if you’re new here welcome! we’re glad you’re here Stop by the Connect Corner after service. We’ll help you with any questions you might have and you can pick up a welcome packet. In it you’ll find all kinds of information that will help you get acquainted with us. You’ll also get a free worship CD to enjoy. Here’s what to expect: At the Sign-Up Counter you can find out more info about upcoming events and sign up to participate. Check out what we have available for infants through high school. Information is provided on the back of this program about our multiple locations. Join the City, our communication tool and dynamic database that also helps new people connect and get plugged in. You can request an invitation right now at vineyardotr.org/city or by downloading a free QR reader app on your smart phone and scanning this code. opening songs Worship will continue after the teaching. announcements You’ll hear what’s happening at the Vineyard. teaching Rick Knable (am), David Brooks (pm) “Destiny” | The Cure worship, prayer, communion and giving We’ll have a time of worship. Feel free to stand, sit or just listen. Our prayer team is available to pray for you at this time. You can also take communion at one of the stations throughout the auditorium. If you’ve come ready to give, place your tithes and offerings in the basket at the back of the auditorium. ignite giving campaign OUR GOAL: $3.5 million lighting the fires of the next generation! amount given to date: $1,225,938 vineyard church of the rockies www.vineyardoftherockies.org one church, multiple locations for kids at the fort collins campus FORT COLLINS Sunday at 9 and 10:45am, Overdrive at 6pm Sunday at 9am, 10:45am and 6pm Little Sprouts Nursery (infant–3 years) Backyard Buds (4 years–kindergarten) Vineyard Seed Co. (1st–5th grade) 1201 Riverside Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 phone: 970.484.5999 fax: 970.498.8685 office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9am–5pm WINDSOR Sunday at 9 and 10:45am 1450 Westwood Drive Windsor, CO 80550 phone: 970.484.5999 for youth at the fort collins campus Sunday at 9am and 10:45am Middle School (grades 6–8) High School (grades 9–12) VINEYARD RESOURCE CENTER For grocery help or clothing needs: call our Vineyard Resource Center (1137 Riverside Ave, Fort Collins) at 484.6755 to schedule an appointment. If you have donations, bring them in from 10am to 2pm, Monday–Thursday. fort collins november 23, 2014 giving opportunity upcoming events upcoming events One Day to Feed the World Thank you to everyone who participated— working ONE DAY and giving ONE DAY’s wage. Convoy of Hope transforms the lives of kids around the world by providing food, clean water and other life-giving supplies. Baptism Celebrate with us! If you made the decision to follow Jesus and want to be baptized, sign up so we know to expect you. A mandatory class for those being baptized will be held that evening at 5:30pm. Christmas Craft Day Help us host the kids from Harmony Village neighborhood and teach them how to make Christmas presents! Bring your elementaryage kids—they can make gifts, too. 23 Donate TODAY 2 Tuesday, December 2 at 6:30pm Fort Collins campus Jenny (484.5999 x220) jennyb@vineyardotr.org Childcare is available (0–5 years old) 13 Saturday, Dec 13, 8:30am–12:30pm Continental breakfast at 8:30am! Early Colleges High School 4500 Wheaton Dr, Fort Collins Suzanne (391.9039) suzanneb@vineyardotr.org Starlight Tree We’re now accepting nominations for our Starlight Tree outreach! We provide presents to under-resourced kids within our church family and the community. Pick up a nomination form if you (or a family you know) could use a little help this Christmas. 14 Nominate a family by December 14 Robbie (484.5999 x207) robbieh@vineyardotr.org upcoming youth event for your information— White Out 2015 High school and middle school students: register today for White Out, our annual youth conferences. Students will gather to grow deeper in their love and knowledge of Jesus and build lifelong friendships with each other. Closed: Vineyard Resource Center The Vineyard Resource Center will be closed for Thanksgiving week, November 24–28. If you have a need, please leave a message at 484.6955. 16 High school: January 16–19 Middle school: February 13–16 Mehgan (484.5999 x204) mehganc@vineyardotr.org Did You Lose Something? Did you know that we have a Lost and Found? Stop by the Info Counter to see if any items you’ve been missing might be there, just waiting for you to find them! $295 ($100 deposit due December 7) Printed on recycled paper. Learn more about ways we help our environment as a Climatewise Platinum Partner at vineyardotr.org/climatewise.
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