The Bronco Connection November 19, 2014 The Bronco Connection is a weekly bulletin of information concerning colleges, financial aid, important test dates, scholarships and general announcements published by the Lee's Summit North Guidance and Counseling Center [The Bronco Connection can also be found on the LSN Website] **************************************** YOUR LSN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING STAFF IS HERETO HELP! Our hours are M-F 7:15 am - 3:00 pm. You are welcome to come by and make an appointment to visit with your counselor to ask questions about curriculum, scheduling, planning for college or just about anything! Did you Know? THE STATE OF MISSOURI RANKS 4TH IN TURKEY PRODUCTION???? MISSOURI PRODUCES OVER 7.5 MILLION TURKEYS!!! Mrs. Hutsell is down the hall a bit from the main Guidance and Counseling Center in Room 1131. She can help with college applications, official and unofficial transcript requests and scholarship information. You may also check with her to sign up for the college representatives visits to LSN. ******************************************** GUIDANCE STAFF ABRYANA WOOD A - D ROBIN GRAY E - LA LAURA HILLBRAND LE - R SHELLEY MCCAIN S - Z KARLA BARNHILL, REGISTRAR 986-3017 VALERIE MEUSCHKE, ADMIN. ASST. 986-3053 OR 986-3003 KATHY HUTSELL, ADMIN. ASST. 986-3051 Madison Cronley & Kelli Heineck, Student Assistants Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell A November 19, 2014 2 SPECIAL EVENTS Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Historically Black College and University Tour DATES: MARCH 15-22,2015 This is the 18th annual tour of Historically Black College and Universities. Below is a list of schools to be visited: • Kentucky State, Frankfort, KY • West Virginia State, Dunbar, WV • Hampton University, Hampton, VA • Norfolk State, Norfolk, VA • Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA • Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond,VA • Bowie State, Bowie, MD • Coppin State, Baltimore, MD • Morgan State, Baltimore, MD • Howard University, Washington DC • Georgetown University, Washington DC • George Mason University, Washington DC • Lincoln University, Jefferson City, MO $500 per person Price Includes: • Round trip transportation • Hotel Accommodations • Breakfast meals each day • Guided tours with campus admissions • Sightseeing Tours ????GOT COLLEGE QUESTIONS???? COLLEGE PLANNING SESSIONS~ LSN BRONCO TIME~10:13am-10:48am Wed. Nov. 19 - What is a FAFSA PIN & Where do I get one? Wed. Dec. 3 - How to finish up A+ and how to KEEP it in College Wed. Dec. 10 - College Visits– A Walk Through Pretty Pictures *************************************** ACADEMY NIGHT Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:00 pm Lee's Summit High School Lecture Hall Representatives from the US Air Force Academy, US Naval Academy, US Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, US Military Academy at West Point, Virginia Military Institute and New Mexico Military Institute will be there to adquaint students and their parents with information relative to applying for an appointment. SEE MRS. HUTSELL FOR THE INFORMATION/APPLICATION PACKET. Final payment is due February 15, 2015 *************************************** Bronco Connection Lee's Summit North Guidance Office Boys State U.S. Navy/Marine Corps Scholarship Opportunities Tuesday, November 25, 2014 5:30 pm The National World War I Museum at The Liberty Memorial 100 West 26th Street Kansas City, MO (for directions) If you are a student (grades 8-11) interested in attending the US Naval Academy or attending one of over 50 NROTC College/Universities please RSVP to with your name and number of persons attending. 3 The American Legion Boys State of Missouri program was established in 1938 and is a statewide leadership & citizenship training program specifically developed for high school juniors who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their school. During the 8-day program, the young men experience government through a "hands on learning" approach, enhance their leadership skills, and develop an understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Using our democratic system as a basis, they equip the participants, or citizens, to construct their own state, utilizing the core values that hold true in our everyday lives. They teach the need for competition, the value of public office, and the strength of the individual voice and vote. Each candidate for Missouri Boys State must be in their junior year of high school AND MUST BE NOMINATED BY THEIR PRINCIPAL. Only a few students are chosen from our nominees to attend Boys State. If this is something you are interested in and would like to be nominated, SEE MRS. HUTSELL IN ROOM 1131 and she will give you more details about the nomination process and application. Deadline to apply is : DECEMBER 10, 2014, but please talk to Mrs. Hutsell ASAP. Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell A November 19, 2014 2014-2015 ACT TEST DATES TEST DATE DEADLINE Dec. 13 Nov. 7 Feb. 7, 2015 LATE REGIS. College Representative Visits to LSN Nov. 8-21 Jan. 9 Jan. 10-16 April 18,2015 March 13 March 14-27 June 13,2015 May 8 May 9-22 ************************************** ACT urges students to apply online for the ACT test. We have an information sheet and test prep booklets in the Guidance and Counseling Center. Here is their website to register: *************************************** Summit Technology Open House!!! Many universities and colleges will send representatives to Lee's Summit North during the school year. These meetings are a great opportunity for you to learn more about schools you might be interested in attending. BE WATCHING THIS SPACE IN THE SPRING FOR MORE COLLEGE REP VISITS!!! *********************************** If you would like to meet with a college representative, stop by Mrs. Hutsell's office, Room 1131, just down the hall from the main Guidance and Counseling Center, and sign up to attend. You must have your planner signed by your teacher in order to miss part of class to attend one of these visits. *************************************** Summit Technology is hosting three Open House Nights to be held November 20, 2014; January 13 and February 2, 2015. Sessions Include: • 6:00 - 6:30 pm -"Early Planners" Session for Middle Students and their Parents • 6:30 - 8:00 pm - Summit Technology Academy Classroom Open House • 6:30 - 7:00 pm - Missouri Innovation Campus Presentation • 7:00 - 7:30 pm - Missouri Innovation Campus Presentation *************************************** Bronco Connection Lee's Summit North Guidance Office 5 2014-2015 LSN ACT Prep Course ACT PREP CLASS SCHEDULE WHAT: Intensive prep course designed to prepare students for taking the ACT. ******** WHO: Any student who has not taken the ACT and wants help preparing for the test. Any student who HAS taken the ACT and wants help improving their overall score or specific subject test scores. Prep Course #3 Wed 12/3 5 pm - 9 pm Thu 12/4 5 pm - 7:30 pm Wed 12/10 5 pm - 7:30 pm Thu 12/11 5 pm - 9pm ACT TEST DATE: SAT 12/13/2014 WHEN: Prep Class dates are listed on the following page. Pick the class that corresponds with your test date, if possible. Attendance at all listed sessions for each class is encouraged. ******** Prep Course #4 Wed 1/28 5 pm - 9 pm Thu 1/29 5 pm - 7:30 pm Wed 2/4 5 pm - 7:30 pm Thu 2/5 5 pm - 9pm ACT TEST DATE: SAT 2/7/2015 HOW: Contact Mrs. Meuschke in the Guidance and Counseling Center to enroll in the prep class. Email: or phone her 986-3053. There is no deadline to enroll in a prep course, but spots fill up fast. COST: $35 for LSR7 students. $90 for out-ofdistrict students. Scholarships are available for LSN students. Contact the Guidance and Counseling Center for more information. ******** Prep Course #5 Wed 4/8 2:45 pm - 7 pm Thu 4/9 2:45 pm - 5 pm Wed 4/15 2:45 pm - 5 pm Thu 4/16 2:45 pm - 7 pm ACT TEST DATE: SAT 4/18/2015 WHAT TO BRING? • Calculator • Pencils • Highlighters • Snacks/water bottle • A watch ******** Additional content area sessions will be available for students to attend during Bronco Time. All courses will meet in Elliott Hall unless otherwise noted. Signs may be posted the night of the class if an alternate location is needed. Enter the building through the NW doors (off Douglas by Guidance Office.) Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell A November 19, 2014 PLEASE NOTE: When a scholarship requires a transcript, PLEASE complete YOUR portion of the application FIRST and then turn in ALL materials to Mrs. Hutsell in the Guidance Office. 6 Scholarships This is the place to look each week for scholarship opportunities that we receive in the Guidance Office! But first, here are some general guidelines when requesting an OFFICIAL transcript ... Most scholarship selection committees require an Official transcript of the applicant's grades. In order for a transcript to be "Official" it must be mailed directly from our office to the scholarship committee or whomever is requesting it. The word "official" requires that there be no intermediary involved. This includes students, parents, guardians, etc. PLEASE keep this in mind when applying for scholarships. And, help us out by completing your portion of the scholarship and turning in the paperwork to Mrs. Hutsell in Room 1131 for processing your Official transcript. When applying for a scholarship online, please send the link to Mrs. Hutsell at She will be glad to upload an Official copy of your transcript. Now that we have that out of the way, here are some awesome websites that can be very useful resources when finding scholarships: - compiles scholarships from various organizations for students. There's More....... Bronco Connection • Quick reference guide on Winning a Scholarship: WinningaScholarship.pdf • PowerPoint Presentation for Secrets to Winning a Scholarship 20110419scholarshipsecrets.ppt • Fastweb article about Top Ten Myths about Scholarships articles/3291-top-ten-mythsabout-scholarships FAFSA - Federal Application for Federal Student Aid - Grant, Loans, and Work Study $$. The window to apply is January 1 - April 1 of senior year, but you can go in early and create a pin # at Use the financial aid calculator to see what type of aid the student may get. Attend "Financial Aid Night" at LSN in mid-January for more info. To officially apply, visit Lee's Summit North Guidance Office PLEASE NOTE: When a scholarship requires a transcript, PLEASE complete YOUR portion of the application FIRST and then turn in ALL materials to Mrs. Hutsell in the Guidance Office. ESA FOUNDATION Playing With Purpose Scholarships SCHOLARSHIPS Epsilon Sigma Alpha International is a philanthropic service organization which makes scholarships available to students all over the world. They offer scholarships not only for four year college but community colleges, trade schools and graduate degrees. A student may re-apply each year for a scholarship, whether they were awarded a scholarship in the past or not. All applications are taken online at: This is a national program that honors and encourages high school student athletes who excel athletically, academically and have committed their life to following Christ. The Playing With Purpose message encourages athletes to serve rather than being served, to lead with humility and engage culture. Criteria includes: • currently a high school 10,11, or 12th grader When you go to the website you can choose one or several scholarships to apply for. You will be charged $5 for each time you apply. Mrs. Hutsell has a sheet of information in her office explaining why this organization has to charge you a fee for each application. You and your parents can read over it and then decide if this is something you want to take part in. An essay is required for all scholarships and is given the MOST weight in deciding who is awarded a scholarship. JCI Senate Foundation Scholarships Each year the United States JCI Senate Foundation offers $1,000 grants to graduating high school students who plan to continue their education at colleges, universities or vocational schools. The number of grants awarded annually will be at the discretion of the US JCI Foundation. They must be used for educational expenses in the first year of full-time study. You must be a US citizen to apply for this scholarship. • maintains a minimum "C" grade average or higher • currently a varsity level athlete in one or more sports • committed follower of Jesus Christ Scholarship Benefits: 1. $2,000 scholarship awards to use towards college of your choice (winners) 2. Unique athlete profile that introduces the applicant to universities for further scholarship opportunities (every applicant) 3. Award certificate (finalists) 4. Press release (finalists) 5. Summer Sport ministry opportunities (select applicants) To apply online visit: Application Deadline: February 1, 2015 See Mrs. Hutsell for the complete application packet. DEADLINE: January 9, 2015 Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell A November 19, 2014 7 8 PLEASE NOTE: When a scholarship requires a transcript, PLEASE complete YOUR portion of the application FIRST and then turn in ALL materials to Mrs. Hutsell in the Guidance Office. NFIB YEF SCHOLARSHIP The NFIB Young Entrepreneur Awards are nonrenewable scholarships created to recognize young people who have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and initiative. The scholarships are valued between $1,000 and $15,000. Applicants must be high school seniors who will be attending a two-or-four-year university, college or vocational institute in the fall of 2015 and who OWNS/OPERATES AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. Many applicants participate in DECA, Junior Achievement, FBLA, FFA, etc. BUT this is not a requirement. Scholarships are merit-based, not based on financial need. See Mrs. Hutsell in Rm 1131 for a packet of information and instructions on applying for this scholarship award. Students may apply October 1, 2014 thru December 18, 2014. TIP TOP TUX SCHOLARSHIP Tip Top Tux offers several scholarships to graduating seniors who plan to go on to college. Applicants are required to write a personal essay not to exceed 500 words describing educational, career and life goals and explain why you feel the Scholarship offered by Tip Top Tux should help you achieve them by investing in your education. Two letters of recommendation are also required as well an an official transcript. DEADLINE: March 1, 2015 Missouri State Society Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships This organization offers scholarships to both males and females who rank in the upper 10% of their class. Applicants MUST be a US citizen, a Missouri resident and attend a Missouri university/college in the fall. All scholarship awards are paid directly to the University/college after the applicant's enrollment there is verified. Here is a list of the scholarships and the criteria for each: MSSDAR Scholarship A one-time preferred amount of $1500 awarded to a student pursuing a degree of his/her choice. IRENE AND LEETA WAGY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A one-time award of $1,000 awarded to a WOMAN pursuing a degree in EDUCATION. DOROTHY POIKERT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A one-time amount of $600 awarded to a student pursuing a degree in BUSINESS. ROBERTA CAPPS AMERICAN HISTORY SCHOLARSHIP A one-time amount of $1,000 awarded to a student who will have a concentrated study of a minimum of 24 credit hours in AMERICAN HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT while in college. ***Mrs. Hutsell has the applications in her office, Room 1131. DEADLINE: JANUARY 1, 2015 Bronco Connection you are applying. Lee's Summit North Guidance Office PLEASE NOTE: When a scholarship requires a transcript, PLEASE complete YOUR portion of the application FIRST and then turn in ALL materials to Mrs. Hutsell in the Guidance Office. Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship 9 American Legion Oratorical Contest The American Legion sponsors this national contest every year for students who would like to gain the valuable experience of public speaking and develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States. Scholarship awards are presented to the three finalists in the final round of the national contest. First, applicants must enter the local/department contests. Mrs. Hutsell has more details in her office and contact information. AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS The American Legion also sponsors several scholarship programs. Listed below are these scholarships and eligibility requirements: Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship This scholarship is awarded each year to one boy and one girl who have attended Boys State or Girls State. M.D. "Jack" Murphy Memorial Scholarship This award is available to a Missouri boy or girl training to be a REGISTERED NURSE. Applicant must be in the top 40% of their class or have a "C" grade average. Joseph J. Frank Scholarship Applicants must have attended a full session of Boys State or Girls State AND be the descendant of a veteran. Must use the scholarship money as a full time student in an accredited college or university. Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell Applicants must be either a member of the American Legion OR a DESCENDANT of a member of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary or the Sons of The American Legion. Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship - must be a descendant of a veteran who served 90 or more days of active duty in the armed forces and having an honorable discharge. - be a Missouri resident - use the award as a full-time student at an accredited college or university - provide a copy of the discharge certificate for the veteran on whose the application is made - submit an essay of 500 words or less on the subject:: In your opinion, what was the most significant world event of 2013/2014? ALL OF THE AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS ARE DUE APRIL 20, 2015. SEE MRS. HUTSELL FOR COPIES OF THE APPLICATIONS... K-State Wabash CannonBall Scholarship Criteria: • high school senior living in greater KC area • must be admitted to Kansas State and have completed a general scholarship application (due Nov. 11). • minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a weighted or un-weighted scale. • completed application Mrs. Hutsell has the applications in her office, Room 1131. DEADLINE: December 1, 2014 A November 19, 2014 01 PLEASE NOTE: When a scholarship requires a transcript, PLEASE complete YOUR portion of the application FIRST and then turn in ALL materials to Mrs. Hutsell in the Guidance Office. VFW Jack Ray Post 5789 Scholarship • must be a graduating senior • must be a child, grandchild, or sibling of a combat veteran • must have a 3.0 or higher GPA One winner will receive $1,000. Proof of eligibility (DD-214) will be required before award is paid out. Mrs. Hutsell has the paper applications in her office. Deadline: April 1, 2015 National Co-op Scholarship Program Merit Scholarships are awarded to students planning to attend the following colleges: Clarkson University Drexel University Johnson & Wales Kettering Merrimack College Rochester Institute of Technology State University of New York Oswego University of Cincinnati Univ of Massachusetts Lowell University of Toledo Wentworth Institute of Technology Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better AND apply and be accepted for the 20152016 academic year at one of the schools listed above. Mrs. Hutsell has the scholarship application in her office and more information. And various application deadlines for each of the colleges included in this program. Bronco Connection Burger King Scholars Burger King offers scholarships to high school seniors who have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and plan to enroll full-time for the entire 2015-2016 academic year at a 2 or 4 year college, university or vocational-technical school in the US. See Mrs. Hutsell for more details...applications are done online. DEADLINE: December 15, 2014 National Elks Foundation Scholarships The national and local Elks Clubs offer scholarships to students. If you are awarded a local scholarship (worth $3,000) you are placed in the competition for the National Scholarships. You must apply online: Click on Most Valuable Student Competition Complete the application online, then print it off and bring the completed packet to Mrs. Hutsell. She will fill out the Counselor Report form and mail everything for you to the local contact person for the Elks Lodge. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 5, 2014 Earl Collins Foundation Scholarship This scholarship of $1,000 is offered by the Kiwanis Club to graduating seniors. A minimum ACT of 23 is required. Also evidence of participation in extra curricular activities and /or community service. Two letters of recommendation are also required as well as an essay not to exceed one page in length describing your educational plans and goals. PLEASE RETURN YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION TO MRS. HUTSELL ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014. Lee's Summit North Guidance Office 11 John Belcher Scholarship The Missouri School Board Association, through the FutureBuilders Foundation, awards seventeen scholarships to Missouri high school seniors. One scholarship winner is selected from our Lee's Summit School District. Those seventeen winners then compete for one larger scholarship. The sixteen regional winners are awarded $750 and the statewide winner is awarded $1750. Mrs. Hutsell has applications in her office. The completed applications must be turned in to her by Tuesday, January 6, 2015. She will then submit all the LSN applications to the LS School Board and ONE student from our District will be chosen. A 500-700 word essay is required . More details about the essay are included with the application. Project 21 Scholarship The Missouri Gaming Association offers this scholarship program. Applicants must write an article or create a poster or video addressing the issue of underage gambling. Two $1500 awards will be given and four (4) $1,000 awards. Mrs. Hutsell has applications and guidelines in her office, Room 1131. Deadline: March 1, 2015 Knights of Columbus Scholarships This organization offers several scholarships to graduating seniors who have a family member that is a member of Knights of Columbus. Mrs. Hutsell has the paper applications in her office. Deadline: February 15, 2015. Rita Kramer/Prairie View Elementary Scholarship Three (3) $500 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors who attended Prairie View Elementary. Awards are based on activities, GPA, essay and 2 letters of recommendation. The essay is over the following topic: What advice would you give PVE kids to be successful in middle school and high school? See Mrs. Hutsell in Room 1131 for paper applications. Deadline: March 25, 2015 Student-Athlete Scholarships These scholarship awards are given by the Greater Kansas City Officials Association. Any graduating senior who participates in volleyball, basketball, and/or Football is eligible to apply. Process: • Go to: • Click on Association News at top of page • Go to Scholarships for HS Seniors • Complete by April 15, 2015 Hy-Vee Foundation Scholarships Eligibility Requirements: • high school senior working for Hy-Vee who began employment on or before Sept. 15, 2014 OR a high school senior son and/or daughter of a full, regular, or part-time Hy-Vee employee who has a minimum of six months employment as of Sept. 15, 2014. AND applicant must be enrolling in college for the first time. See Mrs. Hutsell for the paper application. Issue 11 Design & Layout by Kathy Hutsell DEADLINE: February 10, 2015 A November 19, 2014 • 1 2 SAE International Scholarships This organization offers several scholarships (listed below with criteria) to those graduating seniors who plan to enter the field of Engineering: BMW/Engineering Scholarship • US resident • 3.75 or higher GPA • rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT 1 or composite ACT scores. • pursue an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program. SAE/Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies Scholarships • US resident • current high school senior • 3.00 or better GPA. • rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT 1 or the composite ACT scores. • pursuing a bacherlor/associate degree in engineering or technology through an ABET accredited program. • planning to attend an accredited college or university in the US. • past or present students in a Ford Next Generation Learning community. Dan and Vicky Hancock Scholarship for Mechanical Engineering Excellence • US resident • 3.5 or better GPA • SAT I math of 600 or above and critical reading of 550 or above, an/or an ACT composite score of 27 or above. • pursue a mechanical engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program. TMC/SAE Donald D. Dawson Technical Scholarship • US resident • 3.25 GPA • SAT I math 600 or above and critical reading 550 or above and/or an ACT composite score 27 or above. Bronco Connection Edward D. Hendrickson/SAE Engineering Scholarship • US resident • 3.75 GPA • rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT I or composite ACT scores. • pursue an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program. Donald and Barbara Mozley Scholarship • US resident • 3.50 or better GPA • SAT I math of 600 or above and critical reading of 550 or above, and/or an ACT composite score of 27 or above. • Financial need as determined by a completed FAFSA form. Tau Beta Pi/SAE Engineering Scholarship • US resident • 3.75 GPA • rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT I or composite ACT scores. • pursue an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program. Fred M. Young Sr./SAE Engineering Scholarship • US resident • 3.75 GPA • rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT I or composite ACT scores • pursuing an engineering degree through an ABET accredited program. The Deadline for all of the above scholarships is January 15, 2015. Applications are all submitted online, however Mrs. Hutsell has some additional information at her desk. These scholarship awards range from $1,500 $5,000 per year. Lee's Summit North Guidance Office Are you interested in a career in criminal justice ? The Missouri Sheriffs’ Association offers 16 — $1,000 scholarships each year to college-bound Missouri high school seniors who intend to pursue a criminal justice career and will be attending a Missouri college or university. H Applicants must be in good standing with his/her school. H Applicants must have a good reference from his/her school counselor. H Applicants need to demonstrate financial need. H Applicants are required to have a 2.0 GPA or greater. H Applicants should be active in extra-curricular activities. H A paragraph must be attached to the application detailing his/her goals 10 years after high school graduation. The award was established in 1988 in honor of former Scott County Sheriff John Dennis. Dennis served his county for 24 years and, in 1963, was elected president of the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association. In 1976, Dennis retired from the office of sheriff following a successful campaign for the Missouri Senate seat in District 27, a position he held until his retirement from state government 1992. In 1988, Dennis was presented a Distinguished Service Award at which time the establishment of the John Dennis Scholarship Fund was announced. TO APPLY: Visit and follow the scholarship link to learn more, or email The application must be returned to the Audrain County Sheriff’s Office, 1100 Littleby Road, Mexico, MO 65265, no later than January 31 of each year. Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
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