C E N RSTO N A I T HRIS k c a p k 2014 c Ba E N R CO 2015 Getting Involved: Parents’ Auxiliary Each year our parent volunteers make a huge difference in the lives of the students. There are many ways to get involved here at Cornerstone Christian, and we encourage all parents to join a committee or two! Take a look at the different opportunities available through our Parents’ Auxiliary on the sheet enclosed, indicate your interest, and return your volunteer form to the front desk or go online to www. cornerstonecca.org. Parent Auxiliary typically meets on the second Friday of the month starting on September 12 at 8:30 am. Table of Contents Additionally, Parent Auxiliary invites all parents to the “Back to School” coffee and fellowship on August 13. Come join other parents to share summer stories and backto-school fellowship anytime between 8:00 am at 9:30 am. 2014-2015 Parents’ Auxiliary Leadership: Megan Harraman, President mharraman@comcast.net School Leadership: Jeff Doherty, Director of Advancement jdoherty@cornerstonecca.org 6 Communication at CCA 2ParentsWeb Helpful Resources School Offices 7Athletics 3 Mission Statement Bell Schedule Important Contacts 9 Calendar Begins Save these Dates 14 Early Release Dates No School Dates 16 Awards Chapel Schedule Thurs., September 18 – Connect with CCA at 6 pm 17 Shopping Items Fri., November 7 – Proposed PA Event 19 Fundraising at CCA 21 Additional Projects 1 Parents’ Auxiliary 4Uniforms Campus Security School Lunch Program Health Forms Business Office Extended Day Program 5Carpool If you are interested in getting involved, but are not sure what committee to join, please don’t hesitate to contact either of the people listed above. Cornerstone Christian is very blessed to have a very involved Parent Auxiliary. By having your family attend Cornerstone, you are automatically a member of Parent Auxiliary. We encourage all of our families to be involved in something; a leadership role, committee or just a few hours during the school year. Parent Auxiliary partners with the school to conduct several functions as listed on the volunteer sheet found online at www.formstack.com/forms/cornerstonechristian-ccavolunteerform, at the front desk, or enclosed. Beyond the Parent Auxiliary meetings, the Parent Auxiliary leadership hosts several family-friendly connection events during the year. Here are a few – save the dates. Wed., August 13 – “Back-to-School” coffee and fellowship 8 am – 9:30 am Fri., April 24 – Proposed PA Event (Family Movie Night) ParentsWeb Cornerstone RenWeb School Management Software gives you, the busy parent, an opportunity to get more involved in your child’s academic progress and future success – all via the Internet! RenWeb’s ParentsWeb is a private and secure parents’ portal that will allow parents to view academic information specific to their children, while protecting their children’s information from others. You can see your child’s grades, attendance, homework, family billing, and other useful school information. You can also communicate with teachers and other school staff online whenever necessary. All you need is an Internet-capable computer. Here’s how to access our easy-to-use RenWeb ParentsWeb: 2140 First Colony Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77479 Office : 281.980.0842 • Fax : 281.980.1432 www.cornerstonecca.org School Offices Amy Peterson Director of Admissions apeterson@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3124 • Go to www.cornerstonecca.org • Click “Student/ParentsWeb Login” • District Code COR-TX Casey Farris Head of School cfarris@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3135 • Click “Create New ParentsWeb Account” • Type your email address and an email will be sent to you • Click the “Click to Change Password” link This link is only valid for 30 minutes Christian Academy • A web browser displays your Name and RenWeb ID • Type a User Name, Password and then confirm the password • Click “Save Password” • A message displays: “User Name/Password Successfully Updated” • You can now access ParentsWeb using your new log in information We look forward to your participation. Together, we can continue to improve our children’s academic development as well as communication between our school and your home. Corey Waters Campus Minister & Dean of Students cwaters@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3174 Gracie Stelly Principal gstelly@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3132 Jeffery Doherty Director of Advancement jdoherty@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3125 Jennifer Nall Extended Care Coordinator jnall@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3147 2 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG Kathy Barnett Executive Assistant and Human Resource Manager kbarnett@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3123 Kellie Kuykendall Chief Financial Officer kkuykendall@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3136 Kevin Lewis Athletics Director klewis@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3141 Kristi Armstrong Business Office Administrator karmstrong@cornerstonecca.org 281.566.3121 School Nurse 281-566-3170 Missy Edgmon Librarian medgmon@cornerstonecca.org The mission of Cornerstone Christian Academy is to equip students with skills for life and faith for eternity. Student Handbook The Student Handbook can be found on ParentsWeb. We encourage each family to read the handbook thoroughly as it educates families on how to have a successful year in and out of the classroom. The handbook covers all policies and procedures the school and its families adhere to. Whom should I contact? As always, please feel free to contact the receptionist with any questions you might have. For more specific information, you may also try… With Questions About: Call: Extension: With Questions About: Call: Extension: Academic Probations Gracie Stelly 132 Health Nurse 170 Accounting Kristi Armstrong 121 Library Missy Edgmon 146 Assignments Classroom Teacher Lunch Kellie Kuykendall 136 Athletics Kevin Lewis 141 Make-up tests Classroom Teacher Attendance Lisa Cates 146 Middle School Camp Corey Waters 174 Calendar Lisa Cates 146 Parent Auxiliary Jeff Doherty 125 Campus Guests Lisa Cates 146 Parent Conferences Classroom Teacher Carpool Lisa Cates 146 ParentsWeb (new families) Amy Peterson 124 CCA Annual Fund Jeff Doherty 125 ParentsWeb (existing families) Kristi Armstrong 121 Chapel Corey Waters 174 Premeditated Absences Gracie Stelly 146 Counseling Issues Gracie Stelly 132 Report Cards (not transcripts) Gracie Stelly 146 or Corey Waters 174 Service Learning Trips Corey Waters 174 Discipline Corey Waters 174 Summer Camp Jennifer Nall 147 Dress Code Corey Waters 174 Tardies Lisa Cates 146 Educational Testing Gracie Stelly 132 Transcript Requests Amy Peterson 124 Electronic Devices Corey Waters 174 Tuition Assistance Kristi Armstrong 121 Exams Gracie Stelly 132 Tuition Payments Kristi Armstrong 121 Extended care Jennifer Nall 147 Tutoring Gracie Stelly 132 Grades (subject specific) Classroom Teacher Uniforms Amy Peterson 124 Grades (calculating averages) Gracie Stelly 132 Washington D.C. Trip Casey Farris 135 Harassment Corey Waters 174 3 UNIFORMS: (4-year-olds – 8th Grade) The school uniform is worn daily at Cornerstone Christian Academy, with the exception of specified “non-uniform or free dress days.” The uniform must be worn from the time the student arrives on campus until the final bell. The uniform must be in good repair and fit properly. On Wednesdays, students wear their formal uniforms. Our goal is that students be neat in appearance and reflect pride in themselves and the school. Please access the Student Handbook for specific information about the school’s appearance code. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Corey Waters at extension 174. The lunch program is designed and budgeted to feed students. As a partner in your children’s education, we recognize that it is a nice treat to have lunch with a parent on occasion. In those cases, we encourage you to try the food and join your child for lunch. Please go to the Front Desk to sign in. Enjoy! HEALTH FORMS: The preschool 2-year-old families will receive a doctor’s health statement by email in July. Please complete/update, have your doctor sign, and return prior to August 12. Teachers and staff are not responsible for handling and administering medications for off-campus school functions (i.e. field trips) unless specific instructions are provided. Nurse extension: 170. CAMPUS SECURITY ALL guests visiting the school must check in at the front desk. Doors are locked at all times and therefore, you are required to buzz in at the front door. CCA uses Raptor vSoft which provides an effective and affordable way to help schools keep unwanted visitors out while tracking those they allow in. CCA will scan a visitor’s driver license or other state issued ID and Raptor vSoft instantly screens for registered sex offenders in all 50 states. When a visitor is cleared, Raptor vSoft prints a badge featuring the visitor’s name, photo, date and time, and destination. If a potential threat is identified, the Raptor system sends instant alerts to designated officials including administrators and law enforcement via email, text message, and/or page. SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM The Cornerstone Christian lunch program is provided by Flik Independent School Dining, which is a division of Compass Group. Flik’s team of culinary and nutrition experts are mindful of the diversity of cultural and dietary preferences and are on top of ever-evolving food trends, so the food they serve is fresh and focused. Seasonal menus will be customdesigned for us, reflecting our students’ preferences as well as the fresh product available in the region. You may opt to send your child a lunch from home. Please note that we are a peanut-free campus. Absolutely NO peanut products are allowed. Parents may go to our website to access menus and information about Flik. 4 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG BUSINESS OFFICE The Business Office serves the financial needs for the school, families, donors, and faculty. The office is located behind the front desk. Statements for outstanding balances will be emailed mid-month. Accounts must be current in order to continue participation in all areas of the school. EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Cornerstone Christian Academy is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, and happy environment for the children before and after the school day. After-school experiences extend and enrich our preschool – middle school students’ educational experiences. Study hall is a priority (where age appropriate), and our staff provides a conducive work environment for those students. Children have structured and closely supervised time to engage in arts and crafts, playground activities, and other games. All students are offered a snack. Carpool In order to ensure a safe environment for all of our students, please look over the following carpool procedures and reminders. These procedures are very important in order to keep our children safe and maintain the flow of traffic. Morning Carpool Reminders Drop off your child in his/her designated drop-off area. Kindergarten – 5th Grade Main Entrance beginning at 7:30 am – 7:55 am Remain in your car and a staff member or designated student helper will assist with your child’s passenger side exit from the vehicle. Please refrain from retrieving school materials from your trunk while in the carpool line. 6th – 8th Grade Please Be Aware: Each preschool – fifth grade family will receive two visor nameplates at Meet the Teacher so vehicles can be easily identified during pickup times and move quickly through carpool. If you need any additional nameplates, please contact the receptionist at the front desk. Be sure to include all persons who will be transporting your child in a carpool group on your Authorized Transport list found on ParentsWeb. Everyone on this list will be authorized to pick up your child from school without the need to contact parents. General Rules of the Road Courtyard Entrance 7:30 am – 7:55 am (Main entrance if after 8:00 am for tardy) Preschool Main Entrance beginning at 8:20 am Preschool parents MUST walk your child to his/her classroom. If you are late, park your vehicle in a designated parking spot. If a Kindergarten Second Grade child is tardy, whoever brings the child to school must walk in with the child to the reception desk and sign the child in to school. Students in third through eighth grades must sign at the reception desk to receive tardy slips and then proceed to their classrooms. • Safety first • Cell phone use is not permitted during carpool Afternoon Carpool Reminders • Use your turn signal when entering and exiting the property Please wait in your car. Your child will be escorted by a teacher to your vehicle. • We adhere to one-way traffic and passing is not permitted • Teachers are not available to answer questions about your child during carpool If you arrive after 3:15 pm, park your vehicle in a designated parking spot and check students out at the front desk. _________________________ Be sure not to park where you will be blocking a lane of traffic. Parking on the circle drive is not permitted during school hours. Age Group If you need to pick up your child early for a doctor’s appointment, please park in a designated spot and come into the Reception Area to sign your child out of school. Preschool8:20 am8:30 am2:30 pm Morning Arrival Class Begins Dismissal Kindergarten – 5th 7:30 – 7:55 am8:00 am3:00 pm 6th – 8th (Courtyard) 7:30 – 7:55 am8:00 am3:00 pm Students should not arrive prior to 7:30 am and cannot be the responsibility of the school. Students arriving between 7:00 – 7:30 am should report to the main lobby for Extended Care and will be charged. They will be dismissed to the classrooms at 7:50 am. 5 Communication at CCA We believe communication is paramount to success. We have worked to implement a newly enhanced clear communications strategy to facilitate a positive and productive relationship between the school and each family. As the year goes on, please remember that communication and relationships are both twoway streets – our doors are open and we encourage families to email, phone or stop by with questions, concerns, and feedback. Our communications strategy is comprised of the following three general areas: Parent Auxiliary Email: Families will receive periodic emails from Parent Auxiliary on ways to be involved in school events and functions. In addition, each family will receive minutes from the monthly Parent Auxiliary meetings. Homeroom Parent volunteers will be in communication via email regarding classroom activities and functions. Individual or Group Email: Teachers or administrators will send emails to individual families or specific groups to communicate details unique to those families and students. For example, Mr. Waters will contact families about Service Learning Trips. School to Community There are three community-wide publications each year that celebrate, recognize, and share what is happening at CCA with our larger community. The winter and summer editions of the newsletter and the annual report are mailed out and are also available online. These publications take a high-level view of what the school is currently working on, what we have accomplished, and where we are heading. Look for these in the mail each year and let us know if there is a “Friend of CCA” that we need to add to our mailing list! Teacher to Family Each family has enrolled their child at CCA for an education. One of the most critical pieces of that education is a working relationship between your child’s teacher and you. Each teacher communicates with parents on an individual basis in a variety of ways. Each Tuesday preschool through fifth grade students’ backpacks contain any printed communication that needs to go home for families. We ask that you check with your child and look through these communications. Additionally, preschool through fifth grade teachers will send a weekly email through ParentsWeb with classroom specific highlights. Teachers are also available on a daily basis through email or phone. We encourage parents to use email, if possible, as it allows for teachers to respond more easily with their individual schedules – please remember that during instructional times teachers are focused on their classes, so you may expect a response by the end of the day. Finally, we have two parent-teacher conferences during the school year for all students. You will receive an email with instructions on how to sign up for a conference. School to Family CCA Communications Email: Each Thursday afternoon, the school emails CCA Cougar News to all families. In addition, parents will receive periodic emails communicating school activities, functions, and “save the dates.” We work to streamline emails for quick reading, providing families with the information they need. 6 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG Helpful Resources Website The school maintains a website at www.cornerstonecca.org that includes a variety of information including announcements and resources. Look for additional information on access as we enroll families for the new school year. ParentsWeb School management software that connects faculty, staff, family, and community – anytime, anywhere. Parent Alert CCA uses the School Alert to communicate with families via text message in the event of an emergency or an unexpected school closing. Athletics The athletic department at Cornerstone Christian Academy is committed to equipping student athletes with skills for life and faith for eternity. Participation in athletics develops the student mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. We will ensure that coaches set examples of Christian moral character while promoting enthusiasm, inspiration, and Christian ideals in the student athletes. Our goal is to provide opportunities for student athletes to develop their selfconfidence, self-image, and leadership skills. It is important to promote the value of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and loyalty. We strive to show the love of Christ in everything that we do!! Kevin Lewis, Athletic Director 5th – 8th Grade: Fall – Boys Flag Football Winter – Boys & Girls Basketball Fall – Girls Volleyball Spring – Boys & Girls Track Spring – Boys & Girls Tennis All student sports forms can be found on line at www.cornerstonecca.org or can be picked up at the front desk. The $175 fee and forms must be turned in prior to the first practice of each sport. Middle School Bell Schedule 2014-2015 Schedule A Normal 7 Schedule B Bridge-8th Chapel Schedule C Early Release Schedule D Pep Rally Schedule E All-School Chapel Period Time Period Time Period Time Period Time Period Time 1st 8:00 - 8:45 HR/Advisory 8:00 - 8:06 1st 8:00 - 8:30 1st 8:00 - 8:41 1st 8:00 - 845 HR/Advisory 8:45 - 8:50 Chapel 8:10 - 8:35 HR/Advisory 8:30 - 8:34 HR/Advisory 8:41 - 8:46 2nd 8:49 - 9:30 Chapel 8:54 - 9:19 1st 8:39 - 9:24 Chapel 8:38 - 8:48 Chapel 8:50 - 9:15 Chapel 9:35 - 10:09 2nd 9:23 - 10:08 2nd 9:28 - 10:13 2nd 8:52 - 9:22 2nd 9:19 - 10:02 3rd 10:13 - 10:58 3rd 10:12 - 10:57 3rd 10:17 - 11:02 3rd 9:26 - 9:56 3rd 10:05 - 10:47 4th 11:02 - 11:47 4th 11:01 - 11:46 4th 11:06 - 11:51 4th 10:00 - 10:30 4th 10:51 - 11:33 5th 11:51 - 12:36 5th 11:50 - 12:35 5th 11:55 - 12:40 5th 10:34 - 11:04 5th 11:37 - 12:19 MS Lunch 12:40 - 1:09 MS Lunch 12:39 - 1:09 MS Lunch 12:44 - 1:14 6th 11:08 - 11:38 OC 12:22 - 12:35 OC 1:09 - 1:22 OC 1:09 - 1:22 OC 1:14 - 1:23 7th 11:42 - 12:00 MS Lunch 12:39 - 1:09 6th 1:26 - 2:11 6th 1:26 - 2:11 6th 1:26 - 2:11 6th 1:13 - 1:53 7th 2:15 - 3:00 7th 2:15 - 3:00 7th 2:15 - 3:00 7th 1:57 - 2:17 Pep Rally 2:20 - 3:00 8 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 June 2014 T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 F 6 13 20 27 July 2014 S 7 14 21 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday August 2014 S M T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Thursday 1 2 Friday Save these Dates S 2 9 16 23 30 New Family Orientation Saturday 3 4 5 Independence Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 July 22, 6:00 pm East Room CCA invites all new families to participate in the new family orientation meeting and social event. This is a casual event designed for our new families to visit our campus, receive additional information for the upcoming school year, and to get plugged in to Cornerstone Christian. Meet the Teacher August 11 Session I: 6:20 pm – 6:45 pm Session II: 6:45 pm – 7:05 pm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 New Parent Orientation 6 - 7 PM East Room 27 28 Middle School Kickoff August 12, 9:00 am – 11:30 am 29 30 Parent Auxilary (PA) Used Uniform Sale 10 AM - 2 PM School Lobby 9 This “Meet the Teacher Day” is designed for students to visit the campus with their parents and meet their classroom teachers. The schedule is casual and broken into two sessions to accommodate families with multiple children. There is no formal program, so children are welcome at these times to meet their teachers and familiarize themselves with their classrooms. 31 This camp is for students to spend the morning walking through their schedule, meeting the teachers, picking up their books and supplies list as well as spending time in fellowship with each other. July 2014 S M T W T 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 F 4 11 18 25 August 2014 S 5 12 19 26 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 4 Wednesday Thursday 5 6 September 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 Friday 7 Cougar Camp S 6 13 20 27 Saturday 1 2 8 9 Class Lists posted via RenWeb by 5 PM Cornerstone Christian Middle School camp will be held at one of the best Christian camps and retreat centers near Houston, Texas. The camp is loaded with activities like the infamous mud race, archery, riflery, blobbing, zip line, tomahawk throwing and more! Our campers will have a blast while making new friends, re-connecting with friends, building character, and growing in their faith. Without a doubt, this beginning of the school year camp is a great investment in the life of your child. • August 18 – 20 (8th Grade) Approximate cost: $200 • August 19 – 20 (6th & 7th Grades) Approximate cost: $150 10 11 Meet the Teacher Preschool (PS)-8th Session 1 6:20-6:45 Session 2 6:45-7:05 17 12 Middle School Kickoff 9-11:30 24 10 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG 16 First Day of School 19 20 Cougar Camp: 6th-7th Cougar Camp: 6th-7th Cougar Camp: 8th Grade Cougar Camp: 8th Grade 26 Student Council Campaign 21 27 Student Council Campaign Box Top Kickoff 31 15 PA Reception 8 AM Gathering Hall 25 Student Council Campaign Begins 14 • October 4, 9 am – 6 pm (5th Grade) Cost TBD (PS-8th) 18 Cougar Camp: 8th Grade 13 22 28 Student Council Campaign 29 Student Council Election Day 23 30 Student Council Elections August 25 – 29 The Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they may become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with administrators, faculty, and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. Students in 5th – 8th grades participate in Student Council and Ambassadors to represent Cornerstone Christian. Student Council candidates will campaign the week of August 25 with elections being held on August 29. Connect with CCA All School Family Night September 18, Worship Center Beginning at 6:30 pm, there will be a brief presentation by CCA administration and our Parent Auxiliary chair. Afterward, parents will go to their children’s classrooms for presentations by the students and teachers. Book Fair September 2 – 5 March 2 – 6 The annual CCA Book Fairs are set up each year in the rotunda. During these four days, all classes will visit the Book Fair to use their personal purchase funds, select Friends of the Library books, and look through the great selection of books. Grandparents’ Day September 5 2nd – 8th grade at 8:15 am Preschool – 1st grade at 10:00 am Worship Center Each year, CCA welcomes grandparents and grand-friends to our campus for a wonderful morning of community fellowship. Students will be performing some of their favorite chapel songs. More details on the schedule will be published as we approach the date. Please include your grandparents’ information on your Family Information Form to be sure they receive an invitation! 11 August 2014 S M T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 September 2014 S 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 Thursday October 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Friday 3 CCA Field Day S 4 11 18 25 April 2 Saturday 4 5 6 12 13 Grandparents’ Day Program 2nd-8th 8:15 AM PS-1st 10:00 AM NO SCHOOL Annual Fund Kickoff Book Fair Book Fair Book Fair Book Fair Labor Day 7 8 9 10 Magi Box Kick Off All students in 1st - 5th Grades enjoy a day of games, challenges, and competitions. Be sure your student comes to school dressed in shorts, a CCA t-shirt, and tennis shoes. This fun-filled day culminates in a grade-level tug o’war competition where the victors get to challenge the faculty, staff, and parent volunteers. 11 All School: Wear Red, White & Blue Dads and Donuts April 16 7:15 am – 7:50 am This is an annual breakfast with CCA dads before school for all grade levels. Patriot Day 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Connect with CCA All School Family Night - 6:30 PM Musicals/Performances September 5, 9:00 am Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day December 18, 6:00 pm Holiday Concert, Worship Center Elementary – Middle School 21 22 23 24 All-School Chapel (PS - 8th) 9:35 AM First Day of Autumn 28 29 Spirit Week 12 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG 30 Spirit Week 25 Prayer Chapel, See You at the Pole 8:05 - Elem 8:54 - MS 9:30 - PS 26 NO SCHOOL Fort Bend County Fair Day 27 December 19, 10:00 am Holiday Concert, Worship Center Preschool March 6, 10:00 am Fine Arts Day, Worship Center Middle School Theatre Art Showcase April 1, 10:00 am Spring Concert, Worship Center Preschool September 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 October 2014 S 6 13 20 27 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Spirit Week 5 6 Magi Box Pick-Up Pumpkin Patch Candy Drive Kick Off 8 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 3 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 April 1, 2:00 pm Spring Concert, Worship Center Jazz Band and 5th – 8th Grade Choir 4 Cho-Yeh 5th Grade 9-6 Spirit Week 9 5 12 19 26 Musicals/Performances S 1 8 15 22 29 Saturday 2 Spirit Week 7 November 2014 S M T W T F 10 11 PA Meeting 8:30 AM 8th Grade Service Learning Trip (SLT) Shreveport, LA Early Release END OF 1st 9 WEEKS 12 13 14 15 16 Christian Character Awards Chapel (All-School-PS-8th) 9:35 AM NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher Conferences 17 18 MS Academic Awards Chapel - 8:54 AM 20 21 All School Pictures 22 MS Social 6-8:30 PM Gym 23 All School Pictures 24 Pumpkin Patch Party with First Colony Church of Christ Athletic Banquet May 7, 6:30 pm Please join us to celebrate our CCA student athletes. We will recognize the team sports as well as individual awards. Our coaches are excited to share the successes achieved by CCA athletes outside the classroom. Spirit Week September 29 – October 3 Columbus Day 19 April 16, 6:00 pm Spring Concert, Worship Center BK – 4th Grade and Beginners (5th Grade) & Middle School Band 25 During School Spirit Week, students celebrate their school pride. One of the parts of School Spirit Week that students enjoy the most is dressing according to a different theme each day. The more creative they are, the more fun it is. Moms and Muffins 26 27 28 29 30 31 Halloween 13 May 8, 7:15 – 7:55 am This is an annual breakfast held the Friday before Mother’s Day to celebrate our CCA Moms for all grade levels. October 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2014 S 4 11 18 25 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday December 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Friday Early Release Days S 6 13 20 27 October 10 (End of First Nine Weeks) November 14 (Teacher In-Service) Saturday 1 December 17 (Middle School Only) December 19 (End of Second Nine Weeks) March 6 (End of Third Nine Weeks) May 21 (Middle School Only) All Saints Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 May 22 (Last Day of School) Proposed PA Social Event No School Days September 1 (Labor Day) Daylight Savings Ends 9 10 11 Veteran’s Day Chapel 8:10 AM 12 13 6th Grade SLT 6th Grade SLT Arms of Hope/ Boles Home 14 15 6th Grade SLT October 13 (Parent Teacher Conferences) November 24 - 28 (Thanksgiving) Early Release December 22 – January 5 (Christmas) Veteran’s Day 16 17 September 26 (Ft. Bend County Fair Day) 18 19 All School Chapel (PS-8th) 9:35 AM 20 21 22 Christmas, Adopt a Family Kick Off (4th-8th) January 19 (Martin Luther King Day) February 16 (Presidents’ Day & Parent Teacher Conference) March 9 – 13 (Spring Break) 23 24 25 26 27 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS First Sunday of Advent 14 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG 29 April 3 & 6 (Easter Holiday) Middle School Exams Thanksgiving Day 30 28 December 15 – 17 May 19 – 21 Middle School Fun nights Friday, October 17 at 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Friday, January 16 at 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Service Learning Trips October 8th – 10th 8th Grade Shreveport HUB Ministry (approximate cost: $250) November 12th –14th 6th Grade Dallas, Arms of Hope Boles Campus (approximate cost: $250) January 29th – 31st 7th Grade San Antonio, Arms of Hope Medina Campus (approximate cost: $250) March 30th 3rd – 5th Grade – Houston Food Bank Academic Meets February 19 – 21 4th – 6th Grade (Location and Cost TBD) April 9 – 11 7th – 8th Grade Abilene Christian University Campus (approximate cost: $250) 15 November 2014 S M T W T F 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 December 2014 S 1 8 15 22 29 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 January 2015 S M T W T F 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 Friday All School Chapel Preschool – 8th grades S 3 10 17 24 31 Wednesday, September 24 at 9:35 am Wednesday, October 15 at 9:35 am Saturday 4 5 6 Wednesday, November 19 at 9:35 am Wednesday, December 10 at 9:35 am Atria & Greatwood Nursing Homes Elem - 1st & 2nd Grade Wednesday, January 14 at 9:35 am Wednesday, February 25 at 9:35 am Wednesday, March 4 at 9:35 am 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PA Meeting - 8:30 AM All School Chapel (PS-8th) 9:35 AM Wednesday, May 13 at 9:35 am Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 14 15 16 17 Adopt a Family 4th-8th Grade Pick Up 18 Christmas Concert (BK-8th) 6:00 PM 19 20 PS Concert 10 AM 21 MS Finals 22 MS Finals Wednesday, October 15 at 9:35 am 23 24 25 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Christmas Eve 29 Wednesday, March 4 at 9:35 am 26 27 Wednesday, May 13 at 9:35 am (Preschool) Wednesday, May 20 at 1:00 pm (Kindergarten – Middle School) First Day of Winter 28 Wednesday, January 14 at 9:35 am END OF 2nd 9 WEEKS MS Makeup Finals Awards Chapel Christian Character Parties after concert Early Release MS Finals Wednesday, April 22 at 9:35 am (Volunteer Recognition) 30 Christmas 31 Academic Awards 5th – 8th grades Friday, October 17 at 8:54 am Friday, January 16 at 8:54 am Thursday, March 5 at 8:54 am Wednesday, May 20 at 1:00 pm New Year’s Eve 16 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG December 2014 S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 January 2015 S 6 13 20 27 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday S 1 8 15 22 Friday 1 February 2015 M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Shopping Items S 7 14 21 28 After-School Activities Saturday 2 3 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS New Year’s Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PA Meeting - 8:30 AM Back to School Cost varies. Please visit our website for current information and on-line registration. Each year our after-school activities program features new and exciting programs for students of all ages. Please take a look at what our offerings are for the fall of 2014 and sign up today! Extended Care at CCA Cost varies. 11 12 13 14 15 Christian Character Awards Chapel (PS-8th) 9:35 AM 19 20 17 MS Academic Awards Chapel - 8:45 AM MS Social 6:00-8:30 PM Gym Flash Forward PK4s-7th Grade 18 16 21 22 23 24 NO SCHOOL Birthday Book Club 2015-2016 Re-enrollment Begins The cost is $20 per child enrolled in the program. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday 25 CCA Sunday 17 Please complete the early registration form on our website. Cornerstone Christian Academy is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, and happy environment for the children before and after the school day. After-school experiences extend and enrich our students’ educational experiences. Study hall is a priority (where age-appropriate), and our staff provides a conducive work environment for those students. All students are offered a snack. 26 27 28 29 7th Grade SLT Arms of Hope San Antonio 30 7th Grade SLT 31 Please complete the included form with all details for the Birthday Book Club. A book will be donated to the CCA library in honor of your child’s birthday on or near that special day. Mrs. Edgmon, the librarian, will help your child select an age-appropriate book during library time. A bookplate will be placed in the book with your child’s name, age, and the donor’s name. (Great January 2015 S M T W T F 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 February 2015 S 3 10 17 24 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 First Colony Church of Christ (FCCC) Bring a Friend Day 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 FCCC Registration Opens S 1 8 15 22 29 Friday 5 March 2015 M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 S 7 14 21 28 Saturday 6 7 CCA Open House Prospective Families for grandparents, too!) Please don’t worry if your child has a summer birthday – he/ she won’t be left out. Summer birthdays will be celebrated throughout the school year so each child will be presented with a very special “Birthday Book” for the CCA library at that time. Year Book The cost is $50 per yearbook. Groundhog Day 8 9 10 11 12 Public Registration Opens 13 PA Meeting - 8:30 AM Valentine’s Day Parties: PS - Noon BK-5th - 2 PM Lincoln’s Birthday 15 14 16 17 18 Academic Meet 4th-6th Grade NO SCHOOL CCA Cougar Store Valentine’s Day 19 20 Academic Meet 4th-6th Grade 21 Academic Meet 4th-6th Grade Parent/Teacher Conferences Presidents’ Day 22 Ash Wednesday 23 24 25 All School Chapel (PS-8th) 9:35 AM Washington’s Birthday 26 27 Annual Fund Concluded The CCA yearbook will chronicle the school year for our entire school. The book is created, designed, and organized as a leadership opportunity for our upper school grades. Details on purchasing books will follow. 28 Cost Varies. Order your CCA brand items early and show your pride this year! From P.E. clothing and t-shirts to jackets, take a look at the options and order yours today! All Cougar Gear may be ordered and paid for on-line at: www.formstack.com/forms/ cornerstonechristian-cougargear. All instock and prepaid Cougar Gear items will be delivered to your child’s classroom within 2 days of ordering. Cougar Gear will also be available to order at Meet the Teacher night on August 11. Book Fair Friends of the Library, classroom wish list, and personal purchase. More information to follow. 18 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG S 1 8 15 22 February 2015 M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 March 2015 S 7 14 21 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 Wednesday Thursday 3 4 Christian Character Awards Chapel (PS-8th) 9:35 AM April 2015 S M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 Friday Saturday 5 MS Academic Awards Chapel - 8:54 AM Fundraising at CCA S 4 11 18 25 6 7 13 14 MS Theatre Performance/Art Exhibits 10 AM Early Release Book Fair Book Fair 8 9 Book Fair 10 END OF 3rd 9 WEEKS Book Fair 11 12 SPRING BREAK 15 16 Stanford Testing 17 Stanford Testing 18 Stanford Testing 19 Stanford Testing 20 21 Stanford Testing Our fundraising philosophy at CCA is based on respect for our families while building strong relationships, transparency, and a very sincere need. We have worked to improve our fundraising strategy based on these principles while still ensuring that we solicit the funding necessary to not only continue to provide the faculty and staff with the daily resources they require, but also to provide new opportunities for growth and learning to our students. Furthermore, we believe that keeping our constituency aware of the financial needs of CCA is a critical component of practicing good stewardship. Historically, we have two primary fundraisers, the Annual Fund and the Gala. Additionally, there are a few projects throughout the year that represent smaller efforts that serve the dual purpose of providing services and funding annual projects. Annual Fund St. Patrick’s Day 22 23 Stanford Testing 29 19 24 Stanford Testing 30 Houston Food Bank (3rd-5th) Palm Sunday First Day of Spring 25 Stanford Testing 31 26 Stanford Testing 27 Stanford Testing 28 Big Bunny Party with FCCC The Annual Fund serves as the most critical fundraising effort of the year. Funds raised during this annual appeal allow us to explore new possibilities each year for our community including technology, professional development, and new programming. Gifts to the Annual Fund have a direct and tangible impact on the daily experiences of our students. Beginning in September, we will be appealing to all families to support the Annual Fund in whatever capacity they are able. S 1 8 15 22 29 March 2015 M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 April 2015 S 7 14 21 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Spring Concerts (PS) 10 AM May 2015 S M T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Saturday 2 Field Day BK-5th S 2 9 16 23 30 3 4 NO SCHOOL Jazz Band 5th-8th Grade Choir 2 PM Good Friday 5 6 7 8 9 MS Academic Meet Abilene, TX NO SCHOOL 10 MS Academic Meet Abilene, TX 11 MS Academic Meet Abilene, TX 13 14 15 16 Dads and Donuts 7:15 AM 17 18 Box Top Ends Spring Concert 6 PM BK-4th and Beginner’s & MS Band 19 20 21 22 All School Chapel, PA Volunteer Recognition (PS-8th) 9:35 AM 26 Washington DC Trip 8th Grade 27 Washington DC Trip 8th Grade 28 Washington DC Trip 8th Grade 23 Flash Forward Incoming 5th-6th 6 PM 29 Washington DC Trip 8th Grade CORNERSTONECCA.ORG 24 PS Proposed Social Night 30 Washington DC Trip 8th Grade Free Dress for Box Top Winners 20 We hope you will consider joining us in this effort this year and working together with your fellow CCA families to continue this great tradition of community, philanthropy, and shared vision. Gala Easter 12 During the Annual Fund campaign, we set the bar high with 100% board, faculty/ staff, and family participation – a huge accomplishment for any independent school. On top of stellar participation, we hope to welcome new additions to the Honor Circle, our leadership giving benchmark level for gifts $2,500 and above which will be recognized at the Presidents Dinner in the Spring. 25 The spring gala at Cornerstone Christian has been a staple over the years and has taken many forms, but the fun at past events is undeniable. Proceeds from this event benefit special projects around campus and directly benefit our students. By participating, you are supporting our ongoing commitment to improving technology, professional development for teachers, keeping our campus secure, and maintaining and improving our facilities. Since our basic operating budget is funded by tuition, we can devote all additional funds to enriching our student programs and beautifying our campus. April 2015 S M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 May 2015 S 4 11 18 25 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Thursday Friday June 2015 T W T 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 F 5 12 19 26 Additional Projects S 6 13 20 27 Magi Boxes Saturday 1 2 Box Top WInners PA Meeting - 8:30 AM 3 4 Teacher Appreciation Week 5 Teacher Appreciation Week 6 Teacher Appreciation Week 7 8 Athletic Banquet 6:30 PM Moms and Muffins 7:15 AM Teacher Appreciation Week Teacher Appreciation Week 9 National Day of Prayer 10 11 12 13 Christian Character Awards (PS) 9:35 AM 14 5th Grade Day Trip 16 8th Grade Graduation 1 PM Reception 2 PM End of Year Social 5th-8th Grade Mother’s Day 17 18 19 Preschool Graduation BK Graduation 10 AM 10:30 AM MS Finals 24 Pentecost 25 Memorial Day 31 20 21 Christian Character/ Academic Awards Chapel - 1 PM (BK-8th) KG Graduation 10:30 AM 21 15 MS Finals 26 22 23 Early Release MS Makeup Finals MS Finals 27 Last Day of School 28 29 30 September 10 – October 6 School wide – during the month of September, CCA partners with First Colony Church of Christ to provide Christmas gifts for underprivileged children in Honduras. Magi Boxes will be available through CCA with additional information to fill them with appropriate gifts. The CCA Magi Boxes will be added to the ones from FCCC for distribution. Pumpkin Patch Party October 24 CCA co-sponsors the event with First Colony Church of Christ as a community outreach. CCA preschool through fifth grade families are asked to support the event with candy donations. You can also participate by decorating your trunk with an appropriate pumpkin patch theme and hand out candy to all the kids in costume. Big Bunny Party March 28 CCA co-sponsors the event with First Colony Church of Christ as a community outreach. CCA preschool through fifth grade families are asked to support the event with plastic egg donations and volunteering to supervise games and bounce houses. May 2015 S M T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 June 2015 S 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday Monday 7 Tuesday Wednesday July 2015 S M T W T 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Thursday Friday F 3 10 17 24 31 Box Tops S 4 11 18 25 August 27 – April 17 Schoolwide Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Clip the Box Tops from hundreds of participating products and send them to school. Each one is worth 10¢ when our school redeems them from Box Tops for Education. Each student that brings a minimum of 100 - 199 gets a free dress pass on April 30. Students who bring in 200 or more receive two free dress passes on April 30 and May 1. Christmas – Adopt a Family November 20 – December 15 4th – 8th Grade 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 First Day of Summer Father’s Day 28 22 CORNERSTONECCA.ORG This is the fourth annual Adopt A Family program when the upper elementary and middle school students come together to bless those in need during the holiday. Each class adopts a local family in need. Please provide a gift under $20 for a boy or girl. 2140 First Colony Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77479 Office : 281.980.0842 • Fax : 281.980.1432 www.cornerstonecca.org
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