Prairie Grains Conference December 10 & 11, 2014 Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND Our Conference Partners Welcome You! Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Thank you to all our sponsors & exhibitors: General Session Sponsors Media Sponsors Speaker Sponsors County Corn Grower Associations: Becker/Mahnomen Counties Norman County Marshall County Pennington/Red Lake Counties Polk County Meal & Break Sponsors: Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council; Bayer CropScience; BASF; BNSF Railway; Busch Ag Resources; Limagrain Cereal Seeds, NorthStar Agri Industries Booster Sponsors: Arysta LifeScience; Central Life Sciences; DuPont Pioneer; Hyland Seeds, Waubun; Mid-Valley Grain Co-op; Minnesota Crop Improvement Association; NCTC Farm Business Management; Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers; West Central Ag Services Exhibitors: A & S Ag Sales; Acme Electric; Agassiz Drain Tile; Agassiz Seed & Supply; AgCountry Farm Credit Services; AgraCity Crops & Nutrition; Agweek; Amity Technology, LLC; Arysta LifeScience; AURI; BASF; Bayer CropScience; Busch Ag Resources; Central Life Sciences; Channel; CHS Ag Services; CHS Sunflower; Dakota Rev/Pioneer Peat; Duluth Seaway Port Authority; Ellingson Companies; Fillbrandt’s Bigg Dogg Agg; Home of Economy; Hyland Seeds; K & D Enterprises; Legumex Walker; Limagrain Cereal Seeds; Mayo Manufacfuring; Meridian Seeds, LLC; Mid-Valley Grain Co-op; Minneapolis Grain Exchange; Minnesota Ag Water Resource Center; Minnesota Crop Improvement Association; MN Dept. of Agriculture; Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation; Minnesota Farmers Union; Minnesota Soybean Council; NCTC Farm Business Management; Northern Crops Marketing; Northstar Agri Industries; PM Ag Sources Inc.; Proseed; Red River Farm Network; Richland IFC Inc.; Rivard’s Turf & Forage; RML Trading LLC; SK Food International; Spray Advantage; SunOpta Foods Inc.; Syngenta; University of Minnesota; West Central Ag Services Wednesday, December 10th Grower & Industry Meetings Everyone is welcome to attend these meeting. Morning Session 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. On-Farm Research Summit – Everyone Invited • Review past work by NW MN On-Farm Research Network • 2014 On-Farm Research project results - Split Nitrogen Applications - Spring ESN vs. Urea - Fall ESN vs Urea - SuperU vs Urea - Elevated Phosphorus - Soybeans + AMS - On-the-go Protein Sampling & Mapping - Growth Regulators on Wheat - GreensSeeker Fungicide Application - Variable Rate Nitrogen Application •Small Plot Results •2015 On-Farm Research – group participation - Input and discussion from growers and researchers •Implementing on-farm research - Assistance - Participant networking Lunch & Afternoon Sessions continued: Manitoba growers operate next to the world’s eleventh largest freshwater lake. Agriculture is, consequently, under tremendous scrutiny and pressure regarding the condition of Lake Winnipeg and other bodies of surface water in the Keystone Province. On the upside, farmers and others working in agriculture have a fascinating story to tell about the means and science of environmentally sustainable food, feed and fibre production. Being proactive puts farmers in the best position to address the water quality challenge while maintaining farm productivity and independent decision-making. The Future of Water Quality in the RRV- Making Sense of it all: Warren Formo, Executive Director, MN Agricultural Water Resource Center All farmers, regardless of what they grow or how they grow it, have one thing in common - they all have the potential to impact water and the opportunity to minimize potential impacts. Farmers address environmental risks by drawing from a vast toolbox, each building a complete system, tailored to meet the challenges facing their particular farm setting. This presentation will focus on what is currently being done to address water quality, what we’re doing to learn more and what it can mean for farmers moving forward. 12:00 p.m. Lunch Free and open to all 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Red River Valley Water Quality - Farmers Finding Solutions Water Quality in the RRV- Farmers Leading the Discussion: Jim Ziegler, Section Manager, MN Pollution Control Agency The presentation will briefly describe how the state defines water quality, the states goals for water quality and the process the state has set up to address water quality issues. It will then focus on information and discussion about how producers and landowners can be involved in and lead the discussions that will determine how we deal with water quality issues in the Red River Basin. The premise is that producers and landowners can and should lead the “how” discussion. Growers can strike an agronomic/environmental balance in water quality protection – Experience and knowledge from north of the border: Mitchell Timmerman, Nutrient Management Specialist, Manitoba Agriculture 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Minnesota & North Dakota Malting Barley Program All growers and industry personnel interested in barley markets and production should attend this meeting. 1:15 p.m. Barley Varietal Selection: Dr. Richard Horsely, NDSU 1:45 p.m. Barley Production Practices: Greg Endres, Carrington Research Station 2:10 p.m. The Barley Players Round Table Panel • Malteurop: Derrick Prell, Milwaukee • Cargill: Mike Stevens, Spiritwood • Busch Ag: Al Slater, West Fargo • Rahr: Chris German, BSG CraftBrewing 3:10 p.m Specialty Malts for Craft Brewers Robert Hansen, Briess Malting, Chilton, Wis. 3:30 p.m. New Barley Federal Crop Insurance Rollout: Steve Edwardson, ND Barley Council Wednesday, December 10th Break, Business Meetings & Banquet 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Break and Refreshments: Hosted by MAWG and NDGGA 3:30– 4:30 p.m. MN Soybean Growers County Association meeting • County Regional Updates • 2015 County Promotion Program 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. MAWG Resolutions and Ag Policy Meeting: • Resolutions Committee will consider newly proposed resolutions that are in writing and presented by a MAWG member • Grassroots Involvement Makes a Difference – Kevin Paap, President, MN Farm Bureau Federation • National Wheat Issues: Paul Penner, President, NAWG • State Ag Property Tax Issues: Doug Busselman, MNFB, Director of Public Policy • Canadian and World Wheat Trade Policy Update: Shannon Schlecht, VP of Policy, US Wheat Associates 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. North Dakota Grain Growers Annual Meeting (Everyone is encouraged to attend) NDDGA will report on their activities, have reports from partners, discuss and vote on resolutions and conduct the annual business of the association. 4:30 – 5:45 p.m. MN Association of Wheat Growers and MN Barley Growers Association Annual Business Meetings. 4:30 p.m. Welcome – Peter Friederichs, Pres. MBGA and Jay Nord, Pres. MAWG 5:15 p.m. Presentation of Proposed MAWG Resolutions, Erik Younggren, Kevin Anderson, MAWG Treasurers ReportMAWG 1st VP 4:40 p.m. MN Soybean Growers Report 5:30 p.m. MAWG Board Member Nominations and Elections 4:50 p.m. MN Wheat Council Report – Tim Sedlacek, Chairman, Warren, MN 5:35 p.m. MBGA Elections 4:55 p.m. State Legislative Report – Bruce Kleven, Ag Legislative Strategist, MAWG 5:40 p.m. Awards 5:45 p.m. Adjourn Pre-Conference Banquet 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Social - Hors d’oeuvers & Refreshments Keynote Speaker: Trent Loos 6:30 - 8:15 p.m. Conference Banquet, Speaker & Awards 6:30 p.m. Agriculture Activist and Motivational Speaker Welcome & Dinner 7:00 p.m. Banquet Keynote Speaker Trent Loos, Motivational Speaker 7:45 p.m. Awards & Special Recognition • MAWG Special Recognition Awards • North Dakota Award Presentations • NDGGA Kernel Award • NDGGA Industry Kernel Award 8:15 p.m. Concluding Remarks, Auction & Hospitality Trent advocates for agriculture and speaks on behalf of the folks who would rather stay home and tend to their crops and livestock than take on those attacking their life-sustaining industry. He will motivate growers and industry representatives attending the Prairie Grains Conference to speak out and get involved with protecting their industry. Trent currently farms in central Nebraska. Sit Back. Listen. Enjoy. Jump In......Let’s Get Started! Hospitality Hosted by: Bayer CropScience, North Dakota Grain Growers Association & Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers Thursday, December 11th Program 6:30 a.m. Exhibits open 7:00- 8:50 a.m. Wheat & Soybean Research Reporting Sessions (see right column) 9:10 a.m.Welcome 9:15 a.m. Market Update, Red River Farm Network 9:20 a.m. 2015 Weather Outlook: Cycles and Patterns Influencing Our Growing Season LEON OSBORNE, Meridian Environmental Technology, Grand Forks, ND, A Business Unit of Iteris. Back by popular demand, Dr. Leon Osborne will discuss what happened in 2014 and how global and regional weather patterns and cycles are likely to impact our winter and 2015 growing season. The Future of Northern Plains Transportation Costs, Availability and Tonnage RICHARD H. MCGUIRE, Esq., President EKN Rail Company McGuire and EKN have over thirty years of experience working in the rail industry. They provide a wide range of rail consulting services to their agribusiness clients. McGuire will provide an unbiased view of the current rail shipping situation and what we can expect in the future. 10:40 a.m. BREAK in Exhibit Hall 11:10 a.m. Breakout Sessions (see next page) 12:00 p.m. LUNCH - All American Buffet begins in the Arena. 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. Repeat of Drone Flight Demonstration in the Arena 1:30 p.m. World Economic and Grain Market Outlook ANKUSH BHANDARI, Vice President, Economic Research, The Gavilon Group, LLC & ANDY KNUTSON, Grains Merchandiser, Gavilon Grain, Omaha, NE. Dessert in the Exhibit Hall Together Bhandaria and Knutson will set the stage for marketing decisions and crop planning by providing growers with an international view of the current grain and world economic situation that will likely affect the markets for your 2014 and 2015 crops. 2:15 p.m. WHEAT Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Research & Reporting Sessions Managing Risk in a Volatile Enviroment MOE RUSSELL, Russell Consulting Group & CHS Hedging 3:00 p.m. Russell Consulting Group is a provider of risk discovery, planning and analysis to producers. Moe is a frequent speaker on motivation, planning and entrepreneurship. He writes a monthly column for Farm Journal. He will identify some of the risks associated with our changing market situation and how to manage those risks. CLOSING RECEPTION in Exhibit Hall 3:15 p.m. Afternoon Round Table Discussions (see Breakout Session Section) 6:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Begins – Sponsored by MN Wheat Check-off 7:00 a.m. Introductions and Welcome 7:10 a.m. Optimum Use of Nitrogen Fertilizers to Maximize Spring Wheat Grain Yield and Protein – Dr. Albert Sims, Soil Scientist and Director of Operations, U of M- NWROC 7:30 a.m. Results from the 2013 and 2014 Wheat Seed Treatment Trials and the Wheat Root Disease Survey in MN and ND – Dr. Madeleine Smith, U of M Extension Plant Pathologist 7:50 p.m. Spring Wheat Variety Trial Results and 2015 Variety Selection – Dr. Jochum Wiersma, U of M Extension Small Grains Specialist 8:10 a.m. Yield Loss Potential and Susceptibility to Bacterial Leaf Streak by Variety: 2014 Results – Dr. Madeleine Smith, U of M Extension Plant Pathologist 8:30 a.m. Strategies for Meeting N Requirements of Wheat with New Fertilizers and Fertilizer Additives – Multi-Year Research results – Dr. Joel Ransom, NDSU Extension Small Grains and Corn Agronomist 8:50 a.m. Concluding Remarks – Visit Exhibitors and Break Sponsors of the Wheat & Soybean Research Reporting Sessions: Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council SOYBEANS 6:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast Begins – Sponsored by MN Soybean Check-off 7:00 a.m. Introductions and Welcome 7:10 a.m. The Ins and Outs of Phytophthora - Howard Person, Marshall and Pennington County Extension Educator 7:30 a.m. The Effects of Seed Treatment on Population - Jerry Buckley, Norman and Mahnomen County Extension Educator 7:50 a.m. Fungicide: The Most Effective Applications Dates and Rates - Kaylina Paulley, 2014 Extension Soybean Research Assistant 8:10 a.m. IDC: Causes and Effects – Dr. Hans Kandel, NDSU Extension, Broadleaf Crop Agronomist 8:30 a.m. Variety Trials Results from MN and ND Fields Howard Person, Marshall & Pennington County Ext. Educator 8:50 a.m. Concluding Remarks – Visit Exhibitors and Break Thursday, December 11th 11:10 a.m. Breakout Sessions Each will last 50 – 60 minutes. Pick one to attend. Drone Flight Demonstration and Soybean Cyst Nematodes (Drone Demo Repeated after Lunch) Minnesota Farm Truck Laws: What Changed and What You Need to Know Bruce Kleven, State Legislative Strategist, MAWG John F. Nowatzki, Agricultural Machine Systems Specialist, NDSU and Phil Glogoza, U of M Regional Ext. Educator – Flights are in the Arena In 2015 changes to federal laws governing farm trucks will go into effect. Minnesota’s new laws became effective August 1, 2014. Bruce will discuss and answer questions about significant changes related to: 1) the definition of a farm truck, and 2) farm truck inspection exemptions. Drones will be flown in the Arena to capture images of live soybean plants followed by a discussion on how to visually identify SCN infected areas and use of UAS imagery.. 2014 Agriculture Tax Update and Changes Greg Kalinoski & Greg Dvergtsten, NCTC Farm Business Mgmt. Instructors Kalinoski and Dversten have years of experience with farm business planning and strategies; they will provide an update on tax laws and regulations that will impact year-end tax planning. Pollinators & Modern Agriculture - Growers Finding Solutions Alan Ayers, Dir. of Stakeholder Relations/Stewardship, Bayer CropScience Bees and modern agriculture are dependent upon each other and it is essential that growers work to ensure co-existence and public understanding of good stewardship practices. Alan Ayers will discuss the misconceptions from the general public about modern agriculture, and highlight opportunities for growers to test new production practices that promote bee health and populations. Important Farm Bill Sign Up Decisions Dwight Aakre, Ext. Farm Management Specialist, NDSU NDSU has gathered a lot of information and looked at many scenarios across the region to help growers in the decision making process. Dwight will aid growers in identifying necessary information to make the correct decisions for your farm. Canola in Your Rotation - A Profitable Option Ron Beneda, NDSU - Cavalier County Extension Agent Ron will discuss how growers can take advantage of local markets for canola and how canola can contribute both economically and agronomically to your crop rotation. Precision Ag & On Farm Research Kelly Sharpe, GK Technology Inc., Agronomist Kelly will discuss some pros and cons of using precision ag software and equipment to do on-farm research within your own production system, and discuss what types of research may provide the most valuable insight to improving production. New Farm Bill Program Opportunities for Young Farmers and Ranchers North Dakota and Minnesota FSA Staff The Farm Bill is offering new programs and opportunities targeting young farmers and ranchers; this session will discuss what is new and how new or beginning farmers and ranchers can benefit. 2015 Wheat Variety Selection Dr. Jochum Wiersma, U of M Extension Small Grains Specialist University research and test results will aid in wheat variety selections for the 2015 growing season. The presentation will not be repeated at the 2015 Small Grains Update Meetings or Best of the Best Workshops this winter. Red River Water Quality - Farmers Finding Solutions Larry Gunderson, MN Dept. of Ag, and Riley Maanum, MN Farm Bureau and several local growers Revisions to Minnesota’s Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan and the Proposed Rule on Nitrogen Use in Minnesota to limit nitrogen application timing and forms in various regions of Minnesota will be summarized. There will also be discussion amongst participants about how to manage nitrogen loss and what research or assistance is needed to improve nitrogen use efficiency. (Sponsored by the MN Dept. of Ag) 2015 Crop Budgets and 2015 Marketing Randy Zimmerman, Adawn Melbye and Josh Tjosaas, NCTC Farm Business Mgmt. Instructors & Marketing Group Leaders Discussion will cover local marketing group strategies to market 2014 and 2015 crops; special attention will be paid to how regional market outlook, the transportation situation, crop budgets, and input costs will impact 2015 planting decisions. Afternoon Round Table Discussions: Learning and Planning 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Plan to attend one of these three sessions. (Snacks and refreshments available in each room) 3:15 p.m. Your Source of Growth – 2015 Educational Seminar Series: How to Get the Most out of Research Results: What to Look For, Questions to Ask and How to Use It 3:15 p.m. 2015 Northwest Minnesota On- Farm Research Project Planning and Discussion 3:15 p.m. Multiple Grassroots Voices Working Together to Tell Agriculture’s Story to Consumers and Decision Makers – How to Get Involved Locally and Make a Difference – MN Farm Bureau, MN Farmers Union, MN Wheat Growers, MN Barley Growers, MN Soybean County Associations, Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers and MN Corn County Associations. (All Invited) Prairie Grains Conference - Registration/Hotel Information BUSINESS MEETINGS & PRE-CONFERENCE BANQUET: MAWG, MBGA, MSGA, MSRPC, NDGGA, NDBC, MNFB, and NCTC-FBM members, exhibitors and sponsors are invited to attend our Business Meetings and Pre-Conference Banquet on December 10th. This is FREE to attend ~ an RSVP for the banquet is required by December 4th. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS - Room block information: Canad Inn, 701-772-8404, $99.00/night, block under #335952 cutoff date: 11/20/2014 PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUESTED: To register for the Pre-Conference Banquet & the Conference: Visit Call the MAWG office at 800-242-6118 ext 3 or mail the registration below to: MAWG 2600 Wheat Drive Red Lake Falls, MN 56750 Non - member banquet tickets are $30 and non - member conference tickets are $25 DON’T MISS OUT ON OUR KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Leon Osborne, President and CEO, Meridian Environmental Technology; Richard H. McGuire, Esq., President, EKN Rail Company; Moe Russell, Russell Consulting Group and Ankuch Bhandari, Gavilon Grain Sponsorship and/or Exhibit Space is still available. If your company would like to sponsor the conference or have an exhibit booth, please call Gail at 800-242-6118 ext. 4 for more information. Information is also available at 2014 Prairie Grains Conference Registration Form Name:_________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ City, State, Zip Code:_____________________________ Phone:________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________ I am a member of the following organization, therefore my registration is FREE: ☐ MN Wheat Growers ☐ MN Barley ☐ ND Grain Growers Assn ☐ MN Soybean Growers ☐ NCTC-Farm Business Mgmt ☐ MN Farm Bureau ☐ ND Barley Council I am NOT a member of any organization. Enclosed is: ☐ $30 for each Banquet ticket AND/OR ☐ $25 for each Convention Registration Charge my: ☐ VISA ☐ MasterCard Credit Card #:________________________________________________ Exp Date:_________________________ Signature:______________________________________
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