St. Louis Parish 3310 S. Sherman • Englewood, CO 80113 Father Robert J. Reycraft - Pastor Sr. Margaret Quinn, RSM - Pastoral Assistant Office Hours: M-F 9 am - 12 pm, 12:30 pm - 3 pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way - English: 7:00 pm (Cafeteria) Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: As announced Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday 7:30 am Rosary: Monday-Friday 7:00 am Prayer Network Rosary – Thursdays 8:00 am Croatian Language Mass-Last Sunday of Month at 12 pm Baptisms By appointment. Marriage Appointment required 9-12 months in advance. Confessions Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30 pm Phones Parish Office ..........................................................303-761-3940 Fax.........................................................................303-806-5394 Sister Margaret ......................................................303-986-1541 Ext. 6205 School....................................................................303-762-8307 School Fax.............................................................303-762-0156 RCIA Director - Marilane McCarthy .......................303-232-4533 Principal-Pattie Hagen……………………………….303-762-8307 Pattie Hagen E-Mail………………… R.E. Director - Steven Kelly………………………….303-507-0694 Neo-Catechumenal Way-Tim & Flora Potter ……..303-587-5185 St. Vincent House -Carolyn Bauer......................... 303-781-1429 Fr. Reycraft E-Mail Address…… Parish Office-Bulletin……………………… Parish Website…………………… St. Louis School Web site…… Project Gabriel……………………………………...1-800-713-3021 REMEMBER – St. Louis Parish/School in your Will! Help continue the message of the Gospel and Catholic Education for future generations! For information, Call the Catholic Foundation at 303-468-9885. .. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Those who are sick have their names placed in the bulletin and in the book at the rear of the Church. Specific names will be mentioned at Mass for one week only. But all who are sick will be included in our prayers at every Mass. If you want someone included, please call the Parish office at 303-761-3940. Also, if you are going into the hospital and wish to be anointed, contact the Parish office. When there is a parishioner in the hospital who wishes to be visited call the Parish office. When you have updates on the current list of those who are sick, let us know. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Pat James, Lillian Kauffmann, Michael Santino, Charlie Randolph, Beverly Fisher, Jim Sitton (son-in-law of Marie Smolski) LECTOR WORKBOOKS The Lector Workbooks for 2015 are available in the Sacristy, Please sign your name upon taking one. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS The Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 9 a.m. Please join Cub Scout PACK 1264 in our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive by filling the provided bags with non-perishable food items for those less fortunate this holiday season. The Cub Scouts will be collecting the bags before all masses on November 22, and November 23, 2014. Thank you for your support. We will also accept cash or grocery certificate donations. BAPTISM Congratulations to Manhattan Reagan, daughter of Lane and Kali, baptized on Sunday, November 23. Sometimes silence is golden, other times it is just plain yellow. Saint Louis Parish Englewood, Colorado November 23, 2014 PRAYERS FOR VOCATION NOVEMBER Week of November 24 –November 30, 2014 7:30am All Souls Novena 7:30am All Souls Novena 3:30pm Wednesday 7:30am +James Vogel By The Hoeft Family Thursday 9:00am All Souls Novena Happy Thanksgiving! Friday 7:30am Monica Fuchs By William Fuchs Saturday 5:00pm +Juan & +Teresa Gutierrez By Juan & Debbie 7:00pm Mass for Parishioners Sunday 8:00am Mike Hoeft By Mary Hoeft 10:00am +Lois & Marion Campbell By The Campbell Family 5:30pm +Ivan Martinovic & +Marijan Martic By Mladen & Vesna Martinovic Monday Tuesday Weekday: Nov.24-Nov. 26, 2014 Carina Florsek and Kate Powell Nov. 27 at 9:00 AMThomas Keeley, Patrick Keeley, John Paul Keeley, Tessa White Nov. 28: Patrick Keeley, John Paul Keeley Next Weekend: Nov. 29 & Nov. 30, 2014 Saturday 5:00 pm Gabriella Matl, Michael Matl One other Matl, Maria Waymel Sunday 8:00 am Ethan McCauley, Lindsay McCauley Rebecca Popara, Taylor Langlett 10:00 am Michael Hoeft, Kathleen Hoeft Marina Hoeft, James Hoeft 5:30 pm Taylor Anderson, John Kearney Christopher Moser, Ivana Martnovoc St. Louis Parish Lector and Eucharistic Ministers Schedule Nov 29/Nov 30, 2014 Sat 5:00 pm Lector– Carolyn Derrington-Tate Eucharistic Ministers– Tom Hill, Kathe Wiggins, George Wiggins Sun 8:00 am Lector–Cathy Darnell Eucharistic Ministers– Carole Maschka, Carl Maschka, Dan Hoopes Sun 10:00 am Lector– Adam Aluise Eucharistic Ministers– Richard Hamilton, Lisa Hamilton, LeeAnn Coffey Sun 5:30 pm Lector– Harry Ladewig Eucharistic MinistersTheresa Winters, Arnold Pfeiffer, Michael Anderson .. Sunday-4th Theology and 3rd Theology Monday-2nd Theology and 1st Theology Tuesday-2nd Philosophy and 1st Philosophy Wednesday-Spirituality Year Thursday-College Sophomores and College Freshmen Friday-Vocations Ministry Saturday-Applicants and Prospective Seminarians PRAYER NETWORK: If you have a serious Prayer request or if you need some extra prayers said for your Special intention, call Margaret at 303-781-3523. SENIORS ANOINTING MASS The Annual Mass for Seniors with Anointing of the Sick will be held on Tuesday, November 25, at 3:30 p.m. in the Church. The Mass will be followed by the Thanksgiving Dinner in the cafeteria. The dinner is sponsored by St. Louis School. Please call the School at 303-762-8307 to make reservations for the dinner. Bonfils Blood Drive The next blood drive at St Louis is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 21st. If you have not already made an appointment, please contact Bonfils or Cathy Darnell at 303/744-0207 or We do take walk-ins but those with appointments get priority. Giving blood is quick, easy and a great way to give back to the community for the holidays! Attention Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers The schedule will be prepared soon for December, January and February. If you know now of dates when you are not available, please let me know as soon as possible. Remember it is your responsibility to get a substitute for times when you are scheduled but cannot be there. As always, thank you for your commitment to these important ministries at St. Louis Parish. Cathy Darnell 303/744-0207 or RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will begin on Sunday, October 5, at 9 am in the school. RCIA is for those wishing to enter the Church or those who need a particular Sacrament, such as Penance, Eucharist or Confirmation. For information call Marilane McCarthy at 303-232-4533. Stewardship Weekend of Nov. 15 & Nov. 16 , 2014 Offertory Collection …………………………...…$6,178.60 Charity fund ……………. $590.00 ONLINE Donations……..$200.00 Thank you for your continued support.! Last Sunday in Ordinary Time CHURCH RAMP there is some research being done on a better access entrance for those who have difficulty with mobility. The north side of the Church by the old Confessional is being considered. More information will be coming later in November. KING SOOPERS CARDS Reloadable King Soopers grocery Cards are now available. The cost is $5.00 each and can be reloaded at any King Soopers store. KING SOOPER RESULTS Profit from your use of King Sooper reloadable cards: October -$524.00 November -$448.75 Total -$ 972.75 Thank you for using the cards The Knights of Columbus Council 14443 once again is having a bus trip to Black Hawk. The date is December 7th. The bus will show-up about 10:30 am at the school parking lot and will leave at 11 am sharp. We will be at the casino about 12 noon. The seats are ten dollars each and the money goes to help our church and other programs that the Knights do. Please call Ellie Dreher at 303-781-5625, or Gerry Dreher at 303-909-9598 to let us know that you are coming. We will take walk on up to 55 passengers. Thank you for your support. Calendar of Events Monday, November 24 7:30 am-Mass-Church Tuesday, November 25 7:30 am & 3:30 pm-Church 7:30 pm-5th Neo-Cat-Eng-Church Basement 7:30 pm-4th Neo-Cat7:30 pm-1st Neo-Cat-Spanish Wednesday, November 26 7:30 am-Church 7:30 pm-5th Neo-Cat-Eng-Church Basement 7:30 pm-4th Neo-Cat7:30 pm-1st Neo-Cat-Spanish Thursday, November 27 9:00 am-Mass-Church 7pm-Choir Practice-Church Happy Thanksgiving! Friday, November 28 7:30 am-Mass-Church Saturday, November 29 5:00 pm-Church Sunday, November 30 8:00 am-10:00 am 5:30 pm-Church Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, St. Louis Parish anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. Senior Thanksgiving Dinner Preparations It has been a long tradition at St. Louis Catholic School to provide a Thanksgiving Dinner for the seniors of our parish and neighborhood community. Families are asked to bring food items, while our teachers use their planning periods to prepare the meal. All seniors are welcome to attend on Tuesday November 25th at 4:00 PM. Please call the school office at 303-762-8307 for reservations. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Toy Donation Jeans Day is Friday, December 5th To celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on Saturday December 6th, we will be having a Jeans Day on Friday, December 5th. Each scholar is asked to donate a small new toy that will be collected for Father Woody’s Christmas party for the Poor on December 14th. This program provides holiday meals and toys for families and children less fortunate than us. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support! ..
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