STRATEC Biomedical AG Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference London, November 20, 2014 Safe Harbor Statement Forward-looking statements involve risks. This company presentation contains various statements concerning the future performance of STRATEC. These statements are based on both assumptions and estimates. Although we are convinced that these forward-looking statements are realistic, we can provide no guarantee of this. This is because our assumptions involve risks and uncertainties which could result in a substantial divergence between actual results and those expected. It is not planned to update these forward-looking statements. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 1 Agenda 1. Overview and Business Model 2. The IVD Market 3. Financials 4. Aspects of Future Growth Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 2 Investment Snapshot • Market leader in automation solutions in the diagnostic industry with installed base of more than 10,000 systems across over 20 system families including: - Siemens’ ADVIA Centaur - DiaSorin’s LIAISON XL - Hologic/Gen-Probe’s PANTHER - bioMérieux’s new VIDAS • CAGR revenues since 2010: 8% • Guidance revenue growth 2014 to 2017: 8% - 12% • Profitable with revenue of € 128 million in 2013 • Dividend payments raised over 10 consecutive years “LIAISON XL” for DiaSorin Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 3 STRATEC in the IVD Value Chain Unique Market Position Diagnostic Companies STRATEC develops and manufactures fully automated analyzer systems and disposables focusing on the high growth segments in diagnostics Partners market systems together with reagents and consumables to laboratories, blood banks and hospitals worldwide Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 Blood Banks, Laboratories Laboratories performing tests and offering service to doctors and patients using reagents from diagnostic companies Patients Growth drivers: • Aging population • Developing healthcare systems world wide • High volume of new tests 4 Business Model • STRATEC provides instrumentation, software and automation solutions – OEM development and manufacturing – More than 2,700 fully automated analyzer systems manufactured in 2013 – Wide range of intellectual property rights • Extensive collaboration with partner during design phase – STRATEC: Engineering / automation, software, QM – Partner: System / reagent / market requirements • Systems have long market lifecycles – Leads to longstanding partnerships – Expanding installed base of systems – Product enhancement and extension drives value “PANTHER” for Hologic Gen-Probe Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 5 Securing Return on Investment • Long-term agreements with partners – Milestone payments during development stage – Operating sales during series production stage – Continuous revenues from consumable sales • Minimum volume commitment – Firm purchase orders – STRATEC an integral part of partners’ plans • Reliable partnership – – – – Shortened development time Integration of analyzer system and reagents Agreed development budget & transfer price High commitment by both partners “Simoa HD-1” for Quanterix Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 6 Agenda 1. Overview and Business Model 2. The IVD Market 3. Financials 4. Aspects of Future Growth Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 7 IVD Market Segments IVD Market: ~ 50 billion USD Reagents / Chemistry Instrumentation Instrument Services High Throughput (number of systems) 5% 80% Total instrumentation ~ 7.5 billion USD 15% Low Throughput (number of systems) Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 8 IVD Instrumentation Market Outsourced vs In House Instrumentation Market 9 8 7 USD billion 6 64% 66% 5 4 2009 - 2015 CAGR 3% 75% 73% 71% 70% 68% 3 2009 - 2015 CAGR 13% 2 1 25% 27% 29% 2009 2010 2011 32% 34% 36% 30% 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E - IVD OEM Market IVD In House Market Source: Various sources. Excludes glucose test monitors. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 9 Global Top 20 – IVD Companies Revenues 2013 (USD billion) 1. Roche Diagnostics 8.4 2. SIEMENS 5.2 3. Abbott Diagnostics 4.5 4. Danaher 4.5 5. Thermo Fisher 3.2 6. Alere 2.4 7. Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (now Carlyte in 2014) 1.9 8. Sysmex 1.8 9. bioMerieux 1.7 10. BIO-RAD 1.4 11. BECTON DICKINSON 1.3 12. Hologic / Gen-Probe 1.2 13. CH Werfen 0.9 14. Grifols (incl. Novartis diagnostics business unit) 0.7 15. Agilent / Dako 0.7 16. QIAGEN 0.7 17. DiaSorin 0.6 18. Diagnostica Stago 0.5 19. EUROIMMUN 0.4 20. Immucor 0.3 Source: IVD News / figures adjusted by acquisitions in 2012 / non-public companies estimated / non-reported sector revenues estimated Customer STRATEC Instrumentation Customer STRATEC Data Management Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 Not a STRATEC customer 10 Defining Outsourcing Inhouse Contract Manufacturing Transferring Responsibilities Development Department In-house or 3rd Party Development Department Integration/ Transfer Phase Development Department Manufacturing Phase Supply Chain In-house Development Department Outsourcing Partner CMs & EMS Outsourcing Partner Outsourcing Design Phase Time / Costs Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 11 Agenda 1. Overview and Business Model 2. The IVD Market 3. Financials 4. Aspects of Future Growth Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 12 PLEASE NOTE The accounting methods used in the consolidated financial statements of the Annual Report 2013 were amended in line with IAS 8 for the 2013 financial year. The comparative figures for the previous year (2012) have been adjusted mandatorily. Reference is made in this respect to the information in Section A of the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The previous year’s figures in this presentation (until 2011) have not been adjusted and are therefore not directly comparable with the figures stated for the 2012 and 2013 financial years. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 13 Financials at a Glance Key figures after the first nine months (€ thousands) Sept 30, 2014 Sept 30, 2013 Change Sales 105,278 90,819 + 15.9% EBIT 17,685 * 12,847 + 37.7% 16.8 * 14.1 14,627 * 10,173 + 43.8% 1.24 * 0.87 + 42.5% EBIT margin (%) Consolidated net income Earnings per share (€) + 270 BPS * 2014 figure adjusted to exclude a one-off negative item resulting from recognition in the first quarter of expenses for the remaining years of the term of a management board contract for a retired member of the Board of Management and a positive non-operating item due to recognition of income for a development project discontinued in 2013. Unadjusted EBIT amounts to € 17.0 million, the corresponding EBIT margin amounts to 16.2%, consolidated net income to € 14.2 million and earnings per share to € 1.20. The actual amount of the aforementioned expense item may differ at the time of payment from the amounts presented here. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 14 Sales 9-Months Sales compared to Annual Sales 140 116.6 122.4 128.0 87.6 90.8 2012 2013 120 102.0 € million 100 79.6 80 60 105.3 40 56.0 69.2 80.2 20 • Strongest first nine months in company’s history • Ongoing positive developments in service parts, established and newer analyzer systems • Growth expected to continue in Q4/2014 0 2009 2010 2011 2014 Annual Sales as of 12/31 9-Months Sales as of 09/30 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 15 Installed Base & Product Groups As of December 31 As of December 31 Delivered systems & installed base Relative share by product group 100% 14.000 90% 12.000 80% 10.000 70% 60% 8.000 50% 6.000 40% 4.000 30% 20% 2.000 10% 0 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Number of analyzer systems delivered Analyzer systems Installed base (based on a 5 year average life cycle) Development, service and consulting 2012 2013 Replacement parts / disposables Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 16 EBIT & EBIT Margin As of December 31 – 9M/2014 EBIT in € million EBIT margin in % 24 22% 21.8 22 21% 19.5 20 18 16 20% 17.7 17.6 15.6 14.7 19% 18% 14 17% 12 16% 10 15% 8 14% 6 13% 4 12% 2 11% 0 • Improved EBIT margin at 16.8%*: - Improved gross margin of major systems - Improving share of sales with service parts - Bigger than usual impact from other operational expenses & income 10% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 9M/2014* Full Year EBIT 9-months EBIT EBIT margin * 2014 figure adjusted to exclude a one-off negative item resulting from recognition in the first quarter of expenses for the remaining years of the term of a management board contract for a retired member of the Board of Management and a positive non-operating item due to recognition of income for a development project discontinued in 2013. Unadjusted EBIT amounts to € 17.0 million, the corresponding EBIT margin amounts to 16.2%. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 17 Earnings per Share Earnings per Share (EPS) 1,60 1.32 1.32 1,40 1.14 Euro 1,20 1.06 1.03 1.24 1,00 • Net income at € 14.6* million • Rising tax rate • EPS at € 1.24* after nine months 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 2009 2010 EPS as of 12/31 2011 2012 2013 2014 EPS as of 09/30 * 2014 figure adjusted to exclude a one-off negative item resulting from recognition in the first quarter of expenses for the remaining years of the term of a management board contract for a retired member of the Board of Management and a positive non-operating item due to recognition of income for a development project discontinued in 2013. Unadjusted consolidated net income amounts to € 14.2 million and earnings per share to € 1.20. Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 18 Cash flow As of September 30 IFRS (€ million) 9M/2014 9M/2013 Cash flow 19.5 13.9 Cash flow – operating activities 25.7 20.0 Cash flow – investment activities -5.7 -7.9 Cash flow – financing activities -7.9 -6.3 Free cash flow 20.1 12.1 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 34.6 18.7 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 19 Agenda 1. Overview and Business Model 2. The IVD Market 3. Financials 4. Aspects of Future Growth Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 20 Growth in 2014 and beyond • Revenue Growth: – Hitting development milestones – New product launches and ramp-ups • Business Development: – Extend innovation leadership – Evaluate further niches and external opportunities – Extension of development and manufacturing capacities • Profitability and Cash flow: – Reduction in manufacturing costs – Further reduction of working capital requirements – Manage development growth • Market growth: – New tests and technologies – Demographic development – Outsourcing in the IVD industry Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 21 STRATEC – Guidance Sales Guidance 250 CAGR 4-year sales 2014 - 2017: 8% - 12% based on 2013 200 € million 2013 Sales: € 128 million Sales Guidance 2014 to 2017: • 2014 to 2017: 8% - 12% CAGR based on 2013 EBIT Margin Guidance: 150 • 2014: > 2013 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 2017 22 Contact STRATEC Biomedical AG Gewerbestr. 37 75217 Birkenfeld Germany Tel: +49 7082 7916-0 Fax: +49 7082 7916-999 TICKER Symbol: Bloomberg: Reuters: ISIN: WKN: SBS.DE SBS:GR SBSG.DE DE0007289001 728 900 Marcus Wolfinger CEO, Chairman of the Board of Management Admitted into Deutsche Börse TecDAX® since November 2010 THANK YOU! Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 23 Appendix Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 24 STRATEC Group Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 25 Key Figures at a Glance As of December 31 IFRS (€ million) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Sales 79.6 102.0 116.6 122.7 128.0 EBIT 14.7 17.6 21.8 15.6 19.5 EBIT margin (%) 18.5 17.3 18.7 12.7 15.2 Consolidated net income 11.7 13.0 15.3 12.5 15.5 Earnings per share (€) 1.03 1.14 1.32 1.06 1.32 Dividend per share (€) 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.56 0.60 No. of employees 380 440 503 533 546 Total assets 85.8 98.8 111.0 108.5 117.8 Equity ratio (%) 69.1 72.7 75.0 80.7 82.5 Free cash flow 6.4 -6.9 8.3 0.4 13.5 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 26 Conversion Accounting Methods Change in treatment of development cooperations: • Recommendations by German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (DPR) • Distinction between development cooperations and proprietary development projects • Completed during 2013 • Balance sheet: Inventory Other intangible assets Contraction of other liabilities through inclusion of milestone payments Clustering: IAS11 and IAS38 • P&L: Changes to Amortization Scheme (chronological to quantitative) Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 27 Conversion Accounting Methods Key figures including and excluding amendment items: 2013 2013 2012 2012 incl. amendment items excl. amendment items incl. amendment items excl. amendment items Sales 127,950 129,639 122,667 122,424 EBIT 19,493 20,063 15,578 17,441 Consolidated net income 15,478 15,905 12,449 13,846 Earnings per share (€) 1.32 1.35 1.06 1.18 EBIT margin (%) 15.2 15.5 12.7 14.3 Consolidated income statement (€ 000s) Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 28 Shareholder Structure & Share Shareholder Structure (as of: 09/30/2014) Hermann Leistner, his family and their investment company 23.3% 38.8% Treasury stock Institutional investors Retail investors 37.8% 0.1% Share IPO Capital increase Number of shares Share price (11/14/2014) Market capitalization Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 Aug. 1998 < 10%, Mar. 2002 < 10%, Sep. 2005 11,794,845 € 48.56 € 572.8 million 29 Institutional Shareholders Top 15 as of October 2014 Holder Name Holding Allianz Global Investors Europe, GER 7.1 % Threadneedle Asset Management, GBR 5.0 % Montanaro Asset Management, GBR 4.8 % OppenheimerFunds, USA 3.0 % Financiere de l‘Echiquier, FRA 2.9 % BNP Paribas Investment Partners Belgium, FRA 2.8 % ING Investment Management Advisors, NED 1.7 % Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, DEN 1.5 % Norges Bank Investment Management, NOR 1.4 % JPMorgan Asset Management, GBR 1.2 % Comgest, FRA 0.9 % Henderson Global Investors, GBR 0.8 % Credit Suisse, SUI 0.6 % Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment, GER 0.6 % Lupus alpha Asset Management, GER 0.5 % Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 30 Analyst Coverage Berenberg Bank Dr. Scott Bardo Phone: +44 203 207 7869 Bryan, Garnier & Co Mathieu Chabert Phone: +33 170 365745 Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux Oliver Reinberg Phone : +49 69 47897526 Commerzbank Daniel Wendorff Phone: +49 69 13629648 DZ Bank Sven Kürten Phone : +49 69 744792072 Deutsche Bank Gunnar Romer Phone : +49 69 910 31917 Landesbank BadenWürttemberg Volker Stoll Phone : +49 711 12770568 HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Jan Keppeler Phone : +49 211 9102446 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 31 Financial Calendar 2014 / 2015 11/20/2014 Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference, London, UK 11/25-26/2014 German Equity Forum, Frankfurt, GER 12/03/2014 Berenberg Bank European Conference, Pennyhill Park, UK 01/21/2015 14th German Corporate Conference, Kepler Cheuvreux & UniCredit , Frankfurt, GER 04/14/2015 Publication of Annual Report 2014 04/29/2015 Publication of Interim Report as of 03/31/2015 05/22/2015 Annual General Meeting, Pforzheim, GER 07/29/2015 Publication of Interim Report as of 06/30/2015 10/28/2015 Publication of Interim Report as of 09/30/2015 Subject to confirmation and amendments Jefferies 2014 Global Healthcare Conference – London, November 20, 2014 32
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