AusR IL Making Innovation Work Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre Platinum and Gala Dinner Sponsor Hosted by: Gold SponsorS supported by: AusRAIL 2014 Welcome to AusRAIL 2014 AusRAIL 2014 Planner There has been a great deal of change in our industry and economy since our inaugural visit to Perth in 2010, but it is a wonderful place to be addressing the theme for this year; Making Innovation Work. Innovation is the cornerstone of any industry but unless it works effectively its true impact will never be realised. Globally, there is a renewed emphasis on working smarter, working to get more out of what we already have, to innovate and to put those innovations to work. Western Australia has long been a hotbed for innovation within rail. Its heavy haul rail lines and operations lead the world in many areas, and more recently we have seen world firsts with driverless, automated trains hauling iron ore across the Pilbara. The commercial realities that drive the mining industry have led to some impressive advances in rail operations. Rail as an industry needs to learn and adapt these innovations to other areas that would benefit greatly from increased capacity without vast capital expenditure. Once again this year AusRAIL will provide an exceptional platform for knowledge sharing and networking with industry leaders, rail constructors, manufacturers and operators from across the Australasian region and beyond. It is this mix that helps drive our industry forward. Monday 10th November AusRAIL 2014 Welcome Reception 4.00pm – 6.00pm Proudly Sponsored by DAY ONE DAY TWO Tuesday 11th November Wednesday 12th November Morning Plenary 9:00am – 12:30pm Morning Plenary 9:00am – 12:30pm Afternoon Plenary 2:00pm – 5:30pm Afternoon Plenary 1:40pm – 3:10pm RTSA IRSE Stream Stream RTAA Stream The two-day conference will feature a busy trade exhibition packed with large and small, local and overseas companies. I hope you will build new relationships, and strengthen existing ones during your time here. The conference agenda will be contributed to by over 50 senior executives, enabling you to develop a new understanding of both the future forces that will impact the rail industry here in Australia, and the innovations at work in projects and operations across the globe. As ever our fantastic social program will enable you to network, relax and reconnect with those key contacts. I hope you join us at the Exhibition Networking Drinks which will take place on the evening of the 11th November with the AusRAIL Gala Dinner on the night of the 12th once again bringing the curtain down on what promises to be an industrious two days. I look forward to seeing you around the conference and exhibition. Yours sincerely, Bryan Nye OAM Chief Executive Officer Australasian Railway Association AusRAIL 2014 CEO Forum 3.10pm – 4.30pm AusRAIL 2014 Gala Dinner AusRAIL 2014 Networking Drinks 5:30pm – 7:30pm 7:00pm – 11:00pm Proudly Sponsored by AusRAIL 2014 Sponsors and Media Partners Platinum and Gala Dinner Sponsor UGL is a diversified services company delivering critical assets and essential services that sustain and enhance the environment in which we live. We provide high-value add services in outsourced engineering, construction, asset management and operations and maintenance services with a diversified end-market exposure across the core sectors of rail, transport & technology systems, power, water, resources and defence. Our complete rail offering covers the entire spectrum of rail transportation products and services in design, engineering, manufacture, construction, maintenance, refurbishment and asset management of locomotives, passenger cars, trams, freight wagons and rail infrastructure systems and is the largest provider of complete rail solutions in the Asia Pacific region, and Australia’s largest supplier of outsourced asset management and rolling stock maintenance services. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, UGL employs over 6,500 people across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Gold SponsorS Lanyard Sponsor Official Welcome Reception Sponsor Luncheon Host WRITING PAD SPONSOR MEDIA PARTNERS AusRAIL 2012 Audience Profile AusRAIL PLUS 2013 Audience Profile General Manager/Director 28% General Manager/Director 27% Consultant/Analyst/Advisor 4% C-Level/MD 11% C-Level/MD 10% Production/Project/Operations Manager 28% Business Development/Marketing/ Account Manager 15% Head of Engineering/Technical Director/ Engineer 14% Partner/Associate/Principal 2% Production/Project/Operations Manager 27% Business Development/Marketing/ Account Manager 8% Head of Engineering/Technical General Manager 21% Consultant/Analyst/Advisor 5% 4:00 - 6:00 AusRAIL Official Welcome Reception proudly sponsored by Welcome from Paul Hamersley, General Manager Commercial, Brookfield Rail DAY 1 AusRAIL 2014 | Tuesday 11th November 2014 7:30 Registration and morning coffee 11:20 Rail Constructors Panel 9:00 Welcome and opening remarks Bryan Nye OAM, CEO, Australasian Railway Association (ARA) Stephen Pascall, Rail Sector Lead – Australia, Laing O’Rourke David Howarth, Executive General Manager, Downer Infrastructure, Rail Paul Feris, General Manager Rail, Lend Lease 9:10 ARA Chairman’s Address Karl Mociak, Executive General Manager - Transport Services, John Holland 9:30 Federal Government Address Malcolm Tinkler, General Manager - Rail, McConnell Dowell The Hon. Warren Truss MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Glen Mace, General Manager, Leighton Contractors 10:00 Morning tea - served within the exhibition 10:50Big Data and its impact on transport 2:00All speakers for the afternoon streams are requested to assemble in their stream conference room for final preparations with the session Chair 12:30 Lunch - served within the exhibition Wolfgang Alfanz, Managing Director and Director Global Business Development Rail, PTV Group AFTERNOON TECHNICAL STREAMS | proudly sponsored by 2.10pm – 3.30pm RTAA Stream Innovation in Projects Riverview Room 4 RTSA Stream Riverside Theatre IRSE Stream Meeting Rooms 2 & 3 2:00Technical speakers meeting 2:00Technical speakers meeting 2:00Technical speakers meeting 2.10Opening remarks from the Chair 2.10Opening remarks from the Chair 2.10Opening remarks from the Chair Bill Laidlaw, Rail Engineering Consultant, Toshiba International Corporation David Bainbridge, National Rail Safety & Assurance Manager, Leighton Contractors, and President, RTAA Steve Boshier, Asset Integration Manager,V/Line 2.15 W hat would a smart locomotive fleet look like? 2.15 E pping to Thornleigh Third Tracking Project (ETTT) Project - M2 bridge alternative design innovation, Sydney 2.15 CBTC over Wi-Fi: gathering clouds David Stuart Smith, High Voltage and Traction Infrastructure Leader, Arup Rodrigo Alvarez, Senior ICT Consultant, Titan ICT Consultants Laura Chen, Structural Engineer, Beca Daniel Tofful, Bridge Engineer, Beca 2.40Flexicurve: high bogie performance and lower lifecycle cost through technology and innovation 2.40Auburn Stabling Project E dward Vieusseux, GM Product Development, UGL Seamus Murphy, Associate Rail, Transport Services, Aurecon S am Norton, Associate Transport Services Rail, Aurecon 2.40MPLS based networks in railway deployments dam Oliver, Senior Communications Engineer, A Calibre Global Brett McSweeney, Senior Bogie Engineer, UGL 3.05Locomotive advanced control technology – innovation to improve railroad operations avid Semple, Engineering Manager, D Electro-Motive Diesel Australia 3.05Goodwood Junction rail grade separation – collaborative D&C success rett Jennings, Transport Leader SA, B Mott McDonald 3.30 Afternoon tea served within the exhibition 3.05Smarter planning to increase capacity ike Stallybrass, Principal Consultant, M Trapeze Group Rail AFTERNOON TECHNICAL STREAMS | 4.00pm – 5.30pm RTAA Stream Monitor, Maintain and Design Riverview Room 4 RTSA Stream Riverside Theatre IRSE Stream Meeting Rooms 2 & 3 4:00Technical speakers meeting 4:00Technical speakers meeting 4:00Technical speakers meeting 4.10Opening remarks from the Chair 4.10Opening remarks from the Chair 4.10Opening remarks from the Chair David Bull, Director, Bull Head Services and Vice President, RTAA Trevor Moore, Signalling, Standards Engineer, ARTC 4.15 H ow to measure and to model Switches and Crossings for maintenance decision support – Comparison of adopted practices and ongoing developments 4.15 R ailways Systems - A new generation of switch machines in Australia 4.15 U se of Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) technology in rail electrification Dr. Rainer Gruber, Head, Traction Power Consulting, Siemens AG Venu Shenoy, Hytronics Development Engineer, Voestalpine VAE Railways Systems Giuseppe Aurisicchio, Product Line Manager, MER MEC 4.40Innovative 3D design management in rail 4.40Case study: development of rail condition monitoring systems 4.40A systems approach to enhancing railway safety assurance Dr Ben Guy, CEO, Urban Circus liver Schenk, Control Systems Engineer, O Brookfield Rail L achlan Daniel, Rail Infrastructure Leader – ANZ, Mott McDonald 5.05Lessons from a mega project – the importance of leadership, collaboration and culture 5.05Geotechnical risk/project management for heavy haul rail development over karst terrain In the Pilbara 5.05Impact of next generation signalling for Perth llen Garner, CEO, A Regional Rail Link Authority ennis Reeve, Associate Engineering Geologist, D 4DGeotechnics Pty Ltd Dr Frank Heibel, Director, Doc Frank 5.30 Exhibition Networking Drinks AusRAIL 2014 | Wednesday 12th November 2014 DAY 2 8:00 Welcome coffee 1:40Innovation in Heavy Haul operations 9:00 Welcoming Remarks 2:10Innovative finance and operations in passenger operations Bryan Nye OAM, CEO, Australasian Railway Association (ARA) 9:10The European Freight Rail Experience with Innovation Nigel Ash, Managing Director, Network Rail Consulting 9.40Innovation in asset control Maria Palazzolo, CEO, GS1 Australia Andrew Lezala, CEO, Metro Trains Melbourne 2:40 Afternoon tea – served within the exhibition 3:10 CEO Forum Rob Mason, CEO, NSW Trains Graham Sibery, Executive Director, Rail Operations and Safety, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, SA 10:00 Morning tea – served within the exhibition Greg Pauline, Managing Director, Genesee & Wyoming 10.55 Opposition Address Mark Burgess, Managing Director, PTA WA Anthony Albanese MP, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Terry Scott, Managing Director, Transdev Auckland Vivienne King, Managing Director, KDR Gold Coast 11.15 STATE TRANSPORT MINISTERS ADDRESS John McArthur, Managing Director, Freightliner Australia Howard Collins, CEO, Sydney Trains Andrew Lezala, CEO, Metro Trains Melbourne Paul Larsen, CEO, Brookfield Rail Geoff Smith, Managing Director, SCT Logistics Ross Nacey, Director, Qube Logistics (Rail) 4.30 Close of conference 7:00 AusRAIL 2014 Gala Dinner proudly sponsored by The Honourable Dean Nalder, Minister for Transport (WA) 11.40 Executive PaneL Diversity for Survival – The Challenge for Australia Kathrina Bryen, Vice President Human Resources (Organisational Capability), Aurizon Lisa Annese, CEO, Diversity Council of Australia Katharina Gerstmann, Executive Chair, Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA) Paul Lowney, General Manager Infrastructure, Brookfield Rail Captain Angela Bond, Commanding Officer, HMAS Sterling, Royal Australian Navy 12:30 Lunch served within the exhibition AusRAIL 2014 Networking and Social Activities AusRAIL 2014 OFFICIAL WELCOME RECEPTION Join us for our Official Welcome Reception prior to the commencement of the main AusRAIL conference. Pre-registration is always essential, the morning of AusRAIL sees over 1000 conference delegates descend on the registration desks to collect their badges and conference material. Instead of joining them why not avoid the long queues and join us for an informal drink the day before. Registration will be open for two hours, and drinks and light canapes will be served to allow you to register in a relaxed atmosphere and get in some pre-event networking with your colleagues and clients. When: Monday, 10th November 2014, 4.00pm – 6.00pm Where: Central Foyer, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre Dress: Smart casual Proudly sponsored by AusRAIL 2014 EXHIBITION NETWORKING DRINKS Join fellow delegates, speakers, exhibitors and distinguished guests at the official Exhibition Networking Drinks. Beverages and canapes will be served from 5.30pm accompanied by light entertainment allowing you to network with colleagues and associates in an informal atmosphere. When: Tuesday, 11th November 2014, 5:30pm – 7:30pm Where:Exhibition Hall 2 (amongst the exhibitors), Perth Convention Exhibition Centre Dress: Business attire AusRAIL 2014 GALA DINNER The annual AusRAIL Gala Dinner is one of the highlights of the rail industry calendar and is a perfect ending to 2 extensive days of networking, deal-making and strategic planning. The Gala Dinner represents an opportunity for the rail industry to come together and celebrate a year of hard work, whilst looking forward to the opportunities that abound in the year ahead. It is the place to consolidate and grow your industry contact list, whilst enjoying a sumptuous three course dinner. When: Wednesday, 12th November 2014, 7:00pm – 10.30pm Pre-dinner drinks to be served 6.30pm – 7.00pm Where:The BelleVue Ballroom, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre Dress: Black Tie Proudly sponsored by Perth is the proud host of AusRAIL 2014 The Perth Convention Exhibition Centre is situated in the heart of the beautiful city of Perth, within easy walking distance of the city’s major hotels, business, restaurant and retail districts and offers a range of transport options. Perth Convention Exhibition Centre Telephone +61 8 9338 0300, Facsimile +61 8 9338 0309 21 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA 6000 AusRAIL 2014 Exhibition Opportunities The exhibition for 2014 was sold out in January. Book your sponsorship or Exhibition Directory advert NOW to ensure your organisation is represented at AusRAIL 2014. Exhibiting at AusRAIL 2014 will be: 4TEL Delkor Rail Lloyd’s Register Rail Pandrol Sunlec ACO Polycrete Pty Ltd Downer Lockheed Martin Plateway Teltronic Ansaldo STS Earthmoving Equipment Australia Mackay Rubber Poles & Underground Thales Australia MANCO Australia edilon)(sedra Powerbox Thermo King Martinus Rail Engenium PT Hydraulics Australia Thiess McConnell Dowell Gemco Rail Railway Possessions Australia TMM Repairs Mercedes-Benz Trucks Go Green Consulting Mermec Group Relay Monitoring Systems TMT (Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology) GOUGH Transport Solutions Huber+Suhner Mors Smitt - A Wabtec Company Icom (Australia) Motive Group ICS Industries APC Technology AusRAIL Sales Stand Austrak Australian Rail Technology (ART) Rhomberg Rail Australia ROC-SOLID Trackside Intelligence (Track IQ) SATEVA Trac-West MOXA Inc SELECTRAIL Transfield Services IKON Lifting Equipment MRX Technologies Sigra Technology Trimble Infraworks Rail MTU Detroit Diesel SIKA Australia UGL Inspired Systems Network Rail Consulting SKILLED Unipart Rail Cold Forge John Holland Nomad Digital Specialised Force Weidmuller C.R. Kennedy & Company Junee Railway Workshop Norke-Kaeser Speno Rail Maintenance Voith Datahawk Laing O’Rourke Optical Solutions Australia Stertil-Koni Black Box Control BRADKEN Calibre Global Centre for Advanced Transport Engineering and Research (C.A.T.E.R) @ Fairclough Corporation Pty. Ltd. The AusRAIL PLUS 2015 exhibition is now approaching 60% sold (on available space) and remaining spaces are selling fast! If you have not yet booked your exhibition for next year, BOOK NOW to secure a high traffic location while available. AusRAIL 2016’s exhibition will be launched for sale during AusRAIL 2014. With the 2014 exhibition selling-out one year in advance, we recommend you BOOK ONSITE to secure a stand at 2014 prices (limited space available). To book a stand for AusRAIL PLUS 2015, contact Deborah Bocock at: To book a stand for AusRAIL 2016, visit stand #1 within the AusRAIL 2014 exhibition to contract onsite AusRAIL 2014 11-12 November 2014 | Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre 3 Easy Ways to Register Stay Connected WEB in LinkedIn Twitter Telephone +61 (0)2 9080 4307 – Quoting P14M01 (#ausrail) Blog Email – Quoting P14M01 YouTube Google+ Slideshare Pricing Details Register Early & Save Early Bird Rate Book & pay on or before 12th September 2014 Standard Rate Book & pay from 13th September 2014 Conference Package PRICE GST TOTAL SAVE PRICE GST TOTAL $1,095.00 $109.50 $1,204.50 $100 $1,195.00 $119.50 $1,314.50 $750.00 $75.00 $825.00 $45 $795.00 $79.50 $874.50 (includes conference entry, conference documentation, refreshments, lunch) $750.00 $75.00 $825.00 $45 $795.00 $79.50 $874.50 AusRAIL Gala Dinner $175.00 $17.50 $192.50 AusRAIL Gala Dinner - table of 10 $1,575.00 $157.50 $1,732.50 2 day conference (includes conference entry, conference documentation, refreshments, lunch, & networking drinks) Day 1 only (includes conference entry, conference documentation, refreshments, lunch, & networking drinks) Day 2 only For full terms and conditions, please visit: If undeliverable return to: PO BOX Q1439, SYDNEY NSW 1230 Use your QR Reader App on your smartphone and scan this code to take you directly to the website
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