CHANORA SHEKHAR MAD I]NIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR.2 FINAL EXAI\,IlNAT|0N PRoGRA[.][.1E 0F lt{.Sc.(Ag.) ISemester 2014 Time: 9.00 AM io 12.00 PM Course No Title ofCourse nlernredia.v ltretabo]isn'r 16.12.2014 DairyTechnol rs GPB.5O1 PrrnaLoleg of GenEi ssi,506 Princ ole, oi PlantPhrsi Seed Lecis ri on,nd Cerili.rlon Ciassiicatior oi lnsecis ll cro Ecciomc Theory and Applications Sl]ls & So Conservation 11.12,2014 and Nut llon Princ pies of S€eo Prodirctiln aNT,502 ssT-502 Deve oornent ResDective oi Extenslon Educaton Prcd-rcton Technoloqy of ornameft P ani AEX-501 FioR-503 Flora Bo 18.12.2014 Seed Deve ooment & ful6turaUon PPA.s03 t& Conser,/alion Farmi tEC 501 NE[1 5]0 Ba5rc Bio.hefir Nenraiode MEnaoem:nt ronomv offulaor cereals and Pulses D.,"ve ooment Communrcaton and lniormation [,]a riculiural Finance and Proieci [4anaqernent AES 509 HOR 5n2 19.12.2i14 Princiores oi FruilProduci on Frurt Plani Piopaqalon & Nursery [rlanaqen]enl Market [,iik AHD.508 sAc 514 Prfcioes and Piacilces of Weed [,laf 20.12.2014 Live Siock Heath llanaqenreni l/lodern Conceot n Croo Pmduclion ca and lvo ecu ar Bass P ant Delelopnren I Blo oqy P 22122014 t Soi & !\later Consetuaiion Ei E\oerfirenta Des 4.E5.512 t\,lethods fol Social Sc ences 2312.2014 pcs-so3 ntellectua ProDertv and ts N4ana ABr.5A1 es oi Boie.hnoo l,/l6irematics for tura Economics t 24.12.20M Practical Examination will be conducted wiihin Examinaiion. REGISTRATION tin tirre One Wgek befOfg tn. .o.r.ncement IN II SEMESTER of Final Theory ON 12.01,2015 (P.N.Yadav) o .s-- o ' :L o9 Cop o 1. 2. I 4 3 / g_tt- I q lq 2U Regisirar Da'"d Dean, Coilege olAgrculture / Dean Sildents' \,ryelfare Comptroller P D'o,eror r, o l_,".d, S.B.l ( CSATJ) Branch lT[:,8:!i:.,"tary h l.g" oirice / Fee Cash er, ,qegistrar to Vice Chance or ror kind iniormaiion of Hon ble vlce chafce a\ \L o, " "rt,, \ { , (P.N.Yadav) Registrar \ CHANDRA SHEKHAR AZAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY, KANPUR.2 FINAL EXAMINATI0N PROGRAIMIME 0F M.Sc.Ag. lll Semester 2014 Time: 2,00 PM to 5,00 Daie course No 10.12.2A14 AHD 502 H0R 507 SST 504 8leqlssL@ So PPA 509 Diseases ofVeqelable and Spjces Crops Water and Air Po lutor'l sAc 503 Entreprefeurship Development and [{anagement ln Exiens]on Productiof Tech. of Ufder Exploited Soi Cher. sirv ssr Seed Physoloqy AEX 506 VGS 507 18.12.2014 19.12,2014 20.12.2014 -Ia1"iol1a.Or C SAC 509 AHD 515 17.12.2014 I sS-e Drv Land Fruit Production GPB 5OB 16.12.2t14 .5. Aoricultura MlaAetna & Pr ce Ana vs s Seed Pro.luciion in Veqetables C-^ I Bio oav and fi4olecu arGenetlcs AES 505 1112-2014 Tlileofcourse '/o'pl6q6 - l- e o_d [i]ana."emenl oi SheeD Goai & Poultrv PPY 50E 509 AHD 514 QLra itv Conlro ABC 504 [40 ecu AHD 513 Dairy f,{icrob:o oqy a Bio oqy artQuaEntne P?A,520 P AEX 503 D ffirsion and AdoDllon scw Waterslred and Waste and IManaqement 505 of lnnovations AHD-506 Nuirlent of Rum nant AGR 502 Prncioles & Practces ofSoil Fertilitv VGS.5O5 Seed Prodlction Tech of Veoelable C roDS AES 507 Ecofomelllcs GPB 518 Brcediro of Fie d CroDs ABC 50S Food And Nutrltonal Biochemistrv SCW 508 Chemistry Of Probems Soil& Their l\4anaqement l\,lethodol for SoclalSciences Prnc oles of lnteorz Pest l,,,lanaoemeft Practical Examination will be conducted within Examination, REGISTRATION one Wgek befofe the commencement of Final Theory IN IV SEMESTER ON 09.01.2015 (P,N.Yadav) \oc!d. D .s /g_1r- r4 .,". lq\\a Reg strar oa.eo copy io. 1. 2 3. 4. 5 6 7 Dean Co iege ofAgrculture/ Dean Students WeLfare Comptroler All Professor and Heaos / lncharge. S.B (CSAU) Branch Fee Casher, Reglsirar Oflce TechnicaLSecrctary to Vice Char]ce lorfor klnd information of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Noii.e Board. r!'l rt (P.N.Y adav) Reg SIIaI Pl\4 OFFICE OF iHE REGISTRAR, CHANDRA SHEKHAB AZAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY, MNPUR-2 EXAMINATION PRoGRAMME OF M.B.A.(Agri.Business) 1st Semester 2014 Time: 09.00 to 12.00 Date Course No 16.12.2014 ABIt-50'1 Prnciples of tulanagement and 0rcanizatonal Behavlor 18.12.2014 ABt/,502 Agribus ness Environment & PoLicy 20,12.2014 ABI/l-503 I\rlanagera Econom cs 22.12.2014 ABI\,.j-504 J\4anager alAccounUng and Control 23.12.2014 ABU]505 Comr.un cation for l\'lanagement & Business 26.12.2014 AB[i]-506 BLrsiness Laws and Ethics 27.1L2014 ABLt-513 Computerlor tr/anagels Title ot Course Practical Examinaiion will be conducted,,yithin Examination. REGISTRATJONIN One Wgek befofe th. "orr.ncement of Final Theory II SEMESTERON 03,01.2015 (P.N.Yadav) Reglsilar No.CSAU/R-[]BA 1ci etl r26)\ Daled: l6-/l-)\ Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7 8. g. Dean, Colege ofAgriculture Comptro er DeanStudenls'Wefare Head, Dept ofAgrl Buslness l,'lanagement. Era r SB oro- Co-r'o'". DegsfarOffce. (CSAU)Branch. Fee Cds- e-. RegF-ra O'lce Tech n ical Secretary to Vice Chance orfor kind lnformalon oi Hon'b e Vice Chancellor " Norce Boa'd / "" " " "' l+ rt| i{tt (P.N.Yadav) Registrar OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, CHANDRA SHEKHAR AZAD UN VERSITY OF AGRiCULTURE & TECHNOLOGY KANPUR-2 EXAMINATION PROGRAMME 0F B.Sc.Ao. {Hons.) V Semester 2014 Course 29 1l 2014 lGR Title of Farm tems ard Suslai.abl-" 301 ABC 301 41.12.2014 I 51 t, I ' ll ' iculiuie Biochem s Biocherni ABC 301 AGR 30] 02.12.2414 PRACTTCALS Course No Farminq Systems and Sustainabie Aoriculture CroD Pests and Stored Grc n Pests afd thelr [,lanaoen']eni ENT 301 Fundamentals ofAgrl Buslness i\lanagernefi { nc uding Product Developrnent, Appraisai af d l,/lonilorln 03.12.2A14 AES 301 F!f damenials of Aqri Business l\4anaqemenl ENT 301 Croc Pests and Sio.ed Gra n Pests and ihe r [4anaoement a4.12 2A14 AEX 301 HOR 301 05.12.2A14 HoR Fundamenta s of Rura Soclo oqy and Ed!cationa Post Harvest [,4ana,]ement and Value Addition of Fnrits and Ve etables Post Harvest[4anaoement and Value Addtof olFru ts and Veqetables 301 PPA 301 AGR 303 48.12.2414 AGR 303 PPA B LLroa-rer dr5o'RL'a Socoloq,"ldLoJ d"or dt Ds,. 'oo AEX 301 4612.2A14 A l 301 Disease of Horticu tural Cro and their [,,4afa er'tt Protected cu ilvatlon afd Post Harvest Techno o ProecledcJii!aiior a.d Post rdlesr i"c I roo Disease of Horticultural Cr and their [4anacement . THEORY Time:9.00 Date a912.2014 Course No AGR 301 11 122A14 16.122A14 ABC 301 ENT 301 18 12 2A14 AES 301 AEX 301 2312.2014 2612 2414 21 12 2014 29.12 2Aft Title of Course Farminq Systems and Susta nable Aqriculture Biochemis ('op Dc- . 2po 5,or"o O.a 1 Des'. a1d r.. i Va aqe.e.l Fundamenlals ofAqri Bus ness l\4anaqement t-r0R 301 PPA 301 Fundamenta s of R!ral Socio ooy and Educational Psycholoqy Post Harvest fulanaqemenl and Va ue Additon of Fru ts aud Veqetab es Disease ofHortcultura Crops and their []aitactemenl AGR 303 Prolected cultivation and Post Haryest Technol REGrsrRATroNrN Vl srrursrenoru 08.01.2015 (P.N,Yadav) q copylo: /ljts-^ 1. Dean, Colege ofAgrculture 2. Dean Students' \(eifare 3 All Professor and lleads / ncharge. 4 SB (CSAU) Branch. 5 Fee Cashier. Registrar Offtce 6. Techrical Secretary to Vice Chance or for hlnd niormaton oi Hon No CSAU R-B.SC Ao 7. Notice lHons ),1 Board. i Registrar Dated b ! '-,r1 e Vlce C)t6--nce or (P.N.Yadav) Regisirar ,, to 12.00 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, CI]ANDRA SHEKHAR AZAD UN VERSITY OF AGRLCULTURE & TECHNOLOGY KANPUR2 EXAMINATION PROGRAMMEOF B.ScAg. (Hons.) lll Semester2014 PRACTICALS Title of Course Daie Course No 1R 11 AGR 201 Fie d Crops-l (K GPB 201 Prncioles of Plaft Breed nq GPB 201 Pr fciples ol P AGR 201 Fie '01Ai B sci,\/ ?nl oame'ta s o' So ,A/ale'Corser\al ol 8Erglee FLrrd:menias of Sol Water Conservaton & Enq neen ENT 201 Lnsect Vlorpholoqy and Systemalics B H0R Producilo!'r Techi'roloqy of Veqetab es & FLowers L /estock Produclon afd [,{anaqement 201 AHD 201 . AHD 201 HOR 201 04.12.2414 a512.2A14 a612.2014 l'rq E. i SCW 201 a312.2A14 aft Breed (Kha,, d Crops- B nsect lMoroho oqv and Svstematics ENT 201 a2.12.2414 l/t,/ ' '' lS ltt /e) ocl ProdLC. on a ]d B Vd .aoe-e ll D Production Techn0 oqv of Veqelables & F owers PPY 201 CroD Phvs oloav AES 201 AoriculturaL Finance and Co-oDeration AqrculluraL Finance and Co-operation B Cro B 201 AES PPY 201 Ph THEORY lrme: Course No fi.2014 09.12 2414 AGR 201 FNT 201 10 12 2A14 scw aB | 12.2A14 17.12.2A14 19.122014 AHD 201 PPY 201 2A.12.2414 AES 201 Title of Course Fle d CroDs-l and Svstemat c lnsect [4or Fr lda. erral5 201 HOR 201 {Jz.u{J o'Soi ,A/ale- Corsel/aI or &t tneenn Product on Techno oov of Veqetables & Flowerc Livestock Prcduction and lvlanagenlent rlculturaL Finance and Co-operatlon PrlnciD es of P ant Breedi 2212.2014 REGISTRATION IN IV SEMESTERON 07.01.20,I5 (P.N.Yadav) Regisuar No.CSAU/R B Sc.Aq.(Hofs..)l L,0py lq?1 I Dated: l0 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dean, Colege ofAglcultule DeafStudenis'Wefare All Plofessor and Heads / ncharge. S.B.l. (CSAU) Blanch. Fee Cashler, Registrar office l+l' .. Se.'etary Io /ce \orLe Boa d. (f a'ce.or'or' -o iio'motion oi'o- o e \ ice Cldrtllor Lt .<t ''1Ht' (P,N.Yadav) Registrar to ti5.t u OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, CHAN DRA SHEKHAR AZAD UN VERS TY OF AGR]CULTURE & TECHNOLOGY. KA.NPUR-2 EXAMINATION PROGRAMME 0F B,Sc. (Hons.) Ag. I Semester 2014 PRACTICALS 29 11.2414 Course No AGR ]01 01.12.2411 t\4BY 101 Date Title of Course PrinciD es of 42.12.2414 SAC 101 Princ Dles ofAqronomv and Aqriculiural fuleleoro o ntrodrct on to Soil Science a3 12 2014 AGR 103 AGR 103 Farm Power and l\y'achine Farm Porarer and llachine SAC 101 ntroductlon to Soil Sclence l'toR Producton Technoloa\] of Fru t Cro AGR 101 a4122014 101 AEX 102 a5122014 uoR 06.12.2014 101 rB B Comorehension and Communlcation Sk AEX 102 rt and A riculiural lvieleoro o rcultural [rlicrob ol r.ultural llicrob oi MBY 101 u.trsl lrl ension and Comml]n cation ls Sl,ls r'r Enqish rr Enq ish ProdLrcton Technoloqv of Fruit Cro olAor. Exiefsion AEX 101 Dimens ons AEX 101 Dimens ons of Aq Exiersion THEORY Time: 9.00 to 12.00 Title of Course Date Course No 48.122014 49.122014 10.12 2014 11.122014 17.122014 19.12 2414 AGR 101 AGR 102 lrtroductory Aqrculture (Ancleni Herltage Aglcuilure, Scenalio and GendeI 2A.12.24M 22.12.2A14 23.12.2414 AEX 101 Dimens ons oi Agr sAc 101 lntroduct HoR 101 Production Technology of Fru t C P nc p es of Agrononl 101 Agrcultula t\4lcrobio ogy AGR 103 Farm Power and lvlachine N4BY AES 101 a-/'A2 Princip es of Agrjl. Economics Comp-e !ilv REGrsrRATroN No -SAL ersonaroCom-J ic,lorSli 5 Erglsn in Aqrculture I Extension of to Soi Science rN ll'sEMESTERoT 06.01.2015 o-Bo(.,|-o's uopy t0: 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6. 7 and Aqrcultural fi{eteoro ogy (P.N.Yadav) Regisirar 'os l43t Ddreo: Dean, College ofAgriclr ture Dean Students Wellare All Professor and Heads / lncharge S.B.l. (CSAU) Bmnch. Fee Cash er, Registiar Office TechnlcaLSecreiary io Vce Chancellor for klnd iniolmation of Hon'b e Vce C Noice Board "i9'' (P.N,Yadai') Registrar
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