From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. 1994 84: 650-656 Erythrocyte membrane proteins reactive with IgG (warm-reacting) antired blood cell autoantibodies: II. Antibodies coprecipitating band 3 and glycophorin A JP Leddy, SL Wilkinson, GE Kissel, ST Passador, JL Falany and SI Rosenfeld Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. Erythrocyte Membrane Proteins Reactive With IgG (Warm-Reacting) Anti-Red Blood Cell Autoantibodies: 11. Antibodies Coprecipitating Band 3 and Glycophorin A By John P. Leddy, Susan L. Wilkinson, Gregg E. Kissel, Sherry T. Passador, Josie and Stephen 1. Rosenfeld L. Falany, In our initial immunochemical study of the red blood cell (RBCI membrane proteins targeted in 20 cases of warmantibody autoimmune hemolyticanemia (AHA), RBC eluates (IP) of both of 6 patientsmediatedimmunoprecipitation band 3 and glycophorin A (GPA). This dual IP pattern had previously been observed with murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against the highfrequency blood group antigen, Wrb (Wright), suggesting that the W 8 epitope may depend on a band 3-GPA interaction. Earlier, anti-We hadbeen identified serologically as aprominent non-Rh specificity of AHA autoantibodies. In the present study, 6 autoantibody eluates immunoprecipitating band 3 and GPA from common Wr(b+) RBCs were retested, in parallel with murine anti-WP MoAbs, against very rare Wr(a+b-) En(a+) RBCs. One patient's autoantibodies were unreactive with the Wr(b-) RBCs by either IP or indirect antiglobulin test(IAT) and were judgedt o have "pure" anti-Wr" specificity. Two other patients' autoantibodies displayed both IP and serologic evidence for anti-Wrb as a major component in combination with one or more additional specificities. However, among 3 other patients whose autoantibodies coprecipitated band 3 and GPA, there was no reduction in IP or IAT reactivity with Wr(b-) RBCs in 2 and only slight reduction in the third. We conclude (1) that human anti-Wrb autoantibodies, like their murine monoclonal counterparts, coprecipitate band 3 and GPA from human RBCs; but (2) that not all antibodies with this IP behavior have anti-Wrb serologic specificity, as defined by this donor's Wr(b-) RBCs. The possibility of an additional (nonWrb) RBC epitope dependent on a band 3-GPA interaction is raised. 0 1994 b y The American Society of Hematology. I availability of very rare human RBCs deficient in the Wrh antigen, ie, the Wr(a+b-) En(a+) phenotype."." In a recent study from this laboratory using highly concentrated RBC eluates from 20 AHA patients in radioimmunoprecipitation assays," candidate RBC membrane autoantigens were identified in three major patterns: (1) a polypeptide of apparent molecular weight (Mr) of 34 kD associated with a polydisperse 37- to 55-kD glycoprotein, both of which appeared to be members of the Rh protein family; (2) the band 3 anion transporter alone; and (3), of particular interest to the present study, band 3 in association with glycophorin A (GPA; MN sialoglycoprotein). Coisolation of band 3 and GPA from radiolabeled human RBCs had previously been observed with several mouse monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to Wrb or a Wrb-like antigen.23From this and other evidence it was proposed that the Wrh epitope is dependent on an interaction of band 3 and GPA in the RBC membrane.'' Itwas logical, therefore, to test for anti-Wrb specificity among the AHA autoantibodies in our series producing dual immunoprecipitation of band 3 and GPA. We now report the results of both immunoprecipitation and serologic assays withthe group 0 Wr(a+b-) En(a+) RBCs of the wellstudied donor, M.Fr., used in Issitt's classical study.'" N KEEPING WITH heightened investigative interest in the potential role of antigen drive in the genesis of many types of human autoantibodies,"' systematic efforts have been initiated in many laboratories to characterize relevant protein autoantigens and their specific autoreactive epitopes in a growing number of human autoimmune diseases."" Although great strides have beenmade in the elucidation of the biochemical nature ofmany important blood group direct immunochemical studies of the red blood cell (RBC) membrane proteins reactive with IgG warm-reacting autoantibodies from patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA) are less advanced.'4"6 Earlier serologic studies had provided impressive evidence that proteins of the Rh complex and a variety of other RBC membrane proteins carrying non-Rh bloodgroup antigens serve as target autoantigens inIn the latter group, Issitt et alzohad identified the high frequency blood group antigen, Wl$ (Wright), as an important autoantigen. Anti-Wrb autoantibodies were detected as a single specificity or, more commonly, in the company of RBC autoantibodies possessing other specificities." Demonstration of this specificity depended on the From theDepartment of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY; and the Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Submitted September 30, 1993; accepted March 21, 1994. Supported by US Public Health Service Research Grants No. 5ROl-AG-08178and 3-Pol-AI-29522, and by the David Welk Immunology Research Fund. Address reprint requests to John P. Leddy, MD, Box 695 (Clinical Immunology), University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester. N Y 14642. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Sociery of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8402-0023$3.00/0 650 MATERIALS AND METHODS Erythrocytes. Citrated bloodwas obtained in Cincinnati from the group 0 Wr(a+b-) En(a+) donor for express shipment to Rochester and, concurrently, from a normal group 0 Wrb(+) donor in Rochester. Positivity of these Wr(b-) RBCs for theEn" antigen reside, indicates the presence of GPA, on which En" is known to and distinguishes these cells from those of the Wr(a-b-) En(a-) phenotype that are GPA-deficient.'2.2ZThe RBCs of both donors were washed in 0.15 molL saline and the buffy coats were carefully removed. A portion of the washed RBCs of both donors was stored (not more than 1 week) in Alsever's solution at 4°C andusedas fresh cells in indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) titrations and immunoprecipitation (IP) assays. The remaining RBCs of each donor were frozen for later use in IP and IAT assays. In preparation for freezing, 0.5-mL aliquots of packed, washed RBCs were mixed with 0.5 mL Blood, Vol 84, No 2 (July 15), 1994: pp 650-656 From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. BAND 3-GPA COPREClPlTATlONBY AUTOANTIBODIES 40% sucrose and 0.5 mL 22% bovine serum albumin (BSA); these RBC suspensions were then frozen as microdrops and stored in liquid N2. Frozen RBCs were reconstituted in prewarmed (45°C) 0.15 mol/L saline and washed three times in room-temperature (RT) saline. Recovery was excellent for both cell types. Critical results with fresh or frozen RBCs were in good agreement. A d - R R C antibodies. The human autoantibodies investigated were highly concentrated RBC eluates prepared in Rochester as described previously."."An additional autoantibody source was a known anti-Wf serum from anAHA patient studied originally in Cincinnati (serum 2b); this serum served as a positive control in serologic assays but was not sufficiently potent for IP analysis. Concentrated control eluates were also prepared from comparable volumes of normal, Coombs-negative RBCs, as described.'" Two murine MoAbs 4-21 and 10-22, that selectively immunoprecipitate band 3 and GPA from human RBCs, were generously supplied by Dr Pablo Rubinstein (New YorkBlood Center, NewYork. NY) as unprocessed culture supernatants. These MoAbs had been developed and extensively characterized serologically by Dr Margaret Nichols (then at the New York Blood Center, currently at Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL), and were further characterized by Telen andChasis.'? The latter report provided evidence that, whereas MoAb 10-22 behaved as a "pure" anti-Wrh antibody, as judged by comparative analysis with human anti-Wf alloantibodies, MoAb 421 appeared to recognize a "Wf-like" epitope. The latter epitope was band-3-dependent butnot totally lacking in GPA-deficient RBCs ofthe Wr(a-b-) En(a-) phenotype." In our own IP and IAT assays with 10-22 and 4-21, in which only frozen Wr(a+b-) RBCs were used because these MoAbs were not available at the time we received the fresh bloodof donor M.Fr., no differences were evident between 10-22 and 4-21. Murine MoAb to human GPA (IOF7MN)" was a culture supernatant of a hybridoma obtained from American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD). Rabbit antiserum to human band 3 (15148) was generously donated by Dr Marguerite M.B. Kay (University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ). /Pof RRC membrane proteins. These ,methods closely followed procedures previously described in detail.'" In all studies, Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs were handled identically and concurrently; regardless of whichever concentration of antibody source was chosen for testing (see below), an identical input of that antibody was tested against each RBC phenotype. Briefly, S0 pL ( I .25 X 1 OK)of surfaceradioiodinated RBCs of each type was incubated on a rotator with 40 to 250 pL (depending on antibody potency) ofAHA eluate, mouse MoAb, or rabbit antiserum, at37°C for 90 minutes, after which the RBCs were washedand then lysed by resuspension in hypotonic phosphate buffer containing I mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and 10 mmol/L EDTA.'6 RBC ghosts were pelleted, washed, and solubilized in peroxide-free 2% Triton X-100 (Boehringer-Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) in cold isotonic buffer containing PMSF and EDTA. After further centrifugation (35,OOOg for 30 minutes at 4"C), the immune complex-containing supernatants were exposed to prewashed, packedprotein G-Sepharose beads (Zymed, South San Francisco, CA) or goat antihuman IgG-Sepharose beads (Zymed) overnight on a rotator at 4°C. (For precipitates mediated by murine MoAb, only protein G beads were used.) The beads were washedsix times,'" suspended inan equal volume of sample buffer'6 containing 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 20 mmol/L dithiothreitol (DIT), and placed at 100°C for 2 minutes. After microcentrifugation, 20 ,uL of each supernatant, together with radiolabeled molecular mass markers, was resolved in S% to 15% or 8% to 16% gradient polyacrylamide slab gels in 0.1 % SDS'" using a discontinuous buffer system."' Completed gels were dried and analyzed by autoradiography as described.'" Serologic procedrtres. Comparative reactivity of AHA eluates 651 A B C A D B C D 20092.56946- 3021.5 B A Fig1. Autoradiographs of SDS-PAGE separation of '%labeled RBC membrane proteins from group 0 Wr(b+) or Wrlb-) human RBCs. (A) Immunoprecipitation by mouse MoAb 4-21 (lanes A and B); whole RBC lysates (no antibody added) (lanes C and D) (l-day exposure). (B) Immunoprecipitation by AHA eluate GF (lanes A and B) and by AHA eluate CM (lanes C and D). or mouse MoAbs with electronically counted, matched 2.5% saline suspensions of Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs was assayed by IAT.Z4 EachRBC suspension (0.1 mL volumes) was initially incubated (37°C for I hour) with 0. I mL of serial twofold dilutions (in saline) of each primary anti-RBC antibody. After three washes of the sensitized RBCs, antiglobulin reactions were completed by the addition of 0.1 mL (undiluted) rabbit antihuman lgG Coombs antiserum (Ortho Diagnostics, Raritan, NJ) or, for murine MoAbs, 0.1 mL 1 / 1 0 0 goat antimouse IgG (Kirkegaard and Perry, Gaithersburg, MD). After brief centrifugation, agglutination was read macroscopically. Neither secondary antiserum agglutinated unsensitized humanRBCs. All IAT reactions were performed with unmodified RBCs. Partial absorption ofAHA eluate CMwith Wr(b-) RBCswas performed by adding 200 pL eluate to an equal volume of packed, washed RBCs followed by incubation (37°C for I hour) with frequent mixing. After pelleting the absorbing RBCs, the supernatant was absorbed with a second 200 p L packed Wr(b-) RBCs. Because of the limited quantity of cells from M.Fr.. absorption of a second eluate, ST, was performed three times with 1/10 vol packed Wr(b-) RBCs by an otherwise similar protocol. Such absorbed eluates were then tested by both IP and IAT titration as described above. RESULTS As shown in Fig 1A (lane A), mouse MoAb 4-21 (or MoAb 10-22, data not shown) immunoprecipitated from Wr(b+) RBCs two membrane proteins consistent with band 3 (- 100 kD) and GPA monomer (-4 I kD). However, from concurrently tested Wr(b-) RBCs, MoAb 4-21 isolates showed only a faint band 3 image (Fig I A , lane B) that may be nonspecific (see Leddy et all"). Lanes C and D in Fig I A , which are autoradiographic patterns of whole RBC lysates from the same experiment, demonstrate that the two From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. LEDDYETAL 652 Table 1. Serologic Reactions With Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) Human RBCs Indirect Antiglobulin Titer (reciprocal)* Antibody Source Group 0 Wr (b+) Mouse MoAb (4-21) Mouse MoAb (10-22) AHA serum 2b AHA eluate GF AHA eluate SS AHA eluate CM AHA eluate CM absorbed with Wr(b-) RBCs AHA eluate ST AHA eluate ST absorbed with Wrlb-) RBCs AHA eluate EH AHA eluate CV 320 640 40 1,280 2,560 6,400 Group 0 Wr (b-) 0 640 6,400 640 2,560 80 2,560 0 0 0 80 640-1,280 (trace) 80 80 640 80 * Each antibody source, in serial twofold dilutions, was incubated (37°C for 1 hour) with 2.5% suspensions of RBCs of each phenotype. After washing of the test RBCs, rabbit antihuman IgG (or goat antimouse IgG for the mouse MoAbs) was added and, after brief centrifugation, agglutination was readmacroscopically (see Materials and Methods for details). cell types had been comparably radiolabeled and exhibited the same major bands: aggregated band 3 at greater than 200 kD (see Steck”), band 3 monomer at 100 kD, GPA dimer just below band 3 monomer, and GPA monomer at -41 kD. Eachof the human AHA autoantibody eluates included for study was selected for sharing this property of coprecipitation of band 3 and GPA from common Wr(b+) RBCs. As demonstrated in a second gel in the same experiment (Fig IB), AHA eluate GF isolated no discernable bands from Wr(b-) RBCs (lane A) but immunoprecipitated from Wr(b+) RBCs an intense -100-kD band consistent with band 3 and a strong -41-kD band consistent withGPA monomer (lane B). Higher molecular weight (HMW) aggregates (>200 kD)were also evident. Wehad previously shown by specific immunoblotting that these 100-kD and 41-kD bands were, indeed, band 3 and GPA, respectively.“ Extension of autoradiographic exposure of Fig I B to 3 weeks still showed no IP in lane A,and this lack of reactivity of eluate GF with Wr(b-) RBCs was confirmed in other experiments. Thus, the autoantibodies of patient GF yielded IP results with Wr(b-) and Wr(b+) RBCsthat are very similar to those obtained with two mouse anti-Wf MoAbs (except for the additional presence of HMW aggregates). Table 1 presents IAT titers of the autoantibody eluates plus the two anti-Wrh MoAbs and serum 2b, an AHA serum with previously defined anti-Wf specificity, each assayed concurrently against Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs. AHA patient GF, whose eluate mediated no discernible protein isolationfrom Wr(b-) RBCs (Fig IB). resembled the mouse monoclonals and reference serum 2b in having no detectable serologic reactivity with Wr(b-) RBCs. The combined IP and IAT data on GF suggest that this patient’s autoantibodies possessed “pure” anti-Wrh specificity. In IP against Wr(b-) RBCs, AHA eluates CM (Fig IB, lanes C andD)and S S (Fig 2, lanes A and B) exhibited - much weaker precipitation of band 3 and either no definite IP of GPA (eluate S S ) or a very weak IP of GPA (eluate CM), in contrast to strong IP of both proteins from Wr(b+) cells by both eluates. Thus, these two eluates appeared to contain major antibody populations reactive with one or more epitopes that are lacking or deficient in Wr(b-) RBCs. AHA eluate S S also exhibited a fourfold reduction in IAT titer against Wr(b-) compared with Wr(b+) RBCs (Table l). Together with the IP result (Fig 2), this finding is consistent with a major anti-Wrh specificity in eluate S S , in combination with other autoantibodies of undefined specificity. Given the quantitative differences in IP between Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs obtained with eluate CM (Fig IB), the equal IAT titers with the two cell types (Table I ) was surprising, but was reproducible. However, absorption of CM eluate with Wr(b-) RBCs (see Materials and Methods) to reduce the quantity of autoantibodies reactive with antigens other than Wrh did show the presence of an autoantibody population withpreferential serologic reactivity with Wr(b+) RBCs (Table 1) and IP behavior consistent with anti-Wrh(Fig 3A). In the latter assay, absorbed CM eluate (lane D) retained the capacity for strong coprecipitation of band 3 and GPA from Wr(b+) RBCs. In contrast, only a relatively weak isolation of band 3 was obtained with Wr(b-) cells (Fig 3A. lane C), and no GPA band was identified, even with an additional 7day autoradiographic development (data not shown). The remaining volume of eluate S S was insufficient to permit similar absorption studies. In Fig 2, mouse MoAb to GPA, rather than to Wrh, was run asa known marker antibody (lanes E and F), again illustrating that both cell types had been effectively radiola- BAND 3 GPA2 A B C D E F Ab SS SS ST ST GPA GPA G - GPA m cOnl Fig 2. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) autoradiograph of RBC membrane proteins immunoprecipitated from Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs by AHA eluate SS (lanes A and B): AHA eluate ST (lanes C and D);mouse anti-GPA MoAb lOF7MN (lanes E and F); and control eluate from normal RBCs (lane GI. From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. BAND 3-GPACOPRECIPITATION BY AUTOANTIBODIES 653 beled. The principal higher Mr protein isolated by anti-GPA MoAb is GPA dimer (GPA,); only a trace of band 3 is visible just above GPA dimer (lane E). A fourth AHA eluate, ST, also immunoprecipitated band 3 and GPA, butwithno diminution when Wr(b-) RBCs were tested (Fig 2, lanes C and D. and Fig 3B. lanes C and D). Based on multiple studies with this eluate, an artifactual partial loss of band 3 protein (but notof GPA) occurred during the IP procedure with normal Wr(b+) cells (lane C, Fig 2 ) . in part probably because of the formation of HMW band 3 aggregates. In any event, strong IP of both band 3 and GPA from Wr(b-) RBCs is clearly demonstrated in lane D of Fig 2. More typical IP patterns with ST eluate are also shown in Fig 3B (lanes C and D), which confirms equally strong reactions with Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs. IAT titers against the two cell types were also equal (Table l). Absorption of eluate ST with Wr(b-) RBCs yielded a symmetrical reduction in IP reactivity withboth Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs (Fig 3B, lanes A and B), and postabsorption IAT titers were greatly reduced but remained equal against both cell types (Table I ) . Patient ST had been observed at this center for many years and eluates were available from 6 bleeding dates spanning a 9-year period. As shown in Fig 4,in which only Wr(b+) RBCs were studied, eluates from only 2 of these 6 dates (in chronologic sequence, left to right) isolated strong GPA bands (lanes A and F), despite very heavy immunoprecipitation ofband 3 throughout. (This autoradiograph was deliberately overexposed to show weaker bands.) Differences in total IgG concentrations in the 6 ST eluates, given in the legend to Fig 4, didnot correlate with the presence or absence of a GPA band. These findings suggest that, in this patient, antibodies to band 3 and those producing the GPA band varied independently (see Discussion). This A B CA DB C D -. BAND, 3 GPA- B A unab unab RBC Wr (+)(-1(-1 abs abs (+) STSTSTST (+l (-1(-1 (+l Fig 3. Effect of eluate absorption by Wrlb-) RBCs. (A) SDS-PAGE autoradiograph (60 hours of exposure)after immunoprecipitationby CM eluate unabsorbed (lanesA and B) and absorbedby Wr(b-) RBCs (lanes C and D). (B) Autoradiograph after immunoprecipitation by absorbed (lanes A and B) and unabsorbed ST eluate (lanes C and D). Details of absorptions are given in Materials and Methods. A B C D E F ""A- - BAND 3 t I 64 50 t GPA Fig 4. Overexposed autoradiograph of the membrane proteins concurrently isolated in the same experiment from a single radiolabeled group 0 Wrlb+) RBC sample bythe RBC eluates of patient ST, prepared from 6 different bleeding dates, shown in chronologic order from the left to right (lanesA through F). The total IgG concentrations (in microgramsper milliliter) by nephelometryin these 6 eluates were ST1.213; ST2.346; ST3, 153; ST4.270; ST5, 156; and ST6,181. would be consistent with the evidence in Table 1, Fig 2, and Fig 3B, all of which were performed with the eluate designated ST1 in Fig 4,that this patient's autoantibodies do not have anti-Wrh specificity. The autoantibody eluate of patient CV was much weaker than that of the others. By extending the autoradiographic exposure time to 5 days, this eluate was also found to mediate equal immunoprecipitation of band 3 and GPA fromWr(b-) and Wr(b+) RBCs (Fig 5A, lanes C and D). The relatively dense band 3 image (but without GPA) produced by the antiWrh reference MoAb with Wr(b-) RBCs in lane A is atypical for this MoAb and may be attributable, at least in part, to nonspecific precipitation magnified by the 5-day exposure (see Fig IA, l-day exposure; and Fig 5B, %day exposure). A sixth AHA patient, BH, exhibited major IP reactivity with band 3 (orits breakdown fragments at -64 kD and -50 kD) plus much weaker reactivity with GPA that consistently appeared to be sharper with Wr(b+) than with Wr(b-) RBCs (Fig 5B, lanes C and D). However, this difference in IP results between Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) RBCs was clearly less striking than with eluates GF, S S , and CM presented above. IAT titers against the two cell types were equal (Table I ) . Insufficient Wr(b-) RBCs were available atthispointto undertake absorption studies. IP experiments conducted with rabbit anti-band 3 serum against Wr(b+) RBCs are not shown, and only one of the multiple studies with mouse anti-GPA MoAb is presented in Fig 2. These studies demonstrated that '251-labeled GPA was not detectably coprecipitated with band 3 when specific anti-band 3 antibody was used. Conversely, when anti-GPA From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. LEDDY ET AL 654 A BAND 3 B CA DB C D - A RBC Wrb B (-1 (+l (+l (-1 (+l (-1 (+l (-1 Fig 5. SDS-PAGE autoradiograph of RBC membrane proteins immunoprecipitated by (A)mouse MoAb 4-21 (lanes A and B) and AHA eluate CV (lanes C and D)(S-day exposure); and (B) mouse MoAb 421 (lanes A and B) and AHA eluate BH (lanes C and D) (3-day exposure). The Mr 64- and 50-kD bands (indicated by arrows in the left margin) were present only in lanes C and D of (B). MoAb was tested, typically no band 3 was detected. In overdeveloped autoradiographs, as in Fig 2 (lane E), a trace band 3 image sometimes appeared slightly above the strong GPA dimer band; however, band 3 images of this very low intensity have also been observed as apparently nonspecific backgroundwhen anti-Rh(D) alloantibodies were tested in IP against Rh(D)-negative RBCs."This stands in contrast to the potent and consistent coimmunoprecipitation of both band 3 andGPA either by mouse anti-Wrh or by several of the human autoantibody eluates in this study. DISCUSSION This report is the first to demonstrate thathuman antiRBC autoantibodies that exhibit serologic evidence for antiWrh specificity mimic their murine MoAb counterparts'3 in coprecipitating band 3 and GPA from radiolabeled human RBCs. This was most clearly observed with the autoantibodies of patients GF and S S , for which both IP and serologic studies of unabsorbed eluates supported anti-Wrh specificity as a major component. A significant anti-Wrh specificity was also demonstrated in a third AHA patient, CM, after absorption of the eluate with Wr(b-) RBCs. Although there is biophysical evidence for the existence of band 3-GPA complexes in the human RBC membrane** and evidence for facilitated membrane expression of band 3 in the presence of GPA,29 we do not believe that either proteinis a passive participant in their coprecipitation by these anti-Wrh antibodies. This interpretation is based onour parallel observation that monospecific anti-band 3 or antiGPA antibodies each precipitate their respective target proteins without significant coprecipitation of the other RBC protein, confirming a similar finding by Telen and Chasis.'3 We have also observed that several other AHA eluates that strongly immunoprecipitate band 3 do not detectably coisolate GPA.'" These IP findings suggest, therefore, ( I ) that, whatever the normal association is between band3 and GPA, their affinity for one another is not sufficientforthetwo proteins to remainbonded during theimmunoadsorption phase of immunoprecipitation, except in the presence of antibody of a particular specificity; and, conversely, (2) that the consistent coprecipitation of these two proteins by murine or human anti-Wrhor anti-"Wrh-like" antibodies is specific. This concept is consistent with the proposal that anti-Wrh antibodies have affinity for one or more epitopes resulting from a band 3-GPA interaction in the RBCmembrane" rather than for an epitope(s) dependent on GPA alone, even though a GPA peptide sequence positioned just exterior to the membrane appears tobe critical to the antigenic site. 1?.3n-x Anti-Wrh antibody may stabilize a band3-GPA interactive epitope thatis otherwise transient or unstable. Remarkable as it would be for mouse and human antibodies to recognize the very same epitope that is genetically deficient or defective in the Wr(a+b-) RBCs of donor M.Fr., the plausible number of epitopes that could fulfill these conditions must be small. Our overall findings, however, on the 6 AHA patients whose autoantibodies coprecipitate band 3 and GPA clearly indicate additional complexity. In 2 of the 3 patients who appeared to have a major anti-Wrhcomponent ( S S and CM), the presence of one or more additional autoantibody specificities was evident by both IP and IAT assays. This was also true in the large serologic study of Issitt et al."' The findings with eluate CM suggested that IP and serologic methods differed in their ability to show the anti-Wrhspecificity. That is, IATtitration of unabsorbed CMeluate showed no difference in reactivity with Wr(b+) and Wr(b-) cells (Table 1) despite quite impressive differences by IP (Fig IB). Similarly, with eluate S S , the IAT titer with Wr(b-) RBCs (Table 1) was higher than expected, given the striking difference in IP patterns with the two cells (Fig 2). Probably the simplest explanation would be the failure to radiolabel certain RBC autoantigens reactive with the additional (nonWrh)antibody specificities in CM and S S eluates. An alternative explanation also deserves consideration. Our experience with IP has turned up a number of instances in which the IAT titer of an anti-RBC antibody of known specificity, eg, allo-anti-Rh(C) or anti-Rh(E), and its effectiveness in IP with the same donor's RBCs have not correlated well, leading us to suspect that IP is dependent onrelativelyhigh-affinity antibodies (capable of remaining bound to antigen through the immunoadsorption procedure), whereas IAT may be responsive to both low- and high-affinity antibodies. By this hypothesis, patients CM and S S may have sufficient antibodies of lowaffinityto mediate higher IAT titers against Wr(b-) RBCs than predicted by IP results. A second area of complexity arises from our observation that some human autoantibodies that share with more typical anti-Wrh antibodies the ability to coprecipitate band 3 and GPA, eg, eluates ST and CV, apparently do not have antiWrh specificity, at least as defined by the Wr(b-) RBCs of From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. BAND 3-GPA COPREClPlTATlON BY AUTOANTIBODIES donor M.Fr. The autoantibodies of ST and CV gave no hint of weaker reactivity with Wr(b-) cells by either assay method, and absorption of ST eluate with Wr(b-) RBCs produced a symmetrical loss of IP and IAT reactivity with both cell types. Eluate BH consistently produced a slightly weaker IP pattern with Wr(b-) RBCs, but retained clearly evident IP and full IAT reactivity against these cells. AntiWrb specificity in eluate BH, if it is present at all, may be confined to a minor subpopulation that is strongly overshadowed by other specificities. Unfortunately, there were insufficient Wr(b-) RBCs for absorptions of eluates CV and BH to permit a more complete assessment of minor anti-Wrb antibody populations. However, in the case of ST, the absorption studies clearly argue against anti-Wrb specificity. Moreover, we believe that the serial IP results in Fig 4 favor independent antibody populations reactive with band 3 and with either GPAitself (anti-Ena?) orwith a band 3/GPA interactive epitope that is preserved in the RBCs of M.Fr. (see below), and that the relative abundance of the GPAreactive antibody subpopulation in the ST eluates apparently shifts over time. In any event, if the RBCs of donor M.Fr. are accepted as the current “gold standard” to define antiWrb specificity, our observations provide a caveat that antiWrb specificity cannot necessarily be inferred from the IP pattern with common Wr(b+) erythrocytes. The possibility that there is a distinct, non-Wrb epitope resulting from a band 3-GPA interaction deserves consideration. By this hypothesis, the Wr(a+b-) RBCs of M.Fr. would be deficient in only one of the putative band 3/GPAdependent epitopes. However, the autoimmune response would make this distinction inconsistently, resulting in some instances (eg, patient GF) in typical anti-W? specificity, in other instances in specificity for a (putative) non-Wf band 3/GPA interactive epitope (possibly patients BH and CV), and in still other instances in a mixture of antibodies reactive, with differing affinities, against W f and non-Wrb epitopes that arise from band 3/GPA interaction (patients CM and SS). In this connection it would be interesting to determine the IP behavior of the human alloantibody, anti-En”FR, which is thought to be closely related to anti-Wrb but is known to react normally with the RBCs of M.Fr.’*,3’Could En‘FRbe a band 3/GPA-interactive epitope distinct from Wrb? However, wemust acknowledge that the additional (non-W?) specificities in the autoantibody eluates under study could be reactive with totally unrelated antigens.” ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Lynn Kosarko for skillful preparation of the manuscript. Generous gifts of antisera from Dr Pablo Rubinstein (New York Blood Center) and from Dr Marguerite M.B.Kay (University of Arizona) are acknowledged with gratitude. REFERENCES 1. Capra JD, Natvig JB: Is there V region restriction in autoimmune disease? Immunologist l:l6, 1993 2. Craft JE, Hardin JA: Linked sets of antinuclear antibodies: What do they mean? J Rheumatol 14:106, 1987 3. 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