HOUSE OF HOPE SCHOOLS TRANSPORT ZONES G SMART, OUR PO LIC RKIN Y WO ZONE D FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Parent, As we reach the end of the year, I would like to pass on my sincere gratitude for your continued support and confidence in our institution. As we set out for another year, I would like to assure you that the holistic development of your child is an integral part of our system and we continue to innovate new methods of ensuring that we reach our goal. My dedicated staff will aim for higher targets in the coming year and our commitment will not waiver as we move towards new frontiers. As the children come home for the long holidays, kindly ensure that they get time to relax and if possible also give them a chance to practice what they have learnt in their skills classes. We are glad that you are part of us. I wish you and your family a happy holiday and a Merry Christmas and hope to see the children rejuvenated for another year of fun learning in 2015. ZONE C 6KM Nation one Syokimau junction Epren Building ZONE B 4KM Maki house Mastermind Quarry road ZONE A Pillar 2KM NEWSLETTER Divine Word China road Borma villa Twins White house HOHS Katani sec Chief’s camp China Wu Yi Katani Pry Bridge/Rim Hse Mlolongo Mama round Community RD west of mama round Dove court, Kiwicourt Shangilia phase 1 2KM FROM DEAN OF SCHOOLS The school has closed and children will be out for the long holidays. We are glad that they have continually been in school for the last three academic terms. We appreciate your support for them and input towards the development of the school. You trusted us with your children and paid their school fees to ensure that they get education. As a parent, it is important to remember that your child is growing to be someone, and that, what they become is product of a process that you trust and are obviously part of. Therefore, during this holiday take time out of the businesses of the day, to be with your child. police 4KM station Mlolongo Jambush 6KM The school continues to improve in different aspects to ensure that the children are getting the best. We are still striving to improve academic performance for all classes and promote extracurricular activities. We hope that all the efforts put will not only bear good fruits during the end of course but also in life. May God bless you during these long holidays and as you celebrate Christmas and Happy New Year. FROM THE HEADMISTRESS I would like to thank the Almighty God for keeping us safe throughout the year. Secondly ,I would like to thank you all for your continuous support you and having faith in us as we educate your child. May the Almighty Father shower you and your families with blessings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Cell Phones: Reception: 0738 166 091. High School: 0707 178 990. Primary School: 0700 897 055 Preschool: 0703 865879. Location: Machakos County, near Mlolongo Town, 6km off Mombasa Road, Syokimau-Katani Road. P.O Box 66339 – 00800 Nairobi. Email: » » » The preschool graduation was scheduled for 7th November. The charges for the graduation were set at ksh. 1500. The gowns will be used within the school. To cater for the PTA activities, the members resolved that every parent should pay an annual fee of 500 shillings at the beginning of the year. From January 2015, all preschool children will be required to pay 500 shillings every term for the Milk programme. The prize giving day for the school was tentatively scheduled for January 30, 2014 FOOD At the beginning of this year, the school adapted an improved menu for the preschoolers. This move has enabled the preschool children enjoy their food and also eat to satisfaction. We also hope to continue improving even in primary school. Our desire is for the children to get a healthy and enjoyable meal which is possible with your help. TRANSPORT We are making progress to overcome the transport challenge. This year the school purchased a bus to help alleviate the transport bulk. This improved the picking and dropping, though more effort is being made to improve even further. We offer our gratitude to those parents who were patient with us because we had to alter picking and dropping hours during the KCSE exam period. This is because one of our vehicles was involved in transporting exams for the candidates. Thank very much. To clarify the transport system we have identified transport zones and charges for each zone. Transport charges will from next term be based on the zones. (see diagram on back page) WEBSITE Recently, the school opened a website. We can now interact at; we invite you to like our Facebook page – and follow us on twitter handle @hoh_ schools. Category STD 4-8 » Due to challenges emerging from the changing standards of living, rising cost of commodities such as food and demand for better services it has become inevitable to carefully consider a fees review. The school with the current rates is constrained and to cater for the rising costs of operation, the management has reviewed the school fees upward. Therefore the new school fees rates for 2015 are as follows: Item Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Tuition 7000 7000 7000 Meals 4500 4500 4500 Examinations 500 500 500 Activity fee 500 500 500 1500 1500 1500 Office Equipment Maintenance 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 15500 15500 15500 Tuition 6500 6500 6500 Meals 4000 4000 4000 Examinations 500 500 500 Activity fee 500 500 500 Office Equipment 700 700 700 Maintenance 300 300 300 Library and computers 500 500 500 13000 13000 13000 5500 5500 5500 Milk programme (preschool) 500 500 500 PTA ( Annual Rate ) 500 Library and computers Total STD 1-3 PRESCHOOL PTA In May 2014, the Parent Teachers Association was formed by the parents. They took office and have continued well as mandated. On September 20, the PTA members held a meeting and agreed on the following issues No cash payments. Fees pledges must be made in person by the parent and not through the phone. Direct mobile transfers to the school account are charged Kshs. 39, by the bank. If you are making direct transfers please remember to include the charges. Starting year 2015, parents who pay their complete fees before the first day of the term will enjoy a discount of 5% on the fees of the following term. Also parents who delay and close the term with a balance will be charged 5% interest on the full fees of the current term, payable the following term. The principal policy still stands that All fees is payable on the first day of the term. OTHER CHARGES MATTERS ARISING FROM THE AGM The school installed book cabinets for the lower classes as requested by the parents. Currently, children do not have to carry all their books to and from home every day. From May 2014, parents have been participating in the academic clinics. We are encouraged by the many parents that turn up for the clinics and take time to meet teachers. Please plan to continue attending all school activities; it is a sign of support to your child. The school with the help of parents organized a social studies trip for class eight in term 2, a trip to ASK show and a pre-unit fun day at the Rainbow City in Railways Museum Nairobi. SCHOOL FEES To undertake its mandate to the fullest, the school requires finances. Parents have remained committed to paying their school fees to completion and on time. We still urge those with arrears to clear by the dawn of first term. Delays in fees payment is costly to the school and stressing to the parents, children and administrators. We encourage you to pay in good time so that services due to children can adequately be provided. Organize to pay up even some amounts from this holiday and the obligation will be lighter come January. TRANSPORT ZONES SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMME The skills programme has taken root and is now fully part of the school daily routine. The main aim of the programme is to equip children with practical skills and knowledge besides academics. The school was able to create time and include the skills training schedule in the timetable and offer it to the whole school. Currently, each child at least participates in one skill every Wednesday and Friday. The pupils are trained in agriculture, performing arts, guitar lessons, tailoring and dressmaking, carpentry and welding, art and drawing, mosaics, beading and automotive awareness. During this term’s skills day held on 31st October, the children presented products and articles such as chapati boards and rolling pins, stools and a table for the carpentry, beading presented necklaces and hand bangles of various designs. They also made presentations in skits, drawings, dressmaking and art mosaics. We are glad that parents turned out in large numbers to witness this rare occasion. Total Other charges Boarding Transport check the zone Uniforms Admission fee ( new pupils only) 1000 Zone A 2500 2500 2500 Zone B 3500 3500 3500 Zone C 4000 4000 4000 Zone D 4500 4500 4500
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