SHAMONG TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC HEARING and REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 2014, 7:00 PM INDIAN MILLS MEMORIAL SCHOOL “The Shamong Township School District, a passionate, collaborative, family-oriented Pinelands community, will provide for the academic and emotional growth of our students, creating confident and caring peers, mentors and leaders, locally and globally. Our purpose is to have all students attain success in mastering the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.” I. MEETING OPENING 1.01 CALL TO ORDER ...... Melissa Ciliberti 1.02 ROLL CALL ................ Marie Goodwin ____Melissa Ciliberti ____Jeffrey Siedlecki ____Michael Tuman ____Greg Vitagliano ____Jeff Warner A. Others Present: ____Christine Vespe .......... Superintendent ____Marie Goodwin ........... Business Administrator / Board Secretary ____Lisa Abramovitz.......... Curriculum Coordinator ____Tim Carroll.................. Principal IMMS ____Nicole Espenberg ....... Director of Pupil Services ____Nicole Moore .............. Principal IMS ____Todd Hall .................... Director of Facilities & Security 1.03 FLAG SALUTE 1.04 CORRESPONDENCE – None. 1.05 MOVE TO ADJOURN the Regular Meeting portion of the meeting, and open the Public Hearing portion at ___________ PM. Motion____ ____ ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ IA. PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTATION ............................. Marie Goodwin; Phoenix Advisors Lease Purchase Financing PUBLIC COMMENT 1A.01 MOVE TO ADJOURN the Public Hearing portion of the meeting, and open the Regular Meeting portion at ___________ PM. Motion____ ____ ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ IB. APPROVAL OF LEASE PURCHASE FINANCING 1B.01 MOVE TO ADOPT Resolution #5-1415, endorsing approval of Lease Purchase Financing for improvements to the school district’s schools. EXHIBIT 1B.A Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ II. VISITORS 2.01 NEW JERSEY PUBLIC MEETING LAW - The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of the act, public notice of the meeting has been given by the Board Secretary in the following manner: Posting written notice to the Burlington County Times. 2.02 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC During public participation of the Board meeting, the following rules shall apply: Any one addressing the Board must clearly state your full name, place of residence, and group affiliation, if appropriate; The Board will not entertain personal complaints from school personnel unless the chain of command has been followed; The Board cannot respond to any complaints from the public directed at any district employee or student in order to protect that person’s right to privacy; Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five minutes’ duration; No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard; Statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or question Board members individually; The presiding officer may interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant’s statement when the statement is too lengthy, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant. 2 When addressing the Board during this section of the first public participation, you may address non-agenda items only. Meeting open from ______ PM to _____ PM. When addressing the Board during this section of the first public participation, you may address agenda items only. Meeting open from ______ PM to _____ PM. III. SUPERINTENDENT’S and ADMINISTRATORS’ REPORTS 3.01 Superintendent’s Report 3.02 Business Administrator’s and Facility Report 3.03 Principal’s Report – IMS EXHIBIT 3A 3.04 Principal’s Report – IMMS EXHIBIT 3B 3.05 Curriculum Coordinator’s Report EXHIBIT 3C 3.06 Director of Pupil Services’ Report EXHIBIT 3D 3.07 Cafeteria Report EXHIBIT 3E IV. INFORMATION ITEMS 4.01 Committee Reports 4.02 Delegate Reports V. ROUTINE MATTERS and FINANCIAL REPORTS TO THE BOARD MINUTES 5.01 Move to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2014 Board meetings. EXHIBIT 5A Motion____ ____ ____ ____ 3 Second____ ____ ____ FINANCIAL REPORTS WHEREAS, It is recommended that the Shamong Township Board of Education hereby approve the following financial reports 5.02 through 5.04: 5.02 Board Secretary’s Report for the month of September 2014 EXHIBIT 5B 5.03 Treasurer’s Report for the month of September 2014 EXHIBIT 5C 5.04 Budget Transfers for the month of September 2014 EXHIBIT 5D Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ CERTIFICATION by the Board Secretary that as of September 30, 2014, no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-16.10(c)3. ___________________________________ Business Administrator / Board Secretary 11/18/14 Date CERTIFICATION by the District Board of Education, after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s monthly financial reports, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials; it is resolved that to the best of the knowledge of the members of the Board of Education, that no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-16.10(c)4, and that it appears that sufficient funds are available, subject to funding by the State and Federal Governments, to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. ___________________________________ Board President 11/18/14 Date VI. APPROVAL OF BILLS 6.01 It is recommended that the Bill List for November 18, 2014 be approved. EXHIBIT 6A Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ 4 ____ ____ VII. BUSINESS and FINANCIAL MOTION FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL ITEMS 7.01 THROUGH 7.03, as listed below: 7.01 ADOPT Resolution 1415-6, authorizing execution and delivery of the Grant Agreements indicated. EXHIBIT 7A 7.02 Adopt Resolution #1415-7, authorizing Delegation of Authority to the School Business Administrator for supervision of the School Facilities Project of the Grant Agreements indicated. EXHIBIT 7B 7.03 APPROVE disposal of the equipment listed below, identified as surplus, non-functioning hardware, in accordance with Board policy. CRT ............. Samsung .... DT15HCENC07024X Dell ............. CN0N81764760965UFWCU, CN0G248H7426188P217B, CN0N81764760965UFVW4 iBook ............... Apple ....... UV2220QNLQ3 1Channel1....... ................ 6434 Flat Screen...... Dell .......... CN0G331H64180 Drake .............. ERS ......... A0A20A242 Computer330 .. Dell .......... FXTXKH1 TV’s (16) ......... ................ Various, removed from classrooms Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ 5 ____ ____ VIII. STUDENTS MOTION FOR STUDENT ITEMS 8.01 THROUGH 8.02, as listed below: 8.01 APPROVE correction of the following tuition contract for out-of-district placement for the 2014-2015 school year (previously approved at the October 21, 2014 Board meeting for $24,699.50): 8.02 Student #212370....... Mt. Laurel School District, in the amount of $49,339.00 APPROVE the following tuitino contract for out-of-district placement for the 2014-2015 school year: Student #213351 ..... BCSSSD, in the amount of $45,035.00 Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ IX. SEPARATION OF EMPLOYMENT MOTION FOR SEPARATION OF EMPLOYMENT ITEM 9.01, as listed below: 9.01 APPROVE the retirement of Sandra LeMunyon, IMS, Maintenance, effective August 1, 2015. Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ X. LEAVE OF ABSENCE None. XI. CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT None. 6 ____ ____ XII. PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS MOTION FOR PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS ITEMS 12.01 THROUGH 12.02, as listed below: 12.01 APPROVE the individuals listed on the attached exhibit as volunteers in the district for the 2014-2015 school year. EXHIBIT 12A 12.02 APPROVE the following individual to complete an observation experience in the district, during the 2014-2015 school year, as indicated. Amanda Mercado, Burlington County College, Early Education / Psychology Up to 5 observation hours, during the 2014-2015 school year Cooperating Staff Member: Kathy McElhone, Grade 2 Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ XIII. PROGRAMS MOTION FOR PROGRAMS ITEM 13.01, as listed below: 13.01 APPROVE a Response to Intervention (RTI) – Dyslexia Identification Plan, as per attached exhibit. EXHIBIT 13A Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ XIV. POLICY MOTION FOR POLICY ITEM 14.01, as listed below: NEW POLICIES – SECOND READING 14.01 APPROVE Second Reading of the policy listed below: 3542.1 ........... Wellness and Nutrition 7 EXHIBIT 14A REVISED POLICIES 14.02 APPROVE acceptance of the policies, including any revisions, for Series 2000, Administration, listed below: 2000/2010 .... Concepts & Roles in Administration: Goals & Obj. 2050 ............. Code of Ethics for Administrators 2100 ............. Admin. Staff Organization: Chain of Command 2111.4 .......... Residency Requirements 2120 ............. Organizational Chart 2121 ............. Lines of Responsibility 2125 ............. Evaluation of Principals 2130 ............. Admin. Positions / Job Descriptions 2131 ............. Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools 2131.5 .......... Employment of Superintendent of Schools 2132 ............. BOE / Superintendent of Schools Relations 2133 ............. Incapacity of the Superintendent Of Schools / Acting Superintendent of Schools 2150 ............. Evaluation of the Board Secretary / BA 2151 ............. Employment of Board Secretary / BA 2153 ............. Incapacity of Board Secretary / BA 2200 ............. Administrative Positions – Review of Contracts 2210 ............. Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy 2220 ............. Representative & Deliberative Groups 2224 ............. Nondiscrimination / Affirmative Action 2240 ............. Research, Evaluation & Planning 2241 ............. Needs Assessment of the District & the Individual Programs / Facilities 2255 ............. Action Planning for Thorough & Efficient Cert. 2256 ............. Action Planning for State Monitoring – NJQSAC 2260 ............. Holiday Observance 2400 ............. Evaluation of Educational Administration Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ XV. TRANSPORTATION None. 8 ____ ____ EXHIBIT 14A.1 EXHIBIT 14A.2 EXHIBIT 14A.3 EXHIBIT 14A.4 EXHIBIT 14A.5 EXHIBIT 14A.6 EXHIBIT 14A.7 EXHIBIT 14A.8 EXHIBIT 14A.9 EXHIBIT 14A.10 EXHIBIT 14A.11 EXHIBIT 14A.12 EXHIBIT 14A.13 EXHIBIT 14A.14 EXHIBIT 14A.15 EXHIBIT 14A.16 EXHIBIT 14A.17 EXHIBIT 14A.18 EXHIBIT 14A.19 EXHIBIT 14A.20 EXHIBIT 14A.21 EXHIBIT 14A.22 EXHIBIT 14A.23 EXHIBIT 14A.24 EXHIBIT 14A.25 XVI. USE OF FACILITIES MOTION FOR USE OF FACILITIES ITEM 16.01, as listed below: 16.01 APPROVE a use of facilities request for Indian Mills Home & School Association, as follows: IMMS Cafeteria Friday, 11/21/14 2:30 – 8:30 p.m. Motion____ Roll Call Vote: ____ ____ Second____ ____ ____ ____ XVII. MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The rules outlined in the previous Public Participation section remain in effect, including the requirement to clearly state your full name, place of residence, and group affiliation, if appropriate. Meeting open from ______ PM to _____ PM. XVIII. FUTURE DATES November 20 .......... Bullying Prevention Strategies, sponsored by IMPACT, IMMS Library, 7:00-9:00 p.m. November 20-25..... Parent Conferences / Early Dismissal November 26 .......... Early Dismissal November 27-28..... Thanksgiving Holiday (Schools Closed) December 16 .......... BOE Meeting, IMMS, 7:00 p.m. XIX. EXECUTIVE SESSION 19.01 EXHIBIT 19 Move to adopt a resolution to adjourn to Executive Session at ______PM, to discuss personnel, negotiations, and legal matters. Minutes of this closed session will be kept and will be disclosed to the public when the reasons for confidentiality no longer exist. The approximate length of Executive Session is estimated to be ________ hour(s) / minutes. It is the intention of the Board that action ____ may ____ will ____ will not be taken on an item in one of the areas indicated above. Motion____ ____ ____ 19.02 ____ Second_____ ____ ____ Move to return to Public Session at _________ PM. Motion____ ____ ____ ____ 9 Second_____ ____ ____ XX. ADJOURNMENT Approval to adjourn the meeting at _____PM. Motion____ ____ ____ ____ 10 Second____ ____ ____
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