
The Monthly Newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina
November 2014
Building up
the church
Grace’s Mission Team
has safely returned
from the Dominican
Republic after a trip
October 10-17. They
worked alongside other
Episcopalians on a long
-term project to build a
church in the community of Las Carreras.
See more photos and
read some reflections
from team members
on page 4.
“The Feast
of All Saints”
November 1
6:00-8:00 pm
New Associate Priest coming this month
Pie, barbecue,
and a fun night
with the family!
Hanahan Hall
The Reverend Caleb J. Lee will join Grace
Church as Associate Priest on November 17. He
introduces himself and his family in this letter for
Words of Grace.
ear Grace,
Allen, the children, and I are very
excited to become a part of the Grace
family. When we visited Grace this summer and entered into the sanctuary, I
knew that you would be a part of our
journey. Only God knows where we will
go together, but I wanted to take a moment to tell you a bit about myself and my
journey up until the part of it where we
walk it together.
I was born and raised in the Episcopal
Church doing all the things that children
and youth could do in the church: Sunday
school, VBS, choir, acolyte, and EYC. My
high school years were spent at Episcopal
High School in Alexandria, Virginia where
I was active in chapel, football, and musicals. I attended college at North Carolina
State University, where I spent two periods of time “abroad.” One was in St. Petersburg, Russia. The other was in New
York City. I met my wife, Allen, at NCSU
and we were married after graduation in
Gifts of
Fall fun
for children
The Reverend Caleb and Allen Lee and their
children Cabe, Hazel Rhett, and Isabel Lang.
September 2004. After our wedding, Allen and I began working with the youth at
St. James Parish in Wilmington, N.C. It
was there, through work with youth and
later, the full breadth of parish lay minisPlease see “New Priest” on page 3
November 2014
Nominations sought
for five Vestry seats
to be elected Feb. 1
ominations are being accepted
for candidates for three-year
terms on Grace’s Vestry. The deadline to
submit nominations is Monday, December 8.
Vestry members have committee assignments and are expected to be actively
involved in leadership. To be nominated,
a parishioner must be a confirmed communicant over age 18, regular in attending worship, and a financial contributor
to the church. The nominee should be
contacted and agree to serve before the
nomination is made. A nominating committee has been formed consisting of the
Rector, Wardens Jeremy Cook and Cece
Stricklin, Vestry Member Sue Cromwell,
former Warden Elsa McDowell and parishioner Liane Kerr.
Nomination forms are available Sundays on the Information Table in the
Atrium, and in the Church Office at 115
Wentworth St. during the week. You can
also download and print one online at
gracechurchcharleston.org (look under
“Resources” for “printable forms.”) The
election will be held at the Annual Parish
Meeting on Sunday, February 1, 2015.
Five Vestry members will complete
their terms in January: Matt Hastings,
Paula Keener, Jean McDowell, Steve
Skardon and Steve Ward.
G race
Published monthly by
Grace Episcopal Church
98 Wentworth Street, Charleston, SC 29401
Phone (843) 723-4575 • Fax (843) 722-0415
E-mail: wordsofgrace@gracecsc.org
Internet: gracechurchcharleston.org
Deadline for the December edition is
Friday, November 14
Words of Grace
Join Grace friends November 16
for a parishwide skating party
race’s very own DJ JAZ+ (the Reverend John Zahl) will be
spinning some tunes for us on Sunday, November 16 at
Hot Wheels Roller Skating Rink from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
This parishwide event was
such a hit last year that we’ve
been asked to bring it back
again... re-live the birthday parties of your youth (or make
some new ones, if you’re still a
youth)! For just $3 admission
per person, you’ll have roller
skating, great tunes, and the
promise of lots of smiles – plus
access to lots of junk food at the
concession stand. All ages are
welcome to come enjoy the atmosphere, even if you don’t
roller skate.
DJ JAZ+ at the 2013 skating party
Hot Wheels is located at 1523
Folly Road (not far past the Fort
Johnson Road intersection, on the right) on James Island. For
more information, contact Nancy Ezell Suggs at 723-4575 or nezellsuggs@gracesc.org.
New Priest
(Continued from page 1)
try, that I discerned a call to the priesthood. I even spent a year
as an interim campus minister at UNC Wilmington before entering seminary. We moved to Alexandria (me, for the second
time) with our son Cabe to attend Virginia Theological Seminary, where I earned my Masters of Divinity in 2012. My field
education site was St. Columba’s in Washington, D.C., a congregation similar to Grace in many ways and known for its ministry
with children.
I have served as Associate Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church in Beaufort, N.C. for the past 2 ½ years, sharing in all
the duties of the ordained ministry with particular focus on children, youth, and families. Our average Sunday attendance is 180.
I was called to Grace for several reasons, but a primary one was
to serve, grow, and learn in a wholly different context. I am also
very excited about being in The Episcopal Church in South
Carolina at such a time in its history.
In my few spare moments, I enjoy time with my wife and
three children, playing the guitar, wetting a line, sitting in a deer
stand, and cooking; all of which naturally bleed over into my full
time passion: being a priest in God’s church.
I speak for Allen, Cabe, Rhett, and Izzy when I enthusiastically say to my new church family, “We are excited about the
journey with Grace.”
See you soon,
Caleb +
Words of Grace
November 2014
Holiday giving with meaning: The Gifts of Hope Fair
our holiday gift can be a beautiful
way of remembering and honoring
someone special on your shopping list by
making a donation in his or her name to an
organization that directly helps someone in
Your contributions to the outreach organizations at the Gift of Hope Fair on
November 16 will be used in many meaningful ways to benefit others. Here are a few:
• Send a child to school with new clothes, breakfast
and school supplies.
• Empower children and adults who are blind to lead
independent lives.
• Provide education and an insecticide-treated mosquito net to help a family in another country prevent
• Contribute to gifts given to hundreds of seafarers
who are visiting Charleston and are far from home
around Christmas.
• Support the development of healthy babies and
competent parenting skills for low-income
pregnant girls and young women.
• Help provide pastoral care and counseling for families during crisis and emergencies.
Eight outreach organizations will be in
Hanahan Hall on November 16 with information about their programs: Association
for the Blind & Visually Impaired,
Charleston Port & Seafarers’ Society, Coastal Crisis
Chaplaincy, Episcopal Relief & Development , Families Helping Families: The Palmetto Project, Florence
Crittenton, One80 Place (formerly Crisis Ministries),
and Special Olympics.
. When you make contributions, you will receive Gift
of Hope cards and envelopes that you will fill out and
send to people on your list to let them know of the
Gift of Hope in their honor on in someone’s memory.
Please bring cash and checks. For more information,
email Anne Janas at annejanas@me.com.
From the Rector: Music at Grace Church
want to take this opportunity to say a very
big thank-you to all who have helped with
the music program at Grace Church over the
past few months. As many of you know, our
Organist, Dr. Scott Bennett, has been recovering from a series of surgeries and will need time
to continue to heal during the next three
months. With that in mind, we have arranged a
continued medical leave for Scott until midJanuary 2015. This will ensure that he will have
the time he needs before returning to his responsibilities as Organist and Master of the Music.
I am particularly grateful to those who are helping to
bridge this gap in leadership within our music ministry
at Grace. We owe a large debt of gratitude to Terry
Ritchen, Jodi Bennett, Lee Kohlenberg, and Dr.
Murray Somerville. As we move forward into the busy
season ahead, I am pleased to announce that Dr.
Somerville has agreed to serve as Interim Director of
Music until Scott’s return in January. I am grateful for
his leadership alongside all those who will serve as parish musicians during this period in parish life.
I ask for your continued prayers for Scott’s full recovery along with your encouragement and ongoing
support for all of who will continue to make music in
this special place.
The Rev’d Canon J. Michael A. Wright, Rector
Dr. Murray Forbes Somerville has spent a
lifetime in church music, beginning as a boy
chorister in London. He was organ accompanist to his high school choir in Rhodesia in
Africa, and studied in Munich and Oxford as
Organ Scholar at New College; he received
his doctorate from New England Conservatory in Boston. He has served churches in
Connecticut, Florida and Tennessee, and
founded the Orlando Deanery Boychoir at the
Cathedral of St. Luke in Orlando.
During his 13-year tenure as University Organist and
Choirmaster at Harvard, he was Founding Conductor
of the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra. Named
an Associate of Britain’s Royal School of Church Music, he has led RSCM courses in many parts of the US,
including the first Charleston RSCM course in 1980.
He has presented organ recitals on three continents,
including performances at Westminster Abbey and St.
Paul’s Cathedral in London. In 2013 he performed in
London’s Southwark Cathedral, King’s College Chapel
in Cambridge, and at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in
Charleston. He has recorded many critically acclaimed
CDs as organist and choral conductor.
Dr. Somerville visited Grace in February to lead
workshops for Grace’s choirs, and he was visiting conductor for a special Choral Evensong in May that featured works of American composers.
November 2014
Words of Grace
Mission team shares photos, reflections on trip
Grace sent a mission team to the Dominican Republic October 10-17 to the Church of The Holy Spirit in Las Carreras
to work alongside a team from St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church
of Albany, Georgia, on building a new church. Team members
are Lynn Barber and Aprill Dawson, co-leaders; Janet
Anderson, JJ Anderson, Peter Fritts, Mac Magee, Jan
Routledge, Dave Priest, Mike Todd, and Anna Todd. The
following are a few of the daily reflections written during the
Saturday October 12
e have made it to our destination. As much
as I would like to say that it’s been a long
arduous journey, the reality is that it hasn’t been at
all. Our flights departed and arrived on time; there
were minor moments of panic when we thought two
members of our group were listed to fly on standby
but ended up with seats like the rest of the group.
The missionary from the Diocese of the Dominican
Republic was at the airport waiting for us with our
transportation; we grabbed a snack of freshly prepared fried chicken before riding the hour and a half
to the hotel. The hotel staff were extremely courteous and happy to welcome us upon arrival. The
check-in process was handled effortlessly, and we
were presented with a fruit-infused glass of refreshing juice. Is this a mission trip? Of course, but who
are the servers and who is receiving the gift of selfless service? At this point it very well appears that
our roles have been reversed. We traveled to this
country with the mindset of going to help build an
edifice, bring items for individuals less fortunate than
ourselves, and to build lasting relationships with
members of the congregation that we have come to
serve. I believe the time will come for that, however
God has provided us with the opportunity to come
in from our arduous journey and to have our feet
washed prior to washing the feet of others.
“When he had washed their feet and put on his
outer garments and resumed his place, he said to
them, “Do you understand what I have done to you?
You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for
so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have
washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
Aprill Dawson
Saturday October 12
Gracious God, continue your good work through
us your children. What a wonderful start to our journey to The Dominican Republic and our work with
the parish of The Holy Spirit in Las Carerras. Our
group of 10 parishioners will continue the work of
building a church for this community to worship and
to gather as a parish. It was a great day!
Lynn Barber
Monday, October 13
I was sitting in the Thursday Bible study this past
week with the Reverend John Zahl, and we are studying the first chapter of Second Corinthians. Towards
Words of Grace
November 2014
Pledge cards now available
t’s time for the church to lay plans for our
worship, outreach, music, education, and
fellowship in 2015. Please join in this process by
returning a pledge of support for 2015 Stewardship! By taking the time to reflect on what you
anticipate being able to give to the church in the
upcoming year, you are helping Grace’s leaders
as they make decisions about what can happen in
2015! So in thanksgiving for all that you experience and appreciate about Grace, we hope you
will consider making a financial commitment for
the church’s future, in a way most suitable for
your household. All pledge amounts are kept
confidential and can be amended at any time by
contacting the church office.
To make a pledge, you may either return a paper pledge form, found on the Information Tables located in the Atrium and Hanahan Hall, or
visit gracechurchcharleston.org, under the
“Giving” section, to fill out and submit the form
DR trip
(Continued from page 4)
the end St. Paul is explaining to the Corinthian
Church that what he preached is not ambiguous (yes
and no). God through his son Jesus is saying yes,
yes. We are known, and we are loved; no strings attached, no exceptions, no rules, cannot earn it, cannot buy it, or deceive for it.
The Sunday before the mission team left, Callie
and Michael blessed the mission team, and stated
that it is about relationships. When we realize that
we are loved in spite of who we really are, by God
through Jesus, something counterintuitive happens. We can love others because we were first
We passed the peace during Sunday worship at St.
George’s Church in Azua, Dominican Republic and
St. Paul’s words came alive for us.
Mac Magee
Guest preacher for stewardship
The Rev. Dr. Dan Matthews, left, greets people after the 11:00
a.m. service at Grace. He was the guest preacher on October 19,
the opening day of our 2015 Stewardship Campaign. You can
hear a recording of Dr. Matthews’ sermon on our website at
gracechurchcharleston.org. Click on “Resources” and
“Downloads” to find it.
‘Feast’ for All Saints Day
us on November 1 from 6:00-8:00 pm. for a
J oin
barbecue dinner and pie sale in Hanahan Hall!
Our pies are not to be missed:
All are home baked by our own
parishioners. You can purchase
the whole pie or just a slice for
dessert after dinner.
Jeff Webb is our resident barbecue chef, and we have a
group of volunteers who have
donated and put this event together. There will be slaw, macaroni and cheese, and
hot dogs, too. We hope everyone will join us at the
church for a social gathering and All Saints celebration.
Morning Eucharists in November
race will observe All Saints’ Day on Saturday,
November 1 with Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m.
in the Bishop Guerry Chapel. This continues Grace’s
practice of remembering saints’ days and major holy
days with a morning Eucharist.
On Tuesday, November 4, there will be a morning
Eucharist at 8:00 for the Feast of All Faithful Departed (All Souls), transferred from November 3.
Words of Grace
November 2014
Training to protect children and youth
Grace staff members gathered in the Meadowcroft Room on October 8 for a two-hour “Stewards of Children” training program
offered by Darkness To Light, aimed at awareness and prevention of child sexual abuse. The training is required at least every
three years for staff, and is also given to volunteers who work with children and youth. Grace makes D2L training available several times a year; for more information contact Julie Walters, Director of Children’s Ministries, at (843) 723-4575 or childrensministries@gracesc.org.
Gifts of Grace:
Shop for holidays,
special occasions
ifts of Grace has officially been
added as Charleston’s Episcopal
Bookstore by the Episcopal Booksellers
Association. As a member of this National organization the bookstore is able
to provide an array of Episcopal merchandise as well as numerous book and
giftware items that glorify God and the
Church in our community. Stop by our
book and gift shop, located just outside
Hanahan Hall, on Sundays from 9:00 a.m.
until after 1:00 p.m., and on Wednesdays
from 4:30-8:00 p.m. Proceeds from the
sales in Gifts of Grace are directed to
Grace’s Capital Campaign.
Little School ornament: Looking for a
unique Christmas tree ornament that you
can make at home? This
is a special ornament
designed by Ginger
Donehue just for the
Little School. It would
make a great gift or
small project for yourself. The kit is available
exclusively at our bookstore, Gifts of
Grace, for $40.
Fall fun for kids at Grace
From the Director of Children’s Ministries
Julie Walters
hildren’s Ministries has been busy planning events. The
Blessing of the Costumes was a great success. See the
photos online! We have been making plans for another trick-ortreating event at Bishop Gadsden: this year’s promised to be the
best ever as our visit included the apartments and cottages following our visit to Myers Hall. It’s a great safe event for everyone.
In Sunday School we have been learning about our Bible All
Stars. We have learned about Cyrus, Aaron, Moses, Miriam, and
John the Baptist and we have spent two weeks on the Ten
Commandments. We will continue down our all-star path
throughout the year. Don’t forget to collect your All- Star Cards
with every person we learn about. Third grade is a gregarious
group that is finding the Bible had plenty of heroic and noble
stories, along with stories about several slimy villains. Thank you
to Emily Guerry for her expertise in this area.
VBS: Save the dates! June 22-26 will be our Vacation Bible
School week at Grace for 2015.
Parents’ Night Out is a monthly date night for parents offered by Grace Church with two hours of free child care at the
church. Watch the bulletin for dates and sign up early, as we often have 30 children in attendance. Parents often go out in
groups or just enjoy some time as a couple on these Friday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Words of Grace
New to Grace? Drop in November 6
re you new to Grace Church? One dynamic about Grace
Church is that we love to gather! So if you are new to the
church, or even if you have been here awhile and simply enjoy
meeting others, join us for a casual drop-in on Thursday, November 6, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. This will be a time to stop by after
work and meet members of the clergy, vestry, and other lay leaders, all while enjoying a “nibble and a sip.” The nursery will be
open for our tiniest newcomers. Weather permitting, we’ll gather
in the Garden; otherwise, we’ll move indoors. Please RSVP to the
church office at (843) 723-4575 or nezellsuggs@gracesc.org.
Replacing prayer books and hymnals
n October, more than 100 prayer books and nearly 20 hymnals were dedicated and placed in the pews as memorials
and gifts of thanksgiving in honor of loved ones. Thank you to
all who have responded to the call to replace some of the wornout books in our pews at Grace.
This is a wonderful way to make a real contribution to our
worship at Grace. If you would like to place a prayer book or
hymnal in memory or honor of a loved one, drop by Gifts of
Grace and talk to Jan Bolger. She will be glad to take your information. When we accumulate a number of new volumes, we will
dedicate them on an upcoming Sunday. Or call Emily Guerry at
the Church Office, 723-4575.
Learning about our columbarium
ince 1999, Grace Church has had a bell tower which also
serves as a columbarium, a final resting place for cremated
remains for those who would like to be interred on the church
grounds. The bells and the garden setting of the columbarium
provide both times of lively activity and peaceful, meditative
All three walls of the columbarium’s interior are filled with
burial niches, as is the exterior west wall. The 10-inch niches are
suitable for the interment of one or two sets of cremated remains. Each niche is engraved with the owner’s name and dates
of birth and death. About 300 niches still remain unsold, and
the cost is $3,000. Engraving costs $500. Niches may be purchased at any time, and may be engraved ahead of time or not,
as the owners choose.
If you would like information about purchasing a niche in
Grace’s columbarium, please contact Emily Guerry at (843) 7234575 or eguerry@gracesc.org.
Carolina Grace is online
arolina Grace, a journal of reflections from Episcopalians
in South Carolina, is returning, with a new issue planned
for later this fall. Meanwhile, visit www.carolinagracesc.org, to
explore earlier issues of Carolina Grace. You can also sign up
there to receive an email once a week with an entry from Carolina Grace, delivered automatically to your inbox. You’ll find
these emails a marvellous addition to your own personal time of
prayer and meditation and reflection.
November 2014
A prayer for you
part of God’s creation are the
micro organisms that cause serious problems for us when they reside
in the human body. In the last few
centuries, medical science, with God’s
help, has learned how to treat the
symptoms these organisms cause and,
through research, drug therapies have
been developed that can rid the body
of some of these sometimes deadly
organisms. But as we are learning in
recent weeks we still have much to
learn about these tiny creatures and
our physical response to them. And,
with God’s help, we are learning again
how to take care of each other when
nature seems to have the upper hand.
Please be aware that flu vaccines are
again available and be sure you and
your loved ones are protected. I offer
the included prayer as we remember
the sick and those who care for them.
Collect For the Sick
Heavenly Father, giver of life and
health: Comfort and relieve your sick
servants, and give your power of healing to those who minister to their
needs, that those (N) for whom our
prayers are offered may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
(BCP page 260)
Jean Bender
Lay Pastoral Assistant
The Grace Book Club
race’s Book Club has had two
meetings this fall and we have had
a great turnout. So many new books are
out, and we have fun discussing whatever
people are reading in addition to a chosen
title for the group. Our next book is All
The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. If you want to join us just for a book
suggestion or for our social gatherings,
please let Julie know at jwalters@gracesc.org.
Grace Church Calendar
All Saints
Time change
2:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:10 am
11:00 am
Turn clocks back 1 hour: Eastern Standard Time returns
Holy Eucharist
BAPTISMAL Eucharist, St. Gregory Chamber Choir
Christian Education & Coffee Hour
Choral Eucharist, St. Gregory Choir;
Confirmation with Bishop Buchanan
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
5:30-7:30 pm St. Nicholas Choirs
6:00-8:30 EfM, Meadowcroft
5:00-7:00 EYC Youth Group
7:00 pm FOB, Meadowcroft
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Veterans Day Observance
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:10 am
11:00 am
Holy Eucharist
Family Eucharist, St. Nicholas Choir, Juniors, St. Ceciia Choir
Christian Education & Coffee Hour
Choral Mattins, St. Gregory Choir
5:00-7:00 EYC Youth Group
7:00 pm FOB, Meadowcroft
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Family Eucharist, St. Nicholas Choir
Christian Education & Coffee Hour & Gifts of Hope Fair
Choral Eucharist, St. Gregory Choir
Guest preacher: Bishop James Tengatenga
5:30-7:30 pm Parishwide Roller Disco at Hot Wheels, James Island
7:00 pm FOB, Meadowcroft
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:10 am
11:00 am
7:00 pm
ERD Fifth Sunday
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am Family Eucharist, Parish Choir
10:10 am Christian Education & Coffee Hour
11:00 am Choral Eucharist, St. Gregory Choir
5:00-7:00 EYC Youth Group
7:00 pm Advent Lessons & Carols
7:00 pm FOB, Meadowcroft
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
5:30-7:30 pm St. Nicholas Choirs
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
5:30-7:30 pm St. Nicholas Choirs
6:00-8:30 EfM, Meadowcroft
Holy Eucharist
Family Eucharist, St. Nicholas Choir
Christian Education & Coffee Hour
Choral Eucharist, St. Gregory Choir
EYC Youth Group
FOB, Meadowcroft
First Sunday of Advent
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:10 am
11:00 am
Christ the King
6:00-8:30 EfM, Meadowcroft
GIFTS OF HOPE FAIR in Hanahan Hall
Last Sunday after Pentecost
Veterans Day
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
5:30-7:30 pm St. Nicholas Choirs
6:00-8:30 EfM, Meadowcroft
7:00 am Bible Study
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:15-10:15 am LS Chapel
10:30 am Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Vestry meeting
7:00 pm Charleston Canterbury
7:00 am Bible Study
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:15-10:15 am LS Chapel
10:30 am Bible Study
Time Change tonight!
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
10:00 am Baptism prep
6:00-8:00 pm: Feast of
All Saints dinner/event
Words of Grace Deadline
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
8:30 a.m. Finance Committee
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
Thanksgiving Day
Church Office Closed
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
12:30 pm Third Thursday
Little School Thanksgiving Break
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
10:00 am Staff meeting
4:00 pm Wedding
5:00 pm Wedding rehearsal
Little School Thanksgiving Break
Church Office Closed
10:00 am Thanksgiving Day
Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Holy Eucharist
Advent & Christmas dates to remember
November 30
December 2
December 7
December 10
December 21
December 24
December 25
All Saints Day
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:00-9:30 am LS Chapel
10:00 am Staff meeting
12:00 pm Barnabas Group Chapel
4:30-8:00 Gifts of Grace open
5:00 pm St. Cecilia Choir
5:30 pm Holy Eucharist
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Program: ‘David & Goliath’
6:30 pm St. Gregory Choir rehearsal
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
6:00-8:00 pm Tower Bells
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
10:00-12:00 Journey Group
9:00-12:00 Lobster sale
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:00-9:30 am LS Chapel
10:00 am Staff meeting
4:30-8:00 Gifts of Grace open
5:00 pm St. Cecilia Choir
5:30 pm Holy Eucharist
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Program: ‘David & Goliath’
6:30 pm St. Gregory Choir rehearsal
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
6:00-8:00 pm Tower Bells
7:00 pm Charleston Canterbury
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
10:00-12:00 Journey Group
7:00 am Bible Study
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:15-10:15 am LS Chapel
10:30 am Bible Study
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
5:30-7:00 pm Newcomers
12:00 pm Barnabas Group Chapel
4:30-8:00 Gifts of Grace open
5:00 pm St. Cecilia Choir
5:30 pm Holy Eucharist
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Program: ‘David & Goliath’
6:30 pm St. Gregory Choir rehearsal
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
6:00-8:00 pm Tower Bells
7:00 pm Charleston Canterbury
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
9:00-9:30 am LS Chapel
10:00 am Staff meeting
5:00-5:15 pm Evening Prayer
6:00-8:00 pm Tower Bells
7:00 pm Charleston Canterbury
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
10:00-12:00 Journey Group
November 2014
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
(All Souls, Transferred)
10:00-12:00 Journey Group
8:00-8:15 am Morning Prayer
Words of Grace
November 2014
Advent Lessons & Carols, 7:00 p.m., St. Gregory Choir & St. Nicholas Choir
Holy Eucharist for the Feast of St. Andrew, 8:00 a.m.
Lessons & Carols at Bishop Gadsden, 4:00 p.m., St. Gregory Choir
Blue Christmas: A Service of Remembrance and Hope, 5:30 p.m., St. Nicholas Choir
Family Eucharist & Christmas Pageant, 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Lessons & Carols, 7:00 p.m., St. Gregory Choir & St. Nicholas Choir
4:00 Family Eucharist; 6:00 Holy Eucharist; 8:00 Holy Eucharist; 11:00 Choral Eucharist
10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Holy Eucharist
November 2014
Words of Grace
Wentworth Society
event on Nov. 13
honors those with
planned gifts
Fun with Foyers
Fall Foyer Groups got started in October, with 112 people signed up to participate this fall! Foyer Groups give participants a chance to spend some
relaxed time enjoying each other’s company, gathering in groups of about
eight people to get to know one another better over a meal. The next round
of sign-ups for the spring rotation will happen in January. Are you part of a
Foyer Group? Please take a photo of your next event (like this one that was
snapped by the Rev. John Zahl on his phone) and send it to Nancy Ezell
Suggs at nezellsuggs@gracesc.org.
Diocesan Convention this month
he 224th Annual Convention of The Episcopal Church in
South Carolina will meet in Charleston November 14-15.
The opening Eucharist and Convention business will take place
at at the Church of the Holy Communion, 218 Ashley Ave.
On Friday, Convention workshops will be held
at Calvary Episcopal Church on Line Street; several Grace members will be attending. Our clergy
delegates to Convention are our Rector, Vicar
and Associate Priest. The lay delegates, who were
elected at the Annual Parish Meeting in February,
are our Wardens Jeremy Cook and Cece Stricklin,
along with Jim Hutchisson and Lester Pittman; alternates are
Cornelia Pelzer and Lynn Hopkins.
Visit episcopalchurchsc.org online for more about this event.
Updates during Convention will be posted there, as well as on
Facebook: facebook.com/episcopalchurchsc; and Twitter:
@TECinSC. For convention tweets, the hashtag is #SC224.
A Prayer for Convention: Almighty and everliving God,
source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those
who take counsel in the Convention of The Episcopal Church
in South Carolina for the renewal and mission of your Church.
Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide
us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to
pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen. (BCP page 818)
he Planned Giving Committee of
Grace Church will host a gathering
of The Wentworth Society on Thursday,
November 13. This event will honor parishioners whose estate planning includes
a gift to Grace Church.
The Wentworth Society is a group established to honor those who seek to continue the vision and ministry of Grace
Church for generations to come.
If you have made provisions for Grace
in your estate plan, please let us know so
that we may include you in the Wentworth Society gathering November 13,
and in future events. Contact Nancy Ezell
Suggs at nezellsuggs@gracesc.org or (843)
If you are interested in learning more
about making a planned gift to Grace,
please contact Nancy, who can provide
further details and provide a copy of
Grace’s Lasting Legacy Guide.
Online tools let you
manage your giving
id you know that you can set up
recurring gifts to the church by
using either your debit or credit
card? More and more parishioners enjoy
the ability to choose an interval for automatic drafts on their checking account. Whether it’s $25 every two weeks,
or $2,500 every month, or $25,000 once a
year, the church office now offers software that allows parishioners to control
their own payment options, including the
ability to cancel or amend this draft any
time. To explore these options, consider
logging into AccessACS by finding the
icon on the church’s web page and then
visiting the “Giving” section found along
the top. For questions about this handy
feature, please contact Nancy Ezell Suggs
at (843) 723-4575 or nezellsuggs@gracesc.org.
Words of Grace
November 2014
Blessing animals
Grace Church was filled with the happy sounds of children singing, friends visiting and
dogs barking, along with some quieter animal noises, during the annual Blessing of
the Animals on October 5. Thanks to donations at the service, Grace’s EYC youth collected $92 in cash donations and a big pile of pet supplies for Pet Helpers, a local nokill animal shelter.
Blessing costumes
On October 26, children wearing Halloween costumes (along with some adults) were welcomed
into the church at the 9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist for the annual Blessing of the Costumes. It’s a
time to enjoy the fun of the holiday and offer prayers and thanks for a safe and fun Halloween.
November 2014
Words of Grace
Tea Room grants
0rganizations that received grants from the
Tea Room this year sent representatives to the
11:00 a.m. service on October 12 for presentations of checks totaling $60,000, the result of
the fundraising done by our Tea Room and
Church Mouse Boutique.
On that Sunday and through the following
week, Mary B’s Book Sale was held in
Hanahan Hall. This sale involved books from
the extensive library of Grace member Mary B
Wilson, who died in 2013. The sale raised
about $2,100 to go into the 2015 Tea Room
funds for outreach.
Mark your calendars for May 25-June 5 and
make plans to be part of Tea Room 2015!
Two-for-one lunch at November’s Third Thursday!
he Men of Grace celebrated our own culinary
version of Oktoberfest by welcoming fellow
Grace member Gene Horne as the speaker for the
Third Thursday Luncheon in October. He gave a
most interesting, informative and engaging talk on
the history of insurance and asset protection.
In November, we have decided to make an intentional departure from our normal speaker/lunch format. Since it is the season for giving thanks, The
Men of Grace wanted to invite everyone to our inaugural “nonevent.” We will be serving up a traditional
Thanksgiving meal as only men can prepare, on a
two-for-one basis. So bring your friends, significant
others or whomever you please and get two lunches
for the price of one ($10.00). Additionally, as a
“nonevent” there will be no speaker but we will have
an open mic if anyone cares to speak.
Come for the fellowship, the great lunch bargain,
and learn who we have lined up as speakers for the
first quarter of 2015.
As always, please call Bunny in the church office
to make your reservation (723-4575). This event is
open to everyone, regardless of gender or religious
We look forward to seeing you on the 20th.
His Grace to You,
Words of Grace
November 2014
Service Participants Schedule
Please check this schedule and mark your calendar!
Get email reminders: sign up at gracechurchcharleston.org or email hbehre@gracesc.org
If you cannot serve, please find a substitute and contact the church office at 723-4575 or bmartin@gracesc.org
November 2
8:00 Carl Millford
9:00 Jay Hart, Capt.
Craig Lake
Billy Shuman
Brian Wells
Ty Babb
John Catlette
Bernie Ditter, Capt.
Eva Arizmendi
Frank Foley
Audrey Foley
Mac McTeer
Robert Freer
Nov. 5
November 9
8:00 Phil Cotton
9:00 Gilly Dotterer,
Tally DaPore
Laura Williams
Bob Williams
Neal Tonks
Gene Whitley, Capt.
Ben McGuckin, Sr.
Bill Kendrick
Terry Newman
Lynn Pagliaro
Bill Trawick
Nov. 12
Bill Flint
November 16
8:00 Reece Williams
9:00 Barry Gumb,
Bobby Morrow
Al Schweickhardt
Andy Shook
William Sharbrough
John Hartman, Capt.
John Ciccarelli
Scott Fitkin
Richard Futch
Ward Lassoe
Peter Fritts
November 23
Nov. 19
8:00 Perry Leazer
MacDonald Ian MacDonald, Capt.
Margaret MacDonald
Tim Tipton
Brooke Minick
Ben Fanning
John Kammeyer, Capt.
Bill Flint
Carl Millford
Jerry Poer
Peggy Mauldin
Rachel Lindsay
9:00 Kenny Inman
& Debby Bender
11:00 Eric Richey &
Melinda Nicholson
9:00 Anthony Viciana
& Candace Collins
11:00 Eva Arizmendi
& Bernie Ditter
9:00 Bob &
Anne Norton
11:00 Clara Heinsohn
& Christy Loftin
9:00 Chuck &
Kieran Kramer
Eva Arizmendi &
Bernie Ditter
8:00 Bob Reinhold 5:30
9:00 Jean Bender Eric
11:00 Nancy Ezell- Richey
Suggs, Nancy Jordan
8:00 Bonnie Leazer 5:30
9:00 Molly Hamilton Lynn
11:00 Philip Powell, Pagliaro
Rachel Lindsay
8:00 Greg Garvan
9:00 Kieran Kramer Jim
11:00 Carl Millford, Callahan
Jim Callahan
8:00 Bob Reinhold
9:00 Jae Williams
11:00 Jean Norman,
Bob Fell
8:00 Carrie Powell 5:30
9:00 Michelle Swain Jean
11:00 Lester Pittman Bender
8:00 David Moore
9:00 Gilly Dotterer
11:00 Mary Notari
8:00 Dan Lesesne
9:00 Ann Cotton
11:00 Marion von
8:00 Bonnie Leazer
9:00 Audrey Foley
11:00 Nancy Jordan
8:00 Bob Reinhold
9:00 Ed Royall
Collin Kerr,
Sam Hutchisson,
Helen Britton
Ian MacDonald
Barbara Mann
Paula Keener
Patrick & Caroline
Harmon & Joyce
Fern Tuten &
Caroline Thibault
8:00 Bonnie Leazer
9:00 Audrey Foley,
Emily Cook,
Kathryn Hart,
Dan Lesesne
11:00 Peggy Mauldin
Suzanne Richardson
Mac McTeer
Dale Tasker
8:00 Dan Lesesne
9:00 Campbell Babb,
Wilbert Suggs,
Jamie Kerr,
Gilly Dotterer
11:00 Jean Bender
Jerry Poer
Sheila Christie
Nancy Barutio
8:00 Bob Reinhold
9:00 Edward Royall
Andy Shook
Bruce DuRant
Trish Ward
11:00 Peggy Mauldin
Suzanne Richardson
Mac McTeer
Dale Tasker
Mark Clair
Mark & Becky Joye
Robert Freer & Jean
Traylor Rucker &
Ann Hurd Thomas
John & Margie
Caroline Baarcke &
Joya Baker
Kady McMurray &
Paula Keener
Kenny Inman & Ann
Ben & Dot McGuckin
Gina Kozek & Christy
Coffee hosts needed
Coffee hosts needed
9:00 Caroline &
Patrick Brown
Additional hosts needed
11:00 Coffee hosts needed
9:00 Coffee hosts needed
11:00 Eva Arizmendi
& Bernie Ditter
Additional hosts needed
Leigh & Kenneth
Additional hosts needed
11:00 Coffee hosts needed
Cece Stricklin
Tami Andrews
Kay Fitkin
Ginger Donehue
Words of Grace
November 2014
Looking for a substitute?
Our new church software, AccessACS, lets you look up the names and email addresses of your fellow Service Participants,
or send an email to the whole group, when you need to find someone to switch with. Visit gracechurchcharleston.org for details.
Nov. 26 Nov. 27
Dec. 3
December 7
8:00 Peter Fritts
Tommy Carl Millford 9:00
Bill Flint
Andy Anderson,
Bill Hanahan
Steve Ray, Sr.
Andrew Smith
Edward Royall
Chuck Kramer
Jim Callahan, Capt.
Ed Ritchen
Robert Freer
Richard Futch
Gene Whitley
Jean McDowell
9:00 Lee &
Ashley McLoud
Phil & Mary Bradley
8:00 Greg Garvan
John Kammeyer,
Rick Ashman
Wade Boatwright
Bruce DuRant
Doug Gepford
Amy McCandless
David Mann, Capt.
Pete Brown
Eleanor Horres
Barbara Mann
Shay Tompkins
Bill Beak
9:00 Patrick &
Caroline Brown
11:00 Gary & Dale
8:00 Carrie Powell 5:30
Anne O. David Moore 9:00 Ian MacDonald Holly
11:00 Clara
John Schroeder
8:00 Carl Millford
9:00 Audrey Foley
11:00 Jae Williams,
Sheila Christie
Intercessors 5:30
November 30
Mac Magee
8:00 Jean Bender
9:00 Caroline
11:00 Sally
8:00 Jean Bender
9:00 Bob Reinhold
Moore, Peggy Devon Hanahan
Ian MacDonald
11:00 Karen Bostick
Ward Lassoe
Lynn Pagliaro
Anne O. Kilpatrick
Dec. 10
December 14
Dec. 17
8:00 Phil Cotton
Ansel Kay, Capt.
Travis Kay
Jamie Kerr
Truett Nettles
David Royall
Bob Williams
Harmon Person,
Spike Kittrell
Kady McMurray
Gary Tasker
Carl Millford
Carl Millford
9:00 Barry &
Beverly Gumb
11:00 Marian Greely
& Darrell Olson
8:00 Sonya Lunde
9:00 Tony Alberg
11:00 Jean Wade,
Vista Grayson
Emily Guerry
8:00 Dan Lesesne 5:30
9:00 Ben Fanning TBA
11:00 Lester Pittman
8:00 Emily Guerry 5:30
9:00 Andy Anderson Trish Ward
11:00 Greg Garvan
8:00 Dan Lesesne
9:00 Bill Hanahan
Vicki Kammeyer
Mac Magee
Tally DaPore
11:00 Jim Callahan
Phil Bradley
Wayne King
Elsa McDowell
8:00 Emily Guerry 5:30
9:00 Pat Cook
Emily Guerry,
Laura Williams
Trish Ward
Jimmy Streetman
Mark Clair
11:00 Barbara Mann
David Mann
Kathryn Behling
Audrey Foley
Amy McCandless &
Rebecca Kay
Bernie Ditter & Eva
Carl Millford &
Peggy Mauldin
Christy Loftin,
Additional hosts needed
Coffee hosts needed
Rich & Anne
John & Susan
Carolyn Yarbrough
& Becky Beaman
Katherine & Bill
Additional hosts needed
Phyllis Jestice,
Additional hosts needed
Audrey Foley
Richard Futch
Mac Magee,
Chuck & Kieran
Beth Kiger & Terry
Wally Briedis & Hatsy
Caroline & Patrick
Amy & Chris
Additional hosts needed
John Willson &
David Porter
Jim Callahan
Words of Grace
November 2014
Got a better photo? Change yours!
s your photo in the church directory out-of-date? Is it time
to add one or change the one currently on file? If you’re
computer-savvy, you can do this yourself by logging into the
church’s online software, AccessACS – the link is found on the
website, gracechurchcharleston.org.
Once you’ve logged in, “Home” from the top left, then “My
Profile,” and then “edit” on the right hand side. This will allow
you to upload both an individual photo as well as a picture of
your household. (If computers aren’t your thing, contact the
Church Office for assistance.)
If you would like a printed copy of the current photo directory, or assistance with setting-up the smartphone “app,” contact Nancy Ezell Suggs in the church office, 723-4575 or nezellsuggs@gracesc.org.
Sign up for Grace To You emails
re you signed up for Grace To You, the parish email newsletter? This appears about once a week and includes updates on Grace activities and a reminder for those who are serving as lectors, ushers, etc. This mailing list is also the way we
contact people when there’s important news (weather alerts,
etc.). You can sign up at gracechurchcharleston.org, or email
Holly Behre at hbehre@gracesc.org.
PeaceWork begins anew
eaceWork was originally started in
2007 as a way for Grace’s knitters
and crocheters to come together in community to create 9-inch squares to be
stitched into afghan throws that were
given to people identified by clergy who
might find them comforting.
This ministry hasn’t been active for a
while, but recently some people have
expressed an interest in getting it going
If you would like to learn more about
PeaceWork, please contact Sandy Goodwin atgoodwin532@gmail.com.
From the Parish Register
William Thomas Lennon
Tom and Lauren Lennon
Liam James Fagan
Lila Wall Yarborough
Robert Perry King, IV
Peter Michael McCoy, III
Kneeler of the Month
Anchor: A ship’s anchor and rope,
symbol of seafarers and the Grace of
the Lord. From Psalm 107:23, “They
that go down to the sea in ships, and
occupy their business in great waters.”
Dedicated to “they that go down to
the sea in ships.” Stitched by Anne
Donehue Hall and Virginia Kirkland
Martha Thomas Rudisill
Transferred in
Ralph Robinson Black
Jennifer Moore Black
Charlotte Roselyn Black
Charles Black
Henry Whitaker Black
Holy Cross, Sullivan’s Island
Emma Ball
St. Michael’s, Charleston
Julia (Bambi) Downs
St. Michael’s, Charleston
Keenan Daly Friend
Kathryn Stoneburner
and Matthew Schmidt
Ethan Ayman Downs
Ashley Bourland
and Colin Regan
St. John’s, Johns Island
Transferred out
George Walter
Gailya Walter
The Episcopal Church on Edisto
Jacquelyn Johnson Culbreath
Five Forks Baptist Church,
St. Michael’s, Charleston
St. Michael’s, Charleston
Karl Gruber
Dr. William B. Crymes
Lynn H. (Freddie) Crymes
St. James, James Island
Crystal Kornickey
St. Michael’s, Charleston
Jeanne B. Clever
St. Luke’s, Birmingham, Alabama
John West
Ginger West
Trinity, Covington, Kentucky
November 2014
Grace Episcopal Church
98 Wentworth Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401
Words of Grace
Words of Grace
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 1255
Charleston, SC
November 2014
Bishop Tengatenga to visit Nov. 16
Bishop James Tengatenga, right, with
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby at a
recent meeting in London. The School of Theology at Sewanee posted this photo on its
Twitter feed in October.
race is delighted to welcome a distinguished leader of the Anglican Communion, the Right Reverend James Tengatenga, as
guest preacher at the 11:00 a.m. service on November 16.
Bishop Tengatenga is visiting Charleston for the 224th Annual Diocesan Convention of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, and
also will be the preacher for the Convention Eucharist on November
14 at Church of the Holy Communion.
Bishop Tengatenga is the Chairman of the Anglican Consultative
Council, one of the four “Instruments of Communion” that serve the
worldwide family of Anglican/Episcopal churches. He served as
bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi in southeastern
Africa from 1998-2013.
In May, he was appointed as Distinguished Visiting Professor of
Global Anglicanism at Sewanee: The University of the South in Tennessee, where he teaches courses in missiology, contemporary global
Anglicanism, and related subjects.
He has been a member of the Anglican Consultative Council since
2002 and has been its chairman since 2009. The role of the ACC is to
facilitate the cooperative work of the churches of the Anglican Communion, exchange information between the Provinces and churches,
and help to coordinate common action. The Archbishop of Canterbury
serves as President of the ACC. As chairman, Bishop Tengatenga also
serves as chairman of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion.