UTLOOK www.sherbps.vic.edu.au UNDERSTANDING, TOLERANCE & INCLUSION; HAPPINESS & FRIENDSHIP; LIFE LONG LEARNING; HONESTY & TRUSTWORTHINESS; DO YOUR BEST; RESPECT FOR SELF, OTHERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT. NOVEMBER 13, 2014 TERM 4, ISSUE 6 FORWARD DIARY Sherbourne Walk or Ride 2 School Day Life Education Van Twilight Working Bee Sherbourne Walkathon Last Prep PMP for 2014 Instrumental Music Students Concert Sherbourne Senior Choir perform SPS Carols on the Oval Year 6 Graduation SPS Billy Cart Grand Prix Class Parties End of School Year Wednesday November 19 Thursday November 20 – Monday November 24 Friday November 21 - 3.30–5.00pm Wednesday November 26 Thursday November 27 Wednesday December 3 - 2.40pm Hall Thursday December 4 - 1.00 pm Greensborough Plaza Wednesday December 10, 7.00pm Tuesday December 16 - 7.00pm Thursday December 18 - 9.30am Thursday December 18 Friday December 19 - 1.30pm dismissal WALKATHON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26TH Student Awards Congratulations to Olivia Chubb and David Johnson in year 6 for being awarded Watsonia RSL Remembrance Day Scholarships. Two students from each of 16 local primary schools received their awards on Tuesday at the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Watsonia RSL. During the service Olivia and David laid a wreath on behalf of the Sherbourne community. The criteria for the award includes leadership qualities, mateship and community involvement. Both Olivia and David certainly meet the criteria and much more. Congratulations also to Emily Cvetkovic and Patrick Reichenbach who are the 2014 Sherbourne recipients of the Eltham Community Student Service Award. Emily and Patrick received their awards for their ‘Service to the School and Community’ at our assembly on Monday. Assembly The next whole school assembly will be held on Monday November 24th at 3.00pm. Everyone welcome. Ray Kaso. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL…… … Life Education Permission Forms. The Life Education Van will be at Sherbourne Primary School next week, commencing Thursday Nov 20. All students require a permission form to participate in the Life Ed program and come into the van, these came home last week. If you would like to know more about the program, have an opportunity to meet the Life Ed educator and go inside the van we have organized a Parent Information session in the van on the morning of Friday November 21 at 9.00am. This session will only proceed if there is sufficient interest. Please complete and return the attendance form that also came home or drop a no te into the office. We would like to know attendance numbers please by Wednesday November 19. If you have misplaced your forms please contact your class teacher or go to our school website. Thank you! 2015 Transition Program The first session of our formal Transition program for 2015 will be held tomorrow FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 From 9.15 – 11.15am. 2015 Preps should report to the current Prep classrooms for some fun activities with Miss Maguire and Mrs Herrick. At 11.15 the children will need to be collected from the classrooms by an adult from the deck outside the classrooms. Transition throughout the school All students will move up to the next year level for these sessions working with the current teachers at that level. You can help your child prepare and cope with the changes ahead by talking about the changes that will happen and how they may feel. A positive approach to change demonstrated by their parents is a wonderful support. Maree Seymour Assistant Principal FUNKY FRUIT FRIDAY ROSTER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 Suzie Di Palma, Jane Young & Melanie Dimmack GROUP PHOTOS … … …. Copies of the Junior School Council, School Captains, House Captains and Environmental Captains photos are at the office for viewing. Individually marked envelopes have been sent home to all students in the photos. Photos are $25/eac h. Order forms must be returned to school by Friday November 21. P.E.DEPARTMENT…… … …. Good Luck to Bronson from Sherbourne for the National Athletics Championships Bronson will compete in the 10 yo high jump on November 27 and we hope the Neave family enjoy their time in Tasmania and that Bronson does well! The Importance of SWIMMING LESSONS You may have noted on the news on Monday evening the reporting that drownings in Victoria have risen to 41 deaths and the importance of swimming lessons at primary school was highlighted. This is our highest drowning toll since 2004/2005. The increase in drowning deaths again this year is a tragic warning to all to remain vigilant when it comes to water safety. Every day, visitors to Victoria’s 811 kilometres of ocean beaches, 259 kilometres of bay beaches, 85,000 kilometres of rivers, 13,0 00 natural wetlands and 450 public and commercial swimming pools, engage in a wide variety of recreational aquatic activities (LSV 2013 Drowning Report). This is why students at Sherbourne have the opportunity to take part in swimming lessons from grades Prep to 6 every year. It is very important that your child can swim and can save themselves, and even save someone else in some cases. Sherbourne Future Stars Hooptime Team Played Today in Region Finals Thanks to Mel Ryan for transporting students, supporting the team and scoring. A big thank you to Karen Paul for coaching her team. Team members are: Lachlan Bowden, Olivia Chubb, Ella Courtney, Liam Doherty, Taylah Harris, James Mountain and Bronson Neave. Results and photos next week. Sherbourne Girls Softball Team Competed at Region Finals Yesterday The Sherbourne Girls Softball team competed in the Northern Region Girls Softball Finals yesterday at Mill Park Softball Diamonds. The first game, we played Reservoir West and we were defeated by one run. In the second game we played Goonawarra who were a very strong team that defeated us by ten. The Sherbourne Girls are congratulated for reaching this level and the huge improvement to their skill level. A very big thank you to Nerida Howard and Cait Chubb who assisted with transporting girls and scoring for the team which was an enormous help. Thanks also to the many parents who came to support our team. Community Sport for Grades 3-6 Grades 3-6 took part in the first week of a three week Community Sport program last Friday. We thank the Eltham Wildcats, Eltham Lacrosse Club and The Edge Dance Studio for their support and free coaching. Sherbourne Walk or Ride2School Wednesday November 19 Wednesday 19 November is a Walk or Ride 2school Sherbourne data collection date. The very last one for the year is 3 December! Those students who were high frequency walkers for the month of October will be the stars of our Sherbourne ‘Walk or Ride2School’ door posters for 2015! PMP Last PMP for 2014 is Wednesday 27 November due to a Music Performance Concert in the hall on Wednesday 3 December. Working Bee SAVE THE DATE: The last Sherbourne Working Bee for 2014. The Twilight Working Bee and BBQ will be held on Friday November 21 from 3.30 pm – 5 pm. All welcome! Janet Hayes PARENTS AND FRIENDS … …. Mango Orders Tomorrow is the last day that we can accept any late orders. Please make sure that all orders are in by 9am so we can send through to the distributor asap. Election Day BBQ A flyer will go home today asking for helpers to run our BBQ and cake stall on November 29 for Election Day. The BBQ will run from 8am – 4pm with 1/2 hour each side for packup and setup. Please help us out with an hour of your time. Election Day Cake Stall As well as the BBQ we will be running a cake stall. We would also like volunteers to run our cake stall from 8-4. We are also sending home plate/bags for you to donate a cake or slice for us to sell. Don't worry if you don't think you are a good cook, things from the local supermarket or bakery is welcome too. All donations need to be brought to the school office on Friday November 28 for sale on the following day. Rachel Rowe Parents & Friends Coordinator Lunch orders will not be available on Friday December 19 School Lunch Order Service available Monday and Wednesday supplied by Catering by Lisa Orders must be received by 9am on these days to the classroom teacher. Friday lunch order service each week will be provided by Bakers Delight. Orders must be received at the office by Thursdays 3pm on the order forms provided. LATE ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. A set order for the whole term can be placed in advance. UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS Open first four weeks of each term only. Twilight WorkingBee!! Friday November 21 2014, 3:30 - 5:00 pm THIS IS THE LAST WORKING BEE FOR 2014 Each worker will receive a sausage in bread and a drink. There is an expectation that families will attend one Working Bee per year. There are LOTS of jobs and we need LOTS of helpers please: Raking soft fall under the ‘Biggie’ and the ‘Littlie’ playgrounds Changing the straw in the chicken house Raking the sand pits Pruning Sweeping/blowing paths (please bring your blower) Cleaning pits and drains Mopping staircases and entry areas Cleaning drinking troughs LOTS & LOTS of weeding COOKING the sausages on the BBQ @ 5pm Please return the reply slip attached by Wednesday November 12 to assist with numbers for catering. Janet Hayes _______________________________________________________________________________ SHERBOURNE TWILIGHT WORKING BEE FRIDAY November 21 RETURN SLIP Family Name ………………………………………….. Children’s grade/s in 2014 …………………………… Contact number …………………………… Yes I/we are able to participate in the Working Bee on Friday November 21 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Jobs I can offer help with are: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… For catering purposes: How many family members will be attending? …………. Vegetarians?...... COMMUNITY NOTICES
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