Optimise your therapeutic programmes with the latest advances

Running Parallel with
2 events, 1 Price
5th Annual
Optimise your therapeutic programmes with the latest advances
and cutting edge developments across peptide research, discovery,
development, clinical, manufacturing and delivery stages
18 - 19 November 2014
Maritim proArte Hotel, Berlin, Germany
Academic Price
50% Discount for
Start-Ups & Small
Lars Fogh Iversen,
Executive Vice President,
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
Horst Kessler,
Emeritus of Excellence,
Institute for Advanced Study at the
Technische Universität München, Germany
Angelika Fretzen,
Vice President of Pharmaceutical
Chemistry & Development,
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, USA
Matthias Urmann,
Associate Vice President, Research
& Translational Medicine, Insulin &
Peptides, R&D, Diabetes Division,
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH,
Lutz Jermutus,
Senior Director, R&D & Product Development Team
Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Diseases iMED,
MedImmune Ltd, UK
Dinesh Patel,
President & CEO,
Protagonist Therapeutics, USA
David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
The University of Queensland, Australia
Michael Shapiro,
Director, Analytical Research Technologies,
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, USA
Advance Your Peptide Therapeutics
Towards Commercial Success
Dear Colleague,
Companies are investing huge amounts of resources into developing peptide-based therapeutics, and the
global market is expected to reach $25.5 billion by 2018. With significant advances in this area of biologics,
EuroPEPTIDES has been specifically designed to explore the latest advances in peptide science, and the most
successful and effective techniques for peptide development.
Working closely with our event Advisory Board, we have developed a combination of 2 tracks, 30+ industry
speakers, 3 exciting workshops and 10+ hours of exclusive networking activities, to bring together leading
decision - makers across peptide research to hear the latest updates from pre-clinical and clinical programmes and
drive improvements in R&D, formulation, half-life extension, manufacturing and analytical strategy.
In addition, for this year we’ve introduced a brand new focused conference stream on early stage research and
discovery, to help you maximise learning opportunities and explore cutting edge peptide therapeutic research.
I look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Good conference that addresses
current needs and challenges
Amy Fry
Conference Producer
Biopharm Conference Series
Informa Life Sciences
FOR 2014
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
STREAM 1: Research
and Discovery
• 15+ focused talks
• Gain insight on cutting edge peptide research
• Uncover the current developments in macrocyclic
and constrained peptides
• Identify promising novel targets and indications
• Advance your peptide design programme
STREAM 2: Development
and Manufacturing
nhance your understanding of new formulation
ptimise your manufacturing and analytical
ssess the advantages of microwave assisted solid
phase peptide synthesis
xplore alternative methods to improve the half-life
Case studies from industry experts including
Novo Nordisk,
Ipsen, Bicycle Therapeutics, Ironwood
Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer,
Protagonist Therapeutics, MedImmune, Bachem,
Polypeptide, Nexigen, Roche, University of Queensland
+ many more…
Agenda Day One
Click on the presentation
for more information
Tuesday 18th November 2014
08:00 Registration and Morning Coffee
08:50 Opening Remarks from Chairperson
09:00 KEYNOTE: GLP-1 Peptide Engineering
Dr Lars Fogh Iversen,
Executive Vice President,
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
09:40 KEYNOTE: Oral Bioavailability of Peptides
Professor Horst Kessler, Emeritus of Excellence, Institute
for Advanced Study at the Technische Universität
München, Germany
Panel Discussion: Emerging Trends in Peptide Development
11:00 Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
11:30Development of Bicyclic Peptides to Target Protein-
Protein Interactions
r Dan Teufel,
Head of Chemistry,
Bicycle Therapeutics, UK
STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
11:30 BYRO5 Peptides – Analytical Tools
Dr Michael Shapiro,
Director, Analytical Research Technologies,
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, USA
12:05 Spotlight Presentation
12:05 Disulfide-Rich Peptide Cyclisation
Professor David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
University of Queensland, Australia
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company operating in the field of peptides. Please contact James.Miguel@informa.com for more details +44 (0)207 017 5011
12:40 Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
12:40 Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
14:00Panel Discussion: Comparing the Advantages Between
14:00Alternative Peptide Delivery Technologies: A Focus on
r Waleed Danho,
Former, Distinguished Research Leader,
Roche, USA
r Andy Lewis, Director, Novel Delivery Technologies D
CMC & Engineering-Peptides – Technical Operations,
Ipsen, France
rofessor Horst Kessler, Emeritus of Excellence,
Institute for Advanced Study at the Technische
Universität München, Germany
r Joël Richard, Senior Vice President,
Peptides - CMC & Engineering – Technical Operations,
Ipsen, France
rofessor David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
University of Queensland, Germany
14:35Oil-Based Formulations for Oral Delivery of Peptides
Dr Roger New,
Co-Founder & Director,
Proxima Concepts Ltd, UK
the Oral Route
Linear and Cyclic Peptides for Intracellular Delivery
14:35Oxytocin: New Interests in a Rather Old Molecule
Dr Konrad Bleicher, Medicinal Chemistry, Peptide
Area Head, pRED, Roche Innovation Centre Basel, F.
Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland
15:10The Journey From De-Novo Discovery to Pre-clinical
Development of IL-6 Peptide Antagonists as Novel Antiinflammatory Agents
r Dinesh Patel,
President & CEO,
Protagonist Therapeutics, USA
15:45Afternoon Tea with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
16:15Lessons from an Intranasal, Neuroprotective Peptide,
NAPVSIPQ. Why Did It Fail?
r Bruce Morimoto,
Executive Director, Applied Translational Medicine, Celerion,
15:10 Spotlight Presentation
15:45 Afternoon Tea with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
16:15Degradation Kinetics & Aggregation Tools:
A Combinatorial Approach to Discern Real-time
Formulation Stability of a Pharmaceutical Peptide
that can aid Infrequent Dosing of Peptides
r Lutz Jermutus, Senior Director, R&D & Product
Development Team Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic
Diseases iMED, MedImmune Ltd, UK
r Matthias Urmann, Associate Vice President, Research
& Translational Medicine, Insulin & Peptides, R&D, Diabetes
Division, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Germany
r Oliver Demmer,
Scientist, Medicinal Chemistry,
Zealand Pharma, Denmark
Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
r Angelika Fretzen, Vice President of Pharmaceutical
Chemistry & Development, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,
17:25End of Conference Day One followed by Networking
Drinks Reception
r Adrian Podmore,
Formulation Scientist,
MedImmune, UK
16:50Panel Discussion: Exploring the Advances in Technology
16:50Highlights from the Development of Linaclotide for the
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company operating in the field of peptides. Please contact James.Miguel@informa.com for more details +44 (0)207 017 5011
17:25 End of Conference Day One followed by Networking
Drinks Reception
Agenda Day Two
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Registration and Morning Coffee
Opening Remarks from Chairperson
STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
09:00A Lanthipeptide Agonist of the Angiotensin II Type 2
Receptor for Treatment of Fibrosis.
r Gert Moll,
CSO, Lanthio Pharma,
rofessor Dieter Willbold, Director, Institut für Physikalische
Biologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf and
Director, Institute of Complex Systems, ICS-6: Structural
Biochemistry, Research Centre Jülich, Germany
10.10Engineered Affibody Molecules: Emerging Peptide Drug
Candidates for Targeted Therapy
r Joachim Feldwisch,
Director Preclinical Development,
Affibody, Sweden
11.15Antibiofilm Peptides Against the Fungal Pathogen Candida
Albicans: Mode of Action and Structure-Activity Relationship
r Karin Thevissen,
Industrial Research Manager,
KU Leuven, Belgium
11.50Harnessing mRNA-display for the Discovery of
Macrocyclic Peptide Drugs
Kristopher Josephson,
Director of Molecular Biology,
RA Pharmaceuticals Inc, USA
Expression and Bioconjugation
r Lutz Jermutus, Senior Director, R&D & Product
Development Team Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic
Diseases iMED, MedImmune Ltd, UK
09.35 Chemical Synthesis of Peptide Macrocycles
Dr Thomas Meier,
Vice-President Production,
Bachem AG, Switzerland
10:10 Assessing the Applications of Microwave Assisted Solid
Phase Peptide Synthesis
r Andreas Rybka,
Head of Peptide Chemistry,
Nexigen GmbH, Germany
10.45 Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
11:15Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis: Microwave Heating and
09:00Therapeutic Peptides Through Synthesis, Recombinant
10.45 Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Directed Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease
STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
09:35Stable D-Enantiomeric Peptides for the Aβ Oligomer
Click on the presentation
for more information
New Reagents
r Knud Jensen,
Professor of Nanobioscience, Department of Chemistry,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
11:50 Current and Future Challenges of Peptide Manufacturing
Dr Jon Rasmussen,
Director, Global Development,
PolyPeptide, Denmark
12:25Panel Discussion: Synthetic versus Recombinant
Techniques for Peptide Synthesis?
12.25 Spotlight Presentation
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company operating in
the field of peptides. Please contact James.Miguel@informa.com
for more details +44 (0)207 017 5011
13:00 Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
13:00 Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
14.10Reviewing Effective Techniques for Designing Multi-
14:10 Investigating Molecular Technologies that can Extend Specific Acting Peptides Towards Infrequent Dosing
r Oliver Demmer,
Scientist, Medicinal Chemistry,
Zealand Pharma, Denmark
Bacterial Biofilms
Charles Deber, Senior Scientist, Division
of Molecular Structure & Function, Research Institute,
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto; and Professor,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto
15:50Discovery and Structure-Based Optimisation of Peptidic and
15:50PASylation: A Uniform Biosynthetic Polymer with PEG-
Like Biophysical Properties for the Development of
Peptides and Proteins with Enhanced Action
16.25Exploiting The Biophysical Properties Of Centyrins For
Targeted Delivery
Non-Peptidic Inhibitors Targeting the Adenoviral Protease
r Eva Altmann,
Senior Investigator, Novartis Institute for
Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Vadim Dudkin,
Associate Director,
Centyrex, Janssen R&D, USA
17:00Closing Remarks from Chairperson
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company operating in the field of peptides. Please contact James.Miguel@informa.com for more details +44 (0)207 017 5011
15:20Afternoon Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
15:20Afternoon Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
r Cyrille Gineste,
Chief Scientific Officer,
Riogin Corp, USA
14.45 Spotlight Presentation
14:45 Development of Novel Peptide Antibiotics Against Peptide Half-Life
r Lars Friedrich,
XL-Protein GmbH, Germany
16:25XTEN – A Biodegradable Alternative to PEG for Half-Life
Extension and Drug Delivery
Volker Schellenberger,
President and CEO,
Amunix Operating Inc., USA
17:00Closing Remarks from Chairperson
17:10End of Conference
17:10End of Conference
Pre-Conference Workshop & Seminar
Monday 17th November & Tuesday 18th November 2014
Registration will be at 13:30 for a 14:00 start. The workshop will finish no later than 20:00.
Workshop documents, refreshments and an evening meal will be provided.
FOR 2014
Reasons to attend:
Delegates will be given the opportunity to enhance their understanding and explore essential considerations in developability
and the R&D process for macrocyclic and constrained peptides, including design, validation and lead optimisation aspects.
Key themes will include:
• Reviewing the successful strategies of cyclising peptides
and design considerations
• Validation methods to ensure specificity and potency for
desired target
• Assessing the mode of action and triggering of cell
• Utilisation of technology to identify cyclic peptide candidates
• Understanding the relationship between stability and
• Ensuring the production of stable molecules to enable nondegradation / resistance in cells
Session Leaders:
Professor David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for
Molecular Bioscience,
University of Queensland,
Dr Roger New,
Co-Founder & Director,
Proxima Concepts Ltd, UK
Dr Ron Jackson,
Principal Scientist, Antibody
Discovery and Protein
Engineering, MedImmune, UK
Registration will be at 18:30 for a 18:45 start. The seminar will finish no later than 20:30.
Seminar documents will be provided and an evening networking dinner will be included after the session.
FOR 2014
Reasons to attend:
This evening seminar will give attendees the chance to discover the latest progress in this field of peptide research and enhance
their understanding of the key considerations in design, target validation, and optimisation as well as potential application areas
such as preclinical diagnostic imaging and biomarkers.
Key themes will include:
• Outlining methods for conjugation of peptides to
radioactive tags
• Reviewing new techniques that enable site specific
modifications of peptides
• Assessing which markers are used and how
• Overview of the screening techniques used for detection
Session Leaders:
Dr Carsten Grötzinger,
Group Leader, Hepatology &
Gastroenterology Department,
Charite Universitatsmedizin
Berlin, Germany
Dr Sebastian Dziadek,
Development Leader R&D, PHC
Assay Development, Roche
Diagnostics GmbH, Germany
Post Conference Focus Day
Thursday 20th November 2014
Registration is at 08:30 for a 09:00 start. The session will finish no later than 15:00.
Conference documents, lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Reasons to attend:
This Focus Day will explore the key considerations in peptide development, and important factors to take into account when
selecting a business partner. The essential technical and business aspects of process and analytical development will be
discussed to ensure commercial and regulatory success.
New for this year, the workshop will include case studies from leading industry professionals, who will share their expertise with
the delegates offering the chance for benchmarking best practices and sharing lessons learned. With plenty of opportunity
for interactive and informative discussion, delegates will learn successful strategies for optimising the manufacture of peptide
Key themes will include:
• Process development:
- Process development and manufacturing management
- Analytical considerations
• Process scaling up:
- Strategy and resource optimisation
- Process validation and regulatory requirements
• CDMO Management:
- Contract Manufacturing Management
- Managing IP and tech transfer challenges
• Later stage manufacturing and commercial life cycle
Session Leaders:
Dr Vincent Bille, Founder &
Managing Director, Marble
Pharma Consult SPRL, Belgium
Dr Bruce Morimoto, Executive
Director, Applied Translational
Medicine, Celerion, USA
With Thanks to the EuroPEPTIDES 2014
Advisory Board:
Waleed Danho, Former, Distinguished Research
Leader, Roche, USA
Jesper Lau, Vice President, Diabetes Protein & Peptide
Chemistry, Novo Nordisk, Denmark
Volker Schellenberger, President and CEO, Amunix
Operating Inc, USA
Neil Thompson, Associate Director, Business
Development, Europe, PolyPeptide Laboratories A/S,
Matthias Urmann, Associate Vice President, Research
& Translational Medicine, Insulin & Peptides, R&D,
Diabetes Division, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH,
Bruce Morimoto, Executive Director, Applied
Translational Medicine, Celerion, USA
Lutz Jermutus, Senior Director, R&D & Product
Development Team Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic
Diseases iMED, MedImmune Ltd, UK
Boris Corpataux, Director of Sales, Bachem,
Present a Poster
You must be booked on as a delegate to be able to present
a poster. To apply, please send your abstract of 200 words
or less, written in English, listing the principle author and all
contact details to Amy.Fry@informa.com
• Posters submitted by academic institutions and industry
will not be charged a fee
• Posters submitted by service providers/vendors are
welcome and will be subject to evaluation by the scientific
advisory board. Upon approval a fee of £399 + 19% VAT
will apply
Poster application deadline: Monday 27 October 2014
Sponsorship & Exhibition
Great place to get information / networking opportunities.
7 reasons to sponsor
1. Create sales opportunities
2. Make new contacts
3. Strengthen existing relationships
4. Increase your company profile
5. Develop insight into the market
6. Position your portfolio against competitors
7. Meet an international audience
Merck Millipore
A place to be when you are interested to get the latest
updates in the hot-topics about peptide therapeutics
as well as peptide research. A lot of networking
opportunities in a dynamic and friendly atmosphere.
2013 Highlights
Event growth
Managers or above
Limited Availability: contact James.Miguel@informa.com for more information
Who attends
• Drug Developers
• Researchers
• Pharmaceutical Developers
• Those in operations
• QA & QC
• Regulators
2014 floorplan
Who should come?
• Chemical Developers
• Toxicologists
• Analysers
• Peptide/DNA Synthesis
• Professionals in Genomics
• Biotech firms
arge, Medium & Small
pharmaceutical firms
• Suppliers
• Diagnostics manufacturers
• Consultants
• Academics
• Regulators
Who is already coming
Media Partners
Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities
With only 1 stand left time is running out to exhibit at one of Europe’s leading meetings for Peptides and Oligo’s.
To enquire about the final stand please contact James.Miguel@informa.com Tel:+44 (0) 207 017 5011
Agenda Day One: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Back to original programme
Registration and Morning Coffee
08:50 Opening Remarks from Chairperson
09:00 KEYNOTE: GLP-1 Peptide Engineering
Peptides serve as excellent templates for drugs as they possess a unique role in human physiology and pato-physiology. However, endogenously
secreted peptides have many limitations when translated into pharmaceuticals. Poor half-life, bioavailability, pharmaco-dynamics, chemical and
biophysical stability are common parameters that need to be significantly improved in order to transform a peptide into a convenient drug. Technologies for pharmaceutical peptide engineering and delivery will be reviewed and Novo Nordisk based GLP-1 case stories will be presented.
Dr Lars Fogh Iversen,
Executive Vice President,
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
09:40 KEYNOTE: Oral Bioavailability of Peptides
Peptides are considered as inferior drugs for their metabolic instability and low bioavailability. Cyclisation, incorporation of D-amino acids and
N-methylation reduce or prevent degradation in gut and serum. In matched cases, N-methylation also conferred oral bioavailability. Structural
requirements for a successful N-methylation approach that substantiate the pharmacological properties of the peptides will be presented.
Professor Horst Kessler,
Emeritus of Excellence,
Institute for Advanced Study at the Technische Universität München, Germany
10:20 Panel Discussion: Emerging Trends in Peptide Development
• Exploring the current advances in peptide research: Where is the Industry moving?
• What does the future hold for peptide science?
Panellists consist of speakers from the conference including:
r Lars Fogh Iversen,
Executive Vice President,
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
11:00 Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
Development of Bicyclic Peptides to Target Protein-Protein Interactions
The Bicycle technology is based on repertoires of short peptides displayed on the surface of bacteriophages which can be modified with
homo-trifunctional organochemical scaffolds, thus creating large diverse libraries of constrained, bicyclic peptides. These repertoires have been
extensively used for iterative selections to identify high affinity binding peptides to a wide array of targets, including receptors, interleukins and
proteases. Bicyclic Peptides show antibody-like properties with sub-nanomolar affinities and exquisite selectivities, yet are presented in a 100-fold
smaller, chemically synthesised format. The small size enables rapid and efficient extravasation and penetration of tumours. The synthetic nature
of Bicyclic Peptides allows for the deliberate modulation and enhancement of metabolic and pharmacokinetic properties, as well as site-specific
conjugation to other effector molecules. Results will be presented that exemplify the potential of the technology, the path of chemical development
of Bicyclic Peptides, and the application to deliver Bicycle-linked cytotoxic payloads to tumour cells.
Dr Dan Teufel,
Head of Chemistry,
Bicycle Therapeutics, UK
Disulfide-Rich Peptide Cyclisation.
Disulfide-rich peptides such as cyclotides are ultrastable templates that have now been demonstrated to be amenable to incorporate and stabilise
around a dozen examples of therapeutically useful peptide sequences. This presentation will describe approaches to mass produce such
therapeutic leads using solid phase peptide synthesis, enzyme-mediated cyclisation or plant based production.
Professor David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
University of Queensland, Australia
Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Back to original programme
Agenda Day One: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Back to original programme
STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
Panel Discussion: Comparing the Advantages Between Linear and Cyclic Peptides for Intracellular Delivery
• Enabling ease of cellular uptake: How to ensure permeability of cell in drug design
• Outlining the considerations for cyclising structures: How to ensure cycle structure?
• Is there any evidence for improved intracellular availability?
• CMC considerations and challenges need to be considered:
- Which structure is easier and more straightforward for development?
- Are the physiological characteristics much improved?.
Panellists consist of speakers from the conference including:
r Waleed Danho,
Former, Distinguished Research Leader,
Roche, USA
rofessor Horst Kessler,
Emeritus of Excellence,
Institute for Advanced Study at the Technische Universität München, Germany
rofessor David Craik,
Group Leader, Institute for Molecular Bioscience,
University of Queensland, Germany
Oxytocin: New Interests in a Rather Old Molecule
Oxytocin is an endogenous hormone which is currently in clinical use for peripheral indications - mainly labour induction and lactation. Rather
recent studies indicate that the central pharmacology of Oxytocin leads to improved social behaviour, making Oxytocin a highly interesting target
for potential CNS indications. This lecture will cover our efforts to generate high quality lead peptides and discuss their potential use for autism
and related disorders
Dr Konrad Bleicher,
Medicinal Chemistry, Peptide Area Head, pRED,
Roche Innovation Centre Basel, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland
15:10The Journey From De-novo Discovery to Pre-clinical Development of IL-6 Peptide Antagonists as Novel Anti-inflammatory
To find out more information about this presentation, please visit the conference website at www.informa-ls.com/peptides
r Dinesh Patel,
President & CEO,
Protagonist Therapeutics, USA
Afternoon Tea with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Lessons from an Intranasal, Neuroprotective Peptide, NAPVSIPQ. Why Did It Fail?
Davunetide (also known as NAPVSIPQ) is an eight amino acid peptide that stabilises microtubules and in preclinical studies, reverses cognitive
dysfunction and improves pathological outcomes. Intranasal was selected as the clinical route of administration and positive Phase 2a data
was obtained in two studies, mild cognitive impairment (prodromal Alzheimer disease) and cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia.
A large, 12 month pivotal clinical trial in progressive supranuclear palsy failed to demonstrate any benefit when compared to placebo, and the
program was subsequently terminated. A retrospective analysis will be presented on areas of risk and how that risk could have been managed
and mitigated with a focus on route of administration, pharmacokinetics and clinical development plans.
Dr Bruce Morimoto,
Executive Director, Applied Translational Medicine,
Celerion, USA
Highlights From the Development of Linaclotide for the Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Linaclotide is FDA-approved for adults with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. The orally delivered
peptide is the first and only guanylate cyclase-C agonist approved by FDA. Based on nonclinical studies, LINZESS is thought to reduce activity of
pain-sensing nerves in the intestine and accelerate gastrointestinal transit.
Dr Angelika Fretzen,
Vice President of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Development,
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, USA
End of Conference Day One followed by Networking Drinks Reception
Back to original programme
Agenda Day One: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Back to original programme
STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
BYRO5 Peptides – Analytical tools
In 1997, Lipinski and coworkers described a set of rules for drug-likeness called the rule of 5 (Ro5). The rules define specific limits for molecular
weight (MW), counts of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors and the calculated partition coefficient between water and octanol (ClogP) that
were important for the pharmacokinetics of drugs in the body. What makes Ro5 violators have good passive permeability is extremely important
since an increasing number of pharmaceutically relevant targets bind preferentially compounds that fall Beyond Ro5 space.
This talk will be centred on the use of NMR spectroscopy and a novel SFC chromatography method termed EPSA to investigate the strategies to
make BYRO5 molecules bioavailable. The interplay of N-methylation strategy and structure will also be presented.
Dr Michael Shapiro,
Director, Analytical Research Technologies,
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, USA
Spotlight Presentation
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company who operates in the field of peptides.
Please contact James Miguel for more information. Email: James.Miguel@informa.com, Phone: +44 (0) 207 017 5011
Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Alternative Peptide Delivery Technologies: A Focus on the Oral Route
Due to their physicochemical characteristics, peptides are usually administered through the parenteral route, often several times daily. Injectable
sustained-release peptide formulations based on biodegradable microparticles or implants have been very successful to enhance patient
adherence and convenience, and increase safety and efficacy. They are likely to remain a significant and important part of the new peptide
products coming to the market. However, the tremendous developments in alternative non-invasive routes of delivery are likely to result in more
and more peptides being delivered by the transdermal, nasal, inhalation and oral routes. The main purpose of this talk will be to analyse and
compare the various oral peptide delivery technologies available on the market, focusing on the ones progressing into the clinics.
Dr Andy Lewis,
Director, Novel Delivery Technologies - CMC & Engineering-Peptides – Technical Operations,
Ipsen, France
r Joël Richard,
Senior Vice President, Peptides - CMC & Engineering – Technical Operations,
Ipsen, France
Oil-based Formulations for Oral Delivery of Peptides
The intestine is designed par excellence for processing of ingested oils, in order to allow them to be taken up into the rest of the body. It is
reasonable, therefore, to try to devise delivery vehicles which take advantage of the uptake of oils in the gut, and to use them to deliver peptides
via the same route. This talk describes a formulation technology which allows peptides to incorporate in hydrophobic oil phases, and shows
some of the successes achieved in eliciting biological responses.
Dr Roger New,
Co-Founder & Director,
Proxima Concepts Ltd, UK
Back to original programme
Agenda Day One: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Back to original programme
STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
Spotlight Presentation
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company who operate in the field of peptides. Please contact James Miguel for more information.
Email: James.Miguel@informa.com, Phone: +44 (0) 207 017 5011
Afternoon Tea with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
16:15Degradation Kinetics & Aggregation Tools: A Combinatorial Approach to Discern Real-Time Formulation Stability of a
Pharmaceutical Peptide
Aggregation Tools to determine physical stability of Peptides in combination with monitoring of chemical degradation reactions.
An approach will be outlined that allows identification of increase in rates of conformation-sensitive chemical reactions upon entering rapid-phase
of aggregation.
Dr Adrian Podmore,
Formulation Scientist,
MedImmune, UK
Panel Discussion: Exploring the Advances in Technology that can Aid Infrequent Dosing of Peptides
• What innovations are available to allow infrequent dosing and minimise pain for the patient
• Designing peptide drugs with sufficient efficacy in humans to allow infrequent dosing
• Outlining the benefits of daily/weekly/monthly dosing and the role that devices can play in this
• Delivery systems vs pain release
Panellists consist of speakers from the conference including:
r Lutz Jermutus,
Senior Director, R&D & Product Development Team Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Diseases iMED,
MedImmune Ltd, UK
r Matthias Urmann,
Associate Vice President, Research & Translational Medicine, Insulin & Peptides, R&D, Diabetes Division,
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Germany
r Oliver Demmer,
Scientist, Medicinal Chemistry,
Zealand Pharma, Denmark
End of Conference Day One followed by Networking Drinks Reception
Back to original programme
Agenda Day Two: Wednesday 19th November 2014
Back to original programme
08:30 Registration and Morning Coffee
08:55 Opening Remarks from Chairperson
STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
A Lanthipeptide Agonist of the Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor for Treatment of Fibrosis
Lanthipeptides are lanthionine-containing peptides. A lanthionine is composed of two alanines connected by a thioether bridge. The lanthipeptide
LP2 shows significant antifibrotic activity in animal models of lung and kidney fibrosis and –directly or indirectly- counteracts cardiac right
ventricular hypertrophy. LP2 will enter the clinic early 2015.
Dr Gert Moll,
CSO, Lanthio Pharma,
Stable D-Enantiomeric Peptides for the Aβ Oligomer Directed Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease
Small soluble Aβ oligomers are suspected to be the major toxic species responsible for disease development and progression of Alzheimer’s
disease (AD). We developed a very potent D-enantiomeric peptide compound that specifically eliminates Aβ oligomers, reduces plaque load and
inflammation and improves cognitive performance of AD transgenic mice.
Professor Dieter Willbold,
Director, Institut für Physikalische Biologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf
and Director, Institute of Complex Systems, ICS-6: Structural Biochemistry, Research Centre Jülich, Germany
Engineered Affibody Molecules: Emerging Peptide Drug Candidates for Targeted Therapy
Affibody molecules are based on a small protein scaffold. Target-specific candidate drugs with high affinity and specificity are developed and
optimised for the intended clinical indication. Fusion of Affibody molecules to (a) the albumin binding domain (ABD) is used to extend the half-life
or (b) antibodies to create bi-specific functionalised antibodies (AffiMab’s) with better efficacy. Recent data from our anti-inflammation program
will be presented.
Dr Joachim Feldwisch,
Director Preclinical Development,
Affibody, Sweden
Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Antibiofilm Peptides Against the Fungal Pathogen Candida Albicans: Mode of Action and Structure-Activity Relationship
The plant-derived decapeptide OSIP108 inhibits biofilm formation of the fungal pathogen C. albicans by interfering with cell wall-related
processes. Introduction of positively charged amino acids R, H and K resulted in up to 5-fold increased antibiofilm activity, possibly resulting from
their increased interaction with the negatively-charged cell wall. The antibiofilm activity of OSIP108 could be 8-fold increased by combining the
most promising amino acid substitutions, i.e. Q6R and G7K.
Dr Karin Thevissen,
Industrial Research Manager,
KU Leuven, Belgium
Harnessing mRNA-display for the Discovery of Macrocyclic Peptide Drugs
Ra’s Extreme Diversity™ peptide discovery platform uses mRNA-display to rapidly synthesise and screen enormous libraries of peptidic
macrocycles containing modified backbones and unnatural side-chains. The “hits” from these libraries have excellent affinity and metabolic
stability and may be used for the discovery of intracellular protein-protein interaction inhibitors or synthetic replacements for monoclonal
Dr Kristopher Josephson,
Director of Molecular Biology,
RA Pharmaceuticals Inc, USA
Spotlight Presentation
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company who operate in the field of peptides.
Please contact James Miguel for more information. Email: james.miguel@informa.com, Phone: +44 (0) 207 017 5011
Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
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Agenda Day Two: Wednesday 19th November 2014
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STREAM 1: Research & Discovery
Reviewing Effective Techniques for Designing Multi-Specific Acting Peptides Towards Infrequent Dosing
For chronic diseases like diabetes, patients still need better and more convenient treatments. Based on the concept of multi-functional peptides,
we present hybrid and chimeric peptides that are fine-tuned either towards treatment of diabetes alone or additionally have weight-loss properties.
Furthermore, we will show design strategies for infrequent dosing of peptides and to aid their formulation.
Dr Oliver Demmer,
Scientist, Medicinal Chemistry,
Zealand Pharma, Denmark
Development of Novel Peptide Antibiotics Against Bacterial Biofilms
Our lab has designed a new category of cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAPs) that are active against a variety of bacteria and are non-hemolytic
in human erythrocytes. Combinations of these CAPs with conventional antibiotics such as tobramycin kill P. aeruginosa biofilms (from cystic
fibrosis clinical isolates) with greater efficiency than either drug alone.
Professor Charles Deber,
Senior Scientist, Division of Molecular Structure & Function, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto;
and Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto
Afternoon Tea and Coffee with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Discovery and Structure-Based Optimisation of Peptidic and Non-Peptidic Inhibitors Targeting the Adenoviral Protease
The adenoviral protease adenain is essential for several critical steps during the adenovirus replication cycle and as such represents a promising
target for the treatment adenoviral infections. Screening of a peptide array that mimicked the consensus substrate cleavage site in combination
with a focused screen were used to identify starting points for medicinal chemistry. High resolution x-ray co-crystal structures of the initial hits
enabled a structure-guided optimisation strategy which resulted in the development of highly potent, drug-like inhibitors of adenain.
Dr Eva Altmann,
Senior Investigator,
Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Exploiting The Biophysical Properties Of Centyrins For Targeted Delivery
The biophysical properties of Centyrins make them ideal for conjugation technologies across an array of applications that combine small molecule
and large molecules. Centyrex is exploiting this platform via novel therapeutic applications that may address outstanding challenges in antibody
drug conjugate technology. The latest results in the design of Centyrin-drug conjugates will be discussed, including their application in targeted
nanoparticle technology.
Dr Vadim Dudkin,
Associate Director,
Centyrex, Janssen R&D, USA
Closing Remarks from Chairperson
17:10 End of Conference
STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
Therapeutic Peptides through Synthesis, Recombinant Expression and Bioconjugation
To find out more information about this presentation, please visit the conference website at www.informa-ls.com/peptides
Dr Lutz Jermutus,
Senior Director, R&D & Product Development Team Leader, Cardiovascular & Metabolic Diseases iMED,
MedImmune Ltd, UK
Chemical Synthesis of Peptide Macrocycles
Cyclised peptides with constrained conformation have significant diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Case studies comprising manufacturing
of peptides with ring sizes from 5 to 17 amino acids and different cyclisation strategies will be presented. We will showcase structure elucidation
of an unexpected impurity detected during production of a bicyclic peptide containing a head-to-tail lactam and a di-sulfide bond and address
subsequent manufacturing process optimisation.
Dr Thomas Meier,
Vice-President Production,
Bachem AG, Switzerland
Back to original programme
Agenda Day Two: Wednesday 19th November 2014
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STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
Assessing the Applications of Microwave Assisted Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis
The growing number of peptides entering the market is a result of impressive advances in peptide research in the last decade. From our
perspective the implementation of microwave assisted synthesis was one of the most remarkable breakthroughs - not caused by a microwave
effect, but by simply enabling us to synthesise even challenging cell-penetrating peptides for targeting tumor stemness using standard protocols
without time consuming optimisation.
Dr Andreas Rybka,
Head of Peptide Chemistry,
Nexigen GmbH, Germany
Morning Coffee and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis: Microwave Heating and New Reagents
Solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) has been very successful both in academia and industry. However, SPPS still faces many limitations.
Here we describe the development of new reagents and methods to reliably use microwave heating in SPPS.
Dr Knud Jensen,
Professor of Nanobioscience, Department of Chemistry,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Current and Future Challenges of Peptide Manufacturing
To find out more information about this presentation, please visit the conference website at www.informa-ls.com/peptides
Dr Jon Rasmussen,
Director, Global Development,
PolyPeptide, Denmark
Panel Discussion: Synthetic versus Recombinant Techniques for Peptide Synthesis?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages for each technique?
•Assessing the differences in product types
•What considerations are required for effective process development?
•Ease of scale up
•Cost implications for each strategy
Panellists consist of speakers from the conference including:
r Thomas Meier,
Vice-President Production,
Bachem AG, Switzerland
r Jon Rasmussen,
Director, Global Development,
PolyPeptide, Denmark
Lunch and Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
Investigating Molecular Technologies that can Extend Peptide Half-Life
To find out more information about this presentation, please visit the conference website at www.informa-ls.com/peptides
Dr Cyrille Gineste,
Chief Scientific Officer,
Riogin Corp, USA
Spotlight Presentation
This presentation will be hosted by a leading company who operate in the field of peptides.
Please contact James Miguel for more information. Email: www.informa-ls.com/peptides, Phone: +44 (0) 207 017 5011
Back to original programme
Agenda Day Two: Wednesday 19th November 2014
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STREAM 2: Development and Manufacturing
Afternoon Tea and Coffee with Exhibition/Poster Viewing Time
15:50PASylation: A Uniform Biosynthetic Polymer with PEG-Like Biophysical Properties for the Development of Peptides and
Proteins with Enhanced Action
Short circulation is a major draw-back of most biopharmaceuticals, in particular peptides. PEGylation is now widely applied, but has
disadvantages with regard to polydispersity and accumulation in tissues. PASylation allows the facile conjugation with a voluminous hydrophilic
and biodegradable Pro/Ala-rich sequence of natural L-amino acids as an efficient alternative technology to retard kidney filtration and design
better drugs with extended half-life.
Dr Lars Friedrich,
XL-Protein GmbH, Germany
XTEN – A Biodegradable Alternative to PEG for Half-Life Extension and Drug Delivery
Amunix’s half-life extension technology is based on XTEN, an unstructured protein-based polymer with PEG-like properties. Highly-pure XTEN
polymer can be produced in high-yield microbial fermentation enabling the chemical XTENylation of peptides and other active moieties. XTEN is
monodisperse, allowing for efficient process development and conjugation monitoring by mass spectrometry. The inclusion of thiol and/or amino
groups in pre-defined locations enables the generation multispecific as well as multivalent XTENylated products with precise control of payload
number and spacing. A variety of XTENylated pharmaceuticals is currently in clinical as well as preclinical development.
Dr Volker Schellenberger,
President and CEO,
Amunix Operating Inc., USA
Closing Remarks from Chairperson
17:10 End of Conference
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