Parish Membership Sunday Masses

Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692
Parish Social Ministry
Maureen Russell
Faith Formation
Debbie Hurley
Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi
Associate Pastors
Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Johnny Mendonca
Rev. Charles N. Srion
Music Director
Jennifer Wells
Joseph Benincasa
Frank Gonzalez
Dennis Canese
Marion G. Dreyfus
Parish office: (516) 352-0146
Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554
Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427
Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840
Sunday Masses
Parish Membership
Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center 5:00PM
Church 8:00PM
Sunday: Church 7:30AM, 9:30AM (Italian), 11:30AM
and 5:00PM (Spanish)
Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
9:30AM, 11:00AM and 1:00PM
ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGISTER
on the First Sunday of the Month at the Pastoral Table after
Mass or anytime at the Parish Office. We invite you to be part
of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activities.
Parish Prayer Life
Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM
Adoration: Every Friday After 8:00AM Mass - 9:00PM
and 24HR every First Friday,
Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center
Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass
Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer St.)
Parishioners with Special Needs
Weekday Masses
Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM—8:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM—7:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM—4:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM—1:00PM
Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours
(995 Lutz Street)
Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM
Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Additional hours by appointment only.
Anointing of the Sick
Communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursdays during the
8:00AM Mass. Please notify priest if family member is sick
at home. Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146
Celebrate Baptism
We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through
Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of
each month at 12:30PM.
Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at
7:30PM (pre-registration is required).
Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are
invited to call the Parish Office for assistance.
Celebrate Marriage
Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon
before making your social arrangements.
Reconciliation (Confession/Penance)
The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center are
accessible through doors on right side of the Church where
buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessible through
its front doors and has an elevator at ground level for upper
and lower levels (left side of staircase) allowing access to
Church as well.
Assisted Listening Devices are available in Church for
the hearing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one.
Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may
be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at
775-0840; contact if you have other needs to be addressed.
Mass For Those with Special Needs is celebrated on the
3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine
Chapel-Sienna Center.
Professional Therapy & Counseling
Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by
New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish.
Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503.
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
8:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:30 AM
1:00 PM
Nov. 15 - St. Albert the Great
Martin Diaz
Pietro Setaro - Angelina Pietronigro Celestino DiCocco - Martin Gill - Mary Smith
John Morrissey
Nov. 16 - 33 Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the People of the Parish
Giuseppe Musco & Giusepina Vacca
Donata & Michael D'Alessandro &
Joseph Passarelli
Spanish Mass
Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass
Joseph Sparacio
Kathleen Guarascio
8:00 AM
Nov. 17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary
In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother
8:00 AM
Nov. 18 - St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Yolanda Medici
8:00 AM
Nov. 19
Toni Jo Sparacino
8:00 AM
Nov. 20
Herbert & Marie Dressel
8:00 AM
Nov. 21 - The Presentation of the BVM
Giuseppe Laffaldano
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Nov. 22 - St. Cecilia
Mary Smith
Nina & Paolo Petrillo - Margaret Costello
Maria Demattma - Olga Desonne Patricia Brock
Bill & Steven Lewis
8:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:30 AM
1:00 PM
Nov. 23 - Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
For the People of the Parish
Rosa Zeppieri
John Morrissey
Spanish Mass
Alfred Samaniego
Clara & Antonio Diolallevi
Angela Marchetti
PRAY for DECEASED and their Families:
Catherine Pellegrini, Mary Schwinn,
Anthony Taylor, Dominik Scarola
During Week of November 16
will burn in our Church
In Loving Memory of: Fr. William O’Rourke
with the prayers of: St. Padre Pio Prayer Group
will be used at all Masses
In Loving Memory of:
Bruce Muller
and Dec. Mem. of the Muller Family
with the prayers of: A Friend
Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is
In Loving Memory of: Pop Pop - James Kinney
with the prayers and Love of
Marisa, Matthew, Zachary, & Julia
Host Family/Individual:
Shaun Gonzales
PRAY for those serving in MILITARY
Maj. Thomas Babbitt
Sgt. Patrick Brady
Maj. Catherine Babbitt
PFC Erik Jacobsen
Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G.
LCpl. Michael P. Kelly
M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen
Cpl. Thomas R. Kroez, Jr.
Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise
Sgt. Michael Salemi
Lt. Col. Andrew Phillips
LCpl. Christopher Montes
Cpl. Joseph Blaikie
Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson
Robert Vitale
ET3 Peter J. King
E3 Thomas Mannle
A1C Phil Gautiere
Lt. John Debonis
Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan
PRAY for the SICK:
Teresa Akson, Rocco LoPresti,
Barbara Alberti DiNatale, Phyllis Livoti,
William Rottkamp
As members of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread
the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and
through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy,
minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith.
Scriptural Reflection for the Week
“For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord
will come like a thief at night.” (see 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6)
“The day of the Lord” referred to by Saint Paul has to do with
our Lord’s Second Coming at the end of time. And, I hope
we are all in agreement about this, no one knows (or can
predict!) when that time has arrived! Saint Paul’s warning
may also refer on the spiritual level to the time of our passing
from this world – the time of our death. Unless we violate
the Fifth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”, and seek to
deliberately end our life through an act of euthanasia, we also
do not know when we shall die. In this sense, death comes to
us “like a thief at night“. So we are always prepared - or always should be prepared! We are prepared not out of a
sense of fear, but out of a sense of love. We love God and
long to be in His presence and with all the saints, angels and
all the faithful departed. To be prepared means that everything we do revolves around this desire for God. How we
manage our family life; how we treat enemies as well as
friends; how we shun unnecessary pleasures and expenses;
how we strive to be humble and pure; how we remain faithful
in the little details of life according to the Lord’s expectations;
how we have confidence in His grace at times of challenge
and difficulty - all these moments make up our preparation for
the day of the Lord and for our death which is better referred
to as our “birth into eternal life”!
The Annual Stewardship Report
… is included again in this weekend’s bulletin. Members of
our Pastorial Council are speaking at all Masses this
weekend to highlight its contents and encourage a fuller
participation in parish life among all our parishioners. The
next two weekends there will be a COMMITMENT form
printed in the bulletin for you and your family to complete and
drop in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office.
Show your gratefulness to God by placing your gifts of time,
talent and treasure at the service of your parish. Thank you.
Safe Environment Visit and Audit
Our parish is one of several to be visited on November 20th
by members of the Stone Bridge Business Partners. We have
been chosen by the Diocese to be one of these parishes due
to our vigilance in the area of Safe Environment for Children
and Young People. This is why we stress the need for all
staff, employees and VOLUNTEERS to undergo background
checks and VIRTUS (safe environment awareness) training
as well as utilizing guest sign in procedures at our Welcome
Desk and security cameras on our campus. Should someone
wish to report an incident of abuse of a minor, please call
516-594-9063 and immediately inform myself or one of the
parish staff. All these measures help us to be in compliance
with the U.S. Bishops Charter for the Safety and Protection of
Young People under our care. Thank you for your continued
cooperation in this critical area.
This Friday…
November 21st, is our Annual Family Thanksgiving Celebration at 7pm in the Auditorium. Check our table in the Sienna
Center Lobby for ticket information.
Catholic Ministries Appeal
For those who have pledged, a big THANK YOU for your
parish spirit. For those who have yet to pledge, you may find
pledge envelopes at the doors of the church and center.
We need everyone’s participation to maximize the potential
for a generous rebate to our parish.
Mission Trip to Kingston, Jamaica
Our 2015 trip to work along side the MISSIONARIES of the
POOR is scheduled for January 28th to February 2nd.
Please contact ANNETTE at 516-312-4646 for more information.
Thanksgiving Interfaith Service
… is scheduled for Wednesday, November 26th at 7:30pm
at the Ascension Lutheran Church on Franklin Avenue.
Thanksgiving Day 2014
The one parish Mass will be at 9am on November 27th.
Anyone interested in sharing a Thanksgiving Day Meal that
day may go to the Pope Francis Hospitality Center which is
in the cafeteria of St. Vincent de Paul school building
(lower level). Their volunteers will be serving a complete
Thanksgiving Day dinner beginning at 12Noon.
One Final Thought
“God loves those to whom He can give more, those who
expect more from Him, those who are open, those who
sense their need and rely on him for everything. Our works
are just an expression of the growth of God’s love in us.
Therefore, he who is united to God is the one who loves his
neighbor more.”
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
or “speaking about Parish funding & finance”...
We demonstrate being good stewards of our Parish by
sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gift,
and as donors of special funding for others in need.
Last Week Offertory
5:00PM SC
8:00PM Church
Sun. 7:30AM Church
9:30AM SC (Family)
9:30AM Church (Italian)
11:00AM SC
11:30AM Church
1:00PM SC
5:00PM Church (Spanish)
Received by Mail
Received thru Faith Direct
$ 485
$ 537
$ 987
$ 248
Last Week’s Collection Total:
Average Weekly Parish Expenditures: $32,000
lit · ur · gy
n. a form of public worship;
a collection of formularies for public worship;
the celebration of the Eucharist
Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish
November 2014
(Month of All Souls)
21 Parish Family Thanksgiving Celebration
(7:00-10:00 Auditorium)
23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the
23 Family Mass - Level 4
(9:30AM St. Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center)
27 Thanksgiving Day Mass
(9:00AM Church)
30 Family Mass - Level 5
(9:30AM St. Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center)
Scripture Readings for
the NEXT SUNDAY. . .
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
Reading I - Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
Reading II - 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28
Gospel Matthew 25: 31-46
For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS
Pray Together
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days.
By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca
As we come close to Thanksgiving, we are reminded of the many blessings that the Lord has bestowed on each one of us. It is a great blessing
to take time and reflect on the goodness of the Lord to us and those
around us. Coming together around Thanksgiving dinner table is what
Thanksgiving means to most people. A family gathered around a big
turkey and dressing meal with all the goodies to go with it. And that’s
certainly a special time for many families here in our blessed country.
WE ARE BLESSED! We have great abundance in America. We can buy
most anything we want if we have the money. We have freedom in
America to go where we want, when we want. We have the precious gift
of being able to travel and be with our families on Thanksgiving and at
other times. WE ARE BLESSED! Counting our blessings and giving
thanks is what Thanksgiving is all about!
We of all people of the world need to be thankful! And not just on
Thanksgiving day. For many Americans, giving thanks for their blessings
and their meal may only happen one time a year. I remember a young
person once saying to me, "Frankly, I don’t ever remember my family
ever giving thanks for a meal other than at Thanksgiving. And I don’t
even remember who offered the prayer of Thanksgiving but someone
did." We ought to be thankful every day, for every day, and for every
meal and for every gift from above. And they are many! WE ARE
Henry Ward Beecher: Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the
soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful
man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. We need to
be both humble and grateful. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to
the humble." 1 Peter 5:5
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks. After the Pilgrims’ first year’s harvest, the governor of the settlement, William Bradford, declared a day to
give thanks. This day of thanks was observed even up to the Civil War
when Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday. Yet today, especially
in America, this day of thanks to God has been secularized and lost most
of its religious roots. Many people give thanks but forget the One they
are to give thanks to. Of all the people in the world, American should be
extra thankful.
We should be extremely thankful for what God has blessed us with as
Americans. All of us right now have a lot for which to give thanks. As we
look at our present condition and possession, we should be bubbling
over with thanks to God. I fear that we have grown too comfortable and
far too ungrateful for all that God has done for us. We can give thanks.
What happens too often is that we look at what others have and we want
those things. We no longer give thanks to God for what He has given
already. We display a ungrateful spirit, which says that we deserve what
we have. Such a spirit says, “I have worked hard to get what I have and
no one has given it to me. I deserve it all.”
We would expect this attitude of the lost world, but it is not to be so
among God’s children. Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:20 "Giving thanks
always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
◄ see prayer.
Rebate Goal:
To Date:
Completing your 2014 pledge ensures
our Parish will benefit
by receiving our full rebate!
Good stewards are like the industrious and
reliable servants in today’s Gospel, prudently
using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them
by God.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish who seek to responsibly connect their faith
in day-to-day activities, such as participating in
community, school organizations and other efforts.
Donor Goal:
To Date:
If you haven’t given, prayerfully consider;
the more donor gifts,
the more people we can help!
Gift Goal:
To Date:
for your continued generous support of
2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal!
Faith Formation
Level 4 Mass
All fourth grade students and their families are invited
to attend Mass on:
Sunday, November 23rd
9:30 am
St. Catherine’s Chapel,
Sienna Center
Sharing faith
through the eyes
of our Catechists:
I became a catechist when the
oldest of my 3 children was in
1st grade. I have been
teaching for over 10 years.
I have taught 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th
and 8th grade. I think to be a
catechist one has to have a great love for
children. It takes a lot of heart. I always feel
great when I make a connection with the
kids, when they get what I am trying to teach,
when they're participating and interacting in
class. I try to stress the importance of prayer
and how Jesus is always there for each of
them and if any one feels hurt or alone they
can always talk to Jesus. I love the sense of
community I feel as a catechist. I have made
friends with others in this ministry and have
found much support in my faith.
Lina Minenno
Presently 8th Grade Catechist
Saint Catherine of Sienna
Men’s Scripture Group:
Our Thanksgiving Holiday Bulletin submission to be printed in
the November 30th issue is
due on Monday, November
We will then revert to our normal schedule, so
submissions for December 7th, will be
due on Friday November 29th.
There can be NO exceptions.
This is the bulletin Company’s deadline.
Any and all submissions received late will be held over to the
following week’s edition.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
All men are welcome to join us,
as we Pray and Study the Scripture.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
@ 7PM
St. Joseph /St. Dominic Room
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for
teaching, for refutation, for correction and for
training in the righteousness”.
(2 Timothy 3:16)
St. Catherine of Sienna
Please join us for our next meeting on
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
in the Saint Catherine Chapel.
7:00PM Rosary & 7:30PM Mass
Our next meeting will be
Monday, November 17th at 1:30pm,
in the Lobby of the Sienna Center.
All are welcome
The Diocese of Rockville
celebrates the 50 Anniversary
of Priestly Ordination
Bishop William Murphy
Sunday, November 30, 2014, 12:30 pm Mass
Cathedral of Saint Agnes
Rockville Centre, New York
His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the homilist.
All are invited to come and join Bishop Murphy in this Liturgy of Thanksgiving.
In the Spotlight …
Consolation Ministry Supports Family
The members of our Consolation Ministry reach out to parishioners who
have just suffered the loss of a loved one. It is a particularly vulnerable time for
the grieving families. The personal contact, warmth and outreach offered to
these families is a great comfort to them. Consolation Ministers work as a team and
consist of a companion, greeters and cake bakers.
We are fortunate to have this ministry and its wonderful volunteer ministers serving others.
Recently one family that lost a loved one shared their gratitude of the warm service and
comfort offered by our Ministers of Consolation with a note of appreciation.
“During our time of sorrow
we realize how much our
family and friends mean to us.
Your kind expression of
sympathy will always
be remembered
by the family of ...“
To: Bishop Murphy
“Thank you so much for your care and support
before and during the funeral Mass. Please
also thank the Cantor for her beautiful voice,
and our thanks also go out to the baker of the
bundt cake it was so delicious.”
Warmly, CB...
From: Fr. Lawrence E. Tucker
Re: Praise for Brother Priests
Dear Bishop Murphy:
We have never met ... but I have been doing supply work in the diocese as of late. My name is
Fr. Lawrence E. Tucker. I'm from Levittown... but I'm a member of The Society of Our Lady of
The Most Holy Trinity. My mother is a widow and is in terrible condition due to cancer and heart
disease. Being the only child, I have been coming home for about 8 months each year for the past
3 years to assist her (I do mission appeals all over the country for the entire summer). During
these home visits, I help out on Sunday's at St. Catherine of Sienna in Franklin Square. Over the
years, I've supplied at a number of different parishes in the diocese, but I have never been as
edified as I have been by the priests at St Catherine's. Many missionaries have the silly habit of
imagining that they are the ones doing the "heavy lifting" in the Church... and the diocesan priests
are the ones who are on "easy street" (I remember one of our superior's saying that SOLT priests
are "Our Lady's Marines ... we're the first ones in". Well... if SOLT priests are "Our Lady's
Marines", then the 4 priests at St. Catherine's are "Our Lady's Navy Seals!". I thought I saw
hardworking, self-sacrificing priests in the missions of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala... and that I
would never see anything like it in the States. How wrong I was! Msgr. Rick is unbelievable! I tell
him at least once a month ... "I've never seen a pastor as dedicated to the flock as you are."
Fr. Johnny, Fr. Allan, and Fr. Charlie, in the shadow of Msgr. Figliozzi's missionary spirit
and example, are becoming outright saints! The parish is so vibrant ... every Sunday I see many
new faces, new families, and new young people. What more can I say? I just felt I needed to share
this with you. Please don't feel that you have to respond to this little communique ... just wanted to
recognize a band of holy priests.
Fr. Larry
O When the saints
go marching in…...
I want to be in
that number……..
The saints came alive for the
children of the Faith Formation
program and the Morning star Youth
Ministry. Every class was assigned a
saint and each one did a presentation. In total 76 saint stories were
shared among the classes of Grades
1—6. Some of our stories spilled over
into the Saints Exhibition that was
done by our Youth Ministry and held
in the Sienna Center. For our older
grades we prayed the rosary and
reflected with various saints on the
rosary through a power point
presentation. Our Morning Star teens,
young adults and adults researched
and learned about saints they were
interested in. They grew in their
understanding of Archangels
St. Michael and St. Raphael,
St. Bernadette of Soubirous,
St. Gemma Galgani, St. John Bosco
and St. Jerome. Presentations were
done on some of the saints on
October 31, the Eve of All Saints,
during a prayer service. After,
treats were shared with all. A sweet
ending to a week filled with the
presence of many of our saints.
(Left) Saint Gemma Galgani, (Daughter of Passion)
was the role model of Padre Pio. She had the
stigmata (the wounds of Jesus crucified) and through
her sufferings came close to Jesus.
St John Bosco had visions of the Lord and heard him
say: "Not with blows, but with charity and gentleness
must you draw these friends to the path of virtue.”
St. John Bosco cared for many homeless and rejected young
men and gave them an understanding of God’s love by teaching
them through love and giving them a respectable place in society.
(photo above) Young
people and adults praying
before the Blessed
Sacrament, thinking and
reflecting on the lives of
holy men and women, our
heroes, our saints.
Sweet treats of ice cream and
chocolates end a week filled
with stories of our saints that
came to life for all of us.
Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class
Name_______________________ Grade Level________ November 16, 2014
Use the numbered coins to find their words below.
Solve the math problems to find
how much each servant received.
You have been given talents by God
to use to help others#GodIsLove
November 21, 2014
Pray the Hail Mary 3 times that day!
Write some of your gifts or ‘talents’ below.
How do you use them?
November 21, 2014
Pray the Hail Mary 3 times that day!
(Christmas story)
Sunday, December 14, 2014
at: 7:00pm Sharp
in: Parish Auditorium
Reserve your seat today - Donation is $5 per person
Tickets on sale after Masses and at Welcome Desk
Saint Catherine of Sienna R.C. Church
Knights of Columbus
Twelve Apostles # 5001
New Years Eve Party… before we can give details,
we need to know if you are interested in attending this
event. The price will be $65 for adults and $30.00 for
children 4 to 12. Failure to contact us will lead to the
cancellation of this event. So please call or email us
as soon as possible with a rough estimate of how
many in your party would attend.
Contact Grand Knight Ray Diaz @ 516) 491-1162 or ASAP. Thank you.
We will be selling our C & B Books and Keep Christ
in Christmas lawn signs and magnets in the coming
Next General Meeting will be on Nov. 17th @ 7:30 pm
Next Officers Meeting will be on Dec. 1st @ 7:30pm
Friday, November 21
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Join us for our annual parish family Thanksgiving Celebration
which includes prayer before meal, buffet dinner of Italian food
favorites, soda, dessert, coffee and holiday fun.
Tickets: $9 Per Person
available after
Weekend Mass
and at
Welcome Desk
Open Seating:
First Come,
First Seated
Pope at Audience: The Church, the Body of Christ
The Church as the Body of Christ was the focus of Pope Francis general audience this Wednesday morning,
attended by tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists in an autumnal St. Peter’s Square. Referring to the Apostle Paul’s advice to the quarreling community in Corinth the Pope noted that many of our Christian communities, our parishes are divided by envy, gossip, misunderstanding and marginalization. He said this “dismembers
us” and moreover is the beginning of war. “War does not begin on the battlefield: war, wars begin in the heart,
with this misunderstanding, division, envy, with this fighting among each other”. No one is superior in the community of the Church, and
when we feel tempted to think of ourselves as superior “especially to those who perform the most humble and hidden services” the Pope
said we should “remember our sins” in shame before God. The only way to counter such division is to appreciate the individual qualities
and gifts of others and give thanks to God for them. The Church understood as the Body of Christ – he concluded - is a profound communion of love, its deepest and most beautiful distinguishing feature.
Dear brothers and sisters,
good morning. When you want to highlight how the elements that form a reality
are closely united with one another and
together form one single body, the image
of the body is often used. Starting with the
Apostle Paul, this expression has been
applied to the Church and was recognized
as its deepest and most beautiful distinguishing feature. Thus today, we want to
ask ourselves: in what sense does the
Church form a body? And why it’s called
the "body of Christ"? The Book of Ezekiel
describes a vision that is somewhat particular and shocking, but one which instills
confidence and hope in our hearts. God
shows the prophet a field of bones, broken
and parched. A bleak scenario ... Imagine:
an entire plain full of bones. God asks
him, then, to invoke the Spirit upon them.
At that point, the bones move, they begin
to draw closer to each other and join together, nerves begin to grow and then
flesh and thus the body is formed, whole
and full of life (cf. Ez 37.1 to 14). Well,
this is the Church! When you go home
today pick up a Bible, Ezekiel Chapter
37, do not forget, and read this passage,
it's beautiful. This is the Church, it is a
masterpiece, the masterpiece of the Spirit,
which instills in each of us new life of the
Risen Christ and places us next to each
other, to help and support each other, thus
making all of us one body, built in the
communion and love.
The Church, however, is not only a body
built in the Spirit: The Church is the Body
of Christ! It may seem a little strange, but
this is how it is. It is not just a saying, we
really are! It is the great gift that we receive on the day of our Baptism! In the
sacrament of Baptism, in fact, Christ
makes us His, welcoming us into the heart
of the mystery of the Cross, the supreme
mystery of His love for us, to make us rise
again with Him as new creatures. Behold,
thus the Church was born, and so the
Church recognizes herself as the body of
Christ! Baptism is truly a rebirth, which
regenerates us in Christ, making us a part
of Him, and unites us intimately among
each other, as members of the same body,
of which He is the head (cf. Rom 12.5, 1
Cor 12, 12-13).
What emerges from this, then, is a profound communion of love. In this sense, it
is illuminating how Paul, in exhorting
husbands to "love their wives as their own
bodies," states: "Even as Christ does the
Church, because we are members of His
body" (Eph 5.28 to 30). How nice it
would be if we remembered what we are
more often, what the Lord Jesus has made
us, we are His body, that body that nothing and no one can snatch from Him and
which he covers with all His passion and
all His love, just like a bridegroom with
his bride. This thought, however, must
give rise in us to the desire to respond to
the Lord Jesus and share His love among
ourselves, as living members of His own
body. In Paul's time, the community of
Corinth experienced a lot of difficulties in
this sense, experiencing, as we too often
do, divisions, jealousies, misunderstandings and marginalization. All of these
things are not good, because rather than
building and helping the Church to grow
as the Body of Christ, they shatter it into
many pieces, they dismember it. And this
also happens in our day. Just think of our
Christian communities, our parishes, think
of how many divisions there are in our
neighborhoods, how much envy, gossip,
how much misunderstanding and marginalization. And what does it do? It dismembers us. It is the beginning of war. War
does not begin on the battlefield: war,
wars begin in the heart, with this misunderstanding, division, envy, with this
fighting among each other. And the community of Corinth was just like this, they
were champions in this! And the Apostle,
then, gave some practical advice to the
Corinthians that can apply to us: Do not
be jealous, but appreciate the gifts and the
quality of our brothers and sisters in our
communities. Jealousy: "But ... he bought
a car," and I am jealous; "This one won
the lotto," and I am jealous; "And he’s
good at this," and another jealousy. And
that dismembers, it hurts, it should not be
done! Because jealousy grows, grows and
fills the heart. And a jealous heart is a
bitter heart, a heart that instead of blood
seems to have vinegar, eh! It is a heart that
is never happy, it is a heart that disrupts
the community. But what should I do?
Appreciate the gifts and the quality of
others in our communities, of our brothers. But, when I am jealous - because it
happens to us all no? All of us, we are all
sinners eh! - When I am jealous, I must
say to the Lord: "Thank you, Lord, for
you have given this to that person".
Appreciating the qualities and countering
division; drawing close and participating
in the suffering of the poorest and the
most needy; expressing gratitude for everything - saying thank you, the heart that
knows how to say thank you, is a good
heart, a noble heart, a heart that is happy
because it knows how to say thank you. I
ask you: do we all know to say thank you?
No? Not always? Because envy, jealousy
holds us back a bit? Everyone, and especially those who perform the most humble
and hidden services; and, finally, this is
the advice that the apostle Paul gives the
Corinthians and we too should give one
another: never consider yourself superior
to others - how many people feel superior
to others! We too, often sound like the
Pharisee in the parable: "Thank you Lord
that I am not like that person, that I am
superior". But this is bad, do not do that!
When you are tempted to this, remember
your sins, those no one knows, shame
yourself before God and say, "You, Lord,
you know who is superior, I close my
mouth". And this is good. And always, in
charity consider yourself as members who
belong to one another and who live and
give yourselves for the benefit of all (cf. 1
Cor 12-14).Dear brothers and sisters, like
the prophet Ezekiel, and like the Apostle
Paul, we also implore the Holy Spirit, so
that His grace and the abundance of His
gifts help us to really live as the Body of
Christ, united as a family, but a family
that is the body of Christ, and as a beautiful and visible sign of the love of Christ.
Thank you.
Did you know that U.S. troops can sometimes go for weeks or even months
without hearing a Mass or words of comfort from a
Service men and women who suffer this spiritual deprivation, along with other daily challenges, endure
grievous hardship. Committed to being excellent Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Guardsmen, and Marines,
these patriotic Americans and faithful Catholics struggle to find a balance, a point of spiritual equilibrium.
The FRONTLINE FAITH™ Project delivers MP3 players preloaded with spiritual content, especially as it pertains to military service, to members of our armed forces currently deployed or returning from deployment,
with special emphasis on injured troops and troops stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.
For a tax-deductible donation of $24, you can put a
FRONTLINE FAITH player in the hands of one of our troops.
To donate or for more information, go to
There are more than 300,000 Catholic troops currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Catholics compose 20 percent of our military.
Currently, there are 281 Catholic chaplains serving our troops. These dedicated priests compose
8 percent of the military chaplains. The spiritual needs of our troops are of utmost concern to our
military chaplains.
The FRONTLINE FAITH Players are given free of charge to our troops.
While this is a Catholic initiative, this is an ecumenical endeavor. The FRONTLINE FAITH Players
are given to every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Guardsman, and Marine who wishes to receive one.
Distribution of the players targets injured troops in military hospitals and wounded transition units and
troops currently deployed or preparing for deployment.
Distribution of the players has been arranged with the assistance of the Archbishop for the Military
Services and the 281 military chaplain/priests serving his archdiocese. Further assistance has been
provided by American Airlines.
All Youth 13+ are invited to XLT –
A night of inspiring Catholic teaching,
relevant worship and Eucharistic Adoration!
Fr. Joe Fitzgerald will be our Presider for
Adoration and the Ike Ndolo Band for Praise &
Worship! Join us for this night of prayer and
adoration on
Sunday, November 23 at St. Joseph
Church, 39 Carll Avenue, Babylon starting
at 7:30.
If you have any questions, please e-mail
Marianne Sheridan at or
call 516-678-5800, ext. 615.
Spirituality For Singles 2014 Fall Holiday
Singles Dance
Saturday, Nov 22, 2014; 8:30PM to 12 midnight
St. Aidan Parish - Msgr. Kirwin Hall,
525 Willis Avenue,
Williston Park, NY 11596
Hot Buffet, free wine & beverages, dessert,
Live Music & Dancing all evening
All Singles Ages 30+ are welcome, $25.00pp
Info: (516) 561-6994 or
Spirituality For Singles -
St. Martin de Porres
Marianist School
Growing in Wisdom, Faith,
and Knowledge
Elementary Education in the
Marianist Tradition
Open House
Saturday, January 24, 2015
1:00pm to 3:00pm
530 Hempstead Boulevard
Uniondale, New York
516 481-3303
Monthly Singles Gathering
Saturday, Dec 6, 2014, 8:30PM, after the 7:30PM Mass
St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave.,
Williston Park, NY, 11596
Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion,
meditation, socialization.
$5.00 donation snacks, pizza and beverages will be served
This Gathering will feature a special guest performance
Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or
Post Abortion Help
Do you know someone who is carrying
the grief and sorrow of past abortions?
Share with them the “good News” of God’s merciful love:
Days of Prayer and Healing
For women and men suffering
from the effects of abortion
For more information or to register, please call the Sisters of
Life: 866-575-0075 or email:,
For more information or to register Please call:
877-856-4621 Or email
You don’t need to suffer alone. There’s help