BOARD OF OVERSEERS OF THE BAR Established bv the Maine Supreme Judicial Court 97 WinthroP Street'P O Box 527 Auzusta. M804332-052'l Phone 201 -623-1121' F ax 207 -623'411 5 Email:' Web: wwwmebaroverseers'org Grievance Information and Instructions - Please Read Carefully The office of the Board of Overseers of the Bar investigates allegations of ethical misconduct against attorneys. If you believe that an attomey has acted in an unethical manner or otherwise acted improperly, please fill out, as completely as possible, the grievance form below and retum it to the Board's office. Be sure to include copies of any documents, agreements, or other papers that are relevant and material to your complaint. The office of Bar Counsel "onespondence, will rwiew your grievance complaint to determine whether the conduct you describe, if proven true, would violate any ethical rules. pleise be aware that a copy of this complaint, and any attachments, will be provided to the attorney against whom it is filed. The Board does not provide copies of the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct or the Maine Bar Rules. You may download those rUles on the Board's website at: http://wu' Attorney Grievance Complaint Form Part A: Complainant Information Your Middle Name: Initial ? r) 'i3c>r .t l\3 Your DHo^, ,,Nw*t, Addrcss: CI cen 'tt?S -Citv ' rJ Slate dt;tf kt ZiP infeT ' Y V ,t'tr"i 're Lern Email Address Last 4 Digits Date of Birth Gender.:E Male D ofSSN () () Alternative contact: Phone Part B: () Other telephone number(s) and times you can be reached: Name Female () () Respondent Information Attorney Name: S".tt Sfrtef Afiorney Address; ''El'fitiit +t, M.o.ilingAddress citv .. tt t:i ba{ tLt,ne state zip Phone ( ) Email Address Note: Gieyance complaints moy not be brought in the name oJ a ltwfirm. You must specifically name the ottorney about whom you are complaining. A separate grievance Jbrm must be completed for each such attorney- GCF-Paselof3 Part C: Please answer the following questions: 1. ln regards to this complaint, you I Client* fl Opposing Party are the: 3 Opposing Attorney O Judicial OfficerrK'Other *please understand that if the complaiflont attorney is (or was) your personal attorney, the Maine Rules of Professional Cortduct provide that who will then be authorized fiting this complaint, you will hereby expressly wah,e yow" attorney-client pivilege cancerning that attorney, and allowed to reveal to the Board of Overseers ofthe Bar any infotmation deemed relevantfrom that 2. Have you or a m€mber of your family submitted a complaint about this attomey before? Ifyes, please state when and the outcome afyour complaint. tr Yes ffNo 3. Have you filed a complaint or legal action about this matter anywhere else? O Yes Ifyes, please state'rrhere, the docket number and the status or outcome. 4. Have you read the Board's pamphlet titled The Grievance Process: Rules and Steps to Follow in the Grievance Process? 5. Does your complaint also involve a fee dispute with your attorney? Ifyes, yau should complete a Petitionfor Arbiaation oJ'Fee Dispute. The petition may befound on lhe Board's website at ht tp : //wwu,. rn ,F*o Yes tr No D Yes FNo ehar ov ers e ers. arg. Please check one of the following: 6. tr tr The respondent attorney was hired to represent me. The respondent attomey was appointed to represent me. lhe respondent attomey was hired to represent someone else. tr F-other. 7. 8. Your Please erplain. laint concems what kind of legal matter, , reql estate, criminal, etc.? rE krfioy1 If your grievance involves a lawsuit, please answer the following, if known: a. Name of court and title of suit. b. Docket munber and date suit was filed. is your connection to if? c. If you are not a partY to this sui Please provide copies ofrelevant court g. Do you believe that the respondent attomey has an impairment such as depression, abuse or age related issues? substance fl Yes I No Ifyes, please provide specifics regarding vour personal observations of the attorney's behavior. 10. Are you currently represented by the attomey you are complaining about? o yes,-d$o 11. Have you obtained a new attoruey for the same legal matter? D Yesr,kS{o lZ. Ifyes, please provide the name, address and phone number oJ'that attorney as well as whether that new attarney knows oJ'your inteil b rtle this complaint. prior to filing this complaint you have [J have noy'f^ your concerns with the attomey' GCF-Page2of3 /- Part D: Information about your grievance complaint: state in detail and in chronological order the circumstances involved. Include dates or approximate dates necessary' Attach additional sheets ofpaper if you do not have enough room to fully exiiain your grievance. Please do not send original documents. if PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Prior to submitting your complaint, fk", Please do not send ofiginal documents; the Board cannot be rc$oisible I affirm and certify that all of my statements and claims in this acknowledge that a copy of this complaint, and any nut", /el / 4gA /l MM DD for theit sofe hecping end return to yorL are frue a provided . I understand and affomey against whom it is filed. YYYY GCF-Page3of3 5/20t3 Hor.IEsrAs Brian Danielson Integrity4Maine P.O. Box 2113 Bangor, Maine 04402 207-385-1235 November 21st,2014 Scott Davis Board of Overseer$ of the Bar 97 WinthroP Street P. O. Box 527 Augusta, Maine 04332-0527 Mr. Davis, which wa$ reIt would appear that during my initiat investigation, a key piece of evidence was overlook€d, cenily brought to my atteniion. I am therefoie requesting to amend my initial grievance complaint against Carletta Baisano anC Witliam Entwisle, to now include Mary N. Kelleft for the following reasons: 1. ln the case State v. Brown in which Judge Mitchell sanctioned William Entwisle $300.00 for failure to tum over discovery pursuanl to Rule 16(b), Mary N. Kellett was the prosecutor on record for this provide the case. Defense counsetrequested by letter, on August 21",2014, that Mary N. Kellett additional discovery. On July 16m, 2013, Mary N. Kellett received a sanction from the Maine Supreme Court in which Justice Ellen Gorman had stated : Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED as follows: l. 2- 3. 3. 4. MARy N. KELLETT, ESQ. is hereby suspended from the practice of law in thc State of Maine for a period of THIRTY DAYS; The actual THIRTY DAY period of suspension is hereby suspended for a period of not less than SIX MONTHS, nor more than ONE YEAR on condition that ADA Kellett completes SIX HOURS of continuing legal education (CLE). At least one hour ofthis education must concern prosecutorial ethical or-prolessional responsibility issue, and the remaining hours must concern opening statementi, closing arguments, and discovery. All of the hours shall be pre-approved by Bar Counsel12(aXl), These hours shall be in addition to the annual CLE credit hours required by Maine Bar Rule and alone; Kellett ADA by must be bome hours Any cost associated with these additional CLE credit the additional has completed Kellett ADA that Bar by Counsel Court to t}re Upon certification shall required CLE, ths period ofsuspension, and underlying suspension from the practice oflaw, terminate without further order of the Court. Mary N. Kellett was indeed still in her 6 month probationary period ordered by the Maine Supreme Cor.irt wnen she failed to comply with court ordered discovery in the State v. Brown case' flagrant violation It is on record that Carletta Basiano defended Mary Kelleft's failure to comply with burof discovery requests for crucial evidence in the case by stating it_was "overfy broad and unduly lspeculative Kellett and for excuses rejec{ed Bassano's Court and boundless." The densome,, and felt compelled to sanctioned the DA office and dismiss allcharges. 5. lt is reasonable to conclude that Carletta Bassano, then instructed William Entwisle to take over the case to protect Mary N. Kellett from violating the conditions of her court ordered suspension. 6. As a prosecutor, William Entwisle has a duty to not only notify Bar Counsel of ethical and professional violations, but to rectify the violations before putting in an appearance on behalf of the State under his qwn ethical and professional obligations. 7. District Attorney Carletta Bassano has a duty and obligation to train, reprimand, demote, suspend, or fire prosecutors under her supervision who engage in repeated discovery and court order violations, yet she has not done so in light of flagrant and repeated misconduct by prosecutor Mary Kellett. 8. DA Bassano has ignored such misconduct despite Board of Overseers and Court rulings, Keffett's own admissions, and later Judge Mitchell $300 fine for ADA Kellett's continued discovery violations. 9. Contrary to DA Bassanos recollection to AGG Fisher that only 3 bar complaints were filed against her office since 1985, a Google search shows that at least 5 different Bar complaints have been filed against the prosecutors in that office just during DA Bassano's very short 4 year administration. (See Vladek Filler, Marc Stevens, SAVE, NCFM, lntegrity4Maine). 10. DA Carletta Bassano has not accepted responsibility for her subordinate's violation of rules, has not held her subordinates responsible for their admitted misconduct, and has not conected problems after at least 5 public bar complaints filed against her office during the past 4 years alone (where serious discovery violations are a common theme). 11. When prosecutors repeatedly violate discovery rules and court orders and are allowed to do so by their supervisor, it constitutes an unfair tactic that can and does result in unfair convictions (see State vs. Filler, Board vs. Kellett). lnstead, it is as if DA Carletta Bassano's office maintained a culture where she and her subordinates could live in an alternate universe devoid of all responsibility or accountability for their actions. 12. DA Bassano ignored numerous Court findings against Kellett in the Filler case, ignored Kellett's testimony that she would do nothing different in the future, and ignored the Decision by the Board of Overseers Panel A which explicitly cited Kellett's supervisor for allowing her misconduct. 13. Maine Supreme Court Judge Ellen Gorman stated at the July 15, 2013 hearing, in the presence of DA Bassano, that the sanctions against Kellett were so serious that "Should [Kellett] decide or be asked to leave the prosecutor's office, it would hamper, if not completely preclude, her ability to ftnd practice outside of a prosecutor's office."' 14, Even the suggestion by a Law Court Judge that Kellett may not be viewed suitable for employment outside DA Bassano's office did not move Bassano to reconsider her office's failures. Instead, Bassano told newspapers she had full confidence in Kellett's judgment and was only happy to put the serious sanctions behind them and move on. 15. These same type of discovery violations repeated themselves again and again following the sanctions in Board vs. Kellett and State v5. Brown. 16. ln Connick v. Thompson the US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg stated that such prosecutorial misconduct'was a foreseeable consequence of lax training." The DA has a duty and obligation to take proper actions in order to protect the public and the administration of justice. 17. There is clearly a serious problem with prosecutor Mary Kellett's flagrant and repeated disregard for discovery obligations and for DA Carletta Bassano's supervisory oversight obligations that needs be addressed by this Board (see Board v. Wanen, 2011). Jay Fields, A7n5/20I3, "Hancock County Prosecutor Admits Wrongdoing, Gets 30-Day Suspension". t. MPBN Radio, Integrity4Maine P.O. Box 2113 Bangor, Maine 04402 Ilttp :// 7 :J!,:.'.: the exacl cutture of indifference to pro and washington countie.s h"";;u;;;"r;1;::"'t"rial miscondu"t the taw and iake swift action t"p,ot""iir,"ff,?SXX?"#:,f: nrosecutors are ailowed to continue ff9nare to sufts costly court actions *;;;#;;;€lgage , majorty of voters in Hancock ll1t lh: r_+,*:;j,m1fl",::i"""'i,n" rignt s;d;or in such misconduct and emproy unfair tactics the re- jriii{,ilfl,i{,irffiil:'.ili:ltty,fi :s,liii:":,.:].1U=:qi*pigi**:,:""ll;'ff Un Hiff :?ii:nJrr)11lT#s"ff]#ff illTid*"'Hdffi [ru$**ry-1,t$#J."i;$il trc and administration orJusttce. ry":"itlf' to Attorney Marvin Glazier's response witt fofrow and be received by your office by November Brian Danielson lntegrity4Maine P.Q. Box 2113 Bangor, Maine 04402 207-385_1235 Integrity4Maine p.O. Box 2113 Bangor, Maine A4fi2 If ff p ://www.i ntegri ty4m ain e. com ffiffipy 'd*/f,,'+;*. s; .ffiad;,*',.,f', . ff{F.E;{X; ,x*,i:{il*,-di"* .t#19.;'d*sst eq#dA'swdMbtr*{lff "'s.* Attgu*t ,.t'x.x' t{t€f?d 41*$jltd'&:{e ll':fl1:1 ilane+ck Cowrty Disrrict An*ntcy'r ()tfice Mary Keliett. ADA ?0 Sffird Strccl Ellsw*rlh, Maiils i]4605 RE; State v. Faniel Srnr*n'- fiL[J]f-CR"i3-6:{, pursuant tn Rulc l01h; Request for Discover.r' -_---' f Dear lvlary: Plcasc acccpt this lefter ris rrrr, fonnal rt-quest, ptrrsuunt lo !{.R'(lnm-P Ruh.- l6itH2) for mster,ials rel*ted to {hs ab*ve-mferen**d in&t{gr. l6{tr}{i!" pamgraph-* A arn rrquestirrg al] of th* itsfils list*d rn hd.R.crinr"F. Rtle ;h*-;ilil;;.t=ir ueai,i*n ro thosc itu'nrs. I also rr:que'rt.qn!'nriitt'rials, rsports' tr docunrenrs **p*n repons. etc.. rloilg rvirtr rny filirrgis. lerrees. nolfs ar other g'ith ot' sent to filed and F*isson rlli!{ieh&el lr***i*d b" And** t lu*n i,"r Lixa Fnii.qnn, or sthi]rwise !ge]]cy, ii$ru*l by h{s. Nuan' [[Hil; i,;i[ir',*"s rt#g n, uny oi'cr go'emmnnr srorvu &Ir. conr-.0r'nirr.4 or11i;*r,oL11ade ,_e*e*g ,vrr. e**, c*;il *94 w preplcd hy ?*{s' hiunn 'm**eming Mr' Brtut" *r eopies *f a*y *cu$ pre#edi1q po*iess'itrn or s*ntrnl Ftrtaidn& to Hr" Bro*'n" *oi *ffru, A*uffisrli$ i* li*. ffii"n's ;;;;h;il, questisn$ Pleace let flIs keorl tt y'ru hnve g,ait ls hear ftom Yeitl' tr it'ynrr ner:d additiqnal irr$ornration' I *'ill /,\{h Tsrry Hnrding, S*niel Brswn ekrk{far&e foun's file} dJ i;il;'\$,* dtr\ ir.ri:.rrit::nE":'iii,,r l: rl ",- u
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