 6. Web Offset - Heat Set or Cold Set. With or without cover. (Offset covers will not be judged - web offset components only will be judged). Web Offset. 7. Commercial Posters, Show Cards, Card Constructions, Postcards and Greeting Cards Any number of colours on any material. Any printing method. 8. Wide Format (8a) Rigid Substrate - Suits flatbeds but could also be roll fed and mounted. Any printing method. (8b) Wide Format - Flexible Substrate, Suits roll fed machines of all types but allows for hybrid machines to be included. Any printing method. 9. Impact, Sensory and Direct Mail Impact mail is a mail item of virtually any shape or design that can be posted without the need of an envelope. Sensory mail includes items of visual impact (eg lenticular printing), smell, taste, sound or touch. Direct mail can include any item addressed or unaddressed, including marketing and promotional material. Any printing method. 10. Presentation Folders Any number of colours on a single sheet. Any printing method. 11. Multi Piece Productions and Campaigns May include such items as folders including leaflets, ring binders including indices, printed envelopes including contents or any production of three or more items of a consistent theme for the same client. Any printing method. 12. Annual Reports / Prospectus (12a) Any binding method. Offset. (12b) Any binding method. Digital. 13. Labels (13a) Offset. (13b) Other than Offset. 14. Limited Edition May include any item that is produced in numbered quantities - i.e. 3 of 1000. The total number produced must not exceed 1000 copies. Any printing method. 15. Self Promotion Entries, regardless of category or format, that promote any organisation within the scope of the printing industry, or which feature the printing company or entrant’s name as a prominent feature, will be classified as “self-promotion”. Any printing method. 16. Specialty Printing May include promotional printing, letterpress, architectural printing, glass printing, screen printing, 3D printing, laser etching or textile printing. Any number of colours, any substrate. Any printing method. 17. Embellishment The enhancement of a printed job by the addition of decorative processes. These may include embossing or de-bossing, gold blocking or other foiling or use of specialised adhesive panels. It does not include, for example, the addition only of a spot varnish. Currie Group Award is awarded for the most innovative use of imaging in printing. This award is judged by representatives from Currie Group, and all gold winning entries from the above categories will automatically be eligible for consideration. Heidelberg Australia Award is awarded for excellence in craft. This award is judged by representatives from Heidelberg Australia, all gold winning entries from the above categories will automatically be eligible for consideration. Fuji Xerox Effectiveness Award is awarded for the most effective use of digital printing technologies. This award is judged by representatives from Fuji Xerox Australia. Entry into this Award is via a separate entry form available from the National Print Awards website *Note: NPA will no longer feature a separate “Flexographic Printing” category in the Awards. Entries into the Flexographic Printing” category should be directed to the ANZFTA Awards. See for further information on upcoming awards. The Best in Show from these Awards will be acknowledged at the National Print Awards Presentation Dinner. Print jobs in this category may, however, be entered into other National Print Awards Categories where the criteria is met. National Print Awards Conditions of Entry 1. All entries must have been printed between 1 September 2013 and 12 December 2014. 2. Entries should be delivered to: National Print Awards, Unit 3, 5-7 Compark Circuit MULGRAVE VIC 3170 Entries close at 5pm on Friday 12 December 2014. Late entries may not be accepted. 3. All entries must be accompanied by the relevant entry fee ($50 per entry, GST inclusive). Cheques should be made payable to “National Print Awards”. Payment can be made via EFT to: National Print Awards – BSB 033 126 Account: 409793. Please include remittance advice with entry form. 4. This competition is open to all Australian based companies, individuals or associations involved in any area of print production, including: Advertising agencies, art and design studios, advertisers and clients, printing companies, prepress companies, print finishing, paper merchants, or any other person or company associated with the production or purchase of print. 5. There is no restriction on the type of stock used. Imported stock, artwork or photographs from overseas sources are acceptable. PRINTING AND FINISHING MUST BE PRODUCED IN AUSTRALIA. National Print Awards Conditions of Entry (CONT’D) 6. An official entry form must be completed for each entry (photocopies are acceptable) or download additional forms at Please supply typed or clearly written details. Forms must be fully completed and make recognition of all contributing sources, with accurate spelling as the details submitted on the entry will be used as copy for the award book and certificates. The committee accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the details submitted. 7. Two (2) samples of each entry are required where possible. Both samples should be entered together with the entry form attached to one sample via paper clip or similar. Where original work cannot be submitted (e.g.: large scale signage), a high resolution reproduction of the work should be entered, along with a small sample (1 metre x 1 metre maximum) of the original work. 8. All entries will be retained by National Print Awards. However, if you do require your entry to be returned, this must be noted on the entry form, and pick-up arranged before 30 June 2015, at the entrant’s cost. After this date, all entries become the property of National Print Awards and will be disposed of. 9. Entries of value should be insured by the entrant. Although every care is taken, National Print Awards accepts no responsibility for any entry that is lost or damaged whilst in their possession or in transit. 10. Entries will be restricted to four entries per category, per company. Companies may enter as many categories as they choose. 11. The Judging Committee’s decision will be final. 12. Where a duplicate entry of the same item is entered into the same category by different entrants, priority will be given to the printer’s entry and the subsequent entry and payment will be returned with a letter of explanation to the other entrant. 13. Your entry form must specify a category in which to enter the piece. An entry may be recategorised at the Chief Judge’s discretion and the entrant notified. 14. In the event of low entry numbers in a particular category, the entries from that category may be combined into another suitable category. 15. Entries, regardless of category or format, that promote any organization within the scope of the printing industry, or which feature the printing company or entrant’s name as a prominent feature of the entry, will be classified as “self-promotion”. For more information contact: National Print Awards Unit 3, 5 -7 Compark Circuit, Mulgrave VIC 3170. Telephone 03 8541 7333, Facsimile 03 9561 8780 Filling out the entry form An official entry form must be completed for each entry (photocopies are acceptable) or download additional forms at Section A of the entry form is used to catalogue all entries and is not shown to the judges. Attach Section A to the front of your entry with a paper clip or similar. Section B is for technical details to be considered by the judges. Ensure you do not have your business name or any identifying information written on this section. Tape Section B to the back of your entry. What happens when you win? Finalists will be notified by post. All Medal winners, as well as Major Sponsor Award winners, will be recognised during the Awards presentation in Sydney on Friday 15th May 2015. Gold medal winners will have their medals presented on stage. Who receives the award? The printer of the entry is the recipient of the award except in the case of the Embellishment category, where the Award will be made to the Embellisher. All businesses associated with the job that have their name clearly stated on the entry form, will be acknowledged in the awards book and on the National Print Awards website. Closing date: Entries close 5pm Friday 12 December 2014. Judging The judges are appointed by National Print Awards for their expertise across the various categories. Entries have all the production information removed before judging and are identified by number only to ensure complete independent and unbiased assessment. The submitted sample will be assumed to be representative of the total run. Judges Tips Remember, these awards are for Excellence in Print so.... 1. Don’t leave it until the last moment to select your entries for submission. When a suitable job comes in, carefully check during the run and keep some perfect copies for potential entry in the National Print Awards. 2. Supply duplicate copies whenever possible; (to allow for damage in transit etc). The judges will always check the second copy if a problem appears to be not the printer/print finisher’s error. 3. Consider entering the same entry in more than one category to increase your chances of winning. 4. Ensure good presentation - creased or folded prints do not maximise the appearance of the entry. 5. Fill out all the criteria required on the entry form carefully and accurately, describing the processes that went into the job, (including the machine), difficulties in production, details of embellishment or specific effects required by the customer. Judging (continued) 6. Examine the entire job with a magnifying glass, the Judges will! Check and re-check before submission. At least two judges will look at every page. 7. The Judges will be looking for: • Perfect registration – mis-registration is the most common fault in ALL categories • Total absence of all forms of hickies and spots • Reverse type that fills in • Precise page line-ups and even colour continuity across the print • No mottle, setoff, scuff, scratches or other marking • In digital, no banding, gloss differentiation, guide marking, adhesion wicking, bleed • In solvent based systems, no filling in, tailing, dot skip (and especially no mottle) In addition to print appearance, judges may also consider: • Quality of image preparation, bleed and plate fit. • Accuracy of finishing – folding, binding, trimming and assembly. • Cleanness and precision of die-cutting and other embellishments The Judges also assess the degree of difficulty and the skill required in producing the job. This is the real evidence of good printing management, not just good luck! The National Print Awards committee acknowledge with grateful thanks the continuing support of our major sponsors and patrons.
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