Apaftment No._ $ENr STANDARD M.NTH ToM'NTHRENTAL AGREEMENT ffiM* www.aagla'org (Consult withyourattorney aboutlocaltechnicalilies or changes in thelawsubsequent to therevision date.) OWtJER, RENTER: PRE. MISES: APT.NO. ADDRESS (ST.,AVE..PL.,BLVD.,ETC.) Z I PC O D E Ownerand Benteragreethai Renter'sperformance ol andcompliance witheachof the termshereof, andwithOwner'sHouseor PoolRules(il any)which areincorporaied hereinby reference, constitute a conditionon Renter'srightto occupythe Premises. Anylailureof compliance or performance by Renter shallallowOwnerto forfeitRenter'srightto possession. All personsdesignated as "Renler"are jointlyand severallyliablefor all "renter"obligitions. A. RentStartDate l. StorageSpace B. Rentper Month C. Dayol MonthRentDue J. MaximumOccupancy per Agreement D. LateRentCharge K. NamedRenter E. Returned CheckCharge L. Addedper OccupantRent F. SecurityDeposit M. Owner'sPersonal Property G. OwnerPaidUtilities N. Pets H. ParkingSpace(Lic./Space#) O. Inspection Consent SeeParagraph 9 CircleOne: Yes No P, RequiredNotices: RENT: Person/Address/Telephone No.whereand to whomrentto be paid: Daysand timeson whichrentis to be paid: LEAD: paint.Leadfrompaint,paintchips,anddustcanposehealthhazardsif notmanaged Housingbuiltbefore1978maycontainlead-based properly.Leadexposureis especially Beforerentingpre-1978 housing,ownersmust harmfulto youngchildrenand pregnantwomen. painthazardsin the housingpremises. Also Rentermustreceivea federallyapproved disclosethe presenceof knownlead-based pamphleton leadpoisoningprevention. Aqen!'s tnilials meanAgenthasinformedOwnerof Owner'sobligationto discloseany knownfactsaboutleadbasedpainton the propertyunder42 USC4852D,and is awareof his/herresponsibility to ensurecompliance. Owner'sinitialsmeanthe Premises werebuiltbefore1978. paintand/orlead-based and Owner hazardsin or on the Premises of lead-based _ Owner'sinitialsmeanOwnerhasno knowledge to leadbasedpaintin or on the Premises. has no reportsor recordspertaining paint whichis disclosed on theattachedlead-based aboutleadin or on the Premises _ Owner'sinitialsmeanOwnerhasinformation reportsand records. disclosure formand has providedrenterwith all available listedaboveand has receivedthe pamphletentitled _ Renter'sinitialsindicatethat Renterhas receivedcopiesof all information "ProtectYourFamilyFromLeadIn YourHome"and RentershallnotifyOwnerpromptlyin writingof any deteriorating and/orpeeling oaint. The partieswhoseinitialare insertedabovehavereviewedthe informationaboveand certify,to the best of their knowledge,that the they haveprovidedis trueand accurate. information CHEMICALS: usednotice"fromOwner'spestcontrolcompany(CivilCode Renter'sinitialsindicatethatRenterhasreceiveda copyol a "chemicals _ Revised 022013 - M-M-RENTALAGREE OAAGLA2013 Form orovided as a membershio service ol the APABTMENT ASSOCIATION OF GBEATER LOS ANGELES 62 1 South WestmorelandAvenue, Los Angeles, CA 90005 1940.8) whichmustbe providedto i{,and only il, thereis a writtenpestcontrolcontractin effect 1. Rent/LateRentCharge:Shouldthe startDate(sectionA) be otherthanthe firstday of the month,owner mayproratethe renl to thefirstdayof the succeeding month. Rentershallpay ownerthe rentdue for eachrentalmonthin advance,on the dateand in the amountsetout in SectionsB andC olu afterrequirednotice,anyadditionalfees,taxesor assessments authorized for passthroughto Renter. lf Renterfailsto pay any rent andwhendue,Rentershallpaya (one-time persuchunpaidamount)Latechargeas setout inSectionD. Saidlatechargeconstitutesreasonable effortbythepartiestoestimatefaircompensation inasmuchas itwouldbeimpractical or extremelydifficultto fix the actual causedby rentersdefault.lf Renter's "NSF,"Rentershalloava Returned checkis returned CheckChargesetoutin SectionE and maydemandthatfuturerentpaymentsbe by cashier'scheckor moneyorder. such Late Chargeand/orReturned CheckCharge re payableon owner'sdemandand non-payment shallconstitutea breachof this agreement. 2. SecurityDeposit:Rentershallpayto thetotalSecurity Deposit setoutin SectionF to secureRenter'scompliance withallterms of thisAgreement andOwner'sRulesand gulations.(ln additionto thefirstmonth'srent,ownermaydemandqly a security deposit equalto two timesthe monthlvrentfor apartments andthreetimesthe monthlyrentforfurnished apartments.) No portionof theSecurity depositshallbe deemedrent anyrentalmonthunlessOwnerso electsinwriting, norshallit constitute a measure of Owner's damages. No interest is payableon the Depositunlessrequiredby law.within21 daysafterRenter!g!q!!yvacatesthe premises, theSecurity Deposit shallbe returned byfirstclassmail,postagepre-paid, to Renter's lastknownaddress)by checkmadepayable to allthosedesignated jointly, as "Renter" or notoneor morehavevacatedpreviously, lesstheamount(s) usedforthepurpose(s) specified in CivilCodeSection1950.5, s an itemizedstatement (onthe refundcheckor otherwise) showingthe totalamountof the Security Depositandtheamountofany ductiontherefrom. lftheSecurity Depositis insutficient purpose, foranysuchauthorized Owner maycollectthedeficiency fromRenter. Owner's consent,RentermaymaketheSecurity payments. Depositby installment Failure to payanyDeposit Installment whendue constitute a default. Renter agreesthatOwnermaydeductfromtheSecurity Depositthe amounl necessary to compensate Ownerfor:(a) Renterdefaultunderthe RentalAgreement, (b)cleaningof the premises, (c)Repairof any damagethereto, or (d)Restoration, property or returnof anypersonal or appuftenances, exclusive of ordinary wearandtear, all pursuant to CivilCodeSection1950. as maybe set out in a SecurityDepositAgreement. 3. Utilities:Rentershallpaylor allutilitiesuppliedto the Premises exceptthosesetoutin SectionG. lf Renterdefaults in thepayment of rent,Ownermayinstruct anyutility to chargeanyutilities so designated, henceforth, to Renterandplacethesamein Renter's name,and Renteris obligated to payfor samethereafter.Owneris authorized to get noticefromanyutilitycompanyof anydefault in paymentby Renter.lf Owneris char withanysuchamount,Ownermayrecover itfromRenteror deductthesamefromtheSecurity Deposit as unpaidrentor damages. shallnot useanycommonareautilities. To the extentallowedby law,the pro-ratedamount of any penaltyfor utilityoveruseallowa to the Premises shallbe payableby Renteras additional rent 4, Parking/Storage Rules:lf Renteris assigneda parkingspaceon Owner'sproperty,set out in SectionH, Rentershalluse such s p a c eo n l yf o rt h ep a r k i n go f o p e r a b l e , passenger and currentlyregistered automobiles and notfor the washing,paintingor repaio r f s u c hv e h i c l e s . R e n t esr h a l l park,or allowanyoneelseto park,in any otherspaceon Owner'sproperty. Rentershall not assignor subletany suchparking and Ownermay haveunauthorized vehiclestowedaway. Uponseven(7)dayswritten noticeto Renter,Ownermav terminate er's parkingprivilegeor changethe size and/or locationof Renter'sparkingspace or storagespace describedin Section 5. NamedRenter occupants setout in SectionJ, unless advancewrittenconsentof the Owner shallnot be assignednor sublet, ThePremises shallnot be occupiedby morethanthe maximumnumberof "Agreement" ed by law,nor by anypersonotherthanthe NamedRentersetout in SectionK withoutthe at theadditional rentsetout in SectionL or prescribed by law. Renter's rightto possession 6. GoodConditionReceipt:Renterhas thePremises including, butnotlimited to,thefurniture, furnishings, fixtures, appliances providedby Ownerand out in SectionM,windows, andequipment doors,plumbing andelectricalfacilities, hotandcoldwatersupply, buildinggroundsandappurtenances, thesame"AS lS" andacknowledges thatthesamearein good,cleanandsanitary order, condition andreoairunlessnotedto the aryon Owner'scopyofthisAgreement.ll an inventory is attached heretoit shallbe deemed incorporated hereinby reference. as providedby law,Ownershallnot be requiredto makeany improvements, replacements or repairsto the Premises and,if allowed law,anysuchworkshallbe at Renter's expense. Upontermination of thetenancy,Renter shallreturnthe Premises to Ownerin as order,conditionand repairas whenreceived, ordinarywearandtearexcepted, andfree personal property.Trashand of Renter's burns,stains, holesortears,ofanysizeor kind,inthecarpeting, walls,windows draperies, or doors,amongotherconditions, shall t be deemedordinary wearandtear. Renteracknowledges thatno representation as to the conditionor repairof the Premises, or as Owner'sintention withrespectto anyimprovement, alteration, decoration or repairthereof, hasbeenmadeto Renterunlessnotedon Ownerscopyof thisAgreement.Renter's "GOODFAITH"in theassertion of anyhabitability "goodfaith"shallinclude, to eviction detense fornonpayment ofrent be established. Evidence of Renter's butnotbe limited to,writien proofof Owner'sknowledge and to repairany claimedhousingdeficiencypriorto serviceof an evictionnotice,whetherby a copy of a request-for-maintenancedelivered to Owneror otheMise,and lackof Renter-causation of the claimedhousing deficiencv. 7. Maintenanceand Rentershall:(a)keepthePremises (b)disposeof allgarbage ina cleanandsanitary condition; andwastein a cleanandsanitarv manner: properlyuseandoperateallelectrical, gasandplumbingfixtures; (d)notpermitanyperson In or aboutthe Premises withBenter's , to deface,damageor removeany partof the structurein whichthe Premisesarelocated northeappurtenances theretoor thereon, him/herself do anysuchthing;(e) nottamperwithnorremoveanysmokedetectornorfire alarmequipment, andadviseOwner ofanyequipment malfunction. Rentershall be liableforany damages causedby Renter's failureto complywiththeseconditions. entershallnotalterthe Premises, nor paint,norwallpaper anyportionthereof,norrepairany damagethereto, exceptthrough licensed, redprofessionals approvedinadvanceby Ownerinwritingbeforeorafteran InitialInspection perCivilCodeSection1 ontermination in or aboutthe Premises exceotthose Rentershallnotinstallor useanydishwasher, clotheswasher,clothesdrveror airconditioner maybe suppliedby Owner. 8. Damage/Destruction: lf thePr or structure inwhichtheyarelocated, aretotallyor partially destroyed andbecomeunavailable for occupancy dueto fire,earthquake, or othercasualtybeyondthe controlof Ownerand Renter,for a periodof twenty(20)days or more,then,andonlythen,anyparty mayterminatethisAgreementwithwrittennoticeto all otherpafties. lf thistenancvis not so terminated, or if the periodthe Pre are unavailable for occupancyis lessthantwenty(20)daysfor any of the abovereasonsor forreasons of Owner's maintenance, , modification, alteration, remodeling, reconstruction, extermination, orthelike,thesoleremedv of Rentershallbe an abatement proportionate of the to the interference withfulluseand enjoyment, untilthe Premises areagain available for occupancy. 9. Inspection/Entry: Ownermayenter inspectthe Premises, duringbusiness hoursanduponreasonable noticeto Renter, without presence, Renter's for anylawfulpu Ownermayenterthe Premises withoutadvancenoticeto Renterin caseof an emergency. Rentershallnotadd norchangeanylock lockingdevice,boltor latchon the Premises andshallprovideOwnerwitha keyto anysuch device,lorthwith, on demand. Renter thatOwneris entitledto a keyto the Premisesand may usethe samefor entryas provided hereinor by law,lf youcircle"Y in SectionO,youconsent to unannounced entryof yourapartment by government inspectors, withoutyourpresence. 10. Rulesand Regulations: Renter, all personsin or aboutthe Premises withRenter's consent,shallcomplywithall Rulesand Regulations madeby Owner,fromtimeI time,anddelivered to Renter, including Houseand PoolRules. Ownershallnotbe obligated to enforceanysuchRulesand Regulatio or thetermsof anyotherAgreement, andOwnershallnotbe liableto Renter for anyviolation of suchRulesand Regulations or other by anyotherRenteror person. Renterunderstands thatthe Premises arenot in a fullsecurity complexandthatOwnerdoes guarantee to employsecurity personnel to patrolthePremises to provideforRenter's safety. Ownerdoesnottakeresponsibilitv to disputesbetweenor amongRenters andthe obligation to resolvedisputes withotherson the Premises is acceptedby Renteras of the obligations of the tenancy.EachRenterassumes the riskof residingon the premises for himselfor herself, his/heror their and/orpersonalproperty withoutrecourse againstthe Owneror Managerof the Premises 11. lnsurance:In consideration ol this Rentershallobtainand payfor any insurancecoveragenecessary to protectRenterfrom anylossor expense property dueto personal damage,including butnotlimitedto thatcausedby anyactor omission of anyparty, including Owneror co-tenants, criminal , war,riot,insurrection, fireor actof God. Theamountof monetary damagecausedto Owner by renter's breachof thisagreement be deemedto be an amountequalto the amountof anylosssustained by renterby anysuch act or eventand shalloffsetanv claimbv RenteragainstOwner. 12. ComplianceWith Laws:Rentershall violate anylaworcommitorpermitanywaste, damageto, ornuisance inorabout, thePremises, or in anywayannoyanyotherrenter,or anybusiness in or aboutthe Premises, or do or keepanythingin or aboutthe Premises thatwillobstructthe commonareasor premiums. thereof,or increase Owner'sinsurance '13. NoticeOf Termination: lf Tenanti to vacatethe premises,TenantshallgiveOwnerwrittennoticeof thatfact.Tenantshallbe liableto payallrentduethrough 30davsfromtheserviceontheOwnerof Renter'snotice.or thedaterentervacatesthe Premises. 14. WaiverOf Default:Owner'sfailure requirestrictcompliance withthetermsof thisAgreement, or to exercise anyrightprovided forherein, shallnotbedeemeda waiverof compliance or right,orwaivesuchcompliance or rightinthefuiure, andOwner's acceptance of rentwith knowledgeof any defaultby shallnot be deemeda waiverof suchdefault,norlimitOwner'srightswithrespect to that or anysubsequent default. 15. Non-Curable Breachof (a) Policeraidupon of thisAgreement: illegalnarcotic/controlled substan guestorvisitor occupant, inanysuch : Thefollowing, by wayof illustration and not limitation, shallconstitute a non-curable breach Premisesresultingin the arrestand convictionof Renterfor possession/sale/storage of any orherbalcontraband, inoraboutthe Premises, member, orforaiding andabetting anylamily omissiononRenter'sRentalApplicationvitiatingthetenancy. ;(b) Misrepresentationormaterial personal property, priortomove-in, 16. PestControl/Fu : Renter forvermininfestation shallinspect allof Renter's (including to guarantee Renter isobligated bedbugs)andtakeallthesteps no "hitchhiking"verminaremovedintothePremises. to notifyOwnerimmediately of any of vermin(includingbed bugs)inJestation. Anyinfestation foundafter30 daysof rentermovein conclusively shallbe presumed to be s obligation to payto eradicate. Forthwith, on demand,Rentershall:(A)Complywithall preparation, properbaggingandstorageoftood,perishables instructions fromanypestexterminator or migatorfor Premises including periodto allowvermineradication. and medicines; and (B)Vacatethe to payfor s for a reasonable Rentershallcarryinsurance any damagecausedby vermin 17. Pets/WaterBeds/MusicalInstru musicalinstrument onthePremises, onlywith proofof $100,000 insurance furniture or : Rentershallnotbringor keepanypet (dog,cat,bird,reptile,etc.),liquid-filled notedin SectionN of Owner'scopyofthisAgreement.Liquid-f illedf urniture shallbeaccepted 18. Designation Of Parties:Theterm or anyotherpersonor entityactingon the premises, and prosecute eviction "Trustee" of a Trust, "agentof theowner," company," er"includes a "manager," "management of the owneras the Lessorof the premisesentitledto rentthe premises,collectthe rentfor 19. PartialInvalidity:lf any portionof Agreementis heldinvalid,it shallnot affectthe validityof anyotherportionof thisAgreement. partyshall theprevailing 20, AttorneysFees:lf any legalaction proceeding is broughtby Owneror Renterrelatedto thisAgreement, be entitledto recoverattornevsfeesnot exceed$500,00. 21' Guarantor(s): on demandby owner,Rentershallobtainthe execution of a continuingGuarantee providedby owner, Agreement by an agreeduponGuarantor. said agreement shallbe deemedincorporated hereinand subjecthereto. 22' Rent Acceptance:Renttenderedby a thirdpersonfor Renter'sbenefit may be acceptedwithoutcreatingany newtenancy. 23' credit Report:As requiredby law,you areherebynotifiedthata negative creditreportof anydetaultreflectingon yourcreditrecord maybe submitted to a creditreporting agency. 24 EntireAgreement:ThisRentalAgreement, togetherwithany rules,regulations agreements or ridersattachedheretoandthereby incorporatedinto this RentalAgreement,constitutesthe entireAgreement betweenthe partiesand supersedesany oral or written respresentation or agreement contraryhereto.Renterhasreliedon hisownjudgement in enteringintothisAgreement. Anymodification of thisAgreement, to haveany regaraffect,mustbe in writingand signedby owner. 25' Estoppelcertificate:within 10daysafterwrittennotice,Renteragreesto executeand deliveran estoppelcertificate as submitted by owner acknowledging thatthisAgreementis unmodifiedand in fullforceand effector in fullforce and effectas modifiedanctstating the modifications' Failureto complyshallbe deemedRenter'sacknowledgment thatthe certificate as submittedby owner is trueand correctand may be relieduponby a lenderor purchaser. 26. AdditionalRequiredNotices: (a) Toxic SubstanceWarningNotice Theowneris requiredto giveyou noticethatareason thispropertycontainoneor more of some700 + toxicsubstances andchemical substances, suchas swimmingpooldisinfectant, cleaningsubstances, automobile exhaustfumes,bar-b-que or second-hand crgarette smoke,laundryroomfluidsor emissions, leadpaint,asbestos, etc.,knownto theStateof Calilornia to causecancer,reproductive toxicity, birthdefectsand reproductive harm,Pleasecontactthe ownerfor furtherinformation. (b) Moldand MildewWarningNotice Moldandmildewmaybe injurious to one'shealth. Therefore, Renter acknowledges that:(a)Renterhasinspected thepremises, andevery partthereof,at the outsetof thetenancy;(b) Renterhasloundno signsof moisture, moldor mildewtherein;(c)Rentershall:(i)keepthe Premises well-ventilated, cleanand dryanysignsof moldor mildewfromallsudaces,(ii)promptlynotifyownerof anydampness (from leaks,ovedlows, waterintrusion, etc.); and(iii)promptlynotifyownerof anymalfunction ofventilation, airconditioning or heating systems. Rentershallbe liablefor any injuriesor damagesthatmay resultfromany negligent performance of theforegoingduties. (c) DOJNotice Notice:Pursuant to Section290.46ofthe Penalcode,information aboutspecilied registered sexoffenders is madeavailable to thepubtic viaan Internet Websitemaintained by theDepartment ol Justiceatwww.meganslaw.ca.gov. Depending on an offender,s criminal history, thisinformation willincludeeithertheaddressat whichthe offenderresidesor the community of residenceandZlp Codein whichhe or she resides. (d) Expiration/Holdover/Death-Notice Any holdoverwithoutOwner'sconsentshallbe deemeda trespassand damagesshallaccrueat a dailychargeequal to tvvice the proratedmonthlyLeaserent.A holdover withowner'swrittenconsentunlessotherwise agreed,shallbe a month-to-month tenancysubject to allcovenants, andconditions of theLease.A thifiydaynoticefromRenteris required to terminate anysuchholdover tenancy.Renter,s deathshallnot terminateany remainingrentalobligation for the balanceof the Lease{ermbut Owner,at Owner,soption,may take possession of the Premises and re-rentthemto mitigateany damages. (e) CarbonMonoxideDeviceNotice RenterShallbe responsible for notifyingownerof any inoperable or deficientcarbonmonoxidedeviceinstalledwithinRenter'sunit. (f)TobaccoProhibitionAreas Thelandlord oftheproperty onwhichyourresidential rentalunitislocated hasprohibited thesmokingofcigarettes products, orothertobacco d e s c r i b e d i n C i v i | c o d e S e c t i o n 1 9 4 7 , 5 , i n t h e f o | | o w i n g a r e a S o f t h e p r o p e r t y : . 27.WestHollywoodOnly: SeeExhibitA OtherProvisions: lf an addendumcontaining additional termsis attachedhereto,thosetermsareincorporated hereinbv reference. DATED DATED RENTER
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