24 NeighborhoodNews making a DIFFERENCE FiftyForward Witten by Collins Smith Company Name: Website: Phone Number: Business Address: Industry: FiftyForward www.fiftyforward.org 615-743-3400 174 Rains Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203 Senior Care and Resource Management FiftyForward is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of those 50+ in our communities. The organization has multiple services and resources to encourage education, socialization, and volunteerism. FiftyForward was established in 1956 and now operates seven lifelong learning centers across Middle Tennessee, each providing a friendly meeting space for older adults to connect with their peers. Green Hills Living April April Green Hills Living “When was the last time you did something for the first time” is a favorite motto for their adult classes. Inspiring confidence and ingenuity, these opportunities can make the difference for a long, healthy adult life. FiftyFoward offers many different volunteer opportunities for all ages to become involved with the community, including Adult Day Services, Music for Seniors, and Meals on Wheels. They also offer indispensable services including their Care Team, for connecting older adults and their caregivers to the answers and resources for care. Getting older presents many different challenges, from managing health issues to finding a way to remain in your home and maintaining an independent lifestyle, and often we don’t know the best way to prepare and remedy issues when they arise. The FiftyForward Care Team is only a phone call away to find answers and receive the best assistance and practical knowledge for services. The Care Team can help you formulate plans that are tailored to your specific needs to ultimately give you and your family peace of mind. The FiftyForward Care Team menu of services includes the following: • A personalized comprehensive, professional assessment of elder needs • Plan of care development • Guidance and advocacy for third party services • Monitoring of care NeighborhoodNews 25 don't have family in the area, but require assistance and knowledge. The FiftyForward Care Team will assess your treatment and advise of services which will fulfill your housekeeping and healthcare needs. This allows you to focus on your physical therapy, recover, and begin to care for yourself again. 2. Your mother is in need of full-time care and wants to remain in her own home. Your relationship is strained due to life’s demands and the unique circumstances of her aging process. You need to know what resources are within budget to maintain a happy, personal relationship and meet her care needs. The FiftyForward Care Team will assess the need for in-home care and will listen to the desires of your parent. The care management component is so important to realize what is truly necessary and how your financial resources can best used. FiftyForward Care Team wants you to know that there are resources for older adults and their caregivers. The uncertainties of aging can be resolved, and a full life can be attained. Visit FiftyForward Care Team at their website www.fiftyforward.org/ supportive-care/care-team/ or call 615-743-3436. 3RUWUDLW3DLQWLQJV Each member of the FiftyForward Care Team is a Master's level practitioner who will assess your needs and create a tailored plan for your lifelong goals. They are trained professionals who listen and problem solve. Often, the initial phone call for assistance is one of confusion and fear. The FiftyForward Care Management Team is prepared to answer your questions and, most of all, provide care and resources to assist in your recovery and lifelong wellbeing. 5IF$PWFOBOU4DIPPM Academic Excellence in Christian Education To speak with an Admissions Representative or TDIFEVMFBUPVS call 467-2313 or visit us online at www.thecovenantschool.com Learn more! Jr. Kindergarten - 6th Grade 33 Burton Hills Blvd. | Green Hills “As the only daughter of a widowed father, you have been an invaluable resource to me. I so appreciate your expert advice, assistance, and guidance. We don’t know what we would have done without you!” - FiftyForward Care Team Client Following are two scenarios where the FiftyForward Care Team assistance is beneficial. They can help you find answers and address your concerns whether your goals are long term or to simply bridge a period of time. 1. You are in need of emergency treatment requiring significant downtime, and you cannot maintain your household. You are at a loss of what to do, do not want to involve your family or 1DWLRQDOO\UHQRZQHGDUWLVWSDLQWLQJ FKHULVKHGSRUWUDLWVLQ1DVKYLOOHIRU29(5\HDUV !!!"#$%&'($)*+% ),--./% -%$0-1"2/3 4-+50/6#$%&'($)*+% ),--./% -%$0-1"2/3 !"#$%&%$'#%(
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