November 22-23, 2014 The W eekly B anner Volume 18, Issue 47 Food Collection Thank You Thank you for your overwhelming response to the annual food collection for United Ministries. The middle school Confirmation class delivered nearly 130 bags of food and personal care items, helped stock the shelves, and pack the Thanksgiving baskets for the United Ministries clients. Thank you also to the Hopeful preschool parents who joined us in this annual tradition to reach out and help our neighbors in need. Welcome to this place of praise and prayers as we gather as part of the family of our heavenly Father. We invite you to join us now and to return again often to celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord of our lives. If you are visiting with us today, please be sure to introduce yourself to Pastor Fields and sign our guest book as you leave. On Sundays, our Nursery is available for children ages five (5) and under. The nursery is located downstairs; please ask an usher for directions. On Sundays we offer a blended traditional service at 9:30 am and a modern worship service at 11:00 am. There is a Saturday evening casual worship service at 5:00 During the school year, we offer Sunday School for all ages from 9:30 - 10:30. Page 2 Today’sService:Blessing,Testing,Response One Flower Arrangement is given by Sharon Tanner in memory of Matthew and Ron who are missed. The Eternal Flame is given by Billy & Lucille Adams to the glory of God. A WAY TO THE MANGER Live nativity event on 12/21 from 6-8pm. We are bringing the Good News outside to our community and sharing the real miracle of Christmas with our neighbors around us. Join us as we hear God’s Story, as we see the humble family in the stable among the animals, as we smell the hay, sing the carols and feel the love of Christ’s presence all around us. Hot Congregational Meeting November 23rd Annual Thanksgiving Feast - This year’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be on 11/23 immediately following the congregational meeting. This year’s meal will focus on the wonderful blessing we all share at Hopeful. So, we will take a brief moment before the dinner line opens to recognize and thank all those who make Hopeful such a special place throughout the year. Be sure to come into the large sanctuary to participate in that. Then enjoy the delicious feast we all help prepare. This year Hopeful will provide the meats, mashed potatoes, and beverages. We need you to bring all the delicious sides and desserts. So, this is how it will work: Last names A-K will bring stuffing, sides or vegetable dishes. L-Z will bring desserts. We always enjoy your “family specials” and we are certainly happy if you want to bring more than one dish. We will not provide stuffing this year. So, we are counting on see lots of stuffing coming through the door plus all the other delicious dishes and desserts. chocolate and cookies will be served and a free will donation will be collected for United Ministries. Bring your friends, and neighbors so they can also find their “Way To The Manger” this Christmas Season. If you want to get involved with this special event, be sure to stop by the big board on the easel in Rehearsals Saturdays 10am11am for the Christmas Music Service on December 14th . Serving Sunday (9:30) Usher/ Com. Assts: Barb Zumbiel Scott Stuckwisch Lector: Natalie Williams the fellowship hall. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME!! Serving Sunday (11:00) We need actors (non-speaking), greeters, narra- Head Usher: Jeff Pasquale tors, singers, a hot chocolate and cookie crew, a Usher: Angie Bailie stresses and sponsors. (Yes, the animals are not Usher/ Com. Assts: Margaret Pasquale Shelley Walters cheap.) More details on the sign-up board! Com. Assts. Liesl Kummer Barb Fields bonfire crew, luminaria team, possibly some seam- THINGS WE NEED: empty clean white milk jugs (start saving now), cookies, mini-marshmallows and hay bales. Lay Reader: Margie Page Lay Leader: Dyke Page Acolyte: Henry Hetzler Live Nativity Organizational meetings will be of- Children’s Church: Valerie Watson Susan Studer fered twice: 12/7 following worship, and 12/10 Counters: Liesl Kummer, Dan Fagan, Steve & Loeta Potter Greeter 9:30am Barb Fields Greeter 11am Jennifer Kegley @ 7pm. Both meetings will occur in old sanctuary . You only need to attend one of these meetings. If you want to participate but can’t attend either meeting, please see Barb Fields. Missional Moments - Invite someone who is far from their family or lonely this season to eat at your Thanksgiving table. Open up your home to new relationships and welcome those missional moments into your celebrations this Thanksgiving. The Ladies’ Bible Study Group invites all the ladies of Hopeful to join them for dinner at the Greyhound Grill in Ft Mitchell on December 1st at 7pm. Those interested in sharing a ride can meet at the church by 6:15. RSVP to Cindy Frederick at 859-384-2218 so she can give an accurate count to the restaurant. Page 3 Thanksgiving Wreath – – The Blessings Wreath is back and hanging in the glass hallway. Feel free to take a moment to share your blessings on the wreath and watch the blessings add up during this Thanksgiving Season. Despite all the chaos and sadness in the world today, God continues to bless us in big and small ways every day. Sharing your blessings might actually be a blessing to someone else. So, stop by and enjoy the experience of sharing your blessings! ADVENT MINI GIFT SHOP opens this weekend. We have all kinds of advent calendars, family activity kits and a few devotional books available for purchase. We are offering these at low, low prices to help our families bring Advent home this year. Feel free to stop by this morning or next weekend to check us out. We also have a free handout for anyone looking for ideas on how to celebrate Advent. Our gift shop will be located near the new guest center in the hallway! Be sure to stop by and pick out our advent supplies just in time for Advent which begins next Sunday, 11/30. Who will be our December Hopeful Hero? You can nominate a Hopeful Hero by filling out a nomination form which can be found at the Welcome Center in the hallway. Just drop it in the box there. HOPEFUL HERO Our November Hopeful Hero is Cindy Frederick. Cindy has given much of her adult life serving to the youth of our community having taught for many years. Cindy serves in our music ministry and sings at both Sunday services. She helps with the Altar Guild, and always ready to jump in and lend a hand when the need arises. Cindy created the Women’s Bible Study and has led and shaped that vital ministry for many years. Cindy also helps at VBS, and other service ministries. Cindy has a servant’s heart and has been a mother to so many youth in this community, please take a moment this month to thank Cindy for her many years of service. Please note that the black sign-in books have been replaced by guest cards placed in the white baskets in the seats. These cards are for guests and newer members who would like more information about the church. Saturday (11/22) 5 pm—Modern Worship Service pm Sunday (11/23) Christ the King Sunday 9:30 am - Traditional Service 10:40 am - Song Team Rehearsal 11 am - Contemporary Service Congregational Meeting & Thanksgiving Dinner Children of Christ & Kids of the Kingdom— dom—Tree & OCC boxes Monday (11/24) 5:30pm—Music & Worship Team Meeting 5:30pm Tuesday (11/25) 7pm— 7pm—BSF Wednesday (11/26) No Catechism Class Thursday (11/27) Thanksgiving Day Church Office Closed Friday (11/28) Church Office Closed Next 5 pm—Modern Worship Service pm Saturday (11/29) Next Sunday (11/30) First Sunday of Advent Advent Gift Shop No Sunday School/Children’s Church 9:30 am - Traditional Service 10:40 am - Song Team Rehearsal 11 am - Contemporary Service Our Mission is to: Last Week’s Offering: WELCOME people to faith in Jesus Christ; EQUIP people with a faith that works in real life; SEND people in service into the world in Jesus’ name. Rev. J. Blair Fields Pastor Officers—2014 Stephanie Wichmann Council Members 2014 President Suzanne Strawn Liesl Kummer Youth & Family Ministries Director Scott Studer Property Manager Fiscal Team Vice-President Youth & Family Team Sherry Walters Andy Burns Matt Ryan Music Director Secretary Ministry Team Ministry Team Judi Kretzmann Preschool Director Daniele Axtell Church Administrator Rev. John Hallock James Kegley Help United Ministries give a turkey or a whole holiday meal to hundreds of families this holiday season. Just $15 will purchase a turkey, and only $25 will provide a whole holiday meal for a family. We provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to hundreds of families every year. Our Christmas dinner baskets also include new gifts for the children in the family. We are accepting donations and/or new gifts at this time. Thank you for sharing the blessings of the season. Last Weekend’s A*endance: Saturday: 5 pm—44 Sunday: Worship & Music Team 9:30 am - 26 11 am - 155 Doug Williams Article Deadline Wednesdays @ noon Financial Secretary Fiscal Team Deployed Pastor Federal Prison Chaplain, Somerset Weekly budget goal: $5,800 Offerings through October: $275,844.29 Actual Expenses through October: $314,702.93 Scott Stuckwisch Treasurer New Members Team Fiscal Team Stephanie Ryan Current—$7,557.96 Benevolence—$233.75 Simple Gi&s—$167 Verse of the Month Share with God’s people who are in need. Romans 12:13 Please remember to take all your belongings with you when you leave the sanctuary including your bulletin and any trash. Total: 225 Hopeful Lutheran Church 6430 Hopeful Church Road Florence, KY 41042 Office: 859-525-6171 Emergency Phone: 859-803-7777 (Pastor) Office Fax: 859-525-6175 Hopeful Preschool: 859-647-1105 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9a-3p Friday 9a-1p We’re on the web: Twitter: HopefulLutheran Thank you for helping us keep our church looking its best! We remember in prayer friends and members of our congregation who are either ill or have other special needs: Jeff Billiter, Chris Copeland, Ben Hawkins, Mel, Wes England, the family of Brandon Boutwell, the family of Rich Haugh, Bob Wentzel, David Page, Don Stephenson, Judy Insko, Patrick Walters, Sunshine Ashcraft, Michael Kegyes, Dr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Marvel, Judy Quinn, Chris Bading, Dawn King, Marsh Family, Robinson Family, Mike Howard, Kimmie Williams, Lisa Galbraith, Norma Moore, Mark, .Jennifer Taylor, Stephany Houston, Steve Schweir, Jennette Nilson, Sherry Kloeker, Matt Fogle, Hilmer Huber, Bobbi Watton, John Kummer, the Hunt family, Abigail Myers & family, Phyllis Tanner, Danielle Ryan, Hagan Hussey & Family, Casey Kinsey, Melissa Barry, Judith Fetting, Vicki Osborn, Lindy and Peggy Sebree, Mary Dixon, Kenny Lloyd, Nancy Dringenburg, Wayne Meyers, Larry & Julie Duncan, Bill and Vickie Richter, Gordon Blickle, Ann Lotz, Harold & Rosetta Dringenburg. shut--ins ins: Please continue to remember our shut Chuck McKenney, Sarah Haynes., Joan Heltman, Perry Renaker. Please remember those serving our country: AT2 Taylor Fields-Navy, CAPT Evan Davies –Navy, Ryan and Michael Trackwell-Air Force; Staff Sgt Donithan, II-Scott Air Force Base USAF; Lt. Cole Hyvonen-Army; SSG Kinzie Maxfield KP MP & Andy (Germany); Brad Bell-USMC (Ft. Story, Little Creek, VA), Dustin Dixon— Army (Ft. Campbell, Ky.) Cadet Kerri Schmidt, USAF Academy, and Cadet Kiersten Schmidt, USAF Academy, Army Specialist Justin Perdue and Stephanie Perdue stationed in South Korea, Zachary Haag—Marines, Sgt. Clinton Johnson—National Guard, Sgt. Cody Cross—Army (Afghanistan)
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