2nd Edition Apollo Cancer Conclave 6th Edition & Cancer CI 2015 Cancer Care, Education & Research Conference International 6th - 8th February 2015 HiCC (Hyderabad international Convention Centre), Hyderabad Pre-conference Workshop: 5th February 2015, apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad Program HigHligHts Welcome Dear Colleague, 5th February 2015 (tHUrsDaY) Dr. Prathap C. reddy Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group As part of the Apollo Hospitals’ commitment to foster academic activities, we are continuing to the next level of academics. We have previously gone through 5 Cancer CI Conferences at Hyderabad and the 1st Edition of Apollo Cancer Conclave was last year at Chennai. Upon the success of past conferences, Apollo Cancer Hospitals and CURE Foundation are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Edition of apollo Cancer Conclave and 6th Edition of their biennial Conference Cancer Ci - 2015 - Cancer Care, Education & Research Conference International from 5th - 8th February 2015 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC), Hyderabad. Owing to the alarming rise in Global Cancer Burden, we feel the need to collaborate with the leaders in oncology research across continents to implement the advances in Medical, Surgical, Radiation oncology and Hematology in clinical practice with great speed for the benefit of patients receiving treatment in India. The conference will be preceded by a one-day Workshop on Thursday, 5th February 2015 on “Hypofractionation, robotic surgery & Bmt” at the Apollo Cancer Hospitals, Hyderabad. PG Students & Post MD, Junior Doctors are encouraged to submit their abstracts for Posters online. We will be announcing the two best Poster Cash Awards too! The first one hundred Post Graduate Students and Post MDs to register will receive free accommodation on request! We thank you in advance and would be deeply privileged by your participation. Looking forward to welcoming you at ACC & CCI – 2015. Time : 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM, WorKsHoP on robotic surgery, BMT & Hypofractionated radiotherapy Venue: Apollo Cancer Hospital, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 6th February 2015 (FriDaY) Time : 09:00 AM – 01:20 PM, HICC, Hyderabad general oncology - genetics, Diagnostics Psycho oncology (Hall - a) Time : 02:00 PM – 05:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad Neuro oncology (Hall – a) Time : 02:00 PM – 05:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad Hematology & lymphoma symposium (Hall – B) Time : 06:00 PM – 07:00 PM, HICC, Hyderabad satellite symposium (Hall – a & B) 07:30 PM onwards iNaUgUratioN CErEmoNY & DiNNEr 7th February 2015 (satUrDaY) Time : 09:00 AM – 12:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad gyn. oncology (Hall – a) Time : 09:00 AM – 12:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad Head & Neck oncology (Hall – a) Time : 02:00 PM – 05:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad Breast Ca. symposium (Hall – B) Time : 02:00 PM – 05:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad Ca. lung symposium (Hall – B) Time : 06:00 PM – 07:00 PM, HICC, Hyderabad satellite symposium (Hall – a & B) 07:30 PM onwards CUltUral EVENt & BaNQUEt DiNNEr 8th February 2015 (sUNDaY) Time : 09:00 AM – 12:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad g.i. symposium (Hall – a) Dr. P. Vijay anand reddy Chairman, Org. Committee, ACC & CANCER CI – 2015 DIRECTOR, Apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad Time : 09:00 AM – 12:50 PM, HICC, Hyderabad genito Urinary symposium (Hall – B) iNtErNatioNal sPEaKErs Dr. alphonse g. taghian, Boston, MA, USA Dr. arya Jyoti, San Diego, CA, USA Dr. Brian D. Kavanagh, Aurora, CO, USA Dr. Chiaojung Jillian tsai, New York, NY, USA Dr. Dennis E. Hallahan, St. Louis, MO, USA Dr. Edgar Ben-Josef, Philadelphia, PA, USA Dr. Jeff m. michalski, St. Louis, MO, USA Dr. Johan Vansteenkiste, Leuven, Belgium Dr. Kenneth ott, San Diego, CA, USA Dr. Kunle odunsi, Buffalo NY, USA Dr. lilie l. lin, Philadelphia, PA, USA Dr. michael D. Prados, San Francisco, CA, USA Dr. michael P. Kosty, La Jolla, CA, USA Dr. Najeeb mohideen, Arlington Heights, IL, USA Dr. Paul B. shyn, Boston, MA, USA Dr. Pavan s. reddy, Wichita, Kansas, USA Dr. Prabhakar tripuraneni, La Jolla, CA, USA Dr. ramdev Konijeti, La Jolla, CA, USA Dr. ranjana H. advani, Stanford, CA, USA Dr. ronald Charles mcgarry, Lexington, KY, USA Dr. surya m. Nalamati, Detroit, MI, USA Dr. timothy D. solberg, Philadelphia, PA, USA Dr. Vinai gondi, Warrenville, IL, USA Dr. William s. Dalton, Tampa, FL, USA NatioNal sPEaKErs Dr. a.N. Vaidhyswaran, Chennai Dr. ajay Dewan, New Delhi Dr. alex antony Prasad, Chennai Dr. alok ghosh Dastidar, Kolkata Dr. amarnath g., Madurai Dr. amit Verma, Bilaspur Dr. anantbhushan ranade, Pune Dr. ananthakrishnan sivaraman, Chennai Dr. anil D’Cruz, Mumbai Dr. anil K. anand, New Delhi Dr. anil Kamath, Bangalore Dr. aniruddha V. Kulkarni, Mumbai Dr. anusheel munshi, New Delhi Dr. arvind Krishnamurthy, Chennai Dr. ashok K. Vaid, New Delhi Dr. ashok m. shenoy, Bangalore Dr. aurov Vishwabhandu, Vellore Dr. B.K. smruti, Mumbai Dr. B.K.m. reddy, Bangalore Dr. Balasubramanian N., Rohtak Dr. Bhagyam raghavan, Chennai Dr. Bharat J. Parikh, Ahmedabad Dr. Bhawna sirohi, Mumbai Dr. Brinda sitaram, Bangalore Dr. C.s. madhu, Kottayam Dr. C.s. Pramesh, Mumbai Dr. Chanchal goswami, Kolkata Dr. Chandrashekar m., Bangalore Dr. Chirag Desai, Ahmedabad Dr. Chirag shah, Ahmedabad Dr. D.N. sharma, New Delhi Dr. Devang C. Bhavsar, Ahmedabad Dr. Dhairyasheel savant, Mumbai Dr. Dinesh C. Doval, New Delhi Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar, New Delhi Dr. g.K. Jadhav, New Delhi Dr. g.K. rath, New Delhi Dr. g.s. Bhattacharyya, Kolkata Dr. g.V. giri, Bangalore Dr. govind Babu K., Bangalore Dr. Harbans l. Kapoor, Shimla Dr. Harit K. Chaturvedi, New Delhi Dr. Harsh Dua, New Delhi Dr. Hemant B. tongaonkar, Mumbai Dr. Hemant malhotra, Jaipur Dr. Hemanth raj E., Chennai Dr. indraneel saha, Kolkata Dr. J.P. agarwal, Mumbai Dr. Janos stumpf, Chennai Dr. Jayaprakash madhavan, Trivandram Dr. Jitendra Kumar singh, Patna Dr. Jose Easow, Chennai Dr. Judita syeimlieh, Shillong, Meghalaya Dr. Kainickal Cessal thomas, Trivandram Dr. Kumar Prabhash, Mumbai Dr. Kumar t. Bhowmik, New Delhi Dr. litan Naha Biswas, Kolkata Dr. m.C. Pant, Lucknow Dr. m.s. Belliappa, Bangalore Dr. madhuchanda Kar, Kolkata Dr. mahadev Potharaju, Chennai Dr. maheboob Basade, Mumbai Dr. manoj Kumar gupta, Shimla Dr. manoj Pandey, Varanasi Dr. michelle De Padua, Hyderabad Dr. mirza Qaisar Baig, Gorakhpur, U.P. Dr. mohana Vamsy Ch., Hyderabad Dr. moni abraham, Cochin Dr. monica malik, Hyderabad Dr. Nagraj g. Huilgol, Mumbai Dr. Naresh Kumar soni, Jaipur Dr. Navin Khattry, Mumbai Dr. o.P. sharma, Jaipur Dr. P.g. Jayaprakash, Trivandram Dr. P.K. Das, New Delhi Dr. P.P. Bapsy, Bangalore Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, Mumbai Dr. Pramod K. Julka, New Delhi Dr. Prasenjit Chatterjee, Kolkata Dr. Purvish m. Parikh, Mumbai Dr. raghavan N., Chennai Dr. raja t., Chennai Dr. rajaraman r., Chennai Dr. rajasundaram s., Chennai Dr. rajendra a. Badwe, Mumbai Dr. rajendra Kumar Panday, Bhopal, M.P. Dr. rajendra toprani, Ahmedabad Dr. rajesh Vashistha, Ludhiana Dr. rajiv sarin, Mumbai Dr. rakesh Jalali, Mumbai Dr. ramadas K., Trivandram Dr. ramesh B.V. Nimmagadda, Chennai Dr. ramesh s. Bilimagga, Bangalore Dr. ramesh sarin, New Delhi Dr. ranga rao r., New Delhi Dr. ravi Kumar, Hyderabad Dr. rayappa C., Chennai Dr. s.N. senapati, Cuttack Dr. s.V.s. Deo, New Delhi Dr. samir Kaul, New Delhi Dr. sanjay Chandrasekhar, Chennai Dr. sanjay Kapoor, Kolkata Dr. sanjeev misra, Jodhpur Dr. sanjoy Chatterjee, Kolkata Dr. sarbani laskar, Mumbai Dr. satya Dattatreya Palanki, Hyderabad Dr. selvi radhakrishna, Chennai Dr. senthil J. rajappa, Hyderabad Dr. shaikat gupta, Kolkata Dr. shailesh V. shrikhande, Mumbai Dr. shaleen Kumar, Lucknow Dr. shelley Hukku, New Delhi Dr. shyam aggarwal, New Delhi Dr. siddhartha laskar, Mumbai Dr. somashekhar s.P., Bangalore Dr. srinivas Chakravarthy gummaraju, Hyderabad Dr. subramania iyer, Kerala Dr. subramanyeshwar rao t., Hyderabad Dr. suchanda goswami, Kolkata Dr. sudeep gupta, Mumbai Dr. sunder t., Chennai Dr. surender Dabas, New Delhi Dr. suresh Kumar K., Kottayam Dr. suresh Kumar K.s., Kerala Dr. t.P. sahoo, Bhopal, M.P. Dr. t.P.s. Bhandari, Hyderabad Dr. tanmoy mukhopadhyay, Kolkata Dr. tanweer shahid, Kolkata Dr. tejinder sethi Kataria, New Delhi Dr. tejpal gupta, Mumbai Dr. Udaya Kumar maiya m., Bangalore Dr. Umesh mahantshetty, Mumbai Dr. V.P. singh, New Delhi Dr. Vijayakumar m., Bangalore Dr. Vinitha reddy m., Hyderabad # # # rEgistratioN FEE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Until 15 December 2014 th Delegate (Oncology) Rs. 5,000/ Allied Specialities Rs. 3,000/ Industry Delegate Rs. 7,000/- Bona fide Post Graduate / Interns Rs. 2,000/- After 15th December 2014 - rs. 1,000/- additional charge * student / PDCC / Ph.D & research Fellows in training ought to submit a letter on headed paper to that effect from their Head of the Department / Thesis guide. mode of Payment for registration on: Demand Draft / Internet Banking (NEFT). Draft in favor of APOLLO CANCER CONCLAVE & CaNCEr Ci - 2015 payable at Hyderabad For Internet Banking Transfer, Please mention your name on the remarks. Name : aPollo CaNCEr CoNClaVE & CaNCEr Ci-2015 A/C No. : 107510100073881 IFS Code : ANDB0001075 MICR Code : 500011062 last Date for abstract submission for Posters th by email 20 January 2015 Bank : Andhra Bank Branch : Apollo Hospital Branch, Hyderabad Please submit the registration form along with Draft / Internet Banking Transaction details by postal mail / email to the Conference Secretariat. Conference Secretariat Dr. P. Vijay anand reddy Chairman, Org. Committee, ACC & CANCER CI – 2015 DIRECTOR, Apollo Cancer Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, T.G., INDIA 500 096 Tel: +91-40-2360 7777 Ext: 3333, Direct: +91-40-2355 6357 Email: acc.cci2015@gmail.com, Website : www.acc-cci2015.com supported by : Chief Patron Dr. Prathap C. Reddy Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group Patrons Dr Preetha Reddy Ms Shobana Kamineni Ms Suneeta Reddy Ms Sangita Reddy Dr GK Rath Dr Rajendra A Badwe Dr Purvish M Parikh National org. Committee Dr K Hari Prasad Dr Jaideep Gupta Dr V Satyanarayana Reddy Dr Umapathy Panyala Dr Rupali Basu Chairman, org Committee Dr P Vijay Anand Reddy Chairman, scientific Committee Dr Prabhakar Tripuraneni, CA, USA Vice Chairmen Dr SVSS Prasad Dr G Srinivas Chakravarthy org secretaries Dr TPS Bhandari Dr T Raja Dr Kausik Bhattacharya Jt organizing secretaries Dr P Vinitha Reddy Dr Sajal Kakkar Dr Chinnababu Sunkavalli organizing Committee members Dr Umanath K Nayak Dr Srinivas Juluri Dr M Vamshi Krishna Dr Arsheed H Hakeem Dr Prashant Upadhyay Dr Shantling Nigudgi Dr B Rahul Dr Nanditha Sashikiran 2nd Edition Apollo Cancer Conclave 6th Edition & Cancer CI 2015 Cancer Care, Education & Research Conference International 6th - 8th February 2015 HiCC (Hyderabad international Convention Centre), Hyderabad Pre-conference Workshop: 5th February 2015, apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad advisors ahmedabad: Dr Chirag Shah Dr Bharat J Parikh Dr Devang Bhavsar Bangalore : Dr P P Bapsy Dr BKM Reddy Dr Ashok M. Shenoy Dr M Udaya Kumar Maiya Bhubaneshwar: Dr Anupama Sasmal Bilaspur: Dr Amit Verma Chennai: Dr E Hemanth Raj Dr Ramesh Nimmagadda Dr Janos Stumpf Dr Mahadev Potharaju Kolkata: Dr Saibal Mukherjee Dr Suchanda Goswami Dr Litan Naha Biswas Dr Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay madurai: Dr G Amarnath Dr J Devanand New Delhi : Dr Harsh Dua Dr G K Jadhav Dr Sameer Kaul Dr Ramesh Sarin Dr P K Das Dr Sapna Nangia 2nd Edition Apollo Cancer Conclave 6th Edition & Cancer CI 2015 Cancer Care, Education & Research Conference International 6th - 8th February 2015 HiCC (Hyderabad international Convention Centre), Hyderabad Pre-conference Workshop: 5th February 2015, apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad r E g i s t r at i o N F o r m Please fill in with CAPITAL LETTERS as it should appear in the Certificate Name : .................................................................................................. Age : ................ Sex : M Classify : Delegate F Student Foreign Delegate Institute/ Affiliation : ............................................................................ Address : ............................................................................................... .......................................................... Pin Code :................................... Phones : Off : ....................................... Res : ....................................... Mobile : ............................................................................................... Email : .................................................................................................. accompanying Persons Sl. No. Name Age Sex Payment Details Details Amount (`) DD /Online Payment Registration Fee Accommodation TOTAL * Please make NEFT / Bank Transfer as per the given account details Name : aPollo CaNCEr CoNClaVE & CaNCEr Ci-2015 A/C No. : 107510100073881 IFS Code : ANDB0001075 MICR Code : 500011062 Bank : Andhra Bank Branch : Apollo Hospital Branch online payment through credit card is not available. Date Signature of the Delegate & Cancer Care, Education & Research Conference International 6th Edition Cancer CI 2015 Pre-conference Workshop: 5th February 2015, apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad HiCC (Hyderabad international Convention Centre), Hyderabad 6th - 8th February 2015 Apollo Cancer Conclave 2nd Edition Conference Secretariat Dr. P. Vijay anand reddy Chairman, Org. Committee, ACC & CANCER CI – 2015 DIRECTOR, Apollo Cancer Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, T.G., INDIA 500 096 Tel: +91-40-2360 7777 Ext: 3333, Direct: +91-40-2355 6357 Email: acc.cci2015@gmail.com, Website : www.acc-cci2015.com Please send this form in an envelope if you are enclosing a demand draft
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