CALL FOR PAPERS 16 IAABD Annual Conference May 13-16, 2015

Confident in Africa’s Future
16th IAABD Annual Conference
May 13-16, 2015
Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
The annual conferences of the International Academy of African Business and Development
(IAABD) are open to scholars, professionals, and graduate students of any nationality who
are interested or actively engaged in the research and performance or administration of
business and economic development issues as they relate to Africa. These conferences aim
at facilitating multidisciplinary research on Africa’s related issues, stimulating collaborations
between Africa based researchers and their counterparts around the world, broadening and
deepening global understanding of the various challenges facing African business and
development, as well as advancing alternative solutions to Africa’s business and
development challenges.
Conference Theme: "Towards Sustainable African Business Development:
Integrating Formal and Informal Business."
The 2015 conference focuses on the formalization and integration of the African informal
economy to mainstream activities in African business and development, and how this might
enhance economic growth and development. You are invited to submit any original
theoretical, conceptual, empirical, and managerial contributions that address the conference
theme as well as other related areas of business and development.
Submission of Manuscripts
1. Papers, abstracts, and proposals for special sessions should be submitted
electronically to the IAABD submission portal in Microsoft Word by January 31, 2015.
2. Full papers should not be longer than 10 single-spaced pages (Times New Roman,
font 11), including the title, tables, figures, appendices, references, and other
illustrative materials.
3. All papers should have an Abstract (maximum of 200 words), as well as an
Introduction. Each paper should indicate the title of the paper, author(s) names and
institutional affiliation, and email addresses.
4. Use single column, one-inch margins (1”) all-round: Top, bottom, left, and right.
References and citations should be prepared in accordance with APA Publication
Manual 5th Edition.
5. View previous papers at for presentation
illustrations. All full papers will be peer reviewed and selected papers will be included
on the Proceedings CD and considered for the Conference Best Paper Awards.
6. A paper template is attached ON PAGE 6 to make your paper ready for publishing in
the Proceedings.
Authors are also invited to submit the abstracts of their research-in-progress for exclusive
presentation. The abstracts prepared in Microsoft Word should not exceed 200 words.
People interested in organizing a special session should prepare a description of its overall
purpose and include the abstracts of the different contributions. A special session should
have either 3 or 6 contributions. In addition, proposals must state the purpose, format and
names of contributors. All special session proposals should be submitted to the Special
Session Track.
Graduate students are encouraged to submit their papers to the Track Graduate Student
Paper. This track will provide graduate students with the opportunity to share their work with
their current and future colleagues. Also, Conference attendance will provide participating
students with the opportunity to network with many of today’s leading scholars.
Graduate students papers will be considered for Graduate student best paper awards.
NOTE: Full papers, abstracts, and special session proposals should be submitted directly to
the 2015 conference submission portal. Authors who are uncertain of the appropriate track for
their papers should contact the Program Chair: Emmanuel Cleeve.
Final revised papers/abstracts should be sent to the Proceedings co-editors
by the track chairs at
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2015 IAABD Conference Tracks and Chairs
Track 1: Accounting, Finance, and Investment (Pat Obi, Purdue University Calumet,
Track 2: International Aid, Economic Policies and Strategies (Jacob Musila, Athabasca
Track 3: Entrepreneurship, Small Business and the Informal Sector (Lettice Kinunda
Rutashobya, University of Dar es Salaam,
Track 4: Exporting, Internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment (Frederick Mmieh:
Brunel University,
Track 5: Public Sector and Health Care Management (M. Femi Ayadi, University of
Track 6: Human Resources, Management and Organization (Moses Acquaah, University of
North Carolina at Greensboro,
Track 7: Law, Social Responsibility and Ethics (Judy N. Muthuri, Nottingham University
Business School,
Track 8: Marketing and Consumer Behavior (Aihie Osarenkhoe, University of Gavle,
Track 9: Operations and Logistics/Supply Chain/Project Management (P D Rwelamila,
University of South Africa (UNISA),
Track 10: Graduate Student Paper (Simon P. Sigue, Athabasca University,
Track 11: Research Methods (Kofi Q. Dadzie, Georgia State University,
Track 12: Leadership, harmony and competitiveness (Akhentoolove Corbin, University of
West Indies,
Track 13: Special Sessions (Zelealem Yiheyis, Clark Atlanta University,
Track 14: Supply Chain Management in the Kenya Tourism Sector.
(Joe Wadawi,
University of Strathmore,
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Registration Information
Registration fees below include a $60 annual IAABD membership fee for participants outside
Africa and a $30 annual IAABD membership fee for participants based in Africa. Also
included are a single paper in the proceedings, breakfasts, coffee breaks, and receptions.
Authors with multiple papers will pay $120 for each additional paper to be included in the
April 10, 2015
After April 10, 2015
Registration fees (U.S. dollars)
Based in Africa
Outside Africa
$ 462
Optional for all delegates
A Day Excursion Will be organized closer to the conference date
Each breakfast
Each lunch
Each evening reception
Awards banquet
Optional Accompanying Person
$ 30
$ 40
$ 50
$ 80
The registration fees and all other fees MUST be paid either by Paypal, US check,
Wire transfer or Cash, if payment is made in -Nairobi. Early registration means that
one must have completed the registration form and made payment before April 10,
For conference registration, please go For inquiry on
membership fees and conference registration fees, please contact VP for
Finance and Treasurer: O. Felix Ayadi at
For OTHER OR UNRESOLVED MATTERS: Please contact Program Chair,
Emmanuel Cleeve,
Important Dates
Abstract, full papers, and special session submissions
Notification of acceptance
Early registration fee payment
Final Payment of registration fee
Final submission of revised Full Paper and Abstract to
be included in program and proceedings/Book of
Abstracts (Registration fee MUST be paid to have your
January 31, 2015
February 28, 2015
April 10, 2015
April 20, 2015
paper/abstract in proceedings/ program)
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Conference Contacts:
Conference Co-chairs: Hellen Otieno,
Program Chair: Emmanuel Cleeve:
Proceedings Co-Editors: A. Spring and P D Rwelamila:
Conference Organizing Committee:
Hellen Otieno
Joe Wadawi
Josephat Mboya
Elizabeth Gachenga
Waweru Freshia
Ruth Kiraka
David Wang’ombe
Roseline Lubullelah
Njiru Annrita
Dorcas Otieno
Maria Mumbi
Moses Nyangu
.Aming’a Mary
The IAABD Program Chair
The IAABD Proceedings Co-Editors
Further information on accommodation and logistics will be posted here when they become
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Author: First Name Last Name
University, Location
email address
Author: First Name Last Name
University, Location
email address
Abstract (200 words)
Key Words:
Theoretical and Empirical Literature Review (or whatever)
Methodology and Sources of Data (or whatever)
Data Presentation and Discussion of Findings (or whatever)
Examples of Tables: Need Titles, Source(s); Notes/ Sig. levels, etc.
Table 1 Title XXXXXXXX
Source: xxxx (date)
Table 2: Title XXXXXXXX
*Sig. Level=xxxxx
Conclusions and Implications (or whatever)
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