2014 Calendar Wednesday 26th November - Advent Bible Study Group Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum - begins at 12:00pm Advent Bible Study - Soup and study 12.00 - 2.00pm. Wednesdays 26th November, 3rd, 10th & 17th December. Come to as many or as few as you are able. Everyone welcome. Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive MethodismEnglesea Brook Lane, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5QWTel: 01270 820836 Email: Engleseabrook-methodist-museum@supanet.comWebsite: www.engleseabrook-museum.org.uk Visit our community archive for Primitive Methodism at: www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk Thursday 27th November - Advent Reflection Day Manchester - begins at 10:30am Advent Reflection day - Friends of Sabeel - North West Thursday 27th November 10.30am-3.30pm Kairos and Beyond - Delivering hope Bishop Richard Llewellin (former Bishop in Dover and Lambeth)Served as Ecumenical Accompanier in Bethlehem Luther King House Manchester M14 5JP'20 including lunch To book contact John Logan 01942 223575 Friday 28th November - Christmas Tree Festival Alsager Methodist Church - begins at 2:00pm 2 to 5.30 p.m on Friday, 28th November (carol singing among the trees at 7.30 complimentary tea & mince pies). Festive food available also, choir, music and seasonal pictures screened throughout. Come and join us and also enjoy the street market and fair on the Sunday afternoon Saturday 29th November - BIG BREAKFAST Ettiley Heath Church - begins at 9:30am 29 Nov at Ettiley Heath LEP- Big Breakfast from 9.30am Saturday 29th November - COFFEE STOP Broomhall & Sound Chapel - begins at 10:00am Broomhall & Sound Chapel - Saturday July 26th 10am - 11.30 am - COFFEE STOP. Coffee, Cake and a Chat . We will be pleased to see you, everyone will be made very welcome Saturday 29th November - Christmas Tree Festival Alsager Methodist Church - begins at 10:00am Saturday 10 to 5, Festive food available also, choir, music and seasonal pictures screened throughout. Come and join us and also enjoy the street market and fair on the Sunday afternoon Saturday 29th November - CHRISTMAS FAIR Wheelock Methodist Church - begins at 11:00am 29 Nov at Wheelock MC- Christmas Fair at 11.00 with lunches from 12noon Saturday 29th November - CAKE DECORATING DEMO Elworth Methodist Church - begins at 12:00pm 29 Nov at Elworth- Cake Decorating with Jenny Broad, time tbc Sunday 30th November - Christmas Tree Festival Alsager Methodist Church - begins at 2:00pm Sunday, 2 to 8 P.M. Festive food available also, choir, music and seasonal pictures screened throughout. Come and join us and also enjoy the street market and fair on the Sunday afternoon Sunday 30th November - KIDZ PRAISE Ettiley Heath Church - begins at 2:30pm 30 Nov at Ettiley Heath LEP- Kidz Praise, 2.30pm Sunday 30th November - BAND SUNDAY Winterley Methodist Church - begins at 6:30pm Selection of music by the Winterley Methodist Brass Band & Trainer Band FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE SEE THE POSTER IN RECENT PUBLICATIONS Sunday 30th November - ADVENT SERVICE - Churches Together Sandbach Methodist Church - begins at 7:00pm 30 Nov at Sandbach MC- Churches Together Advent Service, 7.00pm Tuesday 2nd December - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 3rd December - Advent Bible Study Group Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum - begins at 12:00pm Advent Bible Study - Soup and study 12.00 - 2.00pm. Wednesdays 26th November, 3rd, 10th & 17th December. Come to as many or as few as you are able. Everyone welcome. Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive MethodismEnglesea Brook Lane, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5QWTel: 01270 820836 Email: Engleseabrook-methodist-museum@supanet.comWebsite: www.engleseabrook-museum.org.uk Visit our community archive for Primitive Methodism at: www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk Wednesday 3rd December - Local Preachers Meeting Audlem TBC - begins at 7:30pm 3rd7.30pmLocal Preachers MeetingAudlem - TBC Sunday 7th December - Morning Service with Geraldine Latty St Stephen's Methodist Church - begins at 10:30am Sunday 7th. December 10.30 am. St. Stephen's Methodist Church, Crewe. We are privileged to have international singer and worship leader Geraldine Latty to lead the morning service and Alison Thornton Stark will be the preacher. A warm welcome is extended to all. Sunday 7th December - Sankey Gospel Service Broad Lane, Nantwich - begins at 2:15pm Sunday 7 December - Sankey / Gospel Service at 2:15pm at Broad Lane, Audlem Road, Nantwich led by Mr Ron Page, soloist Doreen Sillitoe, organist David Harding, refreshments to follow, all welcome Sunday 7th December - Advent Praise Tallarn Green Methodist Church - begins at 6:30pm Tallarn Green Methodist Church Christmas Services are as follows: 7th Dec. Advent Praise, when children are invited to come along and take part in this service. 21st Dec. Village Carol Service at 6.30p.m. Christmas Eve Crib and Christingle Service at 5p.m. 25th - Communion Service at 11.15p.m. Wednesday 10th December - Advent Bible Study Group Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum - begins at 12:00pm Advent Bible Study - Soup and study 12.00 - 2.00pm. Wednesdays 26th November, 3rd, 10th & 17th December. Come to as many or as few as you are able. Everyone welcome. Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive MethodismEnglesea Brook Lane, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5QWTel: 01270 820836 Email: Engleseabrook-methodist-museum@supanet.comWebsite: www.engleseabrook-museum.org.uk Visit our community archive for Primitive Methodism at: www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk Wednesday 10th December - Circuit Staffing Team Meeting Wesley Avenue, Sandbach - begins at 7:00pm 10th December Wednesday 10th December - Nantwich Supper Club Nantwich MC - begins at 7:00pm Anyone who would like to share in a meal should book before Midday on the Monday of the week of the meeting. Contact Margaret Kirkman on 01270 611942. 10 December - 'YMCA: Supporting Young People through Crisis' - Gill Guy 14 January - 'Saving Mother and Babies in West Africa' - Barbara Phillips 11 February - 'Crewe to Kenya' - Bessa Cador 11 March - 'My first Railway Station' - Alison Long 8 April - ' A Retired Banker is surprised to find Himself in Nantwich'- Rev Stephen Snelling Sunday 14th December - Heritage Service Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum - begins at 2:30pm "Christmas with the Victorians". Tuesday 16th December - The Glory of Christmas Audlem Methodist Church - begins at 7:30pm Audlem Methodist Church - Tues 16th & Wed 17th December - 7.30pm "The Glory of Christmas". Tickets £6 available from Julia Parton Tel: 01270 811761 Wednesday 17th December - The Glory of Christmas Audlem Methodist Church - begins at 7:30pm Audlem Methodist Church - Tues 16th & Wed 17th December - 7.30pm "The Glory of Christmas". Tickets £6 available from Julia Parton Tel: 01270 811761 Friday 19th December - Christmas Communion Oakhanger Church - begins at 10:00am Thursday 25th December at St.Luke's Church, Oakhanger. 10.00 am Christmas Communion. Friday 19th December - Open Air Fun & Fellowship Brereton Heath Nature Reserve - begins at 10:30am Friday 26th December at Brereton Heath Nature Reserve: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm: Fun and Fellowship in the Open Air. Walk off that Christmas meal, Canoe if you dare, Meet the Oakhanger Project Team over a cup of coffee/tea. Friday 19th December - Carol Singing Crewe Railway Station Forecourt - begins at 12:02pm Friday 19th December Carol singing on the forecourt of Crewe Railway Station from 4.00pm- 6.00pm Proceeds for Action for Children All welcome Friday 19th December - United Carol Service St Luke's, Oakhanger - begins at 7:00pm Sunday 21st December.United Carol Service at St.Luke's Church, Oakhanger Sunday 21st December - Village Carol Service Tallarn Green Methodist Church - begins at 6:30pm 21st Dec. Village Carol Service at 6.30p.m. Christmas Eve Crib and Christingle Service at 5p.m. 25th - Communion Service at 11.15p.m. Wednesday 24th December - Carols, Coffee & Mince Pies Oakhanger Church - begins at 6:30pm Wednesday 24th December at Oakhanger Church: 6.30 pm Carols, Coffee and Mince Pies- Join us for an informal evening of celebration and an opportunity to sing your favourite carols. Wednesday 24th December - Christmas Eve Crib and Christingle Service Tallarn Green Methodist Church - begins at 7:00pm Christmas Eve Crib and Christingle Service at 5p.m. Thursday 25th December - Christmas Communion Service Tallarn Green Methodist Church - begins at 11:15am 25th - Communion Service at 11.15p.m. Saturday 27th December - COFFEE STOP Broomhall & Sound Chapel - begins at 10:00am Broomhall & Sound Chapel - Saturday July 26th 10am - 11.30 am - COFFEE STOP. Coffee, Cake and a Chat . We will be pleased to see you, everyone will be made very welcome 2015 Calendar Thursday 1st January - New Year Walk & Lunch Oakhanger Methodist Church - begins at 10:30am Start the New Year with our New Year Day walk. Meet at Oakhanger Methodist Church at 10.30 am (10 am if you want tea or coffee first). Walk will be approximately 2 hours finishing with a pub lunch at 1 pm,(venue tbc) Further details about any of the above please contact me I look forwards to welcoming you at Oakhanger Graham Graham BushillProject Leader, Oakhanger Project,The Firs, Butterton Lane,Oakhanger, Crewe, CW15UUTel: 01270 882158 or 0799 993 2963Email: oakchallenge@aol.com Tuesday 6th January - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 14th January - Circuit Finance Team Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 1:00pm Wednesday 14th January - Nantwich Supper Club Nantwich MC - begins at 7:00pm Anyone who would like to share in a meal should book before Midday on the Monday of the week of the meeting. Contact Margaret Kirkman on 01270 611942. 14 January - 'Saving Mother and Babies in West Africa' - Barbara Phillips 11 February - 'Crewe to Kenya' - Bessa Cador 11 March - 'My first Railway Station' - Alison Long 8 April - ' A Retired Banker is surprised to find Himself in Nantwich'- Rev Stephen Snelling Monday 26th January - Circuit Property Team Meeting Audlem - begins at 7:30pm Monday 2nd February - District Meeting Bishop's Wood - begins at 7:30pm District Meeting of all Circuit Treasurers - Circuit Finance Team only Tuesday 3rd February - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 4th February - Circuit Staffing Team Meeting Wesley Avenue, Sandbach - begins at 7:00pm 4th Feb Wednesday 11th February - Nantwich Supper Club Nantwich MC - begins at 7:00pm Anyone who would like to share in a meal should book before Midday on the Monday of the week of the meeting. Contact Margaret Kirkman on 01270 611942. 11 February - 'Crewe to Kenya' - Bessa Cador 11 March - 'My first Railway Station' - Alison Long 8 April - ' A Retired Banker is surprised to find Himself in Nantwich'- Rev Stephen Snelling Tuesday 3rd March - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am Wednesday 11th March - Nantwich Supper Club Nantwich MC - begins at 7:00pm Anyone who would like to share in a meal should book before Midday on the Monday of the week of the meeting. Contact Margaret Kirkman on 01270 611942. 11 March - 'My first Railway Station' - Alison Long 8 April - ' A Retired Banker is surprised to find Himself in Nantwich'- Rev Stephen Snelling Thursday 12th March - Circuit Meeting Coppenhall Methodist Centre - begins at 7:00pm Thursday March 12th 2015 at 7pm - Coppenhall Centre, Bradfield Road, Crewe Wednesday 8th April - Nantwich Supper Club Nantwich MC - begins at 7:00pm Anyone who would like to share in a meal should book before Midday on the Monday of the week of the meeting. Contact Margaret Kirkman on 01270 611942. 8 April - ' A Retired Banker is surprised to find Himself in Nantwich'- Rev Stephen Snelling Tuesday 14th April - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 14th10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 15th April - Circuit Property Team Meeting Audlem - begins at 7:30pm Wednesday 22nd April - Circuit Staffing Team Meeting Wesley Avenue, Sandbach - begins at 7:00pm 22nd April Tuesday 12th May - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Tuesday 9th June - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 17th June - Circuit Meeting To Be arranged - begins at 7:00pm Wednesday 24th June - Circuit Staffing team Meeting Wesley Avenue, Sandbach - begins at 7:00pm 24th June Tuesday 7th July - Circuit Staff Meeting Broad Lane - begins at 10:00am 10amCircuit Staff MeetingBroad Lane Wednesday 29th July - Circuit Property Team Meeting Audlem - begins at 7:30pm Monday 14th September - Circuit Meeting To be arranged - begins at 7:00pm 2104 Calendar Tuesday 21st October - District World Church Meeting Nantwich Methodist Church - begins at 10:00am #Chester & Stoke-on-Trent Methodist District World Church Meeting Nantwich Methodist Church Hospital Street, Nantwich CW5 5RPD Ruth & Robbie Bowen will talk about "The Gambia Revisited" All Welcome! Followed by buffet lunch (please book lunch 01260 273935) Downloaded from Cheshire South Methodist Circuit on the 24th November 2014. Visit: www.cheshiresouth.org.uk/calendar.pdf for the latest version of this calendar.
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