T U R N K E Y E... S U P P O R T A... T U R N K E Y I...

2 1 0 S O U T H M I LWAU K E E AV E N U E
ENDING JULY 31, 2015
TURNkey IT & CUSTOMER Support Agreement 2012
TURNkey IT (TURNkey), for the duration of this agreement will provide basic
maintenance and support (as outlined by this document) for (CUSTOMER) computer
This document has been designed to provide an understanding for managing the
partnership between TURNkey and CUSTOMER. It is the basis of this document to
outline the Service Level Agreement and management of that agreement agreed upon
between TURNkey and CUSTOMER.
Unless otherwise stated, in writing, this document will constitute the full on-going
agreement between TURNkey and CUSTOMER.
What is Covered
You have selected the TURNkey Complete package. Complete support will consist of
the following:
Server Monitoring
24 x 7 x 365 server operation monitoring will be in place and maintained by
TURNkey. Server monitoring includes proactive and preventative maintenance of
your server.
Server updates and maintenance
TURNkey may, from time to time, install security patches, and or updates to
operating systems of the server that are essential to the customers’ network
security. Some of these patches may require some intervention by the end-user
to ensure timely installation.
Proactive Preventative Maintenance:
TURNkey may, from time to time, install security patches, and or updates to
operating systems of customer’s PC that are essential to the customers’ network
security. Some of these patches may require some intervention by the end-user
to ensure timely installation.
Access to priority service
By agreeing to the TURNkey Elite Plan you are given priority placement in our
queues over nonsupport, Basic plan, and Complete plan customers.
Help Desk Support:
 Telephone, Email, and Onsite Support: Unlimited. Company shall
maintain a telephone and email line of support during Normal Business
Hours that permits the System Administrators (See the Contact section of
this document) to report problems and seek assistance.
 Virus Removal Support: Any PC problem resulting from the effects of a
Virus, Worm, or Malware1
Server and/or Network wide viruses are not covered under any TURNkey plan. Virus coverage is limited
to PC virus removal only.
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 Smart Phone Support (DROID, iPhone, Windows, etc.)2
 Printer Support
 Domain Name Support: TURNkey will host DNS records, up to 10 email
accounts for each domain and one website (no more than 5 MB) on its
servers for customer (where applicable from WORKSHEET I)
 Hardware: In the event that a hardware failure has occurred, TURNkey
would be superseded by manufacturer’s warranty. In the event a
hardware device fails and is not under a manufacturer’s warranty,
TURNkey agrees to attempt repair at the appropriate billable rate outlined
in the “Pricing” section of this document. Any problem resulting from out
of warranty hardware3. TURNkey will make every effort to work with
manufacturer of hardware to receive manufacturer’s support in repair or
replacement of products that are under warranty. However, if the
warranty period of failed hardware has expired, TURNkey will suggest
suitable replacement for said product. In no way will TURNkey warranty
any products it does not manufacture
Hardware: TURNkey will maintain hardware using industry recognized processes and
procedures to correct reproducible compute and network problems when reported
through proper procedures as outlined in the “Contact” section of this document.
Staff: TURNkey shall maintain a trained staff capable of rendering the services set forth
in this Agreement.
Problem resolution: TURNkey shall be responsible for using all reasonable diligence to
correct verifiable and reproducible server problems when reported to TURNkey in
accordance with its standard reporting procedures (See the Contact section of this
document). The problem resolution, when completed, may be provided in the form of a
"temporary fix," consisting of sufficient programming and/or operating instructions to
implement the resolution. In any case, every effort will be made by TURNkey to
eliminate the server problem (with a permanent fix) and restore functionality in a timely
Telephone and Email Support: Company shall maintain a telephone and email line of
support during Normal Business Hours that permits the System Administrators (See the
Contact section of this document) to report problems and seek assistance.
TURNkey will maintain hardware using industry recognized processes and procedures
to correct reproducible compute and network problems when reported through proper
procedures as outlined in “Contact”. In the event that a hardware failure has occurred,
Smart phones that are to be covered under the Elite plan must be named as a device in the pricing section
found on page 9.
TURNkey IT is not a hardware or software manufacturer/supplier and therefore cannot be held liable for
failures due to manufacturing or supplying.
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TURNkey would be superseded by manufacturer’s warranty. Under normal operation,
TURNkey can assist in the managing of a warranted repair. In the event a hardware
device fails and is not under a manufacturer’s warranty, TURNkey agrees to attempt
repair at the appropriate billable rate outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
“Customer Location(s)”
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What is not Covered
Any enhancement of the customer network from its original form as of the date of
execution of this document. Enhancements and / or subtractions are very likely
to occur and as additions or subtractions to the customer network are made, this
agreement will be dynamically altered to encompass these changes.
Any problem resulting from the misuse, improper use, alteration, or damage of
the customer network
Any problem caused by modifications in customer network made or unauthorized
by TURNkey
Any change that were not performed by TURNkey without prior documented
Any problem resulting from out of warranty hardware4. TURNkey will make every
effort to work with manufacturer of hardware to receive manufacturer’s support in
repair or replacement of products that are under warranty. However, if the
warranty period of failed hardware has expired, TURNkey will suggest suitable
replacement for said product. In no way will TURNkey warranty any products it
does not manufacture.
Customer hereby agrees to pay TURNkey's normal charges and expenses for
time or other resources provided by TURNkey to diagnose or attempt to correct
any such problem(s) as stated above. In addition, Customer is responsible for
procuring, installing, and maintaining all equipment, telephone lines,
communications interfaces, and other hardware necessary to operate the
computer network and to obtain maintenance services from TURNkey. TURNkey
will not be responsible for delays caused by events or circumstances beyond its
reasonable control.
Any hack or network intrusion
TURNkey IT is not a hardware or software manufacturer/supplier and therefore cannot be held liable for
failures due to manufacturing or supplying.
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Availability of Service
TURNkey for the terms of this agreement will Support CUSTOMER during all TURNkey
operational hours as captured within this document. Standard service will be based on
speed of resolution; additionally resolutions requested with a shorter duration, will be
deemed escalated. Escalated resolutions will carry a charge as outlined in the “Pricing”
section of this document.
Service is limited to labor; non labor items such as, but not limited to, licensing / parts /
hardware, are outside of this agreement. TURNkey will assist in troubleshooting and
communicating with appropriate support vendors to render a satisfactory resolution. All
time frames listed below are in accordance with labor only resolutions. In the event of
licensing / parts / hardware etc. being involved the “Target Resolution Time” would be at
the mercy of the external support vendor.
At CUSTOMER’s discretion the “Effort to Resolve” time may be discontinued and
resumed or delayed once (Severity Level of “Disaster Recovery” and “Critical only”),
during the course of a resolution, to keep from exceeding the total time allotted for a
resolution. Once the time table has been resumed the duration would be in effect until
completion and may exceed the total allotted time for resolution and would be
considered exceeding of the effort to resolve and would carry the appropriate charge.
Any such charge would be reported to CUSTOMER prior to charges being assessed.
CUSTOMER may at its choice agree to the extension on the effort to resolve at the
appropriate rate or restating the target time for resolution.
The following table represents the model for standard coverage. Any authorized and
documented issue for resolution would follow this outlined metrics. Any authorized and
documented issue that is requested to be of shorter duration then outlined table would
be subject to a charge as outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
Standard Availability Table
Response Time
Disaster Recovery 1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
4 Hours
Service Request
1 Business Day
Target Resolution Time
Best Effort
Same Business Day
Next Business Day
1-2 Business Days
1-2 Business Days
Effort to Resolve
8 Hour
8 Hour
4 Hour
2 Hour
1 Hour
All response times for issues during TURNkey’s operating hours, with the exception of a Service Request, shall be within
1 hour of receipt of an approved call.
Definitions of Severity
Disaster Recovery: Catastrophic failure of any device, caused by external conditions,
where the use of online backups is unavailable. (Examples; Power surge causes
physical damage to a server and the online information cannot be used to rebuild the
system. A virus destroying systems or data causing rebuild.)
Following the stated response time, TURNkey would be onsite as quickly as possible to
begin the restoration of service. However, with the external condition creating the loss of
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service it would be impossible to state a time for service to be restored. TURNkey will
work continuously to restore the service. If the effort to restore exceeds 1 shift (8 hours)
the continued effort would be billable at the stated rates as outlined in the “Pricing”
section of this document.
Critical: Complete failure of 3 or more users and/or 1 or more business-critical
service(s) (as defined by CUSTOMER) and/or 1 complete site.
Following the stated response time, TURNkey would be online as quickly as possible to
triage the failure. If TURNkey is unable to assess the failure online, transition to on site
would begin. Documented issues to be resolved prior to the start of the next day’s
beginning operational hour. If the effort to restore exceeds 1 shift (8 hours), the
continued effort would be billable at the stated rates.
High: Complete failure of 1 - 2 user(s) and/or 1 or more Non-business-critical service(s)
(as defined by CUSTOMER) and/or 1 system-wide printing failure (nobody on network
can print documents regardless of selected printer).
Following the stated response time, TURNkey would be online as quickly as possible to
triage the failure. If TURNkey is unable to assess the failure online, transition to onsite
would begin. Documented issues to be resolved prior to the next day’s ending
operational hour. If the effort to restore exceeds 4 hours, the continued effort would be
billable at the stated rates as outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
Normal: User performance issue(s) and/or printing issue(s) (less than full site).
Following the stated response time, TURNkey would be online as quickly as possible to
triage the failure. If TURNkey is unable to assess the failure online, transition to onsite
would begin. Documented issues to be resolved prior to the start of the third day’s
beginning operational hour. If the effort to restore exceeds 2 hours, the continued effort
would be billable at the stated rates as outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
Service Request: Any activity that is not necessary in maintaining operational compute
or network prior to an agreed upon change. (Examples: creating/removing mailboxes,
copying/moving/deleting system data, adding/removing end user systems, etc.).
Following the stated response time, TURNkey will at its discretion complete the
requested activity prior to the stated “Target to Resolution”. If the effort to complete the
service request exceeds 1 hour of effort, the continued effort would be billable at the
stated rates as outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
Any Issue with a stated severity that includes a target resolution time less than
listed or a time to resolve that exceeds specified limits. These actions would result
in charges as outlined in the “Pricing” section of this document.
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How Service Works
All issue(s)/service request(s) will be submitted to TURNkey via phone or email. Upon
receipt of documented issue(s)/service request(s), TURNkey will give the stated amount
of time to respond and the category of support the issue(s)/service request(s) falls
under. This response will be via email or phone. In the event that TURNkey is unable to
make live contact with the CUSTOMER reporting party, TURNkey will leave a direct
number to be reached. Time and date stamps within email and voicemail will be
recorded to ensure TURNkey responses are within the stated time frame. It is noted that
the severity level will be designated by the CUSTOMER reporting party and any
escalation would require authorization from the appropriate party within CUSTOMER.
Once an issue has been received and authorization, if necessary, has been approved,
TURNkey will have until the stated “Target Restoration Time” to complete the
documented issue. Multiple or cascaded issues will be worked concurrently.
If necessary, TURNkey will work with CUSTOMER designated suppliers and vendors to
render a satisfactory resolution of a documented issue. TURNkey denotes that these
interactions may be billable and would be the responsibility of CUSTOMER. Any such
action would require authorization from the appropriate party within CUSTOMER.
All communication is to be funneled through TURNkey’s notification system.
Customer agrees to (a) designate one primary system administrator per customer
location (the “Primary System Administrator”) and (b) to notify TURNkey promptly
following the discovery of any Error or network problem. Further, upon discovery of an
Error or problem, Customer agrees, if requested by TURNkey, to work with TURNkey to
resolve the problem or error.
Customer may call the office at (847) 808-3990 or email issue/service request to
support@turnkey.pro. A documented issue will not be recorded without compliance to
the agreed upon correspondence. TURNkey will not be held accountable for any
notification that does not adhere to the documented procedure.
All After Business Hours support calls must be called into TURNkey IT at (847) 8083990 x7 where a system wide support page will be sent to all on-call technicians.
CUSTOMER to supply to TURNkey a list of all CUSTOMER employees empowered to
submit issue(s)/service request(s). CUSTOMER to also supply to TURNkey a list of all
employees empowered to authorize additional charges and to what level of authorization
TURNkey will provide labor only service, as outlined within this document, for the period
notated and all subsequent agreed periods. TURNkey will perform service at its
discretion to be completed within stated time frames.
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Monthly Reoccurring
The contract pricing is subject to change on an annual basis with 30 days written notice
given to CUSTOMER. The contract is subject to automatic renewal annually from date
of inception if written notice of termination is not received by either party.
Number of supported servers
Number of supported devices
Phone System Support
Total Monthly Retainer Charge
Offsite backup storage (per GB)
Number of filtered email accounts
Total Variable Charges (estimated)
Monthly Support Cost Associated
Total Monthly Charges (estimated)
*Please note that this figure is for your monthly retainer only. It reflects an ESTIMATE of additional services such as
email filtering and offsite backup, etc. The customer will be billed on the ACTUAL number of email accounts filtered and
on amount of data that is actually backed up ($3/GB).
After Business Hours
All After Business Hours support calls must be called into TURNkey IT at
(847) 808-3990 x7 where a system wide support page will be sent to all on-call
technicians. After Hours work is billable and will require written authorization either via
email or by completing the authorization form found at www.turnkey.pro/afterhours.
Changes in the Number of Supported Devices
As the customer network inevitably expands or contracts within the period of this
contract, modifications will be made to the monthly charges billed to the customer.
Therefore, if the customer network contracts, the monthly billed rate will be lowered by
the value of the subtraction of such device(s). Likewise, an increase in number of
supported PCs or servers will result in a higher monthly charge based on worksheet
figures in I above. Monetary values associated with such devices will not be changed
during the term of this contract. For example, if two additional machines are added to
the network, the customer’s monthly fee will be raised by the appropriate amount per
Payment Schedule
Payment is due net 30 from invoice date. Customer agrees to pay the monthly support
fee within 30 days of billing. Customer also agrees to pay such fees and costs, when
and as the services are rendered outside of this agreement (i.e. enhancements to
network) and any expenses incurred (such as parking), as invoiced by TURNkey.
TURNkey reserves the right to require prepayment or advance deposit for such
additional charges or expenses in some instances. Customer is also responsible for
sales or use taxes and shipping fees on new equipment purchases, returns to
manufacturers or other expenses derived from supporting customer network.
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Late Fees
If any fees or expenses are not paid within thirty (30) days after they are due, TURNkey
may, at its option, charge interest at a rate of one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) per
month (eighteen percent (18%) per annum) or, if less, the highest rate allowed by
applicable law from the date such fee or charge first became due.
Additional Services
In addition, TURNkey may provide additional services, as mutually agreed, in support of
the customer network or to make additions to customer network subject to payment of its
normal charges and expenses:
Major Enhancements: TURNkey may, from time to time, offer Major
Enhancements to its customers’ network. Major enhancements may be the
implementation of a new server, product, product update, system or
recommended hardware or software installation. These major enhancements will
be subject to additional charges and will be handled on a case by case basis.
However, any enhancement will be quoted to the customer and must be
approved by both TURNkey and customer before the work is to be performed.
Training: Subject to space and TURNkey’s resource availability, Customer may
enroll Customer’s employees in training classes or sessions. Any training will be
subject to additional payment to TURNkey.
Additional Enhancements: TURNkey will consistently consider and evaluate
the development of additional Enhancements for Customer’s specific use and will
respond to Customer’s requests for additional services pertaining to the customer
network (i.e. additional functionality of a particular system or process). Any
enhancement will be subject to additional charges to customer.
Software Licensing
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to maintain the proper number of licenses for
each piece of software contained within its network. TURNkey takes no responsibility to
ensure customer licensure is up to date and or valid.
Modifications and Waivers
This Agreement may not be modified IN SUBSTANCE except in a writing signed by
authorized representatives of both parties. A waiver by either party of its rights
hereunder shall not be binding unless contained in a writing signed by an authorized
representative of the party waiving its rights. The non-enforcement or waiver of any
provision on one (1) occasion shall not constitute a waiver of such provision on any other
occasions unless expressly so agreed in writing. It is agreed that no use of trade or other
regular practice or method of dealing between the parties hereto shall be used to modify,
interpret, supplement, or alter in any manner the terms of this Agreement.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the State of Illinois as it applies to a contract made and performed in such
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Contract may be cancelled by either party, with or without fault, with 60 days written
notice with a buyout payment of 75% of the remaining contract term.
Term of contract
This contract is to be in place 36 calendar months per the time frame outlined above.
The contract is subject to automatic renewal annually (for up to 5 automatic renewals)
from date of inception if 60 days written notice of termination or modification is not
received by either party.
Customer and TURNkey agree to the maintenance and support as outlined in this
document for the period of time contained in same.
By: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________
Title :_____________________________
Date: _________________
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All communication is to be funneled through TURNkey’s notification system.
Customer agrees to (a) designate one primary system administrator per customer
location (the “Primary System Administrator”) and (b) to notify TURNkey promptly
following the discovery of any Error or network problem. Further, upon discovery of an
Error or problem, Customer agrees, if requested by TURNkey, to work with TURNkey to
resolve the problem or error.
Customer may call the office at (847) 808-3990 or email issue/service request to
support@turnkey.pro. A documented issue will not be recorded without compliance to
the agreed upon correspondence. TURNkey will not be held accountable for any
notification that does not adhere to the documented procedure.
All After Business Hours support calls must be called into TURNkey IT at (847) 8083990 x7 where a system wide support page will be sent to all on-call technicians.
Primary System Administrator:
Email Address
Phone Number
CUSTOMER to supply to TURNkey a list of all CUSTOMER employees empowered to
submit issue(s)/service request(s). CUSTOMER to also supply to TURNkey a list of all
employees empowered to authorize additional charges and to what level of authorization
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Glossary of Terms
Business Day: Period of time established as the beginning and ending operational hours of a
single day Monday through Friday.
PC: A workstation or thin client at customer location(s) that is to be supported by TURNkey with
an operating system of Microsoft Windows XP Professional or newer. Note that all locally
connected printers (lpt, USB, serial) are supported as part of the individual PC.
Server: A server at customer location(s) that is to be supported by TURNkey with a network
operating system of Microsoft Windows 2000 server or newer (windows 2000 server, windows
2003 server, windows 2003 R2 server, etc.)
Network Device: A computing device used to serve network related applications, functions or
Computer / Network Device: Any PC, Server, or network device.
User: Any account as defined within Active Directory.
Network Printer: a network printer (printer with a network interface card either wireless or wired)
at customer location(s) that is to be supported.
Customer: The single end-user customer organization identified above, an authorized
representative of which is signing this Agreement and authorized to legally bind the “Customer”.
Enhancement: Any modification or addition that, when made or added to the “Customer
Network”, materially changes its size, utility, efficiency, functional capability, or application. For
example, customer changes office location to another physical location, customer adds a new
server or PC, customer desires to swap PCs between users.
Network Intrusion: Any program or intrusion into the “Customer Network” that is harmful to the
network hardware, operating system, network system, software, or data. These attacks may
unknowingly penetrate the “Customer Network” by opening infected emails, launching malicious
code or hackers exploiting previously undiscovered vulnerabilities in Operating Systems intruders
break into systems in order to steal, damage or destroy the system or data within the system(s).
Hack: A computer hack is broadly defined as intentionally accessing a computer, or server
without authorization or exceeds authorized access.
Normal Business Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, Central Standard time.
Holidays: Recognized to be outside of normal business hours are defined as: New Year’s Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
After Business Hours: Support calls are defined as those support issues arising outside of
normal business hours or on recognized Holidays.
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