A4 - Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 22, 2014 Index Four Sections SECTION A Farm Bureau to Keep Fighting EPA..........A1 Dairy Rations With Sprinkles.....................A1 Challenge Showcases Next Generation......A1 Chamber Honors Lancaster Farming.........A1 Editorial........................................................A8 Commentary.......................................... A8, A9 Bible Speaks..................................................A8 Now Is the Time............................................A8 National Ag News.......................................A10 Year-End Farm Tax Decisions Loom........A11 Dairy Week in Review................................A12 N.J. Turkey Farm Adapts, Thrives...........A13 Grass-Roots Advocacy Brings Change.....A14 Pa. Farm Bureau Elects New President...A15 Brits, Dutch Kill Flocks to Fight Flu........A16 Farm Calendar...........................................A17 NAILE Dairy Cattle Winners.......... A18, A19 Ag News Briefs...........................................A20 Pennsylvania Granger...............................A22 Ag Science News.........................................A26 McDonald’s Won’t Buy GMO Potatoes...A30 Ag Counts...................................................A32 Markets.......................................................A34 Classic Tractor Gallery..............................A51 Weather.......................................................A55 SECTION B Home on the Range......................................B2 Farm Family Plants Holiday Tradition......B3 A Vegetable Producer for All Seasons........B4 On Being a Farm Wife.................................B5 You Ask, You Answer...................................B6 Family Living Focus.....................................B7 Cook’s Question...........................................B8 Rural Ramblings..........................................B9 Kid’s Korner...............................................B10 Mailbox Markets........................................B11 Antiques Center.........................................B19 Health&Wellness............................... B20, B21 Antiques Detective.....................................B22 Public Auction Register.............................B25 SECTION C Classifieds.....................................................C1 SECTION D Classifieds.....................................................D1 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Newsstand: $2.00 Subscription Price: $49.00 per year; $86.00 - 2 years Less than half of the newsstand price! $56.00 per year outside of: PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $97.00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $49.00 per year; $86.002 years by Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, 1 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Periodicals postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Main Street, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Circulation Customer Service (717) 721-4412 John Betz, Manager (717) 721-4411 Advertising: Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX (717) 733-6058 Missed Carrier Delivery Saturday 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (717) 291-8611 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Members of North American Agricultural Journalists Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 834-8832 PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR Lancaster Farming is protected by federal copyright statue. No part of this newspaper may be broadcast, reproduced or republished in any form or by any means without the prior, written permission of our Publisher. The advertiser agrees that Lancaster Farming, Inc. shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission and/or failure to insert an ad, or any part of an ad, beyond liability for the value of actual space occupied by the ad or item in which the error, omission and/or failure to insert occurred. Lancaster Farming, Inc. reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. NON REFUNDABLE www.lancasterfarming.com Chemsweep Set for 18 Pennsylvania Counties HARRISBURG, Pa. — Agricultural businesses and pesticide applicators in 18 counties can dispose of unwanted pesticides safely and easily in 2015 through the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Chemsweep program. The program is offered in different counties each year. In 2015, it will be available in Bucks, Crawford, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lycoming, Mercer, Mifflin, Montgomery, Perry, Philadelphia, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wayne and Westmoreland counties. “Pesticides can be a problem when they outlive their usefulness, sitting in barns and sheds, and becoming hazardous to the environment and to your safety,” said Agriculture Secretary George Greig. “Thanks to Chemsweep, it’s easier for our agriculture industry to safeguard our environment and properly dispose of pesticides.” Nearly 2.3 million pounds of unwanted or unusable pesticides have been properly destroyed through the program since it was established in 1993. Every year, many pesticide products are discontinued, phased out or become unusable, leaving growers, commercial establish- ments and applicators with potentially dangerous and toxic materials that cannot be placed in landfills. The unwanted pesticides often become a safety hazard and an environmental concern through long-term storage in garages, barns or other areas. Licensed pesticide applicators, pesticide dealers and commercial pesticide application businesses from the designated counties are eligible to participate by completing the Chemsweep registration/inventory form that will be direct-mailed. The registration period ends Feb. 28. An independent contractor hired by the state Agriculture Department collects and packages all waste pesticides at each participating location, primarily for incineration at facilities approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chemsweep covers the disposal cost for the first 2,000 pounds per participant. Above that level, participants are billed at the Agriculture Department’s contracted price. The program is funded through annual registration fees paid by pesticide manufacturers and applicators. For more information, visit www.pda.state.pa.us/Chemsweep. Professional Pest Managers School Set for Dec. 8 The Professional Pest Managers School will provide license-holding pesticide applicators in Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania with opportunities to satisfy their licensing requirements for training 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8, at the Holiday Inn in Grantville, Pa. Topics will include dealing with diseases in turf, pollinators and pesticides, spray adjuvants for horticultural applications, a good year for blights and anthracnoses, alkalinity control for pesticide efficacy in pools, what’s eating my turf, pesticides and groundwater, alternatives to neonicotinoids, stinging insects, lifecycles and management, what you need to know for mosquito control, broadleaf weed ID, and management of aquatic weeds and algae. The cost is $75 until Dec. 2 and $125 for walk-ins. To register, visit http://extension. psu.edu/ppms-west. For more information, contact Steve Bogash at 717-240-6500, ext. 6507, or email@smb13@psu.edu. This Week’s Poll: Is the EPA being unrealistic in its timeline to reduce farm runoff into the Chesapeake Bay? Yes No Unsure Vote at www.LancasterFarming.com Previous Poll: Were you prepared for the early onslaught of winter that swept across the U.S. this week? Unsure: 5% Yes: 51% What’s Missing? Check out what you’re missing in the other two editions of Lancaster Farming by going to the website www.LancasterFarming.com. Here’s just a taste of what you will find this week: Southern Edition: A well-known Maryland dairy farm takes pride in its Thanksgiving turkey flock. Go to www.LancasterFarming.com/news/southeedition/ or scan this QR code to see this and other top stories or to www.Lan- casterFarming.com/specialsections/south/ to see all the pages unique to the Southern Edition. No: 44% Northern Edition: The proposed Lake chart by amCharts.com Champlain TMDL puts a bigger focus on farm pollution. Go to www.LancasterFarming.com/news/northeedition/ or Tired of taking Round Bales apart by hand? scan this QR code to see this and Hydraulic-driven Round Bale Unroller. 3 pt hitch. Quick-tach for Skid Steers available. other top stories or to www.LancastUse A Time Saver e r Fa r m i n g . c o m / Unroller specialsections/north/ to see all the pages unique to the LANCASTER FARMING STAFF Northern Edition. Our 59th Year of Publication P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-6397. Fax: (717) 733-6058 William J. Burgess President and Publisher (717) 721-4417, bburgess.eph@lnpnews.com J. Peter Lindquist Vice President (717) 721-4414, plindquist.eph@lnpnews.com Farmer’s Delight 3123 Irishtown Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-0137 OR J&J Silo Co. Lancaster, PA Fingerlakes Equipment Pen Yan, NY Green Lawn Farms Marion Center, PA Bliss Farm Enterprises New England 717-768-7456 585-526-6705 724-286-9219 802-875-2031 Beverly Kent Advertising Manager (717) 721-4413, bkent.eph@lnpnews.com NEWS Dennis Larison, Editor (717) 721-4425, dlarison.eph@lnpnews.com Charlene M. Shupp Espenshade Special Sections Editor (717) 721-4426, cshupp.eph@lnpnews.com Anne Harnish, Food and Family Editor (717) 721-4428, aharnish.eph@lnpnews.com Chris Torres, Regional Editor (717) 721-4457, ctorres.eph@lnpnews.com Philip Gruber, Staff Writer (717) 721-4427, pgruber.eph@lnpnews.com Jessica Rose Spangler, Market Editor Nicole Herman, Copy Editor Reporters: Dick Wanner (717) 733-6397; Michelle Kunjappu (717) 733-6397; Jessica Rose Spangler (717) 733-6397 Mike Martin, Internet Sales and Support (717) 721-4464 Marie Sipler Business Development Manager (717)-721-4461, msipler.eph@lnpnews.com ADVERTISING Jim Herr (717) 721-4419; Earl Kauffman (717) 721-4430; Dave Ryan (717) 721-4418; Karen Hoffer, (717) 721-4416; Leigh Romascavage (717) 721-4403; Kyra Martin (717) 721-4402; Melissa Melton (717) 721-4404; Kate LaBone (717) 721-4401; Bill Dangro (717) 721-4415; Kevin Antol (717) 721-4439; Patti Wolf (717) 721-4456; Jeff Dugan (814) 435-2129; Shelly Ashcroft (717) 721-4453 National: J.L. Farmakis, (203) 834-8832 Heating & Cooling Service On/Off-Road Diesel Propane Heating Oil Clean Quality Fuel Serving: Southern Lancaster County, Southern York County, Chester County, PA; New Castle County, DE, Cecil, Harford and Baltimore Counties, MD 443-414-4940 or 1-888-517-3680
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