# 1, 2015 (January) The Newsletters are also available at the Research School’s webpage HERE CONTENTS ! Disputationer / Doctoral Defenses ! Doctoral Seminars ! Valand Academy: announcement of three Doctoral positions ! Doctoral Research Proposal Writing Workshop The Research School Activities: ! Two day meeting 26-27th of March ! Meetings 2015 ! The Faculty Seminar Series Spring 2015 ! PARSE ! Discussion on the artistic doctor degree ! UC Berkeley – PhD exchange programme ! Challenge the past / Diversify the future ! Current Scholarships and Grants at GU LINK TO THE RESEARCH SCHOOL’S WEB PAGE AND CALENDAR HERE Please let me know if you have information to be included in the calendar and/or the newsletter! /Anna Frisk DISPUTATIONER / DOCTORAL DEFENSES th FRIDAY 27 MARCH 10.00 Marie-Louise Hansson Stenhammar, Estetiska uttrycksformer med inriktning mot utbildningsvetenskap Title: En avestetiserad skol- och lärandekultur – en studie om lärprocessers estetiska dimension Opponent: Professor Geir Johansen, Norges Musikkhøgskole Venue: Academy of Music and Drama, Artisten More information to follow. DOCTORAL SEMINARS Normally the texts are uploaded in GUL: “Etappseminarier för doktorander” THURSDAY 15th JANUARY at 13-16 Final seminar: Thomas Laurien, Design Title: Händelser på ytan - shibori som kunskapande rörelse Opponent: Professor emeritus Nina Malterud, Bergen Academy of Art and Design Venue: Stora Hörsalen, Room 338, HDK Texts and pictures can be found in GUL, Etappseminarier för doktorander (contact Anna Frisk if you have no access) Read more about the seminar HERE The seminar will be held in Swedish/Norwegian FRIDAY 30th JANUARY at 13-16 25% seminar: Victoria Brattström, scenisk gestaltning, Högskolan för scen och musik Opponent: Kai Lehikoinen, University Lecturer in performing arts, Performing Arts Research Centre, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki Venue: Academy of Music and Drama, Artisten TUESDAY 17th FEBRUARY at 17-19 Venue: Konstakademien/Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm Final seminar: Lisa Tan, Fine Art, Valand Academy Opponents: Dr. Fredrika Spindler, Associate Professor, Södertörn Högskola and Dr. Magnus Bärtås Professor Konstfack Videos will be installed in a solo presentation that opens mid-January at Galleri Riis, Rödbodtorget 2, Stockholm The seminar will take place in the same building as the exhibition at Konstakademiens Bibliotek, Fredsgatan 12, Jakobsgatan 27C (hiss) http://www.konstakademien.se/sv/Bibliotek/Information/ The seminar will be held in English WEDNESDAY 11th MARCH at 13-16 Final Seminar: Cecilia Grönberg, Photography, Valand Academy Opponents: Johan Redin and Kim West Venue: Glashuset, Akademin Valand The seminar will be held in Swedish WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE Final seminar: Elke Marhöfer, Fine Arts, Valand Academy Opponent: Dr. Felicity Colman, Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University. http://www.art.mmu.ac.uk/profile/fcolman Venue: Akademin Valand The seminar will be held in English ANNOUNCEMENT: THREE DOCTORAL POSITIONS IN ARTISTIC PRACTICE Akademin Valand utlyser tre doktorandplatser inom utbildningen på forskarnivå i det nya ämnet ämnet konstnärlig gestaltning med start under våren 2015. Sista ansökningsdag är 1 februari 2015. Läs mer om ämnet och ansök HÄR / Valand Academy announces the availability of three doctoral candidate positions (third-cycle) in the new subject Artistic Practice commencing spring 2015. Deadline for applications: 1st February 2015. Read more about the subject and apply HERE DOCTORAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL WRITING WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY 14th JANUARY 5–7 p.m. at Glashuset, Valand Academy, Chalmersgatan 4, Gothenburg. The Valand Academy offers a workshop in how to write an application for third-cycle programmes. It is given in English by Mick Wilson, Head of Department. This workshop will provide a model for writing a doctoral research proposal with particular reference to: 1. What does a proposal have to do? 2. What are the key elements in a research proposal? 3. How do I use my existing works within my proposal submission? 4. What are the features of a good proposal? - Looking at examples 5. Practical example of re-writing an existing proposal to make it more effective 6. Practical workshop in evaluating a research proposal 7. What should I do next? If intending to participate, please send an e-mail, by 13 January at the latest, to: Anna Frisk THE RESEARCH SCHOOL DOCTORAL COURSES Basic Course 1: Writing Artistic Research 7.5 hp SPRING 2015, estimated course start in March 2015. The first gatherings aim to highlight and discuss a range of artistic research writing practices. Possible topics for discussion: What function does writing have in artistic research? What can an artistic research text look like? Later on, the course will focus on the candidates' own (writing) projects. Selected pieces of students' work in progress are carefully read and discussed in detail on three occasions. These text discussions are designed to demystify the writing but also to make the individual candidate aware of qualities and weaknesses in his/her own writing practice. (Course leader: Fredrik Nyberg). Would you like to sign up? Send an email to Anna Frisk Basic Course 2: Methodology 7.5 hp to be given in the AUTUMN of 2015 (Course leader: Mick Wilson) MEETINGS 2015 26-27 MARCH 2015 – COLLOQUIUM “Archiving practical work” - presentations by doctoral candidates and researchers on examples of how they have archived, documented or otherwise represented their practices. Guests: Monica Sand and Julian Klein Week 20 Thursday 21st May 9.30-12 - Workshop content to be set Week 36 Thursday 3rd September 9.30-12 - Workshop content to be set Week 42 Monday 12th Oct and Tuesday 13th Oct - Colloquium content to be set THE FACULTY SEMINAR SERIES SPRING 2015 Fakultetsseminariet våren 2015 Tre seminarietillfällen är inplanerade för vårterminen: • 22 januari 1300, Biblioteket utan böcker, Akademin Valand, Vasagatan 50, pl 2. • 19 februari 1300, Glashuset, Akademin Valands gård (ingång från Chalmersgatan 4). • 12 mars 1300, Glashuset, Akademin Valands gård (ingång från Chalmersgatan 4). Ytterligare tillfällen kan läggas med anledning av PARSE, VR:s utvärdering eller på grund av andra behov. 22 januari Fil dr Maria Bania presenterar sin och Tilman Skowronecks kommande forskningsprojekt Musik, materialitet och emotioner – en undersökning om musikalisk beröring. 19 februari Om Mara Lees ”När andra skriver: skrivande som motstånd, ansvar och tid” Den 19 februari gör vi en genomgång av en av förra årets intressantaste avhandlingar på det litterära området, Mara Lee Gerdéns När andra skriver: skrivande som motstånd, ansvar och tid som Mara Lee med framgång försvarade under disputationen den 28 november. Avhandlingen finns tillgänglig på https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/37324. Tanken med seminariet är dels att ge fakultetens lärare och forskare en möjlighet att diskutera avhandlingen utifrån ett metod- och teoriperspektiv, dels att tala om avhandlingen i kontexten av författarens övriga konstnärskap och se den som en del i ett större konstnärligt och politiskt projekt. Vi rekommenderar därför seminariedeltagarna att ha såväl avhandlingen som Mara Lee Gerdéns senaste roman Future Perfect aktuella i samband med seminariet. Diskussant är fil dr Mikael van Reis. Vi kan eventuellt förlänga detta seminarium och avhandla ansökningsprojekt. Ansökningsseminarium den 12 mars Seminariet är ännu öppet för förslag. OBS! Ansökningsperioden till VR startar i år den 17 februari och stänger den 23 mars. Som vanligt tar vi upp emot ansökningar in progress och förser dem med kompetenta kommentatorer från konstnärliga fakulteten eller utifrån. Vi betraktar de här seminarierna som en viktig kollektiv läroprocess. Det betyder att även om man inte ansöker själv eller opponerar – så kan man ha stor nytta av diskussionerna inför kommande ansökningar och projekt. Seminarierna har varit och är en framgångsfaktor för forskningen inom fakulteten – och dessutom en rolig mötesplats för lärare och forskare från olika institutioner! Kontakta oss med de projektidéer och texter som du vill lägga fram före den 30 januari! Du/ni (fler kollektiva projekt, tack!) kan posta texter till Johan Öberg Välkomna till en ny spännande termin! Ingrid Elam, dekan Johan Öberg, forskningshandläggare PARSE – CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – THE 1ST PARSE BIENNIAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON TIME th The first biennial PARSE conference at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (5 and th 6 November 2015) takes as its point of departure the question of TIME. Contributions are invited in the form of papers, presentations, artistic interventions, readings, panels, performances, public actions, screenings and workshops. We are especially interested in contributions that critically reflect upon, and/or in someway work to modifythe familiar conventions of the academic paper, the panel discussion and the artist’s talk. The deadline for proposals is 1st March 2015, however, we are accepting proposals for peer review from July 1st 2014, and we recommend early submission. Read more HERE DISCUSSION ON THE ARTISTIC DOCTOR DEGREE Tuesday the 17th of February 2015 at 11-16.30, in Hus 28 at the Royal Institute of Art (Skeppsholmen) in Stockholm. Dear all, as a part of the process of closing down Konstnärliga forskarskolan we are inviting participating artists, supervisors and school leaders to a joint so far evaluation of the interpretation of intentions with, practices around and conditions for the Swedish artistic PhD degree. What were the intentions? Have they changed? What are the practices in relations to visions and statements? What are the conditions? What do we want for the future? And who is "we?" Do you want to be there and are you able to join in? Please get back to me before the 30th of January if you do, and we'll get back to participants with further details. all best/ylva ----------------------------------------------Ylva Gislén, visiting professor Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund university Director Konstnärliga forskarskolan cell: +46703484652 ylva@konstnarligaforskarskolan.se www.konstnarligaforskarskolan.se UC BERKELEY – PhD EXCHANGE PROGRAMME For a number of years, the University of Gothenburg has had a PhD exchange programme with UC Berkeley - The Bo Samuelsson PhD Exchange Programme. Each academic year the University has the opportunity to nominate 4-8 students for exchange. The number of seats can vary and it’s always Berkeley that decides which students are to be admitted. Please enclosed find the call for seats during the academic year 2015/2016. The call contains information about eligibility, what the application should include, the cost of the exchange and information about GU's internal selection process. Application shall be sent to Hans.Abelius@gu.se no later than the 5 th of February. CHALLENGE THE PAST / DIVERSIFY THE FUTURE March 19-21, 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden A Critical Approach to Visual and Multi-Sensory Representations for History and Culture We invite to a multidisciplinary conference for scholars and practitioners who study the implementation and potential of visual and multisensory representations to challenge and diversify our understanding of history and culture. Read more in Attached pdf, or at http://www.challengethepast.com/ CURRENT SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS List at Gothenburg University of scholarships and grants for different categories of applicants in all disciplines. The list is sorted by the application deadline. http://www.gu.se/forskning/stipendier/aktuellastipendier/ Redaktör/Editor: Anna Frisk GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET Studierektor/Forskarutbildningshandläggare Akademin Valand/Konstnärliga fakultetskansliet Storgatan 43 Box 141, 405 30 Göteborg 031 786 40 42 anna.frisk@gu.se
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