19.05.2015 Begrepsforvirring Forstå begrepsjungelen Omsorgsteknologikonferansen 2015 Høgskolen i Bergen 19.05. 2015 Mari S. Berge Stipendiat Home-based technologies Tekniske hjelpemidler (assistive technology) Hverdagsteknologi Sporingsteknologi Smarthus Kognitiv støtte BOLIG Videokommunikasjon ALARMSENTRAL 1 19.05.2015 Administrative systemer Helseteknologi (Telehealth) Elektronisk utstyr som måler vitale helsedata og formidler disse til kyndig personell Dokumentasjon ‐elektronisk ‐papir Logistikk Turnusplanlegging etc BOLIG ALARMSENTRAL Telehealth Trygghetsalarm (Social alarm) • Electronic sensors or equipment that monitors vital health signs remotely for example, in your own home, or while on the move. These readings are automatically transmitted to an appropriately trained person who can monitor the health vital signs and make decisions about potential interventions in real time, without the patient needing to attend a clinic. The Department of Health (UK) Sensorer i boligen som varsler dersom en uønsket hendelse inntreffer slik at hjelp tilkalles. ALARMSENTRAL BOLIG ALARMSENTRAL M O T T A K E R Telecare Omsorgsteknologi (Telecare) BOLIG M O T T A K E R M O T T A K E R E • Personal and environmental sensors in the home that enable people to remain safe and independent in their own home for longer. 24 hour monitoring ensures that, should an event occur, the information is acted upon immediately and the most appropriate response put in train The Department of Health (UK) 2 19.05.2015 Tekniske hjelpemidler Begrepsforvirring! Takk for oppmerksomheten! mber@hib.no Administrative systemer 3
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