MAXimize the benefits of Mobility Management New tools for more sustainable transport systems Christer Ljungberg, Trivector Traffic Årets Bild 2010: Henrik Montgomery, Scanpix Max project in short • • • • • • • • December 2004 – application handed in October 2006 – project starts December 2009 – project ends 25 partners 16 countries 386 man months 5,54 miljon Euro => total ca 50 milj SEK Trivector responsible for getting reseach into tools 1. MaxExplorer – web based tool for choosing MM measure 2. MaxTag – guide for successful campaigns 3. MaxLupo – guide for integrating MM and land use planning 4. MaxQ – quality management tool for MM work 5. MaxSumo – guide for planning, monitoring and evaluation 6. MaxSem – Integrated model for voluntary mode change 7. MaxEva – web based database collecting evaluation results Enhance the process with MaxQ Evaluate the process with MaxQ Choose measure with MaxExplorer Evaluate effects with MaxSumo Structure the project with MaxSumo Evaluate attitudes changing with MaxSem Plan your campaign with MaxTag Integrate MM into land use planning with MaxLupo Register results with MaxEva Integrate MM into land use planning with MaxLupo Register resultat with MaxEva MaxExplorer Answer 4 simple questions and get suggestions for suitable measures 1. Type of organisation 2. Target group 3. Location 4. Size of target group MaxTag Travel Awareness Campaign Guide 10 steps for a sucessful campaign MaxLupo: Integration of MM and planning A. Handbook • Land use planning – better integration of traffic planning, MM and land use planning • Building permit process – MM-plans and measures from in place from day 1 B. Planning simulation workshop Workshop for increased awarness Target groups for MaxLupo • Planners working in land use, transport or environmental planning departments in national, regional or local administrations. • Personnel of departments in local and regional administrations involved at a day-to-day level in the planning and building permit process of developments • Urban and transport planning consultants as Mobility Management experts working for public administrations or for developers / owners of developments. • Universities, Schools of Planning or other educational institutions. It works! • Graph shows reduction in car driver trips resulting from high quality site-based MM in UK • Average decrease: 15% Source: DfT, Department for Transport (2008) UK Policies supporting integration of Mobility Management and building permission process MM advice during the planning or building permission process Securing MM through negotiation Securing MM through inclusion in the parking regulation Securing MM through inclusion in planning conditions and obligations Promotion of car-free housing Access Contingent Model for regulating car traffic at multifunctional developments Encouraging the adoption of MM through environmental legislation Maximum parking standards Parking pay-off Best practice: Car-free housing Here there will be a new town! MaxQ: process evaluation and quality management system – 4 stages – 12 key factors For each key factor: – 5-8 questions MaxQ development ladder 5. Continous improvements; innovation; good result 4. Systematic analysis and evaluation of MM work; long-sightedness; external cooperation 3. Good knowledge on conditions, needs and MM; policy, routines, organisation and good commitment 2. Some knowledge on conditions, needs and MM; planning of single projects and measures 1. Activity oriented, ad hoc, informal work, short term 0. No MM work at all Lund result Lund result 2 Strenghts Weeknesses Improvements • • • • • • • • Mycket god kunskap om resvanor då resvaneundersökning har genomförts i kommunen Ambitionerna med MM är tydliga och det finns koppling till SUTP (LundaMaTs) MM stöds av ledning och politiker Det finns en MM-koordinator och en MM-grupp Kunskapen om MM finns inom hela kommunala förvaltningen Ledningen är involverad i MMarbetet, vilket säkerställer att MM-frågor tas upp. • • • Inga regelbundna aktiviteter riktade mot beslutsfattare och berörda parter om betydelsen av MM (har funnits inledningsvis) Diskussionsgrupper och liknande metoder används endast sporadiskt för att involvera berörda parter och allmänheten i utformningen av MM-arbetet och olika aktiviteter MM-teamet blir inte (regelbundet) konsulterade i samband med strategiskt viktiga beslut, exempelvis vid planläggningen av nya områden Mobility management-åtgärder har lägre status än infrastrukturåtgärder • MM-policyn ska vara ett levande dokument som uppdateras i takt med översiktsplanen Regelbundna skräddarsydda åtgärder för att sälja in MM (ständigt behov då politiker och personal byts ut och då MM ännu inte har samma status som infrastrukturåtgärder) Monitoring and evaluation of effects of mobility management • Swedish tools: SUMO and SARA • Tools from MAX: MaxSumo and MaxEva • SUMO – System for evaluation of mobility projects • Based on MOST-MET from EU-project MOST • Guide for planning, monitoring and evaluation • Used since december 2004 • More than 150 persons educated in SUMO • Hundreds of project evaluated according to SUMO • English version via MaxSumo A tool that gives guidance on how to plan, monitor and evaluate an MM-project With focus on assessment of: - The efforts of the project - The change in attitudes towards a mobility shift - The change in mobility behaviour 25 Assessment Mobility Management services System impacts Overall effects System impacts Assessment of mobility options offered New mobility options Assessment of services provided Mobility Management A Project activities and outputs B Awareness of mobility services provided C Usage of mobility services provided D Satisfaction with mobility services provided E Acceptance of mobility option offered F Take up of mobility option offered G Satisfaction with the mobility option offered H Long-term attitudes and behaviour I System impacts Example: Test Traveller / Job ticket project Framework conditions Person-rel. factors Assessment of services provided Travel behaviour before: 5 % PT, 95 % car MM project details: 10 posters, Intra net info, 4 meetings, 10000 E Mobility option offered Awareness: 48 % (480 employees) Usage: 28 % (280 employees) particip. in info-meet. Satisfaction: 80 % satisfied with info and test concept Acceptance: 6 % (54 people) signed a contract Take up: During test month: 85 % PT, 15 % car Satisfaction: 90 % of TT satisfied with commuting by PT Effects Long-term att & beh: After 12 months: 40 % PT, 60 % car System impacts: Car traffic: 110.000 km, CO2: 20 tonnes Project Start Mission Statement and Objectives Target Groups Services & Option offered Targets and Indicators on Assessment Levels Methods Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring collect a basic dataset Evaluation of the data collected MEP: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the actual project A part in MaxSumo: MaxSem helping us to… • • • • Identify the ‘willing ones’ Measure small changes in attitudes on the way to desired behaviour change Divide our target group in different stages To customize a message for each stage Preparation/ Action Contemplation Precontemplation Maintenance MaxEva web based database • • • • • Based on MaxSumo and intentions in SARA Collects evaluation results from MM-projects in Europe Help in calculating effects Benchmarking of results from similar projects Base for a future forecasting tool • 60 different measures included • Handles both plans and programs Results: - Activites done - Number/Share that… - Change of: - stage - modal split - transport volume - tonnes CO2 MAX gives you 7 ready to use tools to enhance your mobility management work. All tools can be found on Thanks! Questions? 34
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