Shawnee Mission East High School November 2014 913-993-6600 Lancer Newsletter International Baccalaureate Program Meeting for Sophomores All sophomores interested in possibly pursuing the IB diploma/program next year, please mark your calendar to attend an informational meeting in the SM East Library on Wednesday, Nov. 5. All sophomores and their parents are encouraged to attend. IF you have any questions, please feel free to contact Monique Goodeyon (new IB Coordinator) at 913-993-6846 or FOOD SERVICE...Did you know... FOOD SERVICE….Did you know………… Did you know some ways you can help encourage healthy meals for your student? Explore – Encourage your child to try new foods at home and school. Encourage breakfast – Breakfast fuels learning. School Breakfast is available at all schools. Know the options – Schools offer a variety of selections at meals. Talk with your child about healthy choices. Encourage good nutrition – Encourage your child to take and eat the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat milk offered in school meals. Taste for yourself – Take time to visit your child at school and enjoy a nutritious school meal. Be a healthy role model – Eat a wide variety of healthy foods with your children. Don’t forget – if your child receives free or reduced meals, they are eligible for one breakfast and one lunch per day as part of this benefit. All breakfast and lunch meal choices are available for all students regardless of eligibility status. November 2014 Calendar 1 2:00P, 7:00P Fall Play 1 7:00P East Fund Benefit Auction 3 7:00P All Sports Booster Meeting 7 7:00A First Friday Bazaar 7 3:00P Frequent Friday 8 SAT Testing Day 11 NO SCHOOL—Teacher Workday 11 5:00P SHARE Dodgeball Tourney 12-13 Musical Auditions 12 5:00P SHARE Dodgeball Tourney 15 KMEA Auditions 17 First Day of Winter Sports 18 6:30P PTA Meeting 19 9:00A PTA Meeting 19 7:00P Musical Revue 20 7:00P Musical Revue 21 7:00P Winter Meet the Coach Night 26-28 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break December 2014 Calendar 1 7:00P All Sports Booster Meeting 2 8:00A Pep Assembly 3 7:00P Choir Concert 4 EARLY DISMISSAL, 1:10pm 4 PTA Culver’s Night 5 7:00A First Friday Bazaar 6 SAT Testing Day 9 7:00P Orchestra Concert 10 9:00A PTA Meeting 10 7:00P Band Concert 12 3:00P Frequent Friday 16-19 Finals 12/22-1/5 NO SCHOOL, Winter Break The school breakfast menus, lunch menus, and other nutrition information are available on the district’s website at SME Art Fair to Feature Beautiful Art, Holiday Shopping, and Career Guidance Join us for the 1st Semester East Art Fair on Thursday, Dec. 11 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m! We will have a juried student art show with prizes for the top artworks, a holiday gift sale with student-made gift items, and a visual arts career fair with over a dozen local professionals talking to students about their visual arts careers. Beautiful art, holiday shopping and career guidance all in one night! All students and parents are encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there. Sponsored by the Visual Art Department, SME Friends of Art Society and SME PTA. OFFICE HOURS The main office and counseling office at SME are open until 3:30pm each day. The counseling office is open until 3:30pm. Due to changes in staff hours and rotating schedules, not all support staff are here until those times, however. Please call the office to verify if you have a question about hours and availability. Raku Firing Method for Ceramics to be Demonstrated There will be a demonstration of Raku firing on Nov. 20 at SM South. All are welcome to come see this exciting and fun method if firing ceramic pieces. A DJ will be playing, food will be available, and beautiful art will be created! Come join us outside by the art rooms (beside the gym entrance) We will start right after school and go throughout the early evening. Foods Classes Donating to Community Outreach Project Liam R Royster 8044 Pawnee St, Apt 201 Prairie Village, KS 66208 Carol Royster 816.216.4393 W.E. Royster 3500 Gladstone Blvd Kansas City, MO 64123 It is that time of year again, when all of the foods classes will be donating pumpkin pies to St. Mary’s Food kitchen. St. Mary’s food kitchen feeds over 300 people daily. In the past we have been able to make enough pumpkin pies to feed everyone who comes on the 2nd Thursday of November, and we would like to continue the tradition, and need your help to do so. The foods classes are asking for donations of cans of 15 oz canned pumpkin, pre-made pie crust, and 14 oz cans of Sweetened Condensed Milk. We greatly appreciate any donations, and look forward to helping provide a sweet fall dessert for those who need it. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Abel. Updates from the Band Director On Saturday, Nov. 15, all East orchestra and band members are auditioning for Northeast Kansas Music Educator’s Honor Ensembles! International Club Updates International Club – We held a great Lobster Sale in October; if you missed out then we hope you order for the May sale (2nd Saturday in May). Families interested in hosting international students or East students considering study abroad programs need to see Ms. Fishman in 307 for information. Student Council Annual Can Drive Student Council – the annual “Can Drive” will take place between Nov. 3 – 24. Please help us with our non-perishable food collection to benefit the Johnson County Christmas Bureau, a nondenominational agency that assists needy people in our community with food, coats, toys and household items during the holiday season. Several fun events will take place for student involvement, often for the price of a donated can! Checks to SME can be directed to Student Council, Brenda Fishman or Hannah Pence, co-sponsors. 2 SME Theatre News The month of November abounds with opportunities to be entertained by SME extraordinarily talented students. Saturday, Nov. 1 is the final opportunity to see the hilarious comedy The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee in the SME auditorium. Showtimes are 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available at the door. Nov. 7 is the date for the next Frequent Friday show in the Little Theatre at 3pm. This is a student directed production. Free and open to all. Auditions will be held Nov. 10, 12, and 13 for the winter musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” Students can find more information outside the Little Theatre. Nov. 19, 20 and 21 are the dates for this year’s “Contemporary Broadway” Musical Revue. This showcase of vocal talent will be at 7:00 p.m. each night in the SME auditorium. Admission is free. More information about SME Theatre and The Theatre Boosters can be found at 3 Counseling Office News - http:/ Enrollment for 2015-2016 We are currently planning for next year’s enrollment. Current 9 – 11th grade presentations will be video recorded and shown in each classroom during a Seminar. With our new student management system, Skyward, we are able to allow students to sign up for their classes online. Each grade level will have one week to enroll in his/her classes. Once their week closes, then counselors will meet with students individually to discuss their course choices. Please refer to the calendar on the SME website for specific dates. districtCalendar/month1.cfm?CFID=3968127&CFTOKEN=28970486. The video will also be available online at The presentation to the current 8th graders at Indian Hills will still be all day on Tuesday, Jan. 13. At these presentations, students will receive a list of classes offered at SME for their grade level, and an enrollment card. This is a great time to talk with your student about what classes he or she would like to take next year. Students should turn in their completed enrollment card to their study hall teacher prior to the finalization date of Jan. 23. The Incoming 9th Grade Enrollment Information Night will be Thursday, Jan. 15 at 6:30 p.m. An electronic copy of the Program Planning Guide will be available on our Counseling Web Back pack at SMECounselors/html29912.htm. 9th grade Video presentation-Jan 8--online enrollment – Jan. 10-13 – finalize w/counselor Jan 14 & 15 10th grade Video presentation-Jan22-online enrollment – Jan. 24-27-finalize w/counselor Jan 28 & 29 11th grade Video presentation-Feb 5-online enrollment-Feb. 7-10-finalize w/counselor Feb 11 & 12 8th grade @ Indian Hills Enrollment Presentation – Jan. 13 through study halls Finalize with counselors on Friday, Jan. 23. 8th Grade Information Night for 9th Grade Enrollment – Thursday, Jan. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Please make sure your 8th grader has completed his/her enrollment form and turned it in to the appropriate teacher prior to the date listed above. 2014 District Financial Aid Evening Again this year Shawnee Mission Northwest will host the 2014 Financial Aid Evening on Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. You can find more detailed information on our Counseling Web Back pack at http:// 4 Lancer Athletics Kelli Kurle, Athletic Director Winter Sports Start Soon — Are You Ready? Winter sports begin on Monday, Nov. 17, 2014. Be sure to keep the following information in mind as you prepare for boys and girls basketball, wrestling, boys swimming, and coed bowling. A physical exam form and athletic packet must be on file with the AD Secretary before an athlete can try out or practice. The physical must have taken place after May 1, 2014. If you have already turned in a physical form for fall sports, you have already met this requirement. These forms are all available in the office at East or can be downloaded at If you have any question about whether or not you have these forms on file, please check with the Gayle O’Grady, AD Secretary at 913-993-6602 or Please turn in all paperwork for Winter Sports to Mrs. O’Grady by Friday Nov. 14 at Noon. Fall Buffer Week and Holiday Break Moratorium Buffer week is Nov. 10-16, 2014. Buffer week means that there shall be no athletic practice, off-season conditioning, informal basketball shooting, working out on wrestling mats, etc. in school-owned facilities. The gym shall not be open to students during this week outside of school hours. This, however, does not eliminate football practice for those high schools that qualify for play-offs. The “no-practice” dates over the holidays have been set by KSHSAA. These dates are Dec. 24-28, 2014. This holiday moratorium means there shall be no interschool activities and no group interscholastic activity practice on or outside school premises under supervision of school employees. Coaches for Winter Sports The head coaches for the winter sports are listed below. Please contact the appropriate coach for any information regarding a sport. Wiley Wright Ben Sutherlin Shawn Hair Austin Klumpe Patti Kennedy Boys Swimming Wrestling Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Coed Bowling 913-288-7607 913-993-6720 913-993-6662 913-993-6707 913-993-6668 Looking Ahead Before we know it, spring will be here and with that, the start of spring sports. These sports include boy’s golf, boy’s tennis, track and field, baseball, softball, girls swim/dive, and girls’ soccer. Spring sports will begin on Mar. 2, 2015. Manditory Meeting for Wrestlers Wrestling meeting for all wrestlers On Nov. 12 at 7:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. Must attend one meeting. Alpha weigh in is on Nov. 13 at 7:00 a.m. Drink lots of water! Benjamin Sutherlin Special Education Teacher, Head Wrestling Coach, Assistant Football Coach (913)993-6720 5 Lancer Athletics Kelli Kurle, Athletic Director Sportsmanship — You Make the Difference Ethics, integrity and respect are values important in our daily lives. At a contest, they are translated into the word “Sportsmanship.” Sportsmanship is one of the strongest educational lessons and lifetime values taught by high school athletics. The scores of this year’s boy’s and girls’ basketball games will be generally forgotten over time, but the actions of the players, coaches and spectators will be remembered for a long time. We ask that all of the Lancer fans (parents and students) will remember that good sportsmanship is the result of a disciplined effort to respect yourself, the opponents, and the officials. The administration at SM East believes that sportsmanship is probably the clearest expression of what being a Lancer is all about. As a result, please note the following expectations for our fans at games: We want our fans to enthusiastically cheer for the Lancers. However, we want all cheers to be positive and in support of our own team. We do not want any cheers directed at the opponent in any way shape or form. We ask that all fans be supportive of the officials. Clearly, the officials are human and will make mistakes. However, they are all part of a select fraternity whose job is an extremely difficult one. High school basketball officials are few in numbers because very few people are willing to put their neck out on the line in such a pressured environment. Imagine yourself at work with over a thousand people booing, heckling and secondguessing every decision you make. We ask that you let the officials do their job as you focus on supporting our players. We ask that all Lancer fans let the coaches do their job. Our coaches put in countless hours in preparation, 6practice and games. They do so for very little compensation. They are all incredibly dedicated to the athletes. Please show them your support by your focus on supporting the players. Some other expectations of Lancer fans include the following: Shawnee Mission District policy states that all spectators must wear shirts at games. The front row of the bleachers in the student sections must remain vacant at our home games. Our bleachers are simply too close to the playing surface and a spectator could easily reach out and touch the players and officials. In fact, our bleachers are much closer to the court than in the spirited college arenas such as Allen Field House at KU. As a result, we leave the front row empty. We ask that all spectators (especially the students) remain in the bleachers after the game. When a sea of students rushes to the floor after a game, the potential exists for people to get hurt. A few years ago, a high school player in Arizona was severely injured when fans rushed the floor after a game. As a result, he suffered paralysis and had to forfeit his opportunity to play basketball for Stanford University. For us, we want our team and our opponents to have a clear and easy exit from the gym. For these reasons, all spectators must remain in the stands before, during and after a game. We look forward to a great year of Lancer Winter Sports. See you at the games! SME PTA Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 18 - 6:30 p.m. in the SME Library - (rescheduled date from 10-29-14) Dr. Wes Crenshaw will present "Earning vs Entitlement: How Parents Can Teach Teens Economic Life Lessons" How to get your child into a real economy. It seems like a never-ending test of wills between parent and child: kids expecting parents to supply iPhones, video games, cars and computers; or even just spending-money. Parents expecting kids to pitch in to help with chores and neither side satisfied with the outcome. Dr. Wes Crenshaw says that today’s teenagers feel entitled for a good reason—we’ve just given them too much stuff. But it just doesn’t have to be that way. Wes Crenshaw, PhD is a Kansas Licensed Psychologist who is Certified in Couples and Family Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). He is author of I Always Want to Be Where I’m Not: Successful Living with ADD and ADHD and coauthor of the "Double Take" column published weekly since 2004 in the Lawrence Journal World and soon to appear in Your Teen Magazine. He is a frequent guest in Kansas City public media and the Fox4 morning show. He has offices in Lawrence and now just down the street near 83rd and Mission in Prairie Village. Parent/Principal Coffee Wednesday Nov. 19 in the SME Little Theater at 9:00 a.m. Special Guests: Trey Witt & Debate/Forensic Students. President’s Volunteer Service Award Here is a Chance for Your Student to be Recognized. This a national program to recognize students who demonstrate outstanding service to their community, nation or abroad during the 12–month period between Apr. 1, 2014 and Mar. 31, 2015. Both SHARE hours and other volunteer hours conducted independently may qualify. For most SME students, age 15 or older, the awards are: GOLD: 250 or more hours of service SILVER: 175 – 249 hours of service BRONZE: 100 – 174 hours of service For those SME students who will not have turned 15 by Apr. 1, 2015, the awards are as follows: GOLD: 100 or more hours of service SILVER: 75 – 99 hours of service BRONZE: 50 – 74 hours of service A variety of volunteer services qualify. Fund-raising for community services and faith–based service can be included. Activities must be unpaid. Travel time and actual work time on volunteer trips counts. The following do not qualify for volunteer service hours: Fund-raising for sports teams, choir, plays, etc., from which the student benefits, Court–ordered community service, Sleeping or entertainment time after you traveled to the volunteer location. An application and log of service hours follows this page. Forms can also be found on-line at Award applications and log forms may also be picked up outside the SHARE office room 463. Questions? Contact SHARE adviser Krissie Wiggins at or PTA Rep Lisa Erickson at All forms are to be returned to the SHARE office by Apr. 1, 2015. Also, you may postmark the forms by Apr. 1, 2015 to: Lisa Erickson, 8914 Maple Drive, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207. 7 New Screening Process for Volunteers All SMSD Volunteers who have direct contact with students, either individually or in groups, must now complete a volunteer screening process. Examples of volunteers who must complete the screening process include tutors, mentors, and chaperones on school-sponsored trips. The screening process will include an online application, a short training session, and a complete fingerprint background screen. The online application can be accessed here: and can be completed prior to attending a training session. Associate Superintendent Leigh Anne Neal will provide a required training session on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. in the SME library. This training will precede the scheduled SME PTA meeting and presentation by guest speaker Dr. Wes Crenshaw. If you plan to volunteer at SME or in the SMSD, you are encouraged to attend this important training and then stay for Dr. Crenshaw’s always interesting presentation. There will be an additional training on Thursday, Oct. 30, at 1:30 p.m. in the SME Library. The training will take approximately 30 minutes. Additional training dates/times will be posted on the SME homepage as they become available. PTA Reflections Contest PTA Reflections Art Contest Theme: "The world would be a better place if..." Enter in 6 categories!! Photography, Video, Music, Dance, Literature and Visual Arts! This is open TO ALL STUDENTS!! ALL STUDENTS! HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD THROUGH YOUR ART! Due Date Dec. 12, 2014! For more information, please visit artsineducation.cfm or Also, if you know any parents who LOVE art and want to volunteer- pass this on to them! We Still Need You to Join PTA! Either select and print the form or join online at 8 United for Support United to Support All In...for East! The following groups are essential to the success of Shawnee Mission East High School. They are committed to maintaining the academic and professional excellence that has made SME one of the finest high schools in the Nation. The SME All Sports Booster Club encourages you to consider supporting these organizations. Established in 1989, the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, promoted innovative and challenging teaching and learning in Shawnee Mission schools. SMEF stands with the community and district to maintain and strengthen the tradition of excellence in Shawnee Mission schools. The Foundation connects community philanthropy with our schools. In an environment where local control of school funding is restricted by state government, SMEF offers an opportunity for concerned citizens to support the shared community value of educational excellence. In other words, 100% of your gift stay in Shawnee Mission. For more information about SMEF or opportunities to give, please visit The SME PTA is committed to providing school-related information, pportunities, and benefits to the parents, students, and staff of Shawnee Mission East. SME PTA supports a variety of events and student activities, including the College Clinic, the After-Graduation party, and also provides Instructional Grants for innovative educators. For more information on joining and contributing to the SME PTA, please visit SHARE is a student-led, volunteer organization that annually oversees over 70 projects and events, including the blood drive, the Dodge Ball Tournament, the Garage Sale, and the Renovation Sensation Homes Tour. In addition to orchestrating various projects and events within our community, SHARE students volunteer with many of the Greater Kansas City charitable organizations. SHARE’s goal is to help start out students on a lifelong path of giving back to the community. Share is an affiliated fund of the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. For more information on SHARE, including ways to contribute, please visit The East Fund was founded by parents in 2003 and is dedicated to maintaining the integrity and quality of educational programming for students at Shawnee Mission East. The East Fund provides educational grants to SM East teachers and is committed to creating and supporting a school environment with high expectations and aspirations. The East Fund is an affiliated fund of the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. For more information, including ways to contribute, please visit PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD Application and Log of service hours NAME: ______________________________________________________________ NAME PREFERRED ON CERTIFICATE: ___________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________ AGE as of 4/1/2015: _____ GRADE: _____ TOTAL HOURS 4/1/14 – 3/31/15: ___________ LOG OF VOLUNTEER HOURS April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Date(s) Volunteer Service Description Organization / Contact Hours Please complete and return to the SHARE office (room 463) by April 1, 2015. Contact SHARE Director Krissie Wiggins, with questions. Feel free to attach additional pages of log hours if necessary.
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