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7 November 2014
Lady & Gentlemen
You are cordially invited to attend the next Meeting of the Board on Thursday 20th November
2014 at 9.30am. The members should meet at Holme village hall car park and following the
inspection of the District a meeting will be held at the Addison Arms, Sawtry Road, Glatton, after
which lunch will be provided. It is hoped you will find it convenient to attend.
Yours truly R Wright
Clerk to the Board
Apologies for Absence
Confirmation of Minutes
Meeting held on 2nd June 2014 (Pages 3- 4- 5– 6)
Matters Arising
a) Yaxley water control - Further to minute 119/14(b) The Chairman to report that works have been
completed on the water control. Problems with water levels and additional works – strim round
structure, break out cill and make good, cut off angles, chip and paint door, free thread on gate and
fit new rails increased the cost to £3,192.
b) Herberts Bridge – Further to minute 181/14(b) – Issues with persons entering pumping station
grounds were still evident in October. Problems with a lock on a gate being cut had been noted by
the Great Fen Project.
Pumping Stations
a) Whittlesey Mere – The Chairman to report that Phil Camplin had undertaken further works to the
weedscreen cleaner – install new motor £481.50.
Shoebridge Engineering valve overhaul £5,200 & £2,274
The Clerk to report that Vulcan Insurance inspection Services had inspected the weed screen grab,
Crane track, manual overhead travelling crane Wharton on 24th October. The rollers fitted to the
grab were not allowing the grab to enter the screen and were causing the grab to tip, this should be
investigated and suitably adjusted.
b) Yaxley – J Mears to report.
Vulcan had inspected the Manual chain block with integral geared trolley Vaughan and the runway
track – the identification number should be clearly marked in accordance with a test certificate.
Maintenance of Channels
a) The Chairman to report that drain work notices have been issued and D G Beaton had started flail
mowing but three fields cropped with either sugar beet or potatoes were hindering works. To date
no start date for Fen Ditching Co had been agreed.
b) Great Fen Project- Further to a meeting in August - (i) Old Decoy Farm – work had been on hold
due to the presence of water voles.
(ii) Rymes Reed bed – consists of approximately 145ha of land at New Barn Farm and Holme Lode
Farm. Problems at point 54 – leakage. The position as regards to the railway line point 36 were still
under investigation.
iii) New Decoy – The works at New Decoy need to be re-visited.
iv) Corney’s Farm – The drainage system is still operational and work on the two culverts under the
Ramsey Road were still pending.
v) Kesters Docking – Consent granted for works on 7th July made.
vi) Clay stockade – planning permission granted but works not yet started.
vii) Engine Farm – Application for consent made for – installation of new sluices/control structures
and creation of new drain with infilling of existing one.
viii) Gates – Blue Corney’s - Gates along Holme Lode/Engine Drain
Green barn at Corney’s – New Decoy blue gate off B660 towards railway covet – Holme Lode
Black -Old Decoy
General Matters
a) Planning Matters - The Clerk to report that the Consulting Engineer had dealt with no
applications on behalf of the Board:b)
(i) Risk Management – Systems of Internal Control and Risk Management
(ii) The Health & Safety arrangements continue to be updated.
c) Consents
No 38 Wildlife Trust – Kesters Docking – new ditches, pools, installation of bunds, pipe sluices to
create new wetland etc.
No 39 Wildlife Trust – five new field gates
d) ADA – The next Great Ouse branch meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2015 at
2.30pm at Prickwillow Village Hall, Main Street, Prickwillow.
e) Network Rail – Proposal to close Holme Crossing – Queenies crossing and foot crossing at
Yaxley Pumping Station.
f) Huntingdon shire DC – Re-appointing of Cllr G J Bull as representative for the remainder of the
current Municipal Year.
Payments made by the Board
To consider and approve the payments made by the Board.
Vouchers 1 -28
Page 7
Estimates of Income and Expenditure
a) To consider income and expenditure for 2014/2015
Page 8
b) To consider the internal auditors report - circulated
c) The Agricultural Wages Board has been disbanded and pay increases have been linked to the
National Minimum wage. The increase for 2014/2015 is 3%
9 Date of next meetings 2015
Minutes of a meeting of the Holmewood & District Internal Drainage Board held on Monday 10th
June 2013 at the Addison Arms, Sawtry Road Glatton at 7.30pm.
Present J Ayres (Chairman), G Bliss, A Bowley, D J Collett, N Collett, M A Davis,
J Mears, L Parker, J D Wright, R Wright (Clerk), M A Wright (Secretary)
Apologies for Absence
J Davis, R Hollins, Cllr G Bull
Confirmation of Minutes – RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on
18th February 2013 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.
Matters Arising
a) Atkins report – Further to minute 146/13(e) A Bowley to report upon status of the Atkins report.
The main area that was being addressed was Flood storage but little success was made so along
with Middle Level Commissioners OHES been appointed to progress the matter. At present
Woodwalton NR is used for surplus water and they are looking to expand the area and have
additional in Holme Fen. The Group would welcome any member of the Board to join them. The
Chairman asked about drainage west of the Main Coast railway line A Bowley stated that the matter
had not been properly addressed by the report. They were looking at problems that may arise due to
seepage once the fen has been made wetter.
b) Yaxley pump – fencing – Further to minute 146/13(a) J Mears reported that some soil has been
put around station and once settled more would be added after harvest.
c) Weed screen Cleaner – further to minute 1473/1 3(a) to conform whether any local contractor
have been approached. G Bliss confirmed that his contact would not be able to assist the Board.
Pumping Stations
a) Whittlesey Mere
The Chairman reported that the condition of pump was satisfactory
Weed screen cleaner - the cable drum for the weed screen cleaner should never been fitted with the
10 mm 4core cable as is too heavy for drum. The drum manufacturers Metreel have confirmed an
alternative drum to use which they have in stock at the present time. The cost would be £730.00 +
vat & £16.00 delivery plus fitting. The Chairman reported that the drum has been ordered and
delivered and that the Clerk should inform P Camplin accordingly.
b) Yaxley
J Mears reported that the condition of pump was satisfactory and was currently switched off.
Maintenance of Channels
a) The Chairman reported that the Board’s drain work programme for 2013/2014 would be the
former Yaxley IDB area. It would be likely that recent blows had affected the district drains and
additional slubbing may be required.
b) Great Fen Project
An application for soil culverts, gateways and a couple of water connection pipes up north of
Engine Drain has been received. The Chairman felt that a soil dam would be inappropriate as the
watercourse would still serve the agricultural area. L Parker had no problem with changing the
The Middle Level Commissioners have installed the new slacker at Old Decoy as covered by
consent no 482.
The repairs to the bridge opposite Holmelode farm yard are happening imminently too (organised
through Smiths Gore).
The spoil on New Decoy has been spread. The works on Rymes reed bed up at Holmelode are
progressing well and I am more than happy to show yourself and anyone else who is interested the
work in progress.
Just for your information Jon Smith is very unwell at present and all enquiries etc should come
through to Lorna Parker in the first instance.
-Works on Rymes Reed bed are progressing well and we anticipate completion by late
summer/early autumn. The hide will be open for viewing of works from 7th June onwards. We will
be beginning to work up proposals for the excavation of the spitfire over the coming months.
-Works on the inlet at Old Decoy will start late next week or early week beginning the 10th - to be
carried out by the Middle Level Commissioners. Ditch in-filling is complete. Remaining works on
hold pending further information to be supplied to the board regarding an amendment to the soil
-Works on New Decoy and Corney’s - New ditch around the bungalow complete and functionality
to be monitored and reviewed by both the chairman of the board and ourselves once the roads under
the culvert and the other connecting works are complete (anticipate to be mid autumn-early winter).
The installation of the final control structures to be concluded following further approval and
consents from the board. The culvert beneath the track just north east of Railway covert requires
further investigate and may be replaced like for like if necessary as discussed on site with the
Chairman. New gates are installed, and the spoil from previous ditching work has been spread and
will be reseeded if necessary.
-Kester's Docking - the area of Holmelode farm to the east of Rymes reed bed (surrounding the
Blackham cottages) is a second area where we hope to carry out landscaping works, similar to those
included in Rymes reed bed. We will be working on designs and investigations over the coming
months and will bring further information to the board as it becomes available, through the planning
process consultation and through land drainage consent applications. In the interim we are seeking
permission to install new security gates along the roadside, to limit the potential for unauthorised
access, and to install soil culverts where ditches enter the IDB system along the road way. This
work will be carried out soon after permission is granted.
- We are still keen to facilitate the installation of an inlet in the Blackham area and would welcome
the IDB's permission to apply for such in the name of the board, for public use, as invited by the
Middle Level Commission.
- No additional works are planned at this time. All land to be managed via hay and grazing as in
previous years.
-For information, land at Top Farm and Stokes Farm will revert to restoration in October 2013.
c) Further to minute 117/12(c) – volume of water flowing over control at point 51 and the condition
of the control continues to be monitored. The board consider whether works are required whilst
drain works are in progress 2013 and it was suggested that Drake Towage Ltd be requested to quote
for improvement works after harvest.
General Matters
a) Planning Matters - The Clerk reported that the Consulting Engineer had dealt with the following
applications on behalf of the Board:H/130110FUL J Davis extension to Willow Hall property
H/1300535REP Mr Collett 8 dwellings adj 25 St Giles Close.
b) Consents
Wildlife Trust BCN scaffolding on and around bridge at Holme Lode Farm
The Board were informed that Middle Level Commissioners have resolved that the £15
administration fee for consents for their Boards shall be increased to £50. RESOLVED - that the
Board would increase their consent fee to £25.
c) (i) Risk Management - Control and Risk Management –
The Clerk reported upon the risk management assessment and the following policy and documents
were discussed: - Byelaws – Gifts & hospitality Policy – Employees Code of Conduct – Members
Code of conduct – Policy Document Health & Safety – Risk management Strategy & Policy –
Standing Orders – Financial regulations
(ii) The Health & Safety arrangements continue to be updated and a revised risk assessment for
working at the pumping stations were given to the Chairman and J Mears.
d) DEFRA – Amalgamations – no further developments
MHBA Consulting
R + C Ashman
A J Speechley & Son
Mrs M A Wright
Fen Ditching Ltd
P Camplin
P G Wright Excavations Ltd
Cambs County Council
R Wright
Middle Level
Whittlesey & District IDB
Telephone at station
Meeting expenses
Fail mowing
Whittlesey Mere pump panel
Whittlesey Mere
Secretary duties
Drain works
Repairs to cleaner
Drain works
Whittlesey Mere
Pension contributions
Clerks expenses
Fees , bat & owl boxes
Renewal of insurances
F I Bliss Ltd
Information Commissioner
Hargrave Agriculture
Edf Energy
Environment Agency
Yaxley fen
Whittlesey Mere
Planings and weed removal
Data registration
Metering charges
Whittlesey Mere
RESOLVED – that the payments be approved
Estimates of Income and Expenditure
a) The Board considered and approved the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2013.
b) The Board considered and approved the Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2013 and the
Annual Governance statement.
c) The Clerk reported that the income for the financial year 2012/2013 was £52,815.18 and
expenditure £60,699.25.
d) The Clerk presented the estimates for 2013/2014
It was agreed that the Clerks fee currently £2,250, Secretary’s salary £900, Chairman’s expenses
£800, and Attendants fee £200 all be increased by 2.7%
e) The Clerk reported that the Audit of the Accounts has been fixed for 10th June 2013 and the
appropriate notices have been displayed. G Whitfield has agreed to undertake the internal audit for
Rate and Levy Requirements
Under section 37 of the Land Drainage Act 1991, the appropriate proportions in which the
net expenditure of the Board must be met for 2013/2014 is: a) Proportion to be met by Agricultural Sector
b) Proportion to be met by Special Levy issued to
Huntingdonshire District Council
In 2013/2014 a rate of 1p together with corresponding special levy would raise £3,186.12
The estimated net expenditure of £51,002.00 in 2013/2014 is equivalent to: a) A rate in the 16.00p on agricultural land & buildings to raise £48,964.96
b) A special levy on Huntingdonshire District Council of £2,014.58
RESOLVED:a) A rate in the £ of 16p on agricultural land & buildings to raise £48,964.96 be levied
b) A special levy on Huntingdonshire District Council of £2,014.58 be levied
c) The seal of the Board be affixed to the record of drainage rate and special levy
d) That the Clerk be empowered to recover any outstanding rate through the courts.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 21st November 2013 at 9.30am