www.fairchildsemi.com Fairchild Reference Design RD-407 The following reference design supports inclusion of FNx5xx60Tx in design of Application Motion Control. It should be used in conjunction with the Device_FNx5xx60Tx datasheets as well as Fairchild’s application note AN-9096 and technical support team. Please visit Fairchild’s website at https://www.fairchildsemi.com. Application Fairchild Device Type IGBT Rating Rated Output (1) Power Refrigerator, Fan, Pump, Dish Washer FNB50560Tx General 5 A / 600 V 0.7 kW Air Conditioner FNA51060Tx Low VCE(sat) 10 A / 600 V Washing Machine FNB51060Tx Low EOFF 10 A / 600 V Air Conditioner FNA51560Tx Low VCE(sat) 15 A / 600 V Washing Machine FNB51560Tx Low EOFF 15 A / 600 V 1.2 kW 2.0 kW Isolation Voltage VISO = 1500 VRMS (Sine 60 Hz, 1-min All Shorted Pins Heat Sink) Notes: 1. This rated output power is a typical value and may change depending on the operating conditions. Key Features 600 V, 05~15 A 3-Phase IGBT Inverter Including Control ICs for Gate Driving and Protections Full Mold Package Divided Negative DC-Link Terminals for Inverter Three-Leg Current Sensing Single DC Power Supply Compatible Using External Bootstrap Circuit Isolation Rating of 1500 VRMS / min Functions - Input interface: Active HIGH Compatible for 3.3 / 5 V Controller Outputs High Side Under-Voltage Lockout without Fault Signal Low Side Under-Voltage Lockout with Fault Signal Short-Circuit, Over-Current Protection by Detecting Sense Current from External Resistor Temperature Sensing Shut Down Function Inter Lock Function Soft Turn-off to Prevent Excessive Surge Voltage © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 1 RD-404 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com 1. Block Diagram VIN(L) Shut down input 3Ø 3Ø VIN(H) V-supply V-supply Reference Design For Motion SPM® 55 Series Master Board BLDC Controller / MCU CP15 LPF RBS CBS CBSC DBS 5V DP15 DBSZD 3Ø 3Ø 3Ø RPF COM VF VDD IN(L) IN(H) VB Motion SPM® 55 Series Test Board 5V 15V CP05 CP15 CSC NU NV Motion SPM 55 Gate Drive IC CSC RSC P 3Ø NW 3Ø V U W RSHUNT CDCS U V W V VDC BUS Hall IC Signal Motor U 3Ø RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 2 © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation VDD VSP Fault out & Temp. monitoring GND N Block Diagram of General Application Circuit (Direct Coupling) Figure 1. www.fairchildsemi.com 2. Schematic 15 V D1 ES1J R7 ZD2 C1 20R 1/8W 33uF/35V MMSZ5252B (20) VB(U) C2 104 OUT(UH) R1 100R 1/8W (9) IN(UH) R2 100R 1/8W R3 100R 1/8W D2 ES1J C8 102 C9 102 R8 ZD3 C3 20R 1/8W 33uF/35V MMSZ5252B C7 102 Gating UH (19) VB(V) C4 104 (11) IN(VH) D3 ES1J Gating VH R9 ZD5 C5 20R 1/8W 33uF/35V MMSZ5252B Gating WH (18) VB(W) C6 104 (13) IN(WH) 5V line R11 100 1/8W Gating VL Gating WL (15) COM IN(UH) UVS VS(U) U,VS(U) (2) W V,VS(V) (3) V VB(V) IN(VH) OUT(VH) VVS VS(V) VB(W) C20 104 630V IN(WH) OUT(WH) VS(W) VDD W,VS(W) (4) U COM OUT(UL) C13 102 Gating UL (14) VDD C15 104 C16 ZD1 220uF/35V MMSZ5252B R13 10K 1/8W P P (1) VB(U) C14 102 (17) VF R4 100 1/8W (8) IN(UL) R5 100 1/8W (10) IN(VL) R6 100 1/8W (12) IN(WL) C12 102 C11 102 NU (5) VF IN(UL) OUT(VL) R14 20mR 5W NV (6) IN(VL) N IN(WL) OUT(WL) C10 102 (16) CSC Fault Out Shut Down input Temp. Monitoring CSC NW (7) R11 1.8kO 1/8W C17 102 Figure 2. Schematic of Reference Design for 3-Phase Inverter Part (Direct Coupling) 3. Key Parameter Design 3.1. Temperature Monitoring from VF Pin The bootstrap capacitor value can be calculated by Equation (1): THVIC (Vctr VF ) 20µA R1) R1 2.76µA (1) where: THVIC = Temperature of gate drive IC Vctr = Pull up voltage VF = Voltage of VF pin R1 = Pull up resistance © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 3 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com 3.2. Selection of Bootstrap Capacitance (CBS) The bootstrap capacitor value can be calculated by Equation (2): C BS I Leak t VBS (2) where: Δt = maximum ON-pulse width of high-side IGBT; ΔVBS = the allowable discharge voltage of the CBS (voltage ripple); ILeak = maximum discharge current of the CBS consisting of: Gate charge for turning the high-side IGBT on Quiescent current to the high-side circuit in the IC Level-shift charge required by level-shifters in IC Leakage current in the bootstrap diode CBS capacitor leakage current (can be ignored for non-electrolytic capacitors) Bootstrap diode reverse recovery charge Practically, 2 mA of ILeak is recommended for FNA51560Tx (IPBS, operating VBS supply current at 20 kHz, is max. 0.8 mA in the datasheet of FNA51560Tx). Calculation examples of CBS: ILeak = 2 mA ΔVBS = 1.0 V (recommended value) Δt = 5 ms (depends on user system) CBS _ min I Leak t 2mA 5ms 10 10 6 VBS 1.0V More than 2~3times 20 ~ 30 μF standard nominal capacitance 22 ~ 35 μF Notes: 2. In case of trapezoidal control for BLDC motor or 2-phase modulation, long ON time periods of the high-side IGBT may exist. Attention should be paid to the bootstrap supply voltage drop. 3. The above result is only a calculation example. It is recommended that actual PWM patterns and lifetime of components should be considered in the design. © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 4 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com 3.3. Selection of Bootstrap Resistor (RBS) A resistor must be added in series with the bootstrap diode to slow down the dVBS/dt and determine the time to charge the bootstrap capacitor. If the minimum ON pulse width of low-side IGBT or the minimum OFF pulse width of high-side IGBT is tO; the bootstrap capacitor must be charged to increase the voltage by ΔV during this period. Therefore, the value of bootstrap resistance can be calculated by Equation (1): RBS (VCC VBS ) to CBS ΔVBS (1) where: VCC = Supply voltage; VBS = Minimum bootstrap voltage; tO = Minimum ON pulse width; CBS = Bootstrap capacitor value; and ΔVBS = Ripple voltage of VBS. Calculation Examples of RBS: VDD = 15 V, VBS = 13 V (minimum voltage) tO = 200 µs (if carrier frequency is 5 kHz, 1-cylce is 200 µs) CBS = 20 µF (obtained bootstrap capacitor value) ΔVBS = 1 V (recommended value) RRS (VDD VBS ) to 15 13V 200s 20 CBS ΔVBS 20F 1V If the rising dVBS/dt is slowed significantly, it could cause missing pulses during the startup phase due to insufficient VBS voltage. 3.4. Selection of Shunt Resistor (One Shunt) The value of shunt resistor is calculated by the following equations. Maximum Short-Circuit (SC) current trip level (depends on user selection): ISC(max) = 1.5 IC(max) SC Trip Reference Voltage (depends on datasheet): VSC = min. 0.43 V, typ. 0.5 V, max. 0.57 V Shunt Resistance: ISC(max) = VSC(max) / RSHUNT(min) RSHUNT(min) = VSC(max) / ISC(max) If the Deviation of the Shunt Resistor is Limited below ± 5%: RSHUNT(typ) = RSHUNT(min) / 0.95, RSHUNT(max) = RSHUNT(typ) 1.05 © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 5 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com Actual SC Trip Current Level becomes: ISC(typ) = VSC(typ) / RSHUNT(typ), ISC(min) = VSC(min) / RSHUNT(max) Inverter Output Power: POUT = where: MI = Modulation Index; VO,LL = Line to Line Voltage = VDC_Link = DC link voltage; IRMS = Maximum load current of inverter; and PF = Power Factor Average DC Current: IDC_AVG = VDC_Link / (Pout Eff) where: Eff = Inverter efficiency The power rating of shunt resistor is calculated by the following equation: PSHUNT = (I2DC_AVG RSHUNT Margin) / Derating Ratio where: RSHUNT = Shunt resistor typical value at TC = 25°C Derating Ratio = Derating ratio of shunt resistor at TSHUNT = 100°C (From datasheet of shunt resistor); and Margin = Safety margin (determined by user) Shunt Resistor Calculation Examples Calculation Conditions: DUT: FNA51560Tx Tolerance of shunt resistor: ±5% SC Trip Reference Voltage: o VSC(min) = 0.45 V, VSC(typ) = 0.50 V, VSC(max) = 0.55 V Maximum Load Current of Inverter (IRMS): 7 Arms Maximum Peak Load Current of Inverter (IC(max)): 15 A Modulation Index (MI): 0.9 DC Link Voltage (VDC_Link): 300 V Power Factor (PF): 0.8 Inverter Efficiency (Eff): 0.95 Shunt Resistor Value at TC = 25°C (RSHUNT): 25 mΩ © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 6 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com Derating Ration of Shunt Resistor at TSHUNT = 100°C: 70% Safety Margin: 20% Calculation Results: ISC(max): 1.5 IC(max) = 1.5 x 15 A = 22.5 A RSHUNT(min): VSC(max) / ISC(max) = 0.55 V / 22.5 A = 25 mΩ RSHUNT(typ): RSHUNT(min) / 0.95 = 25 mΩ / 0.95 = 26 mΩ RSHUNT(max): RSHUNT(typ) x 1.05 = 40 mΩ x 1.05 = 28 mΩ ISC(min): VSC(min) / RSHUNT(max) = 0.45 V / 28 mΩ = 16.1 A ISC(typ): VSC(typ) / RSHUNT(typ) = 0.5 V / 26 mΩ = 19.2 A POUT = IDC_AVG = (POUT/Eff) / VDC_Link = 6.5 A PSHUNT = (I2DC_AVG RSHUNT Margin) / Derating Ratio = (72 0.026 1.2) / 0.7 = 1.88 W (Therefore, the proper power rating of shunt resistor is over 2.0 W) = 0.9 300 7 0.8 = 1852 W To prevent malfunction, it is recommended that an RC filter be inserted at the CSC pin. To shut down IGBTs within 2 µs when over-current situation occurs, a time constant of 1.5 ~ 2 µs is recommended. © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 7 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 Isolation distance between high voltage block and low voltage block should be kept +5V +15V /FO VTS 101 101 101 ES1J ES1J ES1J 101 202 101 101 101 101 101 101 Z24V 0.5W Z24V 0.5W Z24V 0.5W Capacitor and Zenner diode should be locate closely to terminal VIN(WH) VIN(WL) VIN(VH) VIN(VL) GND The capacitor between VCC and COM should be placed to SPM as close as possible From Power Source To MCU From Power Source To MCU VIN(UL) 35V 35 V VIN(UH) Signal GND Copper 220 uF 33uF 35 V 33uF 8 35 V Figure 3. 33uF © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Z24V 0.5W The VIN RC filter should be placed to SPM as close as possible VB(U) VB(V) VB(W) CSC VF COM VDD VIN(UH) VIN(VL) VIN(VH) VIN(WL) VIN(WH) ) VIN(UL) P U,VS(U) P Main Electrolytic capacitor Snubber capacitor N The main electrolytic capacitor should be placed to snubber capacitor as close as possible Power Source Copper Connect to Motor Shunt resistor Power GND Copper Wiring between Nu, Nv, Nw and shunt resistor should be as short as possible Place Sunbeber capacitor between P and N and closely to terminal CSC Wiring should be as short as possible 202 V,VS(V) W,VS(W) NU NV NW It is recommended to connect Signal GND and Power GND at only a point. (Not copper pattern and don’t make a loop in GND pattern) And this wiring should be as short as possible. www.fairchildsemi.com 3.5. Print Circuit Board (PCB) Layout Guidance PCB Layout Guidance RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1 www.fairchildsemi.com 4. Related Resources FNA51560T3 Motion SPM® 55 Series FNB50560T1 Motion SPM® 55 Series FNA51060T3 Motion SPM® 55 Series FNB51060T1 Motion SPM® 55 Series FNB51560T1 Motion SPM® 55 Series FNB51560T1 Motion SPM® 55 Series AN-9096 Motion SPM® 55 Series User Guide \ Reference Design Disclaimer Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation (“Fairchild”) provides these reference design services as a benefit to our customers. Fairchild has made a good faith attempt to build for the specifications provided or needed by the customer. Fairchild provides this product “as is” and without “recourse” and MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Customer agrees to do its own testing of any Fairchild reference designs in order to ensure design meets the customer needs. Neither Fairchild nor Customer shall be liable for incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to, the cost of labor, requalifications, rework charges, delay, lost profits, or loss of goodwill arising out of the sale, installation or use of any Fairchild product. Subject to the limitations herein, Fairchild will defend any suit or proceeding brought against Customer if it is based on a claim that any product furnished hereunder constitutes an infringement of any intellectual property rights. Fairchild must be notified promptly in writing and given full and complete authority, information and assistance (at Fairchild’s expense) for defense of the suit. Fairchild will pay damages and costs therein awarded against Customer but shall not be responsible for any compromise made without its consent. In no event shall Fairchild’s liability for all damages and costs (including the costs of the defense by Fairchild) exceed the contractual value of the products or services that are the subject of the lawsuit. In providing such defense, or in the event that such product is held to constitute infringement and the use of the product is enjoined, Fairchild, in its discretion, shall procure the right to continue using such product, or modify it so that it becomes noninfringing, or remove it and grant Customer a credit for the depreciated value thereof. Fairchild’s indemnity does not extend to claims of infringement arising from Fairchild’s compliance with Customer’s design, specifications and/or instructions, or the use of any product in combination with other products or in connection with a manufacturing or other process. The foregoing remedy is exclusive and constitutes Fairchild’s sole obligation for any claim of intellectual property infringement and Fairchild makes no warranty that products sold hereunder will not infringe any intellectual property rights. All solutions, designs, schematics, drawings, boards or other information provided by Fairchild to Customer are confidential and provided for Customer’s own use. Customer may not share any Fairchild materials with other semiconductor suppliers. © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 9 RD-407 • Rev. 0.0.1
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