Hanna Chiropractic Wellness Center 27791 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, CA www.HannaChiropracticWellnessCenter.com 949. 389. 0400 New Patient Information Welcome! Please allow our staff to photocopy your driver’s license & insurance card (if applicable). PRINT CLEARLY: Today’s Date: ____/_____/20_____ Full Name: _____________________________________ DOB: ___/____/____ Age:____ Gender: M F Address:_______________________________________________ City:__________________ State:_____ Zip: ____________ Home Phone: (_____) ___________________ Cell: (_____) ______________________ Work: (_____) ______________________ Email:_________________________________________ Marital Status: S ___ M ___ D___ W ___ May we e-mail you? Y N Work Status: FT ___ PT ___ R ___ Student ___ Employer:_______________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Name: ______________________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: ________________________________________ Relationship to Patient: _____________________ Primary Phone: (______) ___________________ Work Phone: (______) _______________________ Which doctor/practitioner were you referred to? (Circle One): Dr. Hanna Dr. Wendy Dr. Julie Other: ___________________________ How did you hear about us? (Circle One): Internet Social Media (please indicate): _________________ Doctor (please indicate): _________________ Health Concerns: (Please list in priority order & use back of questionnaire or additional paper if needed) 1._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Females: Last Menstrual Period: ______/______/_______ Pregnant? ____ Y _____ N Nursing? _____ Y _____ N Treatment: What type of treatment are you looking for? (More than one may apply): _______ Symptom Relief ________ Correctional Care _________ Total Wellness Care Page 1 of 5 Symptoms/Complaints: (Relating to your primary complaint(s)): When did your symptoms begin? _____________________ What initiated the symptoms?:_____________________________________ Have you previously been treated for this condition by another provider? Y____ N____ If yes, then by whom? ____________________ Treatment received: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you had any reactions to previous treatment? Y____ N_____ Describe:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If this is a recurrence, when did you initially notice this problem?: _________________________________________________________ Has it worsened over time? Y___ N___ Same____ How long does it last?:________ Does it interfere with your: Sleep__ Daily Routine:__ Describe the pain:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ What makes it worse? (Circle One): Standing Sitting Lying Bending Lifting Twisting Other:____________________ Have you found things that relieve your symptoms? Y___ N___ If yes, describe:___________________________________________ Do you have other conditions or symptoms that may be related your current symptoms? Y___ N____ If yes, what?:______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been in an auto accident or other physical trauma? Never___ Past Year___ 1-5 Years___ 5+ Years___ Please Describe:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate your symptoms by checking P= Prior Condition or C=Current Condition. P / C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P / C Headache Fascial Pain Blurred Vision Dizziness Earache Eye Pain Forgetfulness Confusion Sinusitus Teeth Grinding Dry Mouth Excessive Thirst Unpleasant Taste Neck Pain Sore Throat Lump in Throat Swallowing Pain Unsteady Voice Shoulder Pain Persistent Coughing Chest Pressure Slow Heart Rate Rapid Heart Rate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P / C Abdominal Pains Nausea/Vomiting Poor Appetite Fullness of Bladder Urination Difficulty Frequent Urination Constipation Hemorrhoids Decreased Sex Drive Menstrual Irregularities Elbow/Hand Pain Tingling in Hands Clammy Hands Low Back Pain Hip Pain Knee Pain Poor Circulation Swollen Joints Joint Stiffness Swollen Ankles Ankle/Foot Pain Tingling in Feet Walking Problems _ _ Paralysis Please use the legend symbols to accurately mark _ _ Shakiness the areas in which you feel these sensations: _ _ Sweating Stabbing/Acute: ||| - Cramping ^^^ _ _ Insomnia _ _ Fainting Tingling: ::: - Numbness --_ _ Convulsions Burning: XXX - Dullness ### _ _ Irritability _ _ Impatience _ _ Fatigue _ _ Feel Loss of Control _ _ High Blood Pressure _ _ Low Blood Pressure _ _ Sore Muscles _ _ Weak Muscles _ _ Other: ___________ ______________________ ______________________ *Additional* (Please check all that apply) _ _ Seizures (Epilepsy) _ _ Transplant _ _ Surgically Implanted Device _ _ Pacemaker Allergies: (Please list all that apply) Food:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seasonal:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other (Medications on pg. 4): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scars/Surgical Procedures (Please list all):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 5 Miscellaneous & Habbits: Are you: ___ Left Handed ___ Right Handed ___Ambidextrous? Exercise: ___ Light ___ Moderate ___Heavy Type:________________ How many meals per day do you eat?: _____ How much water do you drink?:____ Alcohol Consumption: ___ Light ___Moderate ___Heavy ___ None Coffee, Tea: ___ Light ___Moderate ___ Heavy ___ None Work Activity: ___ Heavy Labor ___ Light Labor ___ Mostly Sitting ___ Mostly Standing ___ Walking/Moving ___ Driving How many hours do you sleep at night? _____ Interrupted Sleep __ Y __ N Do you feel rested upon waking __ Y __ N Vivid Dreams __Y __N Frequency: ______________ How many bowel movements do you have each day? _____ Soda, Diet Soda: ___ Light ___Moderate ___Heavy ___ None Personal & Family History: Identify conditions that you or any of your family members have now or have previously had. (G= Grandparents, M= Mother, F=Father, S= Siblings, X=Self) ___ Allergies ___ Alcoholism ___ Anemia ___ Cancer ___ Deep Vein Thrombosis ___ Detached Retina ___ Diabetes ___ Eczema ___ Emphysema ___ Epilepsy ___ Goiter ___ Gout ___ Heart Disease ___ HIV/AIDS ___ Miscarriage(s) ___ Mumps ___ Pleurisy ___ Pneumonia ___ Polio ___ Rheumatic Fever ___ Stroke ___ Tumor(s) ___ Ulcer(s) ___ Female Organ Dysfunction ___ Over weight ___ Headaches ___ Migraines ___ Addiction Other: ____________ Informed Consent to Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Massage Care - Chiropractic Adjustment: The doctor will use his/her hands or mechanical device in order to adjust your spinal joints. This procedure is called a spinal adjustment and is intended to reduce spinal subluxation (slight dislocation of the spinal joints). You may feel a “click” or a “pop” as well as a movement of the joint. Various ancillary procedures, such as support pillows, cold laser, traction or hot/cold packs may also be used. Risks: As with any health care procedure, complications are possible following a chiropractic adjustment. Fracture of bone, muscular strain, ligament strain, dislocation of joints, injury to intervertebral discs, nerves, or spinal cord are all rare occurrences and generally result from some underlying weakness of the bone or surrounding tissues. Usually, there is an underlying, pre-existing vascular condition like atherosclerosis that contributes in a stroke resulting after a neck adjustment. A minority of patients may notice stiffness or soreness after the first few days of treatment. We will not accept individuals for treatment unless we feel confident that we can safely help them. - Acupuncture: The provider will use procedures including, but not limited to, acupuncture, moxabustion, cupping, electro acupuncture, herbology, and modes of physiotherapy. Risks: include, but are not limited to, slight bruising, tingling near the needling sites that may last a few days, nausea, infection and blisters. There have been reported instances of fainting, scarring, spontaneous miscarriage and pneumothorax. I understand that some herbs may be inappropriate during pregnancy. - Massage: The provider will perform soft tissue or muscle work using his/her hands. Risks: may include weakness, muscle and joint soreness, ligament strain, muscular strain. - Probability of Risks: The risks and complications of chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy have all been describes as “rare”. The risk of cerebrovascular injury or stroke has been estimated at one in one million to one in twenty million, and can be even further reduced by our screening procedures. The probability of adverse reaction due to ancillary procedures is also considered as “rare”. - Other treatment options which could be considered may include: o o o o Over the counter analgesics which may cause irritation of the stomach, liver, and kidneys, and other side effects in 1,000 to 4,000 people per 1,000,000, and reportedly 16,500 die annually from their use. Medical care, typically anti-inflammatory drugs, tranquilizers, and analgesics. Risks of these include a multitude of undesirable side effects, and patient dependence in a high number of cases. Hospitalization and bed rest, in conjunction with medical care adds risks of exposure to virulent communicable disease, loss of muscle tone and strength at the rate of 4% per day. Surgery, in conjunction with medical care adds the risk of infections, adverse reaction to anesthesia, disfiguring scars as well as an extended convalescent period in a significant number of cases. Serious neurological complication from neck surgery are 15,600 per million, mortality rates are 6,900 per million. - Risks of remaining untreated: Delay of treatment allows formation of adhesions, scar tissue, and other degenerative changes. These changes can further reduced skeletal mobility and induce chronic pain cycles. It is quite probable that delay of treatment will complicate the condition and make future rehabilitation more difficult. - I have had the following risks of my case explained to me. If you/and/or the individual listed below understand the above information, please sign below. This signature authorizes treatment, acknowledges Notice of Privacy Practices and also authorization to submit to insurances (if applicable). Patient or guardian understands that he/she is responsible for payment of all services. I have read or have had read to me, the explanation of care offered at this facility. I have had the opportunity to have any questions answered. I have fully evaluated the risks and benefits of undergoing and hereby give my full consent to the items mentioned above. ______________________________________________________ Printed/Guardian Printed Name _________________________________________________________ Signature Page 3 of 5 Hanna Wellness Center Electronic Health Records Intake Form In compliance with requirements for the government EHR incentive program First Name:_________________________ Last Name:_________________________ *Preferred method of communication for patient reminders (Circle one): Email / Text Cell Phone Number_______________________________ Cell Carrier company (required)_________________ Email address: ______________________________________@___________________________________ DOB: __/__/____ Gender (Circle one): Male / Female Preferred Language: __________________ CMS requires providers to report both race and ethnicity Race (Circle one): American Indian or Alaska Native / Asian / Black or African American / White (Caucasian) Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander / Other / I Decline to Answer Ethnicity (Circle one): Hispanic or Latino / Not Hispanic or Latino / I Decline to Answer Smoking Status (Circle one): Every Day Smoker / Occasional Smoker / Former Smoker / Never Smoked Are you currently taking any medications? (Please include regularly used over the counter medications) Medication Name Dosage and Frequency (i.e. 5mg once a day, etc.) Do you have any allergies to medications? Medication Name Reaction Onset Date Additional Comments _____I choose to decline receipt of a clinical summary page after every visit (These are often blank as a result of the nature and frequency of chiropractic care. It only shows your medication info and DX codes.) Patient Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:_______________ For office use only Height: _________ Weight:____________ Blood Pressure:______ /______ Page 4 of 5 Hanna Wellness Center Notice of Privacy Practices Acknowledgement of Receipt HIPAA is the acronym for the federal law known as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. HIPAA is a large and complex regulation. One purpose of HIPAA is to ensure our patient’s privacy. Under this new regulation we are required to provide all patients with our “Notice of Privacy Practices”. A copy is available to take with you upon request. The regulation also maintains that we receive your signature as an acknowledgement that you received our “Notice of Privacy Practices”. - We want you to know how your Protected Health Information (PHI) will be used in this office and what your rights are concerning those records. Before we begin care, please read and sign this consent form stating understanding and acknowledgment regarding how your records will be used. If you would like to have a more detailed account of our policies and procedures concerning of the privacy of your PHI, please ask us for our complete HIPAA Privacy Notice as we have that available upon request at the front desk. - The patient understands and agrees with Hanna Chiropractic Wellness Center to use their Protected Health Information (PHI) for the purpose of treatment, payment, healthcare options and coordination care. - The patient has the right to examine and obtain a copy of his/her own health records at any time and request corrections. Patient may request to know what disclosures have been made and submit in writing any further restrictions on the use of their PHI. This practice is not obligated to comply with those restrictions. - A patient’s written consent need only be obtained one time for all subsequent care given to the patient in this office. - A patient may provide a written request to revoke consent at any time during care. This would not affect the use of those records for the care given prior to the written request to revoke consent, but would apply to any care given after the request has been presented. - For your security and right to privacy, the staff has been trained in the area of private privacy and a privacy official has been designated to ensure these procedures in our office. We have taken precautions to assure that your records are not readily available to those unauthorized to access them. - Patients have the right to file a formal complaint with our privacy official about any possible violations of these policies and procedures. - If a patient refuses to sign this consent for the purpose of treatment, payment, & healthcare operations, this facility reserves the right to refuse service. I acknowledge that I have read the “Notice of Privacy Practices”. I am also aware that I may request a detailed copy at any time. Patient or Patient Representative: Signature Patient’s Printed Name ___________________________ Date Page 5 of 5
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