November 14, 2014 21 Cheshvan 5775 Volume 18, Issue 10 Dates to Remember: W 11/19 – Class 3 trip to Sony Wonder Th 11/27 – F 11/28 – Thanksgiving Break, NO SESSIONS In the Bnos Malka Family ☺ Mazel Tov to Dr. & Mrs. Leiby Tropper (parents of Adina, 2) on the Bar Mitzvah of their son! Candle Lighting 4:19 Mrs. Rivky Babad Assistant Principal, Kindergarten – 4th grade In this week's parsha, אברהםreturns home to find his beloved wife Sara has passed away. He immediately begins eulogizing her and making arrangements for her קבורה. He goes to עפרון החיטיto purchase what will ultimately become one of the greatest מקומות הקדושיםfor כלל ישראל- the מערת המכפלה. In the course of the negotiations, the Torah highlights for us the vast differences between עפרוןand אברהם. אברהםwas a member of the אמור מעט ועשה הרבהclub, and עפרוןwas the opposite. 'עפרוןs focus was on גשמיותand acquiring money; he would never be satisfied that he had enough. Conversely, אברהםvalued doing mitzvos and was prepared to spend as much money as it would take to complete the mitzva. Obviously, אברהםand עפרוןwere vastly different, but what was the underlying reason for their antithetical behavior? The simple answer is perspective. ’אברהםs outlook was solely to serve Hashem, while 'עפרוןs perspective was to serve his own human fetishes. A person's outlook or perspective ultimately sets the tone for everything that they believe and value, and by extension, everything that they do. This week, the teachers and administrators of Bnos Malka and many other local Yeshivos gathered together to learn and grow as educators. We were privileged to hear from an esteemed professional, Dr. John D'Auria about the work of noted researcher, Dr. Carol Dweck. Her bestselling book, Mindset, describes why some students are successful and others are not. If you think the answer to this age-old question is IQ, or environmental factors, or book knowledge, you'd be out of luck. The answer to why some people are successful while others are not is actually a person's mindset...or perspective. Students who approach each new challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow, known as the growth mindset, will ultimately be successful. Interestingly, students who can only face challenge from the perspective of success or failure, and do not see the opportunity for growth, will ultimately give up if they think they can't succeed and will miss the Shabbos Ends 5:26 chance to learn and grow. This was a powerful message for us to bring back to our classrooms. Clearly, a person's perception of how to approach challenge has a huge impact on behavior and success. On Thursday, one of the students in the third grade taught me a powerful lesson on perspective. A friend had accidentally broken a very special item of hers, and she was doing her best not to cry. When I questioned her about what was upsetting her, she said, “I am trying hard to keep it in. If I cry, I will end up hurting my friend's feelings, and I know that it was an accident. She didn't mean to break it.” I was so impressed with this student's middos, her lack of concern for her own personal הפסד, and her greater concern for her friend's feelings. Where did that stem from? Her perspective, her outlook, her mindset. It is a lesson I hope never to forget. This student chose to view her challenge as a chance to spare her friend's feelings though others might have focused on their own emotions instead. The lens through which we choose to view life will ultimately shape how we respond. It is the basis for all of our thoughts and actions. In a way, it is comforting to know that the changes we sometimes wish to see in ourselves and in others is as simple as changing our own perspective. Wishing you all a growth mindset and a good shabbos. Class Milestones Kindergarten - Mrs. Eileen Cohen It is a very happy and busy time in Kindergarten. Our students are outstanding. They are extremely eager to participate in all of our daily discussions and activities. It is truly so gratifying to see them develop such a beautiful love of learning this early in the year. Our color unit ended with the color brown. Brown is a tertiary color which means it takes three colors to make brown. The children did a little chemistry and found that red, yellow and blue can make brown. Each child painted with these colors and the results were lovely because every piece of art was different. They also designed pictures using all of the seven colors that we learned about which were used to create a very colorful bulletin board. We will begin our shape unit shortly. Literacy remains a very important part of our curriculum. The students are very enthusiastic when asked to choose whether one of Morah’s books is fact or fiction. They do an excellent job differentiating which books are true (fact) and which books seem to be imaginary (fiction). Our students also like looking at books in our library. The class is such a cute and perceptive group of children. Best wishes for a good Shabbos. 3rd Grade – Mrs. Zahava Jeff I want to thank all of my parents for your thoughtful emails and your genuine concern for my well-being. I am so happy to be back in school and, G-d willing, look forward to a healthy and productive year. We’ve been working hard trying to improve our writing skills. Recently the book, I Wanna Iguana was read to the girls. The little boy in the story worked hard convincing his mom to let him get an iguana. The girls have been working on a persuasive writing piece. They are getting really good at expressing themselves. Moms beware! If your girls really want something, they now have excellent skills with which to provide a convincing argument to sway you to their side! Some of the girls even wrote persuasive letters to Rabbi Weichselbaum. The Rabbi answered their letters. You’ll have to ask your daughters if they were persuasive enough. In math, we are working on problem solving and have introduced our unit on multiplication. The girls will soon learn songs and games which will help them, in a fun way, master the multiplication tables. Does anyone need a map? Just ask a third grader. In social studies, we are currently working on recognizing the seven continents and the large bodies of water. We completed two bulletin board projects and hung our work in our classroom. We continue to enjoy our special reading time together at the end of each day. We began reading the book Frindle. What is a frindle, anyway? We will have to continue reading in order to find out. I anticipate that the girls will enjoy this book as much as they enjoyed The Chocolate Touch. The girls continue to be a joy to teach. Have a good Shabbos! 4th Grade – Mrs. Beverly Fruchter Poor Matt is having many scary experiences while living on his own. Someone stole a rifle from his cabin, he was attacked by a swarm of bees, and his cabin was ransacked and there was flour everywhere! Was Ben responsible for this? Could it have been a Native American? We have yet to find out! Speaking of Native Americans, we are learning all about the Algonquins who lived in what is now New York City. Their leader was called the Sachem, and he did not make village decisions on his own. What can you infer from this? Class 4 is becoming very adept at using the strategy of making inferences. They can confidently tell you the answer to this question. Class 4 looks forward to independent reading and meeting in guided reading groups. During this time we think about the inferences being made in our reading and we then share them with our classmates. Do you know that we (mammals) have some things in common with fish? We are both vertebrates and we both need oxygen to survive. We are learning about their streamlined shape and how it helps them. We are also learning about the importance and functions of all of its parts, and even how to draw them! Have a wonderful Shabbos! 5th & 6th Math – Ms. Yocheved Weiner In 5th grade, the students have been busy learning multiplication. They have reviewed one digit multiplication and moved on to studying two and three digit multiplication. The fifth graders also looked at other strategies of multiplication like the array, partial products and lattice methods. In addition, they discovered how to solve problems that involve multiplication. After studying multiplication, the students are now turning to its inverse operation, division. They are looking at how to divide with two-digit divisors using long division and partial quotients and how to interpret the remainder. The sixth grade students continued their study of ratios by looking at how ratios can be used in everyday life. They also learned how to find the unit rate to determine the better buy and compare two situations. The students looked at how to use ratios to convert within the customary and metric systems. The students will then go on to study percentages. They saw that percentages are a part-to-whole ratios where the whole is one hundred. They are also learning how to convert percentages into fractions and decimals and how to solve problems with percentages. Have a great Shabbos! 6th Grade ELA – Ms. Sara Lieberman The World Fair Project is underway and the girls are very excited! They have been researching their countries and are beginning to outline the information for their research paper. We are ending our unit on How Writers Work and will then focus on writing our papers. I am looking forward to seeing the girls’ hard work and their final projects! We are finishing our launching unit of Reading Fundamentals where we explored mentor texts of biographies, poetry, fiction and non-fiction. We used a technique called “stop-and-jot” where we wrote down different ideas that came to mind during the read and then shared our thoughts with each other. We are looking forward to starting our novel, The Egypt Game. I am confident that the girls will continue to develop themselves as readers! Have a good Shabbos! – Mrs. Leya Thurm This week has been very exciting in 6th grade! As we delve deeper into the story of the Navi, we learn all about the Nevuah of Shmuel and his first encounter with Hashem. We discussed many lessons we can learn from the characters of the story and how we can apply them to our lives. We are very excited to start learning about the Halachot of Shemittah next week and to discuss the different concepts that come along with it.
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