Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GHIZPOOOI Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 1 of 51 Part A Synopsis This standard defines the procedure for reporting cases of personalaccident, assault and occupational ill health occurring to BR employees, Contractor's employees and certain Royal Mail employees. Approval and authorisation Signatures removed from electronic version Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Submitted by: Approved by: Authorised by: Controlled Copy No....................... This document is the property of the Brit~shRailways Board It may not be reproduced In whole or in part, nor disclosed to a third party, without the written permlsslon of either the Director, Engineering Standards or the Director, Operational Standards. I O Copyright 1993 British Railways Board GROUP Published by: Group Standards Macmillan House Paddington STANDARDS Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue/Revision Record This Standard will be updated when necessary by distributionof a complete replacement. Amended or additional parts of revised pages will ba marked by a vertical black line in an adjacent margin. GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 2 of 51 Part A Contents Section Description Page No. Part A Issue Rev Date Comments 1 A Jun 93 Original Document Synopsis 1 Approval & Authorisation 1 Responsibilities and Distribution Issue/Revision Record 2 Controlledcoplas of this standard shall be worked to by ail British Railways Board businesses,subsidiariesand other undertakings. Responsibilities & Distribution 2 Implementation 2 supply 2-3 Contents 3 Conventions 3 1 Purpose 4 2 Scope 4-7 3 Arrangements 7-9 4 Procedure for personal accidents and assaults 9-12 5 Procedure for occupational ill health 12-13 6 Procedure for inquests 13-14 7 Correspondence with Non-BR persons 14 This standard shall therefore be distributedto: Specified staff within each BRB business, etc. responsible for the productionof an associated business standard. Implementation The provisionsof this standard are mandatory and will apply with effect from 1st June 1993. This Standard supersedes Group Standard GO/OM/SP200 “Procedure for the Reporting of Accidents and Assaults or Occupational Ill Health to BR and Contractors Employees” which must be withdrawn. Part B supply Controlled and uncontrolledcopies of this standard may be obtained from the TDCC Manager, Central Sewices, Dovedale House, RTC, Derby Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 3 of 51 A Eart ontents (Contd.) Section Description Page No. Part B (contd.) Appendix A Definitions 15-16 Appendix B References 17 Appendix C Procedural Flow Chart 18-21 Appendix D Classification of Major and Minor Injuries 22-25 Appendix E Schedule of Reportable Diseases 26-35 Appendix F Statutory Reporting 36-44 1 Guidance on applying the procedure 45-47 2 48-51 Code of Practice for notification of accidents to Safety Representatives Part C Conventions As an aid to readers, the following type-face conventions are used within the main text of Part B of this standard:Bold words or terms defined in Appendix A Definitions Italic used to indicate the names of specific forms and for supplementary notes, references to other parts of this standard etc. Bold + Italic Names of other items of documentation, which should be referred to as necessary Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 4 of 51 Part B 1 Purpose The purposeof this standard is to ensure that:1.1 A common standatd for the reporting of personal accidents, assaultsand occupationalill health is adopted. 1.2 Ownership of reporting responsibilities is clearly defined. 1.3 The depth of investigationand reportingreflects potential as well as actual severity. 1.4 Informationis capturedin a meaningfulway to assistmanagersat all levels in :1.4.1 identifyingroot causes 1.4.2 taking remedial action to prevent recurrence 1.4.3 making risk assessments 1.4.4 obtainingnecessary claims information 1.4.6 analysingcaptured data statisticallyto enable trendsto be identified (toassistthe safety management process) 1.4.6 identifyingcosts 2 Scope 1.5 Employees are encouraged to report personal accidents and everyone knowstheir pad in the procedure 1.6 Statutory requirements for the reporting of certain accidents, assaultsand reportablediseases are complied with. 2.1 Persons to whom this standard applies The contents of this standard apply to the followingtypes of person :2.1.1 British Railways Board employees Employees of all BRB businesses,subsidiariesand other undertakings,whilst on duty. In addition,personalaccidentsoccurringto employeesjust priorto bookingon or off duty mustbe treated as a personal accident on duty if they occur on railway premises at the employee’s home station or depot, and provided the employee is@ inthe same positionas an ordina~ passenger or member of the public. The employee must, therefore, have reached a point which is special to his/her employment, e.g. steps to an administrationblock or walking acrossa yard. In allothercases,the personalaccidentmust be treated as if it occurredto a member of the pubtic. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 5 of 51 2.1.1 twmsn -”----- Kauways“--~oam”.--” employees [uonrmuea] ‘- ““” “-”u Personalaccidentsto employeeswhilstin BR road vehicles (whetherowned hiredor leased) beingdriven by orconveying employees to or from work must be treated as if the accident occurredwhilst the affected employee was on duty. 2.1.2 Trainees All personsundergoingtrainingand work experience under BR auspices. 2.1.3 Contractor’s Employees Inmostcases,the responsibilityforthe reportingof personal accidentsoccurring to contractors’employees while on BRB propertyrestswith the BritishRailways Board. The requirementsforthe reportingof personalaccidentsby Contractorsto the BRB BusinessManager (as detailed below) must be included in the contract and be clearly understoodby the Contractor. Arrangementsfor reportingare :i) Site of Work within BR complex (e.g. office block) Contractorsmustreportall personalaccidentsoccurringto their employees to the Location Manager, who is responsiblefor complyingwith the requirements of this standard. ii) Track-side Contracts Contractorsmustreportall personalaccidentsoccurringto their employees to the Employing Manager responsiblefor the contract. Where different, the Employing Manager must provide the Location Manager with relevant details. The Location Manager is responsiblefor complyingwith the requirements of this standard. iii) Separate self-contained site Where the Contractor’swork area is physicallyseparated from any area in which BR personnel are working, responsibilityfor the reportingof personal accidentsto Contractor’semployees may be delegated to the Contractor. Where responsibilityfor reportingis notdelegated to the Contractor,all personal accidents occurringto their employees must be reportedto the Employing Manager responsiblefor the contract.The Employing Manager is responsiblefor complyingwith the requirementsof this standard. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 6 of 51 iii) Separated self-contained site (Contd.) Where responsibilityfor reportingisdelegated to the Contractor, all personal accidents occurringto their employees must be reportedto the Employing Manager responsiblefor the contract, for information purposesonly. 2.1.4 Royal Mail Employees Royal Mail employees who work on trains, i.e. traveling postoffice (TPO) train staff, must be treated as if they were BRB employees, workingfor “Rail express systems”(Parcels Group). In all other circumstances,includingthose employees engaged in the loading or unloading of mails etc. from trains, they must be treated as a person on business (member of the public). 2.2 Events to which this standard applies The contentsofthisstandardapplyto the followingtypes of event:2.2.1 Personal Accident Any personal accident must be reported. It must be classifiedin accordancewiththe degree of injurysustained, as follows:i) Fatality Death, includingcaseswhere death occurswithin12 months as a direct result of the accident ii) Major Injury Major injury, as defined by legislation (see Appendix D). iii) Minor injury, statutorily reportable Minor statutorilyreportable injury, as defined by legislation(see Appendix D). iv) Minor injury Minor injury, as defined (see Appendix D). v) No injury accidents Accidentinvolvingno injury,butwhere a potentialfor sustaininginjuryin similar circumstancesis identified. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 7 of 51 2.2.2 Assault on an Employee Any assault on an employee, whether physical, verbal or harassinginnature,mustbe repoded,irrespectiveofwhether or not injuryresults. It must be classified accordingto degree of injury in the same manner as for a personal accident (see clause 2.2. 1). 2.2.3 Occupational Ill Health Any case of occupational ill health. It must be classified accordingto degree of injury in the same manner as for a personal accident (see clause 2.2. 1). 3 Arrangements 3.1 Responsibilities for Reporting 3.1.1 Personal Accident or Assault Businessesare responsiblefor the reportingof all cases of Personal Accident or Assault that occurat locationsthey own and all cases that occurto their employees workingon non-BR propertywhilst on duty. 3.1.2 Occupational ill Health EmployingBusinessesare responsiblefor the reportingof all cases of Occupational ill health that occur to their employeeswhilst on duty. 3.2 Business Safety Policy Statements BusinessSafety PolicyStatements mustdefine responsibilitiesto meet the requirementsof Sections 3 & 4 of this standard in accordancewith the following :3.2.1 Locations a) Personal Accident or Assault i) Stations, depots, workshops,offices signalboxes, level crossingsetc. (includinginfrastructureintegral to the location) owned by the Business ii) Track (includingthe associatedinfrastructure)owned by theBusiness iii) Trains sponsoredby the BusinessWith the exception of personal accidents resulting from a mishap e.g. derailment, vandalism, etc., where the businessowningthe locationat which the mishap occurredwill be responsiblefor meeting the requirementsof this standard. iv) Road Vehicles sponsoredby the Business,whether owned, leased or hired Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: J(JN 93 Page 8 of 51 3.2.1 Locations (Contd.) a) Personal Accident v) For any location not covered by i) to iv) above (including non-BR property, public highway etc.) the employing Business. b) Occupational of Assault ill Health In all cases, irrespective of ownership of the Iocationwhere occupational ill health occurred, the employing Business. 3.2.2 Employing and Location Manager different In circumstances where the Employing and Location Managers are different, each must ensure that the other is provided with all relevant information and assistance, to enable prompt and thorough investigation and reporting. 3.2.3 Statutory Reporting Businesses must undertake statutory reporting forall events that they are responsible for (see c/ause 3.1) and ensure that a statutory reporting facility is available on a 24 hour basis, (See Appendix F for Statutory Reporting guidance) 3.3 Training/Briefing Businesses must ensure ail staff understand their role in complying with this standard. The affected employee must report what has occurred promptly and other persons must follow this standard as part of the investigation and reporting process. Businesses must ensure that only competent recording and investigation. 3.4 staff are involved in Safety Representatives Businesses must ensure Safety Representatives are provided with the necessary information about personal accidents in accordance wit h the agreed Code of Practice (see Part C, Section 2). 3.5 Sickness Sickness personal relevant reported Certificates certificates indicating the possibility of absence due to accidents or assault at work must be followed up by the Manager to ensure that the associated events have been in accordance with this standard. A copy of any relevant sickness certificate must be retained with the original “AccidenfReporlF orrn i3R2072/66”on the employee’s personal file. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting 3.6 GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 9 of 51 Accident and First Aid books A monthlycheckof Accident books and First Aid books mustbe made to ensure that all reported events have been processed in accordance with this standanl. 4 Procedure for accidents and assaults In the event of a personal accident or assault occurring,the following steps must be taken :- ~, “ The affected employee, or a person acting on their behalf, must reportthe event as soon as possible. 4.2 If an assaultor a fatal accidenthas occurred,the BritishTransport Police (or Civil Police if the accident did not occur on railway property)must be advised of the circumstances. 4.3 In the event of a fatality or major injury (see Appendix B) the appropriatetelephone Statutory Reporting Point must be advised immediately. The manager concerned must not reportthe accidentdirectto an Enforcing Authority. Thiswillbe done bythe relevant Statutory Reporting Point. Arrangementsfor immediate advice of the occurrenceto next of kin must be made. If, as a direct resultof injuriessustained an employee dies within one year from the date of the accident or assault, the Statutory Reporting Point must be advised in writing. 4.4 An entry must be made in an Accident Book (BI51O), relevant to the locationinvolved if practicable, by the affected employee (or a person acting on their behalf), as soon as possible after the occurrence.In additionan entrymustbe made in a Record of First Aid rendered booklet (BR7151/1 ), if any items have been used from a First Aid box. 4.5 “Injured Person’s Report Form BR 6766” must be issued for completionby the affected employee (or a personacting on their behalf) (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forma /instructionGH~10001). 4.6 If the accident book used to recordthe accident or assault is not under the control of the Location Manager, then that manager must be providedpromptlywith all available informationto assist the investigationand reportingprocess. If the accident book used to recordthe accident or assault is not underthe controlof the Employing Manager, then that manager mustbeadvised promptlyof briefdetails, initially,and of fulldetails on completionof the investigation. In certaincircumstancesitwillbe necessaryfor bothLocation and Employing Managers to take an active role in identifyingcauses and determining appropriate remedial action. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 10 of 51 4.6 (Contd.) Where Contractor staff are involved, the Contractorand appropriate BR Manager (see Section 2.3) must liaise to ensure that both are fully aware of all relevant facts. 4.7 The appropriate Safety Representative must, in cetiain circumstances, be informed promptly in accordance with the agreed Code of Practice (see Part C Section 2). 4.8 An immediate investigation must take place to ascertain the relevant facts. Where appropriatethere shouldbe a siteinvestigation, witnesses and other personsinvolved shouldbe contacted and their reports obtained - using a ‘IMtness Report Form BR207Z78 (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GH/ Z/OOOf)in the case of actual witnesses. Technical expertsshouldbe includedinthe processwhere appropriate, to ensure that all relevant informationis considered. A sketch of the site should be made where this will assist interpretationof the descriptionof events. 4.9 “Accident RepoftForm BR2072/66’’must be completedinaccordance with Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GH/Z/OOOf,to provide a permanent record of BR’s investigationand follow up action taken etc.. If the only informationavailable is an accident book entry and the affected employee’s own report it must be made clear that the information on the report form is as allecaed by the affected employee. 4.10 Where a personalaccident has occurredat a level crossing,and either level crossingequipment,trainsor road usersare involved, “Level Crossing Details Form BR207W69° must also be completed (see Accident Repotting - Completion of forms Instruction G/fLZ/OOOf),to provide full details of the physical characteristicsof the crossingitself, includingany speed restrictionsin force at the time and relevant sightingdistances. 4.11 The investigationmustidentifyimmediateandbasic(root)cause(s), considering the actions of persons involved and the physical conditionsprevalent at the time of the event, together with any personal or job related factors that may have affected the outcome. Appropriate follow up action must be recommended. Relevant managers must be kept informed at all stages of the investigation. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting 4.12 Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 11 of 51 When “Acoident Repod Form BR207W66° has been completed it mustbe signedoffbythe personinchargeofthe investigation,who must ensure that:i) the cause(s) have been correctlyidentified ii) any recommended follow up action is appropriate If the person in charge of the investigation is not the Funtilonal Manager personally,that manager must countersignthe form to signify agreement with cause(s) identified and remedial atilon proposed. 4.13 Once signed off (and countersignedwhere necessary), the accident reportform must be processedto meet BRB, Businessand statutoryrequirements. A copy of the form must be sent to the relevant :i) BRIMS Input Point in all cases and ii) Statutory Reporting Point where the relevant Business specifies a requirementfor hard copies of such forms An additionalcopy shouldbe forwardedto each addressdetailed in localsupplementaryinstrutilons,where such instructionshave been issued. A copy of any relevant medical certificate or statement shouldbe attached if one has been issued. The BRIMS Input Point mustinputinformationinaccordancewith BRB and Businessrequirements. The Statutory Reporting Point must report in accordance with Statutoty requirements(see Appendix F). 4.14 All report forms should be promptly completed following the occurrence,and dispatched to ensure that receipt by the BRIMS Input Point allowsinputto BRIMS withinthe laid-downtime-scale of two workingdays. Where the BRIMS Input Point and Statutory Reporting Point are different, and where the Statutory Repotting Point requires a hard copy of the form, this must be dispatched to ensure that receipt bythe Statutory Reporting Point allows laid downtimescales for statutory reporting to be met. In many cases the Statutory Reporting Point’s report must be received by the appropriateEnforcing Authority within seven days of the occurrence. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 12 of 51 4.14 (Contd.) If forany reasonit isnotpossibleto completethe reportformwithin the above time-scales, an interim copy of the form containingall available detail mustbe forwardedas detailed in Clause 4.13. This form mustbe clearly marked “INTERIM REPORT ONLY-FINAL REPORT TO FOLLOW’. This interim repofi need not be signed but it is essentialthat the report is received by the BRIMS Input Point within two working days. 4.15 The original “Accident Report Form BR207W66’’must be updated with the BRIMS report reference and statutoiy reportingdetails, where appropriate. 4.16 The original“Accident Report Form BR207Z66”together withthe affected employee’s own report form “Injured Person’s Report Form BR 6766” must be retained on the employee’s personalfile for the time specifiedby BRB policy (see Records Management Action Kit, /Jarf 4- Record Retention Schedules). If it is necessary, in the event of a claim, to forward any of the original documents to the claims manager, a suitably endorsed photocopymust be substitutedon the employee’s personal file. 4.17 The affected employee must be advised verbally, and subsequently in writing, of the cause(s) identified. A copy of tha written advice must be kept on the employee’s personal file. 5 Procedure for Occupational Ill Health 5.1 Occupational ill health may be evident from a medicalcertificate issuedbythe employee’sGeneral Practitioner.In some cases,the medical certificate may be issued by a BR Medical Officer (for example when an employee is subjectto medical surveillance by the BR Medical Officer under Regulationssuch as those relating to exposureto lead or asbestos). 5.2 If difficulty is experienced in interpreting a medical certificate, guidance should be sought from the BR Medical Officer. 5.3 In the event of a resultantfatality or major injury(see Appendix C) the appropriate Statutory Reporting Point must be advised immediately. The manager concerned must not reportthe event direct to the Enforcing Authority. This will be done by the Statutory Reporting Point. If, as a resultof occupational ill health, a person subsequently dies within one year from the date of the event, the Statuto~ Reporting Point must be advised in writing. Additionally,in the case of a fatality, the circumstancesmust be immediately reported to the British Transport Police (or Civil Police if the accident did not occur on railway property). Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting 5.4 Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 13 of 51 As soon as occupational ill health becomes evident, the Employing Manager mustcarryout an investigationmusttake place to ascertainthe relevant facts. Where appropriatethere shouldbe a site investigation, witnesses and other personsinvolved should be contacted and their reports obtained - using a ‘81Mtness Repott Form BR207278° (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GH/ 2/0007) in the case of actual witnesses. Technical expertsshouldbe includedinthe processwhere appropriate, to ensure that all relevant informationis considered. A sketch of the site should be made where this will assist interpretationof the descriptionof events. 5.5 The relevantpartsof “AccidentReportFormBR2072/66’’mustbe completed, in accordance with Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GH/Z/0001. 5.6 When “Accident Report Form BR2072/66° has been completedit must be signed off by the person in charge of the investigation. 5.7 The original“Accident Reporf Form BR2072/66”and medical certificate must be retained on the employee’s personal file and copies of both sent to the relevant :i) BRIMS Input Point and ii) Statutory Reporting Point if a reportable disease (see Appendix E) where the relevant Business specifies a requirement for hard copies of such forms An additionalcopy should be forwardedto each addressdetailed in localsupplementaryinstructions,where such instructionshave been issued. A copy of any relevant medical certificate or statement shouldbe attached if one has been issued.. 5.8 The BRIMS Input Point must input information into BRIMS in accordancewith BRB and Businessrequirements. 6 Procedure for Inquests 5.9 The Statutory Reporting Point must report in accordance with Statuto~ requirements(see Appendix F). 6.1 When advice is received that a Coroner’s Inquest (EngIand/ Wales) or Sheriff’sInquiry(Scotland) is to be held, the Statutory Reporting Point must be advised of the date, time and venue immediately, The Local Manager must make arrangements for appropriate BR representationand if considered necessary, the BR Solicitoror Solicitor (Scotland) as appropriate. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting 6.2 GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 14 of 51 Arrangements must provide for suitable Management and/or clerical presence at the Inquest to ensure that full details of the proceedingsare recorded. In EnglandandWales, this mustincludethe name ofthe Coroner, make up of the jury, vedict etc. It is importantthat employee(s) who may be called as witnesses shouldhave someone available at the Inquest to whom they can talk, in what can bean extremely traumatic occasion. 7 Communication with Non-BR persons 6.3 Unless otherwise advised, a full account of the Inquest/Inquiry proceedingsmustbe fofwardedtothe Statutory Reporting Point within one week of the conclusionof the Inquest. 7.1 Correspondence must not be entered into with Solicitors, any Trades Union or other non-BR persons on matters of personal injuryto employees, except for routine correspondencewith the Department of Social Security relating to absence from work through illnessor injury, other than an acknowledgement in the followingterms:“Your/etterdated. ............... has beenreceivedandre ferradto the Claims Manager, Macmillan House, Paddington, London W2 7FT”. 7.2 If any Solicitor or other non-BR person (other than persons possessinglegal powersof entry- e.g. policeofficers,HM Railway Inspectors)wishesto visitrailwaypremisesto interviewwitnesses or examine/photographan accident site, they must be referredto the Claims manager at the above address. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 15 of 51 APPENDIX A (Page 1) DEFINITIONS The following definljons apply wjthin this standard. In addition personal accidents are classified by injury degree (see Appendix D for definitions of major and minor injury). ACCIDENT BOOK (BI51O) Book held at locationsunderthe terms of the “Social Security Claims and Payments Regulations (1979) in which all accidents to staff must be recorded.The statutory requirement for provision of an Accident Bookisnot superseded by this procedure ASSAULT Any occurrencein which an employee is abused or threatened, whether or not physicalinjuryoccurs,in circumstancesarisingout of the courseof the affected person’semployment. BRIMS BritishRail Incident MonitoringSystem - a computer system designed to record all accidents (includingassaults) and occupational ill health. BRIMS INPUT POINT An office, designated by Businesses,to undertake BRIMS report inputting for specifiedtypesof safetyrelated eventsthat requireto be inputto BRIMS. EMPLOYING MANAGER For BR employeesthisisthe managerwhoemploysthe affected employee. For Contractor’semployees it is the manager who lets the contract. ENFORCING AUTHORITY The Health &Safety Executive (HSE) orany otherauthoritywhichis, by any of the relevant statutory provisionsor regulations, made responsible for enforcement of the law. FIRST AID BOOK (BR7151/1) BR “Record of First Aid rendered” booklet, kept inside each first aid box. Details of firstaid renderedtogetherwith a listof any suppliesusedfromthe first aid box must be entered. LOCATION MANAGER The manager responsibleforthe LocalSafety Policyrelevant to the location where personal accident or assault occurred. NOTIFIABLE INJURY Any case of Fatal, Major or Statutorily Reportable Minor inju~ (see Appendix D for definitions of Major and Minor injury). There is a statutorydutyto reportsuch inju~ to the appropriateEnforcing Authority. This will be done by the relevant Statutory Repotthg Point. OCCUPATIONAL ILL HEALTH Any case of ill health whichissuspectedor knownto have resultedfrom the affected person’swork activity or work environment, other than ill health caused by personal accident or assault. Occupational ill health includes cases of reportable disease. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health repotilng Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 16 of 51 APPENDIX A (Page 2) DEFINITIONS PERSONAL ACCIDENT An uncontrolled,unplanned event that results, or could in similar circumstances result, in an individual being injured or shocked. It includes ill health that is attributable to a single event while at work, including inhaling, swallowing or othewise absorbing any substance, or from suffering lack of oxygen, except where a reportable disease is involved. Cases of death attributable to natural causes, or illnesses/conditions that are not work-related, are not to be regarded as a personal accident, and as such do not generally require to be reported in compliance with this procedure. However if such death or illness /condition placed others in danger owing to the nature of the task being carried out by the emp/oyee at the time, the event must be reported as a personal accident, detailing the nature of the “natural cause or illnessI condition” involved. In the case of injury at work due to illnesses /conditions that are not wofirelated reporting must be catried out if a Notifiable Injury is inwlved, or if the event highlights a danger to other pmons not suffering from the illness kondition. REPORTABLE DISEASE Any case of disease listedin the Schedule of Reportable Diseases defined in the “Reportingof Injuries,Diseases and Dangerous OccurrencesRegulations 1985” (see Appendix E), contracted whilst carrying out a specified work activity. There is a statutoty duty to report these diseases to the appropriate Enforcing Authority. This will be done by the relevant Statutory Repotting Point. Cases of reportabledisease area specificform of Occupational ill health. STATUTORY REPORTING The legally requiredreportingof notifiable injuries,assaultsand reportable diseases, as defined in statutoty legislation,to the appropriate Enforcing Authority. STATUTORY REPORTING POINT An office, designated by Businesses,that undertakesstatutoty reportingrequirementsfor notifiable injuries and reportable diseases. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 17 of 51 APPENDIX B (Page 1) REFERENCES Categorisation of pathogens according to hazard and categories of containment, an advisoty booklet giving guidance on the kindsof pathogensintendedto be covered (see definitions of Major injwy - Appendix D) Regulation of Railways Act 1871, Section 6 [and orders made under it, e.g. The Railways (Notices of Accidents) Order 1986] Railway Employment [Prevention of Accidents Act] 1900, Section 73 Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933, Section 43 Social Securities Act 1975, Sections 53, 54, 55, and 88 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 Social Security [Claims & Payments] Regulations 1979, Sections 24 and 25 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 [RIDDOR] The Transport and Works Act 1992, Section 43 ●Group Standard GO/OPOOOl - AccidentJlncident Investigation ●Group Standard GO/0POO02 - Formal Inquiry Procedures ●Group Standard GO/0 POO03- Officers Investigation Procedures *Group Standard GH/ZIOOOl - Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction *Group Standard GH/ZTOO02 - Glossary of Safety Terms for use on BR (“ All Group Standards are at present under preparation.) Directory of Welfare Information (Available within Personnel Departments) Records Management Action Kit, Pad 4 [Record Retention Schedules] Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 18 of 51 Appendix C (Page 1 ) Acciden No Yes 1 * Or a person acting on the employee’s behalf Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 19 of 51 Appendix C (Page 2 ) Procedural Flow Chart for Personal Accidents and Assaults ———-—— * lYes I INo Or a person acting on the employee’s behalf Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GHIZPOOOI Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 20 of 51 Appendix C (Page 3 ) Procedural Flow Chart for Personal Accidents and Assaults ~ In accordance with Accident Rq?otthg Completion of fotrns Instkction GORlOUOl I I Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 21 of 51 Appendix C (Page 4) Procedural Flow Chart for Personal Accidents and Assaults ‘&..q:!i#hi@%iwig@i%@i$&T* Yes J ● Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 22 of 51 APPENDIX D (Page 1) CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR AND MINOR INJURY Major Injury Nofe: The definitions of Major injury detailed below are those dejined in both the 6’Rcpmting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985” and ‘6The Ruilways (Notice of Accidents) Order 1986”. See page 2 of this Appendix for interpretation of sonle of the term used within the definitions. A major injury is classified as an injury involving:a) fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis b) fracture of any bone:i) in the arm or wrist, but not a bone in the hand or ii) c) in the leg or ankle, but not a bone in the foot amputation (at the time of injury, or subsequently)of:i) a hand or foot or ii) d) * e) finger, thumb or toe, or any part thereof if the joint or bone is completely severed the loss of sight of any eye, a penetrating injuryto an eye, or a chemical or hot metal burnto an eye either injury(includingburns)requiringimmediate medicaltreatment, or lossof consciousness, resultingin either case from an electricshockfrom any electrical circuitor equipment, whether or not due to direct contact f) loss of consciousnessresultingfrom lack of oxygen 9) deoompressionsickness(unlesssuffered during an operationto which the Diving Operations at Work Regulations 1981 apply) requiringimmediate medical treatment * h) eitheracute illnessrequiringmedicaltreatment,or lossof consciousness,resultingineithercase from the absorptionof any substance by inhalation, ingestionor through the skin * ● ● i) acute illnessrequiringmedicaltreatmentwherethere is reasonto believe that thisresultedfrom exposure to a pathogen (disease-causingagent) or infected material j) any other injurywhich resultsin the personinjuredbeingadmitted immediately into Hospitalfor more than 24 hours. In the case of categories (e), (g), (h) and (i), “medicaltreatment” and “immediatemedical treatment” imply a visitto a Hospita/ or Doctor rather than simply first-aid treatment. The classificationof major injury, as defined above, is not affected by any resulting absence, or lack of absence, from work. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporthg GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 23 of 51 APPENDIX D (Page 2 ) CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR AND MINOR INJURY Major Injury (contd.) The followingnotes, clarifyingsome of the terms containedwithinthe definitionsof Major Injury (page 1 of this Appendix), are extracted from the HSE published guide to the “Repo?ting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occumences Regulations 7985” (RIDDOR). 1 Fracture includesin all cases, a break, crack or chip 2 Fracture of the skull includesa fracture of the upperjaw and a fracture of the bone in the upper partofthe nose,butdoesnotincludea so-called brokennosewherethe term is loosely used to refer to damage to the cartilage of the nose 3 Fracture of any bone in the arm does not includethe collar bone 4 Amputation means either traumatic amputation at the time of the accident or surgical amputationfollowingthe accident(butthe latter is more likelyto be covered by clause “j” - any other injurywhich results in the person injured being admitted immediately into hospitalfor more than 24 hours) 5 Injury ........ from an electric shock means internal and external tissue damage, includingbums 6 Whether or not due to direct contact means that an injurycaused by flash-over from high voltage electrical equipment or from a cable, is included 7 Acute illness means illnesswhich i) occursafter a single dose of, or period of exposure to, a substance or a pathogen (as the case may be), ii) progressesto a crisisafter the onset of symptoms, and iii) has severe symptoms 8 Medical treatment covers hospitaltreatment, by a general medical practitioner, or treatment by a firm’smedical and nursingstaff 9 Immediate is not used in clauses“h”or “i”to qualify “medicaltreatment”, becausethe onset of the symptomsof some forms of acute poisoning,and of infetilons by pathogens,are delayed - the delay in the case of infectionsbeingdue to variable and sometimes quite prolongedincubation periods 10 Clause “j” is intended to be limitedto any case where a person injured at work is admitted to hospitalwithin a few hoursof an accident. It does not apply to any admissioninto hospitalone or more days after an accident. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 24 of 51 APPENDIX D (Page 3 ) CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR AND MINOR INJURY Major Injury (contd.) 11 Pathogen for guidance on the kindsof pathogen which are primarilyintended to be covered, see the definitionsfor hazard groups2, 3, and 4, and the accompanyingcommentary in the booklet “Categorisation of pathogens according to hazard and categories of containment”, produced by the Advisoty committee on dangerous pathogens: HMSO(1984), 1SBN O 118837613 Minor Injury 1 Statutorily Reportable Personalinjurywhichisnota fatal ormajorinjury, andwhichpreventsthe affected personfrom earning fullwages (carryingoutthe workatwhichhe isnormallyemployed),formorethanthree days, excluding the day that such injurywas sustained. Injuriessustainedwhilst on duty, directly resultingin personsbeing employed at full (or reduced) pay on ~ than normal duties, for more than three days ~ Statutorily Repottabie. Reference to “more than fhree days” means more fhan three consecutive days, excluding fhe day of the occurrence but including any non-working days during which the employee was incapacitated. In all cases, StatutotyRepotiingwill be carriedoutonlybythe appropriateStatutory Reporting Point (See Appendix F). 2 Not Statutorily Reportable Personal injurywhich is not a fatal or major injury.Minor injuriesthat are not statutorilyreportableare classified into two groups:a) Lost time Where injurypreventsthe affected employee from earningfull wages (carryingout the work at which the employee is normally employed), for between one and three days, excluding the day that such injurywas sustained. Injuriessustainedwhilst on duty, directly resultingin personsbeing employed at full (or reduced) pay on -r than normal duties, for between one and three days, ~ classified as losttime. Reference to “between one and three days” means up to three consecutive days, excluding the day of the occurrence but including any non-working days during which the employee was incapacitated. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed PersonaI accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 25 of 51 APPENDIX D (Page 4 ) CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR AND MINOR INJURY Minor Injury (contd.) b) No lost time Where injuryrequiresmedicalorfirstaid treatment,eitherat the placeofworkorelsewhere,or requires no treatment at all, and which resultsin the affected person either i) being released from futther duty that day, but accruing no further time loss ii) remaining at work for the remainder of that shift and accruing no subsequenttime loss. . . Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 26 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 1) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES This Appendix liststhe diseases for which statutoryreportingis required in accordance with the provisions of the “Reportingof InjuriesDiseases and DangerousOccurrences Regulations 1985” (RIDDOR), Statutoty reportingis only required if the disease was contractedwhilst carryingout one of the specific work activities listed. The most common source of knowledge that an employee is suffering from a Reportable Disease will be a medical certificate issued by the employee’s General Practitioner, or, less commonly, a BR Medical Officer (usually where the employee is subjectto medical surveillance by the BR Medical Officer in accordance with Regulations such as those relatingto exposure to lead or asbestos). The common descriptionof the disease is also listed and the Government have requested that Doctors use this terminology. Where difficulty is experienced in interpretinga medical ceflificate, guidance should be sought from a BR Medical Officer. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 27 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 2) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE NUMBER WORK ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE POISONING 1 Poisoningby any of the following :(a) Acrylamide monomer (b) Arsenic or one of its compounds (c) Benzene or homologue Any activity ,, “ ,, ,, 11 11 Beryllium poisoning ,1 11 Cadmium poisoning of benzene (d) Beryllium or one of its compounds (e) Cadmium or one of its compounds Acrylamide poisoning Arsenic poisoning Benzene poisoning (f) Carbon disulphide ‘s ,, Carbon disulphide poisoning (9) Diethylene dioxide (dioxan) ,’ 1, Diethylene dioxide poisoning (h) Ethylene oxide ,, 1, Ethylene oxide poisoning (i) Lead or one of its compounds ,, 1’ Lead poisoning u) Manganese or one of its compounds i, ‘, Manganese poisoning (k) Mercury or one of its compounds ,’ ‘, Mercury poisonin Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health repoti~ng Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 28 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 3) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE NUMBER WORK ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE POISONING (1) (contd.) Methyl bromide Any activity Methyl bromide poisoning ,, ‘1 (n) Oxides of nitrogen “ ,, Nitrogen oxide poisoning (o) Phosphorusor one of its compounds ‘, ,, Phosphorus poisoning (m) Nitrochlorobenzene, or a nitro or amino- or chloroderivative of benzene or of a homologue of benzene Benzene derivative poisoning SKIN DISEASES 2. Chrome ulceration of:(a) the nose or throat Work involving exposureto chromic acid or to any other chromiumcompound ,, (b) the skin of the hands or forearm 3. Folliculitis 4. Acne 5. Skin Cancer 6. Inflammation, ulceration or malignant disease of the skin. ,’ Work involving exposure to mineral oil, tar, pitch or arsenic. Folliculitis ,6 ,, Acne ,, ‘, Skin Cancer Work with ionising radiation Radiation skin injury Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 29 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 4) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE LUNG DISEASES 7. 8. Occupational Asthma Extrinsic alveolitis (including farmer’s lung) Work involving exposureto any of the following agents: a) isocyanates b) platinum salts c) fumes or dusts arisingfrom the transportor use of hardeningagents (includingepoxy resin curingagents) based on phthalic anhydride,tetrachlorophthalicanhydride, trimelliticanhydrideor triethylenetetramine d) fumes arisingfrom the use of rosin as a solderingflux e) proteolyticenzymes f) animals or insects used for the purposesof research or education or in laboratories 9) dusts arisingfrom the handling,transportor storage of barley, oats, rye, wheat or maize, or the handling,transportor storage of meal or flour made therefrom Exposureto mouldsor fungal spores or heterologousproteinsduringwork in :a) agriculture,horticulture,forestry, cultivation of edible fungi or malt-working b) loading or unloadingor handling in storage mouldy vegetable matter or edible fungi c) caring for or handling birds d) handling bagasse Occupational Asthma Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporthg Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 30 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 5) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE LUNG DISEASES (contd.) 9. Pneumoconiosis (excluding Asbestosis) 1) The workingor handlingof silica rockor dried Pneumoconiosis dried quartzose sand o?any dry depositor dry residue of silica or any dry admixture containingsuch materials, or substantial exposure to the dust arisingfrom any of such operations 2) The workingor handling of broken, crushed or groundflint or materials containingsuch flint, or substantialexposure to the dust arisingfrom any of such operations “ ,1 3) Sand blastingby means of compressed air with the use of quartzose sand or crushed silica rockor flint, or substantialexposure to the dust arisingfrom such sand blasting “ “ 4) Work in a foundryor the performance of, or substantialexposure to the dust arising from, any of the followingoperations:- “ 1, a) the freeing of steel castingsfrom adherent siliceoussubstance b) the freeing of metal castingsfrom adherent siliceoussubstance i) by blastingwith an abrasive propelledby compressedair, by steam or by a wheel or ii) by the use of power-driventools Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporthg GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 31 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 6) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE COMMON WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE LUNG DISEASES (contd.) 9. Pneumoconiosis (contd.) (excluding Asbestosis) 5) The manufacture of china or earthenware (includingsanitary earthenware, electrical earthenware and earthenware tiles), and any activity involving substantialexposure to the dust arisingtherefrom 6) The grindingof mineral graphite, or substantialexposure to the dust arising from such grinding. 66 68 7) The dressingof granite or any igneous rock by masonsor the crushingof such materials, or substantialexposure to the dust arisingfrom such operations. ‘1 ‘1 8) The use, or preparationfor use, of a grind-stoneor substantialexposure to the dust arisingtherefrom ‘, 6, 66 II b) The workingor handlingabove ground at any coal or tin mine of any minerals extracted therefrom 6’ “ c) The trimming of coal in any ship, barge, or lighter,or in any dock or harbouror at any wharf or quay ,, “ d) The sawing, splittingor dressingof slate, or any operation incidentalthereto ,, a, ,, 1, 9) a) Work undergroundin any mine in which one of the objects of the mining operationsis the getting of any mineral 10) The manufacture, or work incidentalto the manufacture, of carbon electrodes by an industrialundertakingfor use in the electrolyticextraction of aluminium from aluminium oxide, and any activity involving substantialexposureto the dust arising therefrom Pneumoconiosis Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 32 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 7) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVIN NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE LUNG DISEASES (contd.) 9. Pneumoconiosis (contd.) (excluding Asbestosis) 11) Boiler scaling or substantialexposure to Pneumoconiosis the dust arisingtherefrom. 10 Byssinosis Work in any roomwhere any processup to and includingthe weaving processis performed in a facto~ in which the spinningor manipulation of raw or waste cotton or of flax, or the weaving of cotton or flax, is carried on Byssinosis 11 Mesothelioma a) Mesothelioma The workingor handling of asbestos or any admixture of asbestos Lung Cancer 12 Lung Cancer b) 13 Asbestosis T r L 14 Cancer of a Bronchus or lung The manufacture or repair of asbestos textiles or other adicles containingor composed of asbestos c) The cleaning of any machinety or plant used in any of the foregoing operationsand of any chambers,fixtures and appliances for the collectionof asbestosdust d) Substantialexposureto the dust arising from any of the foregoing operations Work in a factory where nickel is produced by decompositionof a gaseous nickel compound which necessitatesworking in or about a buildingor buildingswhere that processor any other industrialprocessancillary or incidental thereto is carried on Asbestosis Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 33 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 8) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER IDESCRIPTION OF DISEASE INFECTIONS 15. Leptospirosis Handling animals, or work in places which are, or may be, infested by rats Leptospirosis (VVeil’sDisease) 16. Hepatitis Work involvingexposure to human blood productsor body secretionsand excretions Hepatitis 17. Tuberculosis Work with persons or animals or with human or Tuberculosis animal remains or with any other material, which might be a source of infection 18. Any illness caused by a pathogen referred to under “work activity” opposite Work involving a pathogen which presents a hazard to human health Pathogenic Infetilon 19. Anthrax Any activity Anthrax Work with ionisingradiation Bone Cancer OTHER CONDITIONS 20. Malignant disease of the bone 21. Blood dyscrasia ‘, “ Blood dyscrasia 22. Cataract Work involving exposure to electro-magnetic radiation (including radiant heat) Cataract 23. Decompression sickness Breathing gases at increased pressure Decompression sickness 24. Barotrauma 25. Cancer of the nasal cavity or associated air sinuses 6s ,, Work in or about building where wooden furniture is manufactured Barotrauma Nasal cancer Sinus cancer Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 34 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 9) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE OTHER CONDITIONS (contd.) 26 Angiosarcoma of the liver 27. Cancer of the urinary tract 28. Vibration White Finger a) Work in or about machinery or apparatus used for the polymerizationof vinyl chloride monomer, a processwhich, for the purposesof this provision,comprisesall operationsup to and includingthe drying of the slurryproducedby the polymerization and the packaging of the dried product Angiosarcoma b) Work in a buildingor structurein which any part of that processtakes place 1, Work involving exposure to any of the following substances:- ‘1 Urinary Tract Cancer a) alpha-naphthylamine, beta-naphthylamine or methylene-bis-orthochloroaniline b) diphenyl substitutedby at least one nitro or prima~ amino group or by at least one nitro and primaryamino group (including benzidine) c) any of the substancesmentioned in subpara b) above if further ring substitutedby halogeno, methyl or methoxy groups, but not by other groups d) the salts of any of the substances mentioned in sub-paras a) to c) above a) The use of hand-held chain saws in forest~ Vibration White Finger b) The use of hand-held rotarytools in grindingor in the sanding or polishingof metal, or the holdingof material being ground, or metal being sanded or polished, by rotarytools ‘, ,, Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 35 of 51 APPENDIX E (Page 10) SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE DISEASES (contd.) COMMON DISEASE AND DISEASE SCHEDULE WORK ACTIVITY NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF DISEASE OTHER CONDITIONS (contd.) 28. Vibration White Finger (contd.) c) The use of hand-held percussive metalworkingtools, or the holdingof metal being worked upon by percussivetools, in riveting, caulking, chipping, hammering, fettling or swaging, Vibration White Finger d) The use of hand-held powered percussive drills or hand-held powered percussive hammers in mining, quarrying,demolition, or on roads or footpaths, includingroad construction. “ “ Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 36 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 1) STATUTORY REPORTING 1 General Cases of Notifiable Injury and Reportable Disease must be reported to the appropriate Enforcing Authority in accordance with statutoty legislation, by the Statutory Reporting Point designated to undertake statutoty reportingfor the location concerned. A list of Statutory Reporting Points is maintained by the Director, Safety, CP24, Macmillan House, Paddington Station, London W2 1FT. Copies of this list are available on request. 2 The legislation 2.1 The Regulation of Railways Act 1871 (and amendments/extensions to it and Orders made under the provisions contained within it) Section 6 of the Regulation of Railways Act 1871 states that:“M45ere in or about anydway or any of the works or buildings connected with such railway, or any building orplace, whetheropen orenclosed, occupiedbythe company working such railway ........... any accident attended with loss of life or personal injury oocurs ........... takes place in the course of working any railway .............. the company workingsuchrailway, and also, if the accident happens to a train belongingto any other company, such last-mentioned company, sha// send notice of such accident ............. to the Board of Trade. Such notice shall be in such tbrm and shall contain such particulars as the Board of Trade may fmm time to time direct, and shall be sent by the earliestpracticable post al?erthe accident takes place”. The requirement of this Act is simplythat all cases of death or personal injury are reportable to the Board of Trade, where they occurredin the course of workinga railway. (The Secretary of State for Transporl has taken over the role of the Board of Trade for the purposes of this Act) The above requirement was extended by Section 13, Clause 2 of the Railway Employment (Prevention ofAccidents)Act 1900, in that a company’sdutyto give notice of accidents also applied to :- “accidentsattended with loss of Iifa or personal injuryto any person in the employmentof the company on any line, or siding having a junction with the railway of the railway company, but not belongingto or inthe occupation of anyrai/way company, in likemanneras it appliesto such accidents when occum”ng on the railway of the company ...........” This extensionrequiresa reportto be forwardedwhen a company’semployees are injuredon another railway company’spropertyand within sidingsadjoiningthe company’srailway and not belongingto the company, in the same manner that a reportis fonvarded if the accident occurson the company’s own property. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 37 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 2) STATUTORY REPORTING The legislation 2.1 (contd.) of Railways Act 1871 (and amendmenttiextensions and Orders made under the provisions contained within it) (contd.) The Regulation to it The above requirements were amended by Section 43 of the RoadandRail Traffic Act 1933, which modifiesthe requirementsin respect of accidents involving personal injury:“an accident which is attended with personal injury to a person or persons in the employment of the railway company, but which does not disable any such parson for more than three days thm earning full wages at the work at which he was employed, need not be notified to the Ministeq if but for the fact that it was attended with parsonal injury, notification would not have been required by the said Section 6 as so extended; but i( and so soon as, it is known that any person injured has been so disabled for more than three days, the company shall noti~ the accident by the earliest practicable post. ” This amendment eases the laid down reporting requirement, in that reports are only required in cases where the injuriessustained prevent the employee from earning full wages, at the work in which the employee is normallyemployed to undertake,for more than three days, except that if injuryoccursas a resultof another event that requiresto be reportedunder Section 6 of the Regulation of Rai/ways Act 7877 (e.g. certain collisions,derailments, trains strikingobjects on the line etc.) then the injuty shouldbe reportedirrespectiveorwhetherornotthe employee was preventedfrom earningfullwages etc. In cases where injury is the result of another event requiringto be reported under Section 6 of the Regulation of Railways Act 7871, reporting of the injuty should be included within the report(s) covering the event concerned. A variety of Ordershave been made inexerciseofthe powersconferredbySection6 of the Regulation ofl?ailways Act f871 specifyingin moredetailthe kindsof event that any railwaycompanyisrequired to report,the latest of these being The Railway (Notice of Accidents) Order f986, which revoked The Railway (Notice of Accidents) Order 7980. The opportunitywas taken inthe enablingof The Railway (Notice of Accidents) Order 1986to bring reporting requirements into line the those required generally throughout British industry under the provisionsof the Reporting oflnjuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (see Section 2.2 below), which applies to events arising out of or in connectionwith work activities covered bythe Health andSafetyat Work Act f974 andrequiresthe reportingof allfatalities, all major injuries(see Appendix D) and those minorinjurieswhere the injuredpersonis disabled for more than three days from earning full wages at the work for which he is normally employed. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 38 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 3) STATUTORY REPORTING 2 The legislation 2.1 (contd.) The Regulation of Railways Act 1871 (and amendments/extensions and Orders made under the previsions contained within it) (contd.) to it The currentrequirementunderthe provisionsof the Section 6 Regulation of Railways Act f87f (as extended and amended) for the reportingof injuriesoccurringto employees whilst at work is:all cases of fatality or major injury, and those cases of minor injurywhere the injured person is disabled for more than three days from earning full wages at the work for which he is normallyemployed, or is injuredas the resultof another event that requiresto be reported in its own right under the provisionsof Section 6, where such fatal, major or minor injury occurs in the course of working a railway. For all cases reported under the provisions of the Regulation of Railways Act f871 etc., the Enforcing Authority to whom reportsmust be made is the Secretary of State for Transport. Inthe presentgovernmentstructure,suchreportsreceivedare immediatelyhanded overto the Health & Safety Executive Railway Inspectorate,who act as the Enforcing Authority on the Secreta~ of State for Transport’sbehalf. The Railways (Notice of Accidents) Order 1986 defines the manner in which reportsmust be made:- a) All cases of Fatality or Major Injury (see Appendix D), and cases of minor injury (see Appendix D) involving :i) moving rail vehicles ii) a fall of more than 2 metres in height iii) live electrical apparatus, whether or not actual contact occurs iv) lack of oxygen v) explosion vi) exposure to a harmful substance mustbe repotied individuallyusinga standard“Form A“ or “Form B“ (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms instruction GWZIOOO1).Reports must be dispatched by the earliest pratitcable post (Railway Inspectorate guidelines indicate this to mean no later than one week after the event), with follow up informationprovidedwhere the initial reporl is incomplete. — Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 39 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 4) STATUTORY REPORTING 2 The legislation (contd.) 2.1 The Regulation of Railways Act 1871 (and amendments/extensions and Orders made under the previsions contained within it) (contd.) b) Other cases of reportableminorinjurymaybe reportedin bulk, usinga standard “Form E3’’(see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GWZIOOO1).Reports must be preparedfor each calendar monthinwhichsuchinjuryoccursand mustbe dispatched as soon as pratilcable after the month end. 2.2 The Repotting 1985 of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences to it Regulations The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985, made under powersconferred in the Health and Safety at Work Act f974 requires the reporting of all fatalities, all major injuries (see Appendix D) and those minor injurieswhere the injured person is disabled for more than three days from earning full wages at the work for which he is normally employed, where suchinjuryarisesoutof or inconnectionwithworkactivitiescovered bythe Health ancfSafetyaf Work Act 1974. Cases of fatality, or major injuriesor conditions,where vehicles moving on publicroadsare involved, are only reportable if they involve or are connectedwith :a) exposure to any substance being conveyed by road b) vehicle loading and unloadingactivities such as those engaged in by refuse collectom, brewety delivery workers, furniture removers etc. c) certain construction,demolition, alteration, repair or maintenance activities on or alongside public roads In all other circumstances, reportingto the Civil Police in accordance with Section 25 of the Road Traffic Act 1972 is sufficient. At firstthisseems to lay downa requirementon railwaycompaniesto reporlinjuryto employees under boththese regulationsand those detailed in Section2.1. However, in recognitionof the more detailed requirementsofthe Regulations of RailwaysAct 1871 (andthe associatedextensions/amendments/ Orders - see Section 2.1) the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 7985 specificallyexcludes as part of its Regulation 10, clause 4:“the death or injury of anyone as a result of an accident which is connected with the working of a railway. ” Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporthg GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 40 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 5) STATUTORY REPORTING 2 The legislation 2.2 (contd.) The Reporting 1985 (contd.) of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations The currentrequirementunderthe provisionsofthe Reporting oflnjuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences f?egu/ations f985 for the reportingof injuriesoccurringto employees whilstat work is therefore:all cases of fatality or major injury, and those cases of minor injurywhere the injured person is disabled for more than three days from earning full wages at the work for which he is normallyemployed,withthe exceptionof certaintypes of accident involvingor connected with vehicles moving on public roads where such fatal, major or minor injury does not occur in connection with the working of a railway. For cases of Notifiable Injury or Reportable Disease reported under the provisions of the Reporfing of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985, the Enforcing Authority is determined as follows:- a) for premises not involved in the workingof a railway and not designated as a factory:the Enforcing Authority is the Environmental Hea/th OtWar of the Local Authority. b) for premises not involved in the working of a railway and designated as a factory (Repro-graphic Rooms, BRML Depots etc.) :- the Enforcing Authority is the loca/ otice of the Health & Safety Executive. c) for constructionand demolitionsites(otherthan repairwork) far enough away from the working railway (and fenced off from it) so that any event would not affect the safety of the Railway:the Enforcing Authority is the local ornce of the Health & Safety Executive. The Enforcing Authority must, inail cases, be identifiedonthe relevant “Health&Safety Law”Poster covering the location concerned. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 41 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 6) STATUTORY REPORTING 2 The legislation 2.2 (contd.) The Repofling 1985 (contd.) of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 defines the manner in which reportsmust be made:- a) All cases of Notifiable Injury :must be reportedindividuallyusinga standardform “F2508” (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GHA7/0007). Reports must be dispatched within 7 days of the event, with follow up informationprovidedwhere the initial report is incomplete. b) All cases of Reportable Disease mustbe reportedindividuallyusinga standardform “F2508A” (see Accident Reporting - Completion of forms Instruction GHIZ/0001). Reports must be dispatched within 7 days of the event, with follow up informationprovidedwhere the initial repofl is incomplete. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 42 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 7) STATUTORY REPORTING 3 Guidance on applying the legislation The two main items of legislation, as detailed in Section 2, clauses 2.1 and 2.2, are, so far as personal injuries are concerned, mutually exclusive. a) If the injury occurred in the courseof workinga railwaythe Regulations of f?ai/ways Act f87f (with extensions/amendments/orders etc.) applies. b) If the workingof a railwaywas not involved, the Repotting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 applies. However confusioncan sometimes exists over which sites are involved in the course of working a railway, leadingto doubt regardingthe legislationunderwhich a particularinjuryshould be reported. In most cases, the relevant Health& Safety Law poster,coveringthe particularplace of work, should be strategicallyplaced and accessibleto staff. This posterwill detail who the appropriate Enforcing Authority is for the specific place of work. If the Enforcing Authority is identified as the:a) Environmental Health Officer of the Local Authority,or b) local office of the Health & Safety Executive statutoty reporting for the place of work concerned will be under the provisions of the Repoding of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations f985. Othe~ise, statutory reporting for the place of work concerned will be under the provisions of the Regulations of Rai/waysAct f871. As a general principle,those siteswhichare separated from the railway itself by a boundaryfence, or a publicfootpath or road, and are either not rail-connected(e.g. certain offices, such as Friarsbridge Coufi Watertoo, Rail House Crewe, Furlong House Nottingham) or have rail connetilons for movements (of rail vehicles) that are not parl of the day to day working of the railway (e.g. BRML depots), are not consideredto be part of the “working”railway. Those sites that cannot be separated from the railway itself (stations, and offices situated upon them, signalboxes, rail-connecteddepots, sidingsetc.) are consideredto be part of the “worldng” railway, Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 43 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 8) STATUTORY REPORTING 3 Guidance on applying the legislation (contd.) This is too simple, however, as there are exceptionsto the principle. For example:- Stanier House, Birmingham,which is physicallyremote from railway lines, has within it a relay room containing relays that controlpart of the signaling system, remotely. This one roomwithinStanierHouse ~ consideredto be partof the “working”railwayand injuries occurringwithinthat room are therefore reportedunderthe Regulation of Railways Act 7877 etc. All otherpartsof StanierHouse are notconsideredto be partofthe “working”railwayand injuries occurringwithin those parts of the buildingare therefore reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. The Railway Technical Centre, Derby consistsof a myriad of buildingsadjacent to the Midland Main Line. Some buildingsare rail-connectedand a boundarywall, fence and gate separate internal sidingsfrom the runninglines. Those buiidingsthatare individuallyrail-connectedand see regularmovements of railvehicles, are consideredto be part of the workingrailway. Injuriesoccurringwithin those buildingsare therefore repotted under the Regulation of Railways Act 1871 etc. Those buildingsnotindividuallyrail-connected,orwhere railvehicle movementsare particularly infrequent,are notconsideredto be partofthe workingrailwayand injuriesoccurringwithinthose buildingsare therefore reported underthe Repotiing of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. If there is any doubt whatsoever regardingwhich legislationany particularinjuryshould be reported under, advice should be soughtfrom the Health & Safety Executive Railway Inspectorate,who will indicate their interpretationof whether the Regulation of Rai/ways Act f87f etc. applies in the particularcircumstances. If they considerthis Act to be inappropriate, the injury must be reported in accordance with the Repotting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 44 of 51 APPENDIX F (Page 9) STATUTORY REPORTING 4 Fatalities The Director, Safety must immediately be advised details of any fatality to a BRB or Contractor’s employee, includingcases where death occurswithin twelve months of the event. The following informationmust be passed by telephone (ETD 00-30329,30736 or 30723) or Fax (00-24386):- Name of deceased Home Station (or name of firm, if a contractor’s employee) Date of birth ● * Date entered service Service in present grade Details of dependants Brief details of accident Date of Formal lnqui~ ● for BR employees only. . .. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 45 of 51 Part C 1 Guidance on applying the procedure It is essentialthat Businessreportingresponsibilitiesare clear and unambiguous,to ensure that:i) All personal accidents, assaultsand occupationalill health are reported ii) no specific personal accident etc. is reported by more than one Business It is recognised that there can sometimes be confusion, especially where the activities or property of a Business adjoin those of another Business, or where the activities of different departments of the same businessare involved. The followingexamples are designedto providesomeguidanceandwhilstthey are intendedprimarilyto deal with situationsbetween two Businesses,some itemsdeal with the questionof inter-departmentalsituations (whetheror notthe departmentswork for the same Business).These examples are based on questionsthat have been raisedas a resultof actual events that have occurredand are presentedin a questionand answer format, to ease explanation. Accidents involving trains Who is responsible 1 2 when injury occurs as a result of:- Q. a brickthrownthrough a train window, or other act of vandalism external to the train involved? A. The businesswhich ownsthe line of route where the act of vandalism took place, irrespectiveof which businesssponsorsthe train involved. Q. a defector otheroccurrencethat occursentirelywithinthe confinesof the train involved? A. The businesswhichsponsorsthe train involved, irrespectiveof which businessownsthe line ofroute where the accidents occurred. alighting from or boardinga train at a station? 3Q A The Businesssponsoringthe station (or specific platform if more than one business involved in the runningof the station) falling between the platform and train when alighting or boarding? 4Q A The Businesssponsoringthe station (or specific platform if more than one Business involved in the runningof the station) Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 46 of 51 Part C 1 Guidance on applying the procedure Accidents involving trains (contd.) anyofthe circumstancesoutlinedinquestions1to 4, wherethere isdoubtregardingwhich circumstanceis involved ? 5Q A 6Q The Businessemployingthe employee must take the initiative in ensuringthat the Business(es)involved do establishthe circumstancesto enable causes to be identified and appropriate remedial action to be taken alighting or boardinga train, not at a station (e.g. at a signal) ? A If a defect involvingthe train is involved, the Businesssponsoringthe train If a defect involvingthe ground/floorconditionsis involved, the Businesssponsoringthe location concerned (common sense should prevail, i.e. S&T, Civil Engineering or Operationsdepartmentsshouldtake responsibilitydependingonthe nature of the defect concerned) If no defects are alleged (i.e. it is purelya matter concerningthe person’sown actions), the Businessemployingthe employee Accidents not involving trains Who is responsible 7Q when injury occurs as a result of:- work being carried out on the track by Engineerswhere the work is entirely under the controlof the engineer, with no operatingdepartment involvement, and where defective tools/equipment, inadequate safe systems of work or inappropriatemeans of access are alleged A The Businessdepartment employingthe affected employee workbeingcarriedoutonthe trackbyEngineerswhere an operatingdepartmentbecomes involved (strikingan employee or an object which then strikes an employee etc.) 8Q A The Businessoperationsdepartment sponsoringthe route a defect in the station platform (or bookingoffice, footbridge etc. associated with the station) 9Q A The Businessretail department owningthe retail activities of the station Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 47 of 51 Part C 1 Guidance on applying the procedure Accidents not involving trains (contd.) 10 Q work being carriedout on a stationby engineerswith no retail department involvement, and where defective tools/equipmentor an inadequate safe system of work are alleged? A The Businessdepartment employingthe affected employee Q work being carried out on a station by engineerswhere the retail department becomes involved, [e.g. other persons(staff or public) frequentingthe station being placed in a positionof danger by the work activities of the engineers]? A The Businessretail department sponsoringthe station 11 Unusual circumstances 13 14 Q If an employee is directed to travel from home direct to a location otherthan their home station (e.g. to attend a training courseor meeting, or to undettake special duties etc.), at what point shouldthat employee be regarded as being on duty? A From the time the employee commences being paid, or legitimately uses a duty travel pass issuedto cover travel to that other location,whichever occursfirst. Q If an employee isinjuredwhilstresidentin a buildingotherthan their home, e.g. a training centre or hotel, at what times shouldthat employee be regarded as being on duty? A If residenton site at a BR trainingcentre, the employee will be consideredto be on duty at all times, as they are in a locationthat they only have access to by vidue of their employment. If residentat a non-BR trainingcentre or hotel, the employee will be consideredto be on duty onlywhen actuallyworking(the scope for BR management investigationis limited, where physicalconditionson site or the actions of non-BR employees are involved, but the threat of a boycotton bookingemployees into the facility concerned in future shouldbe exercisedwhere necessaryto ensurean appropriateinvestigationiscarriedout by the responsiblecompany). 15 Q It is not unusualfor BR employeesto undertake some work on behalf of BR at their own homes, sometimespaid and sometimesnot,How shouldsomeone injuredwhilstworking at home be treated? A Each case will have to be dealt with on its merits. The question of pay is irrelevant. If the event involvesequipmentprovidedby BR, the employee mustbe consideredto be on duty. If the event involves only the employee’s own belongingsor their own actions, the employee will not be consideredto be on duty, unlessit isdemonstratedto be impossible (or extremely unlikely)that similar hazards exist when not carrying out such work. . Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 48 of 51 Part C 2 CODE OF PRACTICE COVERING THE NOTIFICATION TO SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES OF ACCIDENTS TO EMPLOYEES, DANGEROUS OCCURRENCESANDARRANGEMENTS FOR INSPECTIONS 1. Introduction This Code of Practicewas originallyagreed betweenthe BritishRailways Boardand the Trade Unionsparty to the Machine~ of Negotiationfor Railway Staff, 1956. It was later endorsed by the BritishRailways Board and the Trade Unions party to ProcedureAgreement No.2 (Health & Safety at Work ) in October 1992. Its purpose is to provide a framework within which Managers and Safety Representatives can agree arrangementsthatwillallowthe provisionsofthe Safety Representativesand Safety Committee Regulations 1977to be fully implemented. Agreementsreached mustrecognisethe arrangementsrequiredin Procedure Agreement No.2 (Health& Safety at Work). Safety Representativeswill receive an early positiveadvice of those accidentsand dangerousoccurrences listedinthe Appendixto thisCode of Practicethat affect a member ofthe groupof gradesthat they represent, and be afforded the opportunityto carry out inspectionsat the site of the accident if they so wish, with the objective of formulating recommendationsaimed at avoiding similar circumstancesarising again. The geographicalarea of responsibilityfor a Safety Representative (referredto in the Code of Practice) will normally be interpreted as being the geographical area controlled by the Safety Representative’s local manager. Where agreement cannot be reached on this basis the appropriate Profit Centre Joint Safety Committee will define the individual Safety Representative’sgeographical area of responsibility. Arrangements made for site inspections must not interfere with the necessaty tasks of rescue or line clearance operations, nor with the process of collecting data or evidence required for an accident investigation. Nothing in this Code of Practice is meant to undermine the general functions of Safety Representatives as shown in Regulation 4(i) of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations, 1977. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting GH/ZPOOOl Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 49 of 51 PART C 2 CODE OF PRACTICE COVERING THE NOTIFICATION TO SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES OFACCIDENTSTO EMPLOYEES, DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES AND THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSPECTION (contd.) 2. Code of Practice 1 Arrangementsfor notificationof accidentsand dangerous occurrencesas defined above, and inspectionof the circumstanceswhen the Safety Representative requeststhe facility, will be agreed between each local manager and the Safety Representative(s). 2 The arrangements will include a procedurethat requiresthe Safety Representative(s) of the grades primarilyinvolved in the accident to be notified. This will not preclude another Safety Representative acting on his behalf if the circumstances require it. For instance, if a Sectional Council‘B’Safety Representativewas notavailable, a SectionalCouncil‘C’Safety Representafrom the same area could act on his behalf. tive 3 Local arrangements must be designed to ensure that the Safety Representative(s) is advised at the earliest opportunityof any accidentat work, as defined above, which involves a member of the group of grades he represents,and which occurswithin his defined area of geographicalresponsibility.It isnotintendedthat notificationshouldtake placewhilethe Safety Representative(s) is off duty and, in those circumstances,the provisionsof Clause (2) above would apply. 4 If a Safety Representative requiresto make a site inspection,he will give notice to management of the requirement and arrangementswill be made for his release from duty at the earliest practicable opportunity. Safety Representatives must adhere to the arrange mentsmade on their behalf. 5 Safety Representatives carryingout a site inspectionwill be accompanied by a representative of management who will not impede the Safety Representative from discussionwith other employees. Such inspectionsand discussions,however, must be carriedout in a way that does not interfere with the operational efficiency or safety of the railway. 6 If it is mutually agreed that a joint site inspectionbe carried out between the Safety Representative and a representative of management, this can be undertaken. Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health repotilng Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 50 of 51 PART C 2 CODE OF PRACTICE COVERING THE NOTIFICATION TO SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES OF ACCIDENTS TO EMPLOYEES, DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES AND THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSPECTION (contd.) 2. Code of Practice (contd.) 3 7 Where the personalsafety aspects of an accident are incidentalto an accident or occurrence which is the subject of a Formal Inquiry(whichTrade Union representativesare invited to attend), arrangements for a site inspectionby the Safety Representatives will not be made, it being understoodthat all aspects relevant to staff safety will be includedwithin the wider investigationinto the accident. 8 Any failureto reachagreed arrangementsonthe implementationofthisCode of Practiceat local level will be referred for resolutionto the Profit Centre Joint Safety Committee in acccmlanca with ProcedureAgreement No.2 (Health & Safety at Work). 9 All arrangementsagreed underthis Code of Practice must be publishedas an appendix to the appropriate Local Policy Statement. Types of Accident and Dangerous Representatives Occurrence requiring notification to Safety Details of the followingshall be notifiedto the appropriateSafety Representatives:- 1 Deaths. 2 Any accident where a person is incapacitatedfor work for more than 3 consecutive days, excludingthe day of the accident 3 Major Injury (See Appendix D) 4 Any collisionwhere one of the trains is a passengertrain 6 Any passengertrain or any part of a passengertrain accidentally leaving the rails 6 Any collisionon a runningline where any vehicle sustainsdamage as a resultof the collision, and any collisionin a sidingwhich resultsin a runningline being obstructed 7 Any case of a train strikinga buffer stop, (other than in a siding), where damage is caused to the train. 8 Any train strikinga road vehicle or a gate at a level crossing . .. . _ . Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed GH/ZPOOOl Personal accident, Assault and Occupational ill health reporting Issue: 1 Revision: A Date: JUN 93 Page 51 of 51 PART C 2 CODE OF PRACTICE COVERING THE NOTIFICATION TO SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES OF ACCIDENTS TO EMPLOYEES, DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES AND THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSPECTION (contd.) 3 Types of Accident and Dangerous Representatives (contd.) 9 10 11 Occurrence requiring notification to Safety Any unintended collapse or partial collapse of:a) any buildingor structureunder construction,reconstruction,alteration or demolition, or of any false-work, involving a fall of more than 5 tonnes of material b) any floor orwall of any buildingbeing usedas a place of work, not being a buildingunder construction,reconstruction,alteration or demolition The collapse of, the overturningof, or the failure of any load bearing paft of:a) any lift, hoist,crane,derrickormobilepoweredaccessplatformbutnotany winch,tallage, pulley block, gin wheel, transporteror runway b) any excavator c) any pile driving frame or rig having an overall height, when operating, of more than 7 metres Explosion,collapseor burstingof any closedvessel, includinga boileror boilertube, where the internal pressurewas above or below atmosphericpressure, and which :a) b) mighthave been liableto cause death or any of the injuriesor conditionscovered by sub section 3 above, or resulted in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hours 12 Electricalshortcircuitor overload attended by fire or explosionwhich resulted in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hoursand which, taking into accountthe circumstances of the occurrence, might have been liable to cause death or any of the injuriesor conditions covered by sub section 3 above 13 Any ignitionor explosionof explosives,where the ignitionor explosionwas not intentional 14 The unintentionalignitionof anythingin a pipe-line, or of anythingwhich immediately before it was ignitedwas in a pipe-line 15 Any incidentwhere breathingapparatus, while being used to enable the wearer to breathe independentlyof the surroundingenvironment,malfunctionsin such away as to be likelyeither to deprive the wearer of oxygen or, inthe case of use in a contaminated atmosphere,to expose the wearertothe contaminant,to the extent ineithercase of posinga dangerto hishealth,except that this paragraph shall not apply to such apparatuswhile it is being maintained or tested 16 Any incident in which plant or equipment either comes into contact with an un-insulated overhead electric line inwhichthe voltage exceeds 200 volts, or causes an electricaldischarge from such an electric line by coming intoclose proximityto it, unlessin either case the incident was intentional
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