LION SHIPBROKERS WEEKLY REPORT WEEK 47 – 21 NOVEMBER 2014 Quote of the week: “He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory.” Publilius Syrus (46 BC - 29 BC) Latin writer of sententiae (brief moral sayings) SALES BULKERS M/V "MULBERRY WILTON" - 76,453 dwt, blt 2004 Tsuneishi/Japan, NK, 7 HO/7 HA, MAN-B+W 7S50MC-C Hearing sold for $14.6 mill to either Greek (clients of Silverlake) –OR- to Indonesian interests (clients of Bahtera Adhiguna) Please note following similar recent sales for price comparison: • MARINA (75k dwt 2000 Hitachi) sold at/ard $11.5Mill • TETIEN TRADER (73k dwt 2001 Namura) sold at/ard $12.3Mill M/V "CHANG SHENG" - 73,427 dwt, blt 1997 Hyundai/South Korea, CC, 7 HO/7 HA, B+W 5S60MC Sold to South Korean buyers for $7 mill (Note: Sellers bought her at auction March last year as “Ocean Glory” for $6.7 mill) M/V "ACS DIAMOND" - 53,299 dwt, blt 2005 New Century/China, NV ss/dd due 05/2015, 5 HO/5 HA, MAN-B+W 6S50MC-C, Cr 4X36T - LDT 11,309 Sold to Greek buyers (hearing to clients of Stam Shipping –OR-- Spetses Shipping) for $10.5 mill M/V "PAX PHOENIX" - 50,236 dwt, blt 2001 Mitsui/Japan, NK, 5 HO/5 HA, B+W 6S50MC-C, Cr 4X30T Sold to Singaporean buyers for $10.5 mill (similar recent sale for price comparison: SEA ELEGANCE (51k dwt 2002 Oshima/Japan) sold at/ard $12.6mil to Greeks) M/V "PACIFIC WIND" - 28,437 dwt, blt 2007 Shimanami/Japan, NK, 5 HO/5 HA, MAN-B+W 6S42MC, Cr 4X30.5T Sold to Hong Kong buyers for $13 mill (Note: 3 generators) M/V "NIKI T." - 27,827 dwt, blt 1997 Hudong/China, LR, 5 HO/5 HA, B+W 5L50MC, Cr 4X30T Sold at auction to creditors (clients of Credit Agricole) for $4.7 mill M/V "GLOBAL FORWARDER" - 25,008 dwt, blt 1997 Imabari/Japan, NK, 4 HO/4 HA, B+W, Cr 3X30.5T, LDT 5,808 Sold to Greek buyers for a price region $5.1 - $5.7 mill (Note: Open hatch Box-Hold) M/V "PORTO MAINA" - 18,673 dwt, blt 2008 Yamanishi/Japan, RI, 4 HO/4 HA, MAN-B+W 7S35MC, Cr 3X30.5T Sold to undisclosed European buyers for $8 mill M/V "SOAVE" - 4,452 dwt, blt 1991 Sietas/Germany, BV, 2 HO/3 HA, Wartsila 9R32D, ice class 1A, gearless, bowthruster M/V "SERENO" - 4,452 dwt, blt 1991 Sietas/Germany, BV, 2 HO/3 HA, Wartsila 9R32D, ice class 1A, gearless, bowthruster Sold en bloc at auction in Rotterdam, Netherlands to Syrian buyers for $1.1 mill each basis ss/dd due (old sale) CONTAINERS/MPP M/V "E.R. YANTIAN" - 50,900 dwt, blt 2003 Samsung/S.Korea, NV, 4253 teus, 7 HO, B+W 8K90MC-C Sold to Greek buyers for $12.5 mill TANKERS M/T "HIGH NEFELI" - 46,135 dwt, blt 2003 STX/South Korea, AB, 12 tanks, cap 52,148 cbm, MAN-B+W 6S50MC-C Sold to Greek buyers (clients of Ancora Investments) for $15 mill DEMOLITION Bulkers: M/V "FIRSTSEA" - LDT 7,778 - 42,842 dwt, blt 1985 Mitsubishi/Japan, RI, 5 HO/5 HA, Sulzer 6RTA58, Cr 4X25T Demo to BANGLADESH for $452 per LDT M/V "PHOENIX SUN" - LDT 6,940 - 29,365 dwt, blt 1987 Fincantieri/Italy, NV, 4 HO/4 HA, Sulzer 4RTA58, gearless Demo at auction AS-IS COREL, QUEBEC, CANADA for $87 per LDT (Note: Auction took place on 10th November) Tankers M/T "KATERINA 1" - 66,895 dwt, blt 1992 Hyundai/S.Korea, LR, 14 tanks, cap 71,532 cbm, B+W 6L60MC Demo to INDIA for $475 per LDT Should you have any comments or questions about the content of our report or require our services, please contact: LION SHIPBROKERS LIMITED, PIRAEUS Tel: +30 210 4122965 - Fax: +30 210 4285103 Dry & Container Chartering: Sale & Purchase/Demolition: Research & Valuations : Visit our homepage at for our latest market reports LION’S DEMOMETER (USD $ / LT) BULKER TANKER CONT/TWEEN TREND TURKEY COUNTRY 260-270 270-280 270-280 down PAKISTAN 430-440 460-470 - down INDIA 430-440 450-455 450-455 down BANGLADESH 430-440 450-455 445-450 down CHINA 250-260 260-280 260-280 stable M/T "MORICHAL" - 88,506 dwt, blt 1984 Sumitomo/Japan, 12 tanks, cap 87,198 cbm, Sulzer 5RLB90 M/T "LEANDER" - 88,506 dwt, blt 1983 Sumitomo/Japan, LR, 12 tanks, cap 87,198 cbm, Sulzer 5RLB90 M/T "PARIA" - 55,999 dwt, blt 1982 Hitachi/Japan, 10 tanks, cap 56,027 cbm, B+W 6L80GA M/T "MORUY" - 55,919 dwt, blt 1983 Hitachi/Japan, 10 tanks, cap 58,328 cbm, B+W 6L80GFCA M/T "YAVIRE" - 11,800 dwt, blt 1983 Wartsila/Finland, LR, cap 14,155 cbm, Sulzer 6RLB56 - LPG M/T "PARAMACAY" - 11,800 dwt, blt 1983 Wartsila/Finland, LR, cap 14,190 cbm, Sulzer 6RLB56 - LPG Demo 'AS IS' VENEZUELA at auction (4 Tankers + 2 LPG) for $136 per LDT Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook: We are members of: LEGAL DISCLAIMER This report has been produced on information collected from a variety of sources (shipbrokers' reports, market’s gossip, maritime newspapers, maritime websites, ship agent's reports, etc…) and is given in good faith & without any guarantee. Analysis contained in this report should not be considered as investment recommendations and is based on the current market situation at the time of preparing this report. No market analysis can guarantee accuracy as shipping is a high risk business. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of information and analysis in this report, Lion Shipbrokers Limited does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect errors and omissions of fact or opinions based on such facts. Neither the company nor its directors nor its employees shall be liable in any way for any claimed loss or damage occurred by information & analysis contained herein. This report is intended solely for the information of the email recipient account. This report or any part of this report may not be reproduced or circulated to any third parties, or used in a court of law without our prior written approval. © Lion Research & Valuations 2014 - All rights reserved. 2
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