_ Mamba, 1943. ' J. HERA", ,Ei-„_ ’ 2,313,295, ï BUOYANGY' SYSTEM Filed Feb.. 24, 1940 .2 sheets-Sheet 1 ' 2,313,295 Patented Mar. 9, 1943 narran STATES PATENT ortica ' 2,313,295 ßUoYANoY SYSTEM Jean Hérail and Raymond Gauthier, Paris, France; vested in the Alien Property Custo dian Application February'24, 1940, Serial No. 320,728 In France February 25, 1939 _ 7 claims'. (e1. 114-122) ably supports a frame A. The center of the side beams of each frame B are traversed by a rod 3 which forms the pivot axis of the re The present invention concerns a buoyancy system comprising a number of mountings, piv otally connected one to the other in a manner to spective frame B. Since each buoyant element form a sustaining and stabilizing device to_be contains four frames A, it follows that two frames B are required, each of which supports of water. ' two frames A. An object of the invention is to provide a Both frames B are pivotally supported by a buoyancy system whose mountings are- composed frame C formed by two side beams and the two of tiltable frames pivoted independently around rods 3 which not only serve as pivot axis of the axes acting also as tie bars which connect the 10 frames B, but also as tie bars for the ends of side beams of the frames with each other'. ' the frame C. Furthermore, the rods 3 serve also It is also an object of the invention to'pro as pivot axis of the lower ends of upwardly ex vide each element of the device with an outer tending beams D (Fig. 2) the upper ends of or bearing frame, intermediate frames and buoy which are connected with each other by a tie 15 ant frames, which latter are provided with buoy bar at :x: and, in a manner not shown, are con ant rollers. nected by any suitable means to a floor or plat Another object of the invention is to connect form or any other desired superstructure, which the two longitudinal beams of the outer frame latter, of course, is connected with a number used on a smooth or even rough surface of a body by means of a median articulation with a super structure, for instance, a platform. 20 _ The above mentioned mountings constitute but one element of the device. According to the in vention a complete device comprises a plural ity of such elements, more particularly so as to provide a marine platform suitable for revictual ment bases at sea, particularly for air transports over the oceans. ` In such a' marine application, a great advan ~ of the buoyant elements just described. If we assume such a platform as above de scribed, being supported by'its buoyant rollers F on the surface of the water, the side beams of the frame C may perform either a tilting, swing ing motion or a gyratory motion, according as the beams D are mounted on the tie bars 3 or at C. ‘ _ In Fig. 2, the arrows indicate the great yielding qualities of articulation of the frames A, B and tage of the device of the invention consists in the fact that the'platform rlying on the body of 30 C, with respect to the axes 3 andthe various motions _they can perform. ’ water is not influenced by the swell of the sea, Having now described this invention and in remains stable, and minimizes the action of the which manner same is to be performed, what waves and currents by the play of the frame we claim is: articulations, buoyant rollers and the various 1. In a buoyancy system, a buoyant element 35 beams constituting the frames. comprising a frame composed of two horizontal In the drawings: _ side beams and two transverse rods connecting Fig. 1 illustrates diagrammatically a plan View the ends of said beams with each other, two of a single element of the device, and additional frames each pivotally mounted on one Fig. 2 illustrates diagrammatically in eleva tion, the same element in one of its movements. 40 of said transverse rods and provided with two tie rods extending parallel to said rods. a plu Each element of the device is composed of a rality of third frames, one for each said tie rods number of frames A, B, C which are pivotally and pivotally mounted on the same, and buoyant connected with each other and a plurality of rollers mounted in said last named frames and buoyant rollers F mounted in the frames A. According to Fig. 1, the element contains four 45 rotatable about axes which are parallel to said tie rods. frames A, each consisting of two side beams, the 2. In a buoyancy system, a plurality of buoyant ends of which are connected with each other by elements each of which including a frame com tie bars l. Each frame A is pivotally mounted posed of two horizontal side beams and two about a rod 2 passing through the center of the transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams side beams and each frame contains two buoyant 50 with each other, two second frames each piv rollers F rotatably supported by the side beams otally mounted on one of said transverse rods, about axes parallel to the rods 2. said second frames comprising each two side Each frame B consists of two side beams, the beams and two tie rods connecting the ends of ends of which are connected with each other by said last named side beams with each other, said` the rods 2, each of which as stated above rotat 55 2 2,313,295 tie rods extending parallel to said rods on which said last named side beams are mounted, a plu rality of third frames, one for each said tie rods and pivotally mounted on the same, and two buoyant; rollers mounted in each of said third frames and rotatable about axes which are par allel to said tie rods. _ 3. In a buoyancy system, a plurality or” buoyant elements each of which including a frame com posed of two horizontal side beams and two transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams with each other, two second frames each pivotally which said last named side beams are mounted, a plurality of third frames, one for each said tie rods and pivotally mounted on the same, two buoyant rollers mounted in each of said third frames and rotatable about axes which are par allel to said tie rods, and means for supporting a superstructure extending upwardly from the ends of the two horizontal side beams of said ñrst mentioned frame. 6. In a buoyancy system, a plurality of buoyant elements each of which including a frame com posed of two horizontal side beams and two transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams second frames comprising each two side beams with each other, two second frames each piv and two tie rods connecting the ends of said last named side beams with each other, said tie rods 15 otally mounted on one of said transverse rods, said second frames comprising each two side extending parallel to said rods in which said beams and two tie rods connecting the ends last named side beams are mounted, a plurality of said last named side beams with each other, of third frames, one for each said tie rods and said tie rods extending parallel to said rods on pivotally mounted on the same, and two buoyant rollers mounted in each of said third frames and 20 which said last named side beams are mounted, a plurality of third frames, one for each said rotatable about axes which are parallel to said tie rods and pivotally mounted on the same, two tie, the axes of rotation of said buoyant rollers buoyant rollers mounted in each Aof said third being positioned in a common plane and being frames and rotatable about axes which are par spaced equidistant from the tie rod about which allel to said tie rods, and means for supporting the respective third frame is rotatable. a superstructure extending upwardly from the 4. In a buoyancy system, a plurality of buoyant ends of the two horizontal side beams of said elements each of which including a frame com ñrst mentioned frame, and pivotally connected posed of two horizontal side beams and two to the same. , ' transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams 7. In a buoyancy system, a plurality of buoyant with each other, two second frames each pivot 30 elements each of which including a frame com ally mounted on one of said transverse rods, posed of two horizontal side beams and two said second frames comprising each two side transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams beams and two tie rods connecting the ends of with each other, two second frames each piv said last named side'beams with each other, otally mounted on one of said transverse rods, said tie rods extending parallel .to said rods on said second frames comprising each two side which said last named side beams are mounted, beams and two tie rods connecting the ends of a plurality of third frames, one for each said said last named side beams with each other, tie rods and pivotally mounted on the same, two said tie rods extending parallel to said rods on buoyant rollers mounted in each of said third frames and rotatable about axes which are par 40 which said last named side beams are mounted, a plurality of third frames, one for each said allel to said tie rods, and means for supporting tie rods and pivotally mounted on the same, two a superstructure extending upwardly from said buoyant rollers mounted in each of said third ñrst mentioned frame. frames and rotatable about axes which are par 5. In a buoyancy system, a plurality of buoyant elements each of which including a frame com 45 allel to said tie rods, and beams for supporting a superstructure extending upwardly from said posed -of two horizontal side beams and two ñrst mentioned frame, said beams being pivot transverse rods connecting the ends of said beams ally attached with their lower end to the trans with each other, two second frames each piv verse rods of said ñrst mentioned frame, and otally mounted on one of said transverse rods, said second frames comprising each two side 50 a transverse tie bar connecting the pairs of beams on each side of said frame with each other beams and two tie rods connecting the ends of at their upper end. said last named side beams with each other, JEAN HÉRAIL. _ said tie rods extending parallel to said rods on' mounted on one of said transverse rods, said RAYMOND GAUTHIER.
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