QUID NOVI Journal des étudiant-e-s en droit de l’université McGill Published by the McGill Law Students’ Association Volume 36, no 8 18 novembre 2014 | November 18, 2014 QN 18 NOV 2014 QUID NOVI QUID NOVI 3644 Peel Street Montréal, Québec H2A 1X1 quid.law@mcgill.ca EDITORS IN CHIEF Ying Cheng Nathan Cudicio IN-HOUSE DIVA EMERITUS Charlie Feldman LAYOUT EDITORS Fortunat Nadima Sunny Yang ASSOCIATE REVIEWERS Journal des étudiant-e-s en droit de l’université McGill McGill Law’s Weekly Student Newspaper Volume 36, no 8 18 novembre 2014 | November 18, 2014 WHAT’S INSIDE ? QUEL EST LE CONTENU ? ÉDITO WE CONDEMN ATTACKS ON WOMEN AT WORK... DÉNONCIATIONS : QUELQUES DISTINCTIONS S’IMPOSENT EN RÉPONSE AU PROFESSEUR LECKEY POUR UNE CRITIQUE DE LA “TECHNICISATION” THE LEARNING CURVE: EXAM WRITING CONFÉRENCE FRANCOPHONE DE LA REVUE DE DROIT DE MCGILL MENTAL ILLNESS AS A LAW STUDENT PUBLIC INTEREST PRESTIGE SOIS SAGE MCGILL LAW JOURNAL: NOVEMBER 12 INFO SESSION RECAP A GUIDE FOR TOLERABLE FEMINISM OVERHEARDS MCGILL LAW MEMES FACULTY DOPPELGANGERS Kaishan He Andrew Stuart STAFF WRITERS Linda Agaby Allison Render Suzanne Zaccour WANT TO TALK ? TU VEUX T’EXPRIMER ? 3 4 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 Co-Editor-in-Chief YING CHENG PAENULTIMUS “La majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier lity, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets, and steal loaves of bread.] – Anatole France Privilege. In some of this week’s submissions from students and Faculty, we encounter various manifesta- - by Margaret Atwood I would like to watch you, with you, to enter of both accuser and accused. slides over my head inclined to tough it out instead of seeking resources highlights an alarming class divide in the choice of - and walk with you through that lucent wavering forest of bluegreen leaves with its watery sun & three moons towards the cave where you must descend, towards your worst fear I would like to give you the silver rest work a gated community of sorts? from the grief at the center of your dream, from the grief at the center. I would like to follow again & become the boat that would row you back few. to where your body lies beside me, and you enter it as easily as breathing in I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment & that necessary. QN 18 NOV 2014 Professor ANGELA CAMPBELL becomes a new law. Hill. QN 18 NOV 2014 WE CONDEMN ATTACKS ON WOMEN Professor ROBERT LECKEY que tous les silences sont les mêmes. Tous les gestes de briser le une chose. Ce geste aide à nous sensibiliser. Il amoindrit la honte tous et de toutes. QN 18 NOV 2014 Law II SUZANNE ZACCOUR EN RÉPONSE AU PROFESSEUR LECKEY délicat et commande un débat de société. En ce sens, contrai trigger warning QN 18 NOV 2014 Law II AURÉLIE LANCTÔT & ANNE-SOPHIE OUELLET POUR UNE CRITIQUE DE LA Law School égard. cohorte de la rentrée 2013. QN 18 NOV 2014 doit Du devoir social des futurs juristes vraie 1 2 3 . 1 Je ne suis pas une PME - plaidoyer pour une université publique. 2 “L’université et l’idée de culture”, dans Dans les ruines de l’université 3 Freitag, Michel, Le naufrage de l’université et autres essais QN 18 NOV 2014 Law IV ALLISON RENDER Policy/Theory on an issue. 1. 2. 3. QN 18 NOV 2014 4. any debate. Solve the Problem The Big Day QN 18 NOV 2014 Physician Assisted Suicide and Bill 52: A Discourse Dr. Patrick Vinay McGill Faculty of Law New Chancellor Day Hall Room 100 (Moot Court) Dr. Daniel Weinstock 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 26th REVUE DE DROIT DE MCGILL CONFÉRENCE FRANCOPHONE DE LA REVUE Loi électorale du Canada Loi électorale du Canada. Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. QN 18 NOV 2014 ANONYMOUS MENTAL ILLNESS AS A LAW STUDENT struggle to balance my mental health needs with the demands QN 18 NOV 2014 Law II JACOB SCHWEDA 1 . 3 . It seems troubling. working-class students need not apply. 1 2 . 2 well. 3 QN 18 NOV 2014 Law I ELIZABETH ROBERTSON 1 come with being nice. You see, while I was worrying about hur 6 Now this 7 2 8 . So right eyelid twitch. 10 . Hey, mously. It was cowardly, dishonest and needed to be called out. 3 11 4 QN 18 NOV 2014 4 6 that you get it. 7 1 8 2 10 11 3 MCGILL LAW JOURNAL SESSION RECAP - editors. Why join the McGill Law Journal? QN 18 NOV 2014 leur mandat. lawjournal.mcgill.ca. WHY JOIN THE MCGILL LAW JOURNAL, YOU ASK? Our Volume 60 Team says… QN 18 NOV 2014 Amanda Wright, Managing Editor In-House Diva OVERHEARDS CHARLIE FELDMAN Y’all – it’s been a rough week in Charlie land. New lows were hit – I actually Googled “things in fridge” and was upset when the Inter- Prof. Adamski: Quid: hear about MIT the worse it gets. Prof. Gold: Ellenborough Park Ellenborough Park Prof. Gold: Me. Barbeau: Prof. Khoury Prof. Jukier: Prof. Jukier Quid: Langelier v. Demers. Prof. Lamed Prof. Adams: Quid: Class: No. Prof. Lamed: Class: No. Prof. Lamed: Prof. Adamski: Prof. Anker: LLM: Prof. Anker: Me. Barbeau: Prof. Raizenne: QN 18 NOV 2014 Dean Jutras notes. Dean Jutras: ...or maybe I am wrong and we are all going to seems cool too. Law I PATRICK LLOYD BRENNAN QN 18 NOV 2014 QN 18 NOV 2014 Can’t get enough Quid? On est sur Facebook ! Search “Quid Novi – Droit McGill Law” or type https://www.facebook.com/quidnovi.mcgill. Add us today – vous ne savez jamais ce que nous pourrions mettre en ligne! The final issue of the semester will be published on November 25. Deadline for submission: Thursday, November 20 at 5pm
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