Entry fees: (including $3.50/run-$3-each additional run of same dog AKC recording fees) Premium List Event #s 2014100917, 2014100918 Cudahy Kennel Club, Inc. (Member of the American Kennel Club) AKC All-breed Agility Trial Saturday and Sunday, November 22nct & 23rct, 2014 Novice & Open Standard, JWW, Time 2 Beat & FAST No Excellent or Masters classes offered This event § accepting entries for All American Dog listed in the AKC Canine Partners program Cudahy Kennel Club Training Building 3820 S. Pennsylvania Ave, St. Francis Wl53235 Trial will be held indoors on cushioned mats, rubberized contacts and table, and break-away tire Tri al hours 7am-5pm Entries will be via First Received method 1 Entries Open on Wednesday, October 8 h at 8 am at the Trial Secretary's address. Any entries received before this date/time will be returned. NO HAND DELIVERIES accepted until Sam Oct. 8th Final Closing date Wednesday November 5th at 6:00 pm after which time entries cannot be accepted, canceled, altered or substituted except as provided for in Ch 11 , Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules Entry Limits: 330 runs -- 300 paper & 30 on-line ~ "'l"""'i '.;o'i . . ~ AMERICAN KENNLL Clus~ American Kennel Club Certification Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary $18 firsfentryof dog, $18 second entry $18 for third entry, $10 for fourth entry There will be a $25.00 service charge for any returned checks. Mail all entries with fees (checks or money orders) payable to CKC to Mary Beth Hackney, 713 Blake Ave, South Milwaukee, Wl53172 Questions regarding entries, email Mary Beth at ckchackney@yahoo.com or 41 4-762-1796. All other questions: email safeharborpwds@yahoo.com or call414-771-6558. Questions regarding entries, email Mary Beth at ckchackney@yahoo.com or 414-762-1796. All other questions: email safeharborpwds@yahoo.com or call414-771-6558. All express mail must be left with no acceptance signature required. NO FAX ENTRIES. Envelopes with more than 10 dogs' entries will be returned. Checks returned for insufficient fees will invalidate the entry; acceptance of such an entry will only be made if the full fees, plus a $25 administrative fee, are paid via certified check, money order, or cash, & received prior to the start of judging. Entry forms with email addresses will be sent entry receipts, as well as final confirmations, via email. CKC is not responsible for non-delivery of em ails due to delivery errors or spam blockers, and no further efforts will be made. Entries without email addresses will receive only final confirmations after closing. If receipt of entry notification is desired, a self-addressed, stamped postcard or envelope must be included with the entry forms. CKC is accepting online entries via AKC'S ONLINE ENTRY SERVICE. Go to the AKC Agility Entry Services home page at www.akc.org/AgilityEntry and follow the instructions there to use your "My AKC' account to enter this event online. During the first48 hours after opening, the initial limit of entries designated as either online or paper will be as follows: Sat & Sun--300 runs paper and 30 on-line each day. If either form of entry (paper or online) has not filled at the end of the 48 hour time period, the club reserves the right to decrease or increase either one accordingly SITE INFORMATION: Trial will be held in a single ring of irregular shape (-80' x 100') on cushioned mats. Crating will be limited I Please stack crates when possible. No ex-pens allowed. Exhibitors and spectators are expected to keep the grounds clean. Please pick up after your dogs and yourselves. Anyone witnessed not picking up after his/her dog will be excused from the trial with no monies refunded. Weave poles are 24' on center. Electronic timers will be used in this trial. FOOD: There are several fast food restaurants within easy driving distance. There will be food and beverages for all workers. MOVE-UP REGULATIONS: If a dog earns a Novice agility title before this event, it can be advanced to the corresponding Open class. However, written notice must be sent to the trial secretary no later than 6pm on Monday, Nov 11'h. Email move-ups are encouraged. If a dog earns a Novice title at our Sat. trial, it can to be advanced to the correct Open class (Day-to-day Moveups). Request must be made in writing at the trial site to the Trial Secretary not later than the day preceding the next event. Every effort will be made to accommodate handlers running multiple dogs in the same class . No verbal changes will be accepted .. MEASURING: All dogs participating in this trial must have an AKC height card or they will need to be measured prior to running in the trial. Friday's judge will be measuring dogs who are not entered in 24' or 26" classes. It is the owner's responsibility to have the dog measured prior to running. Awards may be cancelled if the dog is not measured before running. Ms Christine Bishop Is not a VMO so her measurements count only for these trials. Judging Assignments, Running Order, Start Times Judge for all classes: Christine Bishop #96639 , 8528 Matecumbe Rd, Port Charlotte, FL 33981 Class order all weekend: Open FAST, Novice FAST, Open Std, Novice Sid, Time 2 Beat, Open JVVVV, Novice JVVVV Jump heights SAT: Lo to High. SUN: High to Lo. Check-in will begin at 7:00am, measu ring at 7:30 am & Judging at 8:30 am both days. CUDAHY KENNEL CLUB OFFICERS Pam Brown, President; Wendy Anderson, Vice President; Nancy Freitag, Recording Secretary; Mary Beth Hackney, Treasurer; Meredith Biehl, Corresponding Secretary: N67 W775 Franklin Av, Cedarburg, WI 53012. Board member~: Don Adams, Ricky Blackman, Karen Paul, Tim Reed, Kay Pedersen, Barb Ryan EVENT COMMITTEE Chair: Wendy Anderson, 2135 N 58" Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208 Email: safeharborpwds@yahoo.com Members: Pam Brown (Assistant Trial ChairNolunteer Coordinator safeharborpwds@gmail.com, 414-771-6558, Nancy Freitag, Chris Gremo, Mary Beth and Larry Hackney, Kay Pedersen, Barb Ryan TRIAL SECRETARY Mary Beth Hackney, 713 Blake Ave, South Milwaukee, Wl53172, 414-762-1796. Email: ckchackney@yahoo.com. Meredith Biehl, Assistant Trial Secretary VETERINARIAN ON CALL Milwaukee Emergency Center for Animals, 3670 S. 108th St, Greenfield Wl53228- 414-543-7387 DOGS ELIGIBLE TO ENTER: This trial is open to all dogs fifteen (15) months of age or older that are registered with the American Kennel Club or that have AKC Limited Registration , ILP/PAL Purebred or an AKC Canine Partners listing number. Alternative Listing/Indefinite Listing Privileges (PAUILP). Dogs with a PAUILP number must be spayed or neutered in order to compete. Dogs should be physically sound. Dogs that are blind or deaf, bitches in season, aggressive dogs, or dogs suffering from any deformity, injury, or illness which may affect a dog's physical or mental performance are not eligible to compete. No dog shall compete if it is taped or bandaged in any way or has anything attached to it for medical purposes. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Rules Applyi ng to Registration and Discipline for the listing o f registerable breeds that may participate. Wherever the word "dog" is used in these regulations, it includes both sexes. Worker Sign up Form Volunteers will be gratefully accepted for this trial. T here will be food and beverages for all workers. Thanks for helping to continue the spirit of agility by volunteering, & in making the trial run smoothly!!! Name(s)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ If volunteers are not entered, please list email or phone: - - - - - - - - - - - - -Please circle the jobs you wou ld be willing to do or learn, & GI'GSs-Gtit the ones you W ILL NOT do. HEIGHT DIVISIONS: Owners are responsible for entering the proper height division. All measurements are at the dog's w ithers. Regular classes Preferred Classes 8" 4" For dogs 11 " and under For dogs 11 " and under 12" For dogs 14" and under 8" For dogs over 11 " to 14" 16" For dogs 18" and under 12" For dogs over 14" to 18" 16" 20" For dogs 22" and under For dogs over 18" to 22" 24" For dogs over 22" 20" For dogs over 22" For any ht dog (owner's 26" discretion) Dogs MAY enter at a higher jump height. LIABILITY: It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for the behavior of their dogs and/or child ren. Any exhibitor whose dogs and/or children create unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of the Trial Committee, be asked to leave the show site. In such cases, no refund of any fees paid will be made. Cudahy Kennel Club and their agents , employees, etc. will assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors or handlers, or to any of their dogs or property, & further assume no responsibility for injury to ch ild ren. This club does not agree to arbitration claims as set forth on the AKC entry form for this event. PRIZES AND AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded to the first through fourth place teams in each class and height division. Qualifying ribbons w ill be awarded to those teams receiving qualifying scores. New Title Ribbons w ill be available Course builder Grounds Scribe Ring Stewa rd (b ars/chute) Setup/T eardown Transcriber/Ass! Gate Leash/sheet runner Gate Steward List any special requests: - - - - - , - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Preferred dogs MAY NOT enter a higher jump height. SAFETY/BEHAVIOR: T he safety of the dogs is our primary concern. By entering this trial, exhibitors ac-knowledge that they are familiar with the rules and regulations of this sport, and that their dogs are familiar with and able to perform all obstacles safely. Exhibitors shou ld follow their veterinarian's recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropri ate vaccinations . Timer Ema il to: Wendv Anderson: safeharbo HOTEL INFORMATION : Exh ibitors m ust contact motels directly and identify themselves as having dogs. Some require deposits, others take only small dogs. Please use extreme ca ution in the treatment of motel space. PLEASE be a responsible motel guest. Red Roof Inn- 6360 S. 13th St. Oak Creek Wl53154 - 414-764-3500; redroof.com La Quinta Inn - 7141 S. 13th St, Oak Creek Wl53154- 414-762-2266; LQ.com Days Inn - 1200 W. College Ave, Oak Creek W1 53154 - 414-764-1776; daysinn.com Holiday Inn Express- 1400 W. Zellman Ct. Milwaukee WI 53221 - 414-563-4000; hiexpress.com DIRECTIONS: From 1-894/1-43 follow 1-43 North to Milwaukee, exit at #314, Howard Ave. Go east -2 miles to Pennsylvania Ave. Left 1 block to Crawford Ave, turn right to the parking lot. '' -.; _j'l'.i" p ~__,o:.,;;;w~ -·- ·-:- ~ ;;,' ii' I ~ n_Hun~~-:;. '.<.· ~'* . "' •" 'L · ~! .,...,..,.._~.,~ \ t ' ' f'' !l!fl'or~.·, 't~ .· -.. ' ,.. ,. -"~ ~· ~ s~-1~ J~: c '>~Okliio~~~ ~~ \ ~~~ '® ..... ; ..-; % 5'S'l ·".;,._ :;;~L_.J.r f.-_: · •' I L.i I; /;'it/ ··'--1 - · J0 \ ·••. \ ~.•• +'-., · <;l.j 1f..1 -:;=c-~~ --~' ~ ~ ~w .--; i;. V>""- ~'!"=' ~ C r : ( '.'1 ""Harder's •• ; : •• j, · !i: -· -... .... 1 --'-. - WMorganAIIa "'•· " "--'-' en J!~ . ~ .. ~ .~ .. ·.. f .:.. T.; we .• , "~' t !.. Ave 4 ' r ......._ 1 _Wlayton A~ . , I ~ . 'Dl. ijrlc, ~ i/JM .- - ... ® ~~;"-..:,'.. .-.'-. 1 ~ q %- -~ ~ ~ "~~tE \' . 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J-t -~ - ~ ® '. ,a .; .!> ·- '- [ M(Ou~~; ~l>/ ~ . hpOlQ1 ~ . f ~~· - · ;~-· · ~ I ,. i:"i:= ,_,.-v..,_ "'--::- --· ·~~L~--'r'~---:"" "'t...- > ""'' · I W~n A- W E:dgerton·Ave - See the club website at www.cudahykennelclub.org • c:r.Y ,. OaJis ; .. r• REFUNDS: Entry fees will not be refunded in the event of errors or cancellation of entries after the published closing date; in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, e xcused by t he veterinarian or judge, or barred from competition by the Trial Committee; or in the event that extreme weather conditions, riots , civil disturbances, or other acts beyond the control of the Trial Comm ittee m ake it impossible to ope n or complete the show/trial. Re funds for bitches in season will be refunded less $3.50 per run, if requests are submitted to the Trial Secretary at least 30 minutes prior to the start of j udging for the day and are accompanied by a veterina rian certification. yahoo.com f¢i'-'~l . '!;> ..,.11. " site;-Y.wN.akc.org i ··r~~ AKC Ru l es, Regulations, Policies and G u idelines are available on the American Kennel Club Web site, www.akc.org AGREEMENT ....,u.,,. ,.,., uon ' " '"u''" Day 1 -Sat 11 /22/14 STD JWW FAST T2B Day 2- Sun 11 /23/14 STD JWW FAST T2B Day 3 STD JWW FAST T2B Day 4 STD JWW FAST T2B I $NTRY FEE ENCLOSED Choose Either Regular or Preferred Classes Circle one jump height, and check class selections- Only one selection per class (STD, JWW, FAST. T28) 8' REGULAR Classes 12" 24' 20' 16' 26' 4' PREFERRED Classes 8' 12' 16' 20' STD NovA Nov B Open E-xo STD Nov P OpenP ~p JWW NovA NovB Open E~s Master JWW Nov P OpenP eJ«>P Masle~P FAST NovA Nov B Open Exs Master FAST Nov P OpenP exsP MaslerP T2B T2BP T2B 1 cenify that 1 am the actual owner or the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered. h consoderation of the acceptance of this entry, t (we) agree to abide by the rules and regulations of The American Kennel Club on effect < the ti me of this event. and any additiOnal rules and regutat1ons appearing in the premium list of this event and entry form and any decisio made in accord with them I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deen sufficient. 1 (we ) ce rtify and represent thai the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. In consideration of the acceptance c this entry and of the holdong or this event and or the opportu111ty to have the dog judged and to win prizes, nbbons, or trophies, I (we) agree t• hold the AKC, the event-goving club, theor members, directors, governors, officers, agents, supenntendents or evert secretary and the owne and/or lessor of the premises and any provider of services that arc necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of th• aforementioned panies, and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any c laim for loss or inJury which may be allege< to have been caused dorectly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event prernoses or grounds o near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and habolrty for any such claim, and I (we) funher agree to hold tho aforementioned parties harmless from any cla<m for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Mas le~ T28 N~la F-Glasses IAtem<tlional Swee~takes ISC Jump Height - Select: 14' 18' 26' This dog needs to be measured : BREED Yes STD Masle~~ JWW - OR - Jump Height Same as Regular/Preferred SEX IHEIGIT AT ..,THERS VARIETY I CALL NAME I Additionally, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmlesl from any and all loss and expense (onctuding legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementooned partial for damage because of bodily injunes, oncluding death at any tome resutting therefrom, susta1ned by any person or persons, including mysel (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) panicipation in this event, however such, Injuries death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the sam e may have been caused or may be alleged to have been cause< by the negligence of the aforementioned panies or any of their employees, agents, or any other person. I (we) a!)'ee that the determinatior or whether the onjury <S serious shall be made by the event veterinarian and <S binding on me (us). I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDAN CE AT T HE EVENT BElWEEN THE AKC AND THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB (UNL ESS O THERWISE STATED IN THI S PREMIUM LIST) AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED B~ ARBI TRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABL E RU LES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR T C ARBI TRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURE S MUST FIRST BE FOLLOWED AS SE1 FORT H IN T HE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. No INSTRUCTIONS Handlers may opt to enter in a higher height division for all Regular titling classes, but not in a division lower than their proper height division. Dogs entered in the Preferred classes must compete at the required jump height and may not compete in a jump height division higher or lower then their proper height division. All dogs that have not been officially measured for an Agility Jump Height Card may still compete; however, they must be measured by a Judge of record, an Agility Field Representative, or a Voluntee1 Measuring Official, prior to running. If measured by the Judge of record, that measurement will be valid for this trial or back-to-back trials only. If a measurement is necessary, it is the exhibitor's responsibility to have their dog(s) measured prior to running. AKC0 NAME (include AKC titles only) Dogs listed in the AKC Canine Partners ProgramsM may be eligible to enter all-breed AKC agility trials at thE club's option. These dogs should be listed as All American Dog and must include their AKC number on the entry form and check lhe AKC No. box. (Enter Complete Registrat iOn# below) IDATE OF BIRTH QAKCNO. 0 0 ILP NO. 0 PAL NO Junior Handlers should enter their Junior Handler Number on the front of this form. Should you not have your Junior Handler number, it may be obtained from the American Kennel Club (919) 233-9767. If the Junior Handler is nol the owner of the dog identified on the face of this form, what is the relalionship of the Junior Handler to lhe Owner? PLACE OF BIRTH (List Country) FOREIGN REG. NO. & COUNTRY SIRE SIGNATURE or owner Of his agent duty authorized to make this entry. DAM SIGN HERE X Telephone Number: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- New Email ACTUAL OWNERS Email: - - - - - - - - - -OWNERS ADDRESS Cl~ HANDLER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- NEW ADDRESS In Case of Emergency- Name: TAT Phooe #: - - - - - - - -- - IP +4 a ENTER JR. HANDLER# applicable Exhibitor or owner MUST sign on the signature line beneath the instructions. AEAGL2 (12/13) v8.4 PW
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