VILLAGE As we prepare ourselves to review and renew our church pledges for the coming year of 2015, this is also the time to catch up with the pledge you made to the church for 2014. If you need to know how much you have paid on that pledge and how much you still owe, call the office at 524-6057 and we will have Nan Fay contact you. Gilford Community Church Christmas Fair Friday, December 5 5-7 pm Saturday, December 6 9-2 pm (see page 5 for details) CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Sunday, November 30 6:00 p.m. NEWSLETTER Issue 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday, October 26, The Faith Proposal Meeting was called to order directly after morning worship by Moderator Alexandra Breed. She called Treasurer Rick Edson to the podium to present the 2015 budget proposal. Copies of the proposal were distributed, along with a slate of nominated 2015 Committee Chairpersons. With slight adjustments from the previous year, and salary increases as proposed by the Pastor/Staff, the estimated budget increase overall is 2%. (continued on page 5) ----------------------------------- Saturday, November 8 4:30 Silent Auction 5:00 Spaghetti Dinner Presented by the Lakes Region Chordsmen (there will be Barbershop Harmony!) Adults $10.00 Children (under 12) $5.00 Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue11 * November 2014 * Page 1 Take a walk with me... Every year at the end of October we send out our pledge letter asking church members to support the Gilford Community Church by making an annual pledge. There would be no GCC if it were not for the generosity of church members. Inevitably, a few people stop by my office to talk about this. “How much do you think I should give Michael?” In the spirit of being helpful, someone shared a pledge letter they’d received in which the pastor urged church members to tithe to the church. I always enjoy reading what other churches/pastors are doing, but I don’t think I could make that suggestion to you: tithe to the church. How much should you give? I wouldn’t have a clue, but here’s what I believe: it’s good to be generous. The happiest people I know live with open hearts and open hands. I hope the Gilford Community Church matters to you. I hope you believe we are doing good things; that our community is better because we are here. I hope you believe we are good stewards of what we have and that we are financially prudent and responsible with our finances. I wouldn’t support any organization I didn’t feel that way about and wouldn’t expect you to do so, either. Here’s what I hope. I hope that because you believe in the Gilford Community Church you will support it generously by offering your talents and your treasures. I also hope our church members support a variety of other vital institutions in our community and world. Because the Graham family has known both cancer and mental health, those causes are important to us and we support them. There are other causes near and dear to our hearts. I hope your generosity spills over to lots of different causes. I love it when I see church members volunteering at the library or the hospital. Life has blessed most of us in significant ways; giving back is one way of ensuring that our lives will be a blessing to others. So be generous and grateful and together we can make the world a little better. Sincerely, Michael Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 2 Attendance October 5 234 October 12 221 October 19 212 October 26 199 New to our church? Would you like to learn more about it? Come join Rev. Michael Graham and others to learn about our church and what we can offer you. Watch this space for the date of the next Meet and Greet. The Village Newsletter is a monthly publication of Gilford Community Church 19 Potter Hill Road Gilford, New Hampshire 03249 (603) 524-6057 e-mail: website: Rev. Michael C. Graham, Pastor e-mail: Carolyn Ames, Music Director/Organist AJ Coppola, Choir Director Scott Hodsdon, Director of Youth & Family Programs e-mail: Rick Edson - Treasurer email: Jane Karagianis—Financial Accountant email: Dru Chatterton—Office Secretary email: Church Office Hours: M-Th 9:00 to 2:00 pm THE OFFICE IS CLOSED ON FRIDAYS OUR CHURCH COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2014 CHURCH COUNCIL Jessica Fleck 728-5671 PASTOR/STAFF FACILITIES Carl Carder Keith Gandini Derek Blackwelder 520-8405 387-1755 556-7164 FINANCE OUTREACH Derek Tomlinson Jessica Fleck 524-3468 728-5671 DIACONATE FLOWER COMMITTEE Stacey Pate Sandy Stafford Jan Briggs 370-8248 387-8011 630-6593 MEMBERSHIP Irene Santaniello 279-6726 EDUCATIONAL MINISTRIES Rebecca Watson 293-1103 CARE & CONCERN 524-3483 393-5762 387-4899 MEMORIAL GIFTS Anne Colburn Barbara Ponsart Dan & Holly Vieten (Christmas) Doris MacHaffie 524-1169 VILLAGE NURSERY SCHOOL Katie Bryant 520-6660 FELLOWSHIP & KITCHEN Eloise Post 986-6723 PRAYER LINE COORDINATOR Barbara Hauck 524-3381 FAIR COMMITTEE Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 3 November Birthdays 01 Debbie Birch, Elise Arvidson 02 Kate Stewart, Kristen Paddack, Ferol Curtis 03 Heather Dudley, Katie Graham 07 Scott Jackson, Anne Colburn 09 Richard Montminy 10 William McLane IV 11 Pat Pegg 12 Doris Chase, Jerry Lacroix, Bob Whitehorn, Madeline Maiorano 13 A.J. Coppola, James Colburn 14 Richard Edson 15 Jovie Carder 17 Mat Roys, Carroll Stafford 18 Melissa Kennell 19 Sally Paradise 20 Janet Adams, David MacDonald, Jonathan Fecteau 21 Barbara Shea, Sophia Sawyer 22 Laura Herbert 24 Marion Gardner, Frank Lungarelli, Jeannie Pecknold 25 Patty Pike, Ashley Ilg 26 Mackenzie Roys 27 Tabitha Davies 28 Lindsey Nelson, Kirk Dougal, Catherine & Kelsey Buckley 29 Virginia Babcock, Nancy Milligan November Anniversaries 08 Greg & Lorie Gallien 12 Lionel & Sally Paradise 18 Jim & Diane Greenwell 19 Richard & Kandi Edson 23 Nancy & Bob Castellon 24 Delores & Jeff Seager 24 Roger & Kelly Ellsworth 24 Glen & Patsy Dillon 30 Harold & Mary Dexter 1997 1970 1967 1993 1950 1984 2010 1953 1946 Music Notes Carolyn Ames (Music Director/Organist) AJ Coppola (Choir Director) The Chancel Choir has been hard at work through the month of October. We were so excited to be joined by our very own Woodwind Quartet accompanying the choir on October 26—Ginny Barunas on flute, Katie Gingrich on oboe, Will Gunn on clarinet and Maggie Oswald on bassoon. The month was filled with exciting music and some changes—our growing choir required a new seating arrangement. Now everyone is facing the congregation! Let us know if you like it! You can also check out how we look (and how we used to look) on YouTube. The links are included in all of Michael’s Weekly Notes. Do you know who sings in the choir? During November, choir members will be showcased in the Sunday bulletin so you can get to know them better. If you love to sing, we would love to add you to our list. Please talk to any choir member, AJ or Carolyn. Or just show up at rehearsals on Thursdays 6-7 in the sanctuary. Bell rehearsals have started but we always need “ringers”. If you are interested in having some fun that only requires knowing how to count, please consider it and talk to Carolyn. The CHILDREN’S CHOIR will be singing a song in a few weeks that is in need of some unusual musical instruments! We need: 30 (8 ounce) plastic water bottles (this is the smaller plastic bottle) 30 toilet paper rolls. Please bring these items to church on Sunday! Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 4 (Faith Proposal Minutes continued from page 1) MOVED by Ron Dudley to accept the proposal as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Rev. Graham then thanked all who have served as committee chairs in 2014, and presented the slate of committee chairs, who will also serve on the Church Council for 2015. ---------------CARE & CONCERN: Barbara Allard and Nancy Peterson DIACONATE: Stacey Pate ED. MINISTRIES: Rebecca Watson FACILITIES: Derek Blackwelder & Keith Gandini FINANCE: Walter Berghahn MEMBERSHIP: Irene Santaniello OUTREACH: Jessica Fleck PASTOR/STAFF: Carl Carder ------------------- MOVED by Doug Hill to accept the slate as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:14. What the Dying Have Taught Me about Living: The Awful Amazing Grace of God is a collection of real life stories recounting interactions with terminal patients. The lessons taught by dying patients around the themes of forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, meaning, gratitude, humility, mindfulness, trust, peace, and humor offer the reader insights into living with a deeper wisdom and compassion. The book is also the story of one man's journey from a fundamentalist faith to an inclusive worldview of acceptance for all. "What the Dying Have Taught Me about Living" is a book of narrative snapshots inviting the reader to reflect on life, and hopefully, become less afraid of death. We will be reading and discussing this book starting November 12th at Adult Study Group that meets on Wednesdays at noon in Conference Room A. Please join us! ------------------------------GARAGE/TREE FUND THANK YOU!!! Advent Study Group The Greatest Gift Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas By Ann Voskamp Looking for a moment of calm amid the busy holiday season? During the four Sundays of Advent we will offer a four-week video curriculum to celebrate the majesty of God’s greatest gift to us through the timeless Advent tradition of the Jesse Tree. Please join us and discover the true meaning of Christmas. When: Sundays 11/30/14, 12/7/14, 12/14/14 & 12/21/14 Time: 8:45 – 9:45 am Where: Fellowship Hall Babysitting will be available For more info or to sign up We were able to take in $7,790, thanks to your generosity. The people who donated to this cause, were: (in alphabetical order): Carolyn Ames, Mike & Lynne Baron, Alan Beard, Carl & Wanda Carder, Jim and Anne Colburn, Hans & Kathy Dahll, Harold & Mary Dexter, Glen & Patsy Dillon, Ron & Bette Dudley, Rick & Kandi Edson, Nan Fay, Pat Nix-Ford, Marilyn Goodwin, Michael & Cindie Graham, Dave & Janet Haley, Barbara Harris, Barbara Hauck, Warren & Mary Hutchins, the Irwin family, Irene Johnson, Stacey Pate, Eston & Sue Ross, Faith Rupert, Steve & Donna Snow, Carroll & Sandy Stafford, Derek & Cindy Tomlinson, Iris & Bob Whitehorn. Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 5 The Outreach Committee is currently working with the Gilford Elementary School nurse to meet a need for emergency clothing. Sometimes due to a playground fall, an unexpected illness or an "accident", the students are in need of a piece of clothing to get them through the day. We can meet this need for them. We are looking for gently used items, if you have some that you would like to donate, please bring them to the Outreach pantry in the foyer, and label them for GES. ITEMS NEEDED ARE: Girls and boys pants, sweatpants, leggings sizes 5 and 6 are needed the most. Girls and boys pants, sweatpants, leggings sizes 7 and 8 and a few 12 to 14. Also needed are little socks and undies, both boy and girl sizes. They could also use sneakers sizes 8 through 13 1/2. Thank you for helping! The Outreach Committee GUYS’ NIGHT OUT Thursday, November 20 at 6 pm Trooper First Class Charles George will talk at Guys’ Night Out about his job as a specialty trained trooper who flies in the state police helicopter and fixed wing aircraft over NH highways to provide safety infraction information to ground state troopers. Mr. George is an accomplished photographer in the NH state police. He has many stories. Meal catered by Ellie Murphy. Cost: $12.00 (payment with reservation, if possible) by Monday, November 17. Call 524-6057 to register. LADIES’ NIGHT OUT Friday, November 21, 2014 6:00 p.m. “Happenings on the Pelvic Floor” Speaker: LRGH Professional TBA Cost: $12.00 Catered By: Eloise Post Register by calling Carolyn Ames at 524-1952 or emailing her at or signing up at coffee hour. Deadline: Monday, November 17. Donations for Humane Society or New Beginnings WELCOME! Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Volume 67, Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 6 7th Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning—November 27 Register at the Youth Center webpage: What began as a small group of locals getting together for a morning run on Thanksgiving morning, has turned into annual event averaging over 400 people from all over New England. The GYC Turkey Trot is a 5k Race and Family Walk held on Thanksgiving morning. It is a great way to start your holiday. The course is a registered 5K course, and is considered flat and fast. It is ideal for both runners and walkers. The course runs through Gilford Village, and begins and ends at the Gilford Youth Center. We encourage runners of all ages. Runner will be timed, and results will be posted on our website and on on the same day as the race. Along with the "Overall Times", we will also post times for age brackets: 12 and under, 13-19, 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, and 60 and Over. The Family walk is a great way for to start the day. We encourage walkers of all ages, as well as pets and strollers. Single Person: $24.00 Family up to 5 members: $65. 8:00 registration 8:45 walkers 9:00 runners Register Now! Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 7 2014 Christmas Fair Friday Night, December 5, 5:00pm – 7:00pm; Saturday, December 6, 9:00am-2:00pm Preparations are underway for the Gilford Community Church Christmas Fair. It will take place the first weekend in December, concurrently with the Santa Land at the GYC and the Gilford High School annual craft fair. It is a large undertaking, and we rely entirely on the congregation to help staff and supply the event. Historically over 90 people have been involved at various levels with the fair. We love the regulars, and we always like to see new faces. Cindy Tomlinson will be helping match volunteers with needs throughout the preparations and event. If you would like to volunteer please contact Cindy at The more volunteers we have, the easier it is on everyone. We will be emailing out our volunteer needs as they develop. Our immediate needs are donations for the event. Please bring donations to the church prior to Thanksgiving. We will store the items downstairs in the rear classrooms (Christmas Fair sign will be on the door). We appreciate whatever you feel has value such as JEWELRY, white elephant items, etc. This year we will be placing additional focus on Christmas items, decorations, etc. so please go through your boxes early and donate what you no longer have a use for. We are grateful for all donations. Please keep in mind that landfills charge a disposal fee for Electronics (TV, VCR, Computers). Even if they are fully functioning, more often than not they don’t find a home. Therefore, unless it is current technology, we do not have a need for TV’s, VCR’s, or computers. •Jewelry: We will gladly take your old and unwanted gold, silver, or costume jewelry, coins, etc. Please bring directly to Dru in the Church Office. • Santa’s Attic (white elephant): We are now accepting good quality, clean items. We welcome household items, linens, Christmas ornaments and decorations. Sorry, we cannot accept large appliances or electronics, computers or other large items due to space considerations. Sorry, no clothing can be accepted. The cut off date to accept donations is Sunday, November 30, 2014. Items can be dropped off at the church. • Santa’s Bookstore is accepting donations of books, tapes, and CDs. This can include children’s books, cookbooks, coffee table sized books, fiction, non-fiction and other books. Sorry, we cannot accept Reader’s Digest or National Geographic or encyclopedia sets. • Crafts are being accepted for the Fair’s craft table. Please call Carolyn Ames at 524-1952. • Baked Goods are needed the week of the event. Christmas cookies, pies, candies, etc. • Gift Baskets are needed for a raffle (New this year). We are seeking 5-7 nice gift baskets to be used as prizes for a raffle. Please contact Sue Allen at if you would like to make a themed gift basket. • Toys are needed for the toy area. We welcome clean toys of all kinds, children’s movies, CDs, stuffed animals and games. Wishing you a very early Merry Christmas, Dan Vieten Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 8 Each year, our Flower Committee decorates our sanctuary in keeping with the joyous Christmas season. You are invited to purchase a poinsettia ($10.00) for EACH loved one or couple whom you would like to recognize, and their names will be in the Christmas Sunday bulletin on December 21st. Your donations will also help to cover the cost of poinsettias delivered the week before Christmas to area shut-ins. Attached is my check for: ________________ Given By: __________________________________ PLEASE PRINT AS NEATLY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN! In loving memory of: OR To celebrate the life of: (PLEASE CIRCLE WHICH ONE) __________________________________________________ In loving memory of: OR To celebrate the life of: (PLEASE CIRCLE WHICH ONE) __________________________________________________ In loving memory of: OR To celebrate the life of: (PLEASE CIRCLE WHICH ONE) __________________________________________________ The church office will accept your completed form. It is requested that payment be made with the form. Make your check payable to Gilford Community Church, and please indicate that it is for Christmas flowers. Thank you for your gift! DEADLINE TO ORDER: December 15th Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 9 Youth News November Junior Youth Group (Pre-K—4th) Thanksgiving Bake-Off The Junior youth group will meet on Saturday, November 22, 4-6pm to have a “Bake-Off”. We will be making various desserts to give to families who will be receiving Thanksgiving baskets through the school and Got Lunch program. Parents are encouraged to stay and help as well. Twice a month, high school youth members are invited to meet during church service (following children’s time) to “Chat” about life as a teenager. Our discussions are meant to bring clarity and faith into our daily lives. We will meet in the Gathering Room. Friends are always invited to attend. Dates: Nov 2 and Nov 16 Senior Breakfast and Bingo Saturday, November 22, 9-10:30 HS & MS Youth Group Thanksgiving Bake-Off Sunday, November 21, following the church service. We will continue our monthly “Breakfast & Bingo” for the residents of the Village Knolls. We will meet at 8:15am in the church kitchen. We will be creating some delicious desserts to hand out with the Thanksgiving baskets that the church will be giving out the following day. This event has been a tradition for us, and a lot of fun! Both high school and middle school youth groups are invited to attend. High School Youth Volunteers Needed!!! The Gilford Youth Center is looking for some High School volunteers to help at this year’s GYC Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. If you are able to help between the times of 8am-11:00am, please let Scott know. CHECK OUT OUR NEW YOUTH MINISTRIES WEBSITE Keep up with all Sunday School and Youth group events at our new Youth Ministries website. Check it out at Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 10 EDUCATIONAL MINISTRIES Our mission is to provide a strong foundation in Christian Education for the young people of the Gilford Community Church by exposing students to the beauty of God’s creation, developing in them a belief in God’s presence in their lives and leading them to make a commitment to following the example of Christ. What does it mean to be a part of the Educational Ministries Committee? It means monthly meetings after church with a caring and dedicated group of parents, who collaborate with Scott Hodsdon to help with the many projects and activities of the committee (Christmas pageant, Easter Egg Hunt & Crafts, Rally Day, Children’s Day, etc.) (The first Sunday of every month is FOOD COLLECTION SUNDAY and parishioners are invited to bring donations for the Food Pantry to church with them.) Food Pantry Needs for the month of November: Chicken Noodle Soup, Chili, Stews, Tomato Soup. For New Beginnings: (Please label these donations “New Beginnings” and bring to church): Women’s coats; Women’s sweatpants; laundry detergent; dish soap; sponges; paper towels; deodorant; girls’ boots, size 7; pillows. It also involves creating and improving the Sunday School curriculum and supporting the teaching staff as well as the Confirmation process in order to present a strong foundation of Christian education for our children and older youth. Rebecca Watson ---------------------------Funerals in October: Gretchen Manter Eleanor “Peg” Keller Prayers of comfort and strength to family and friends. Village Newsletter * Gilford Community Church * Issue 11 * November 2014 * Page 11 SUN 2 10:00 Worship/ Communion FOOD COLLECTION SUNDAY HS Tea Time following Children’s Time . MON 3 10:30 Opechee Garden 7-8:30 Families Sharing w/o Shame 7:15 Chordsmen TUES 4 8:30 Piano Tuning WED 6 November 2014 5 THURS 6:00 Chancel Choir 12 noon ADULT STUDY 5-6 Troop 10124 7-8:30 Troop 243 19 12 noon ADULT STUDY 5-6 Troop 10124 7-8:30 Troop 243 26 12 noon ADULT STUDY 5-6 Troop 10124 7-8:30 Troop 243 THANKSGIVING 7 FRI 1 8 SAT 6:00 Chordsmen Spaghetti Fundraiser 11:30-2:15 Preschool Program 4:45 Troop 10578 15 29 4-6 p.m. Junior Youth Group (Pre-K to 4th). Thanksgiving Bake-Off 22 9-10:30 Senior Breakfast & Bingo 12:00 NH Native American Inter-Tribal Council Dinner 14 11:30-2:15 Preschool Program (Parks & Rec) 6-8 Gilford HS Field Hockey Team Dinner 21 FRIENDLY KITCHEN (Winter Menu!) 11:30-2:15 Preschool Program 4:45 Troop 10578 6:00 LADIES’ NIGHT OUT 27 28 8:00 Registration for Turkey Trot; Walkers 8:45; Runners 9:00 am 6:00 Chancel Choir 6:00 GUYS’ NIGHT OUT 20 6:00 Chancel Choir 3:45 Al-Anon 6:30 CNHRC 18 3:45 Al-Anon 5:30 Facilities Committee 12 noon ADULT STUDY 5-6 Troop 10124 7-8:30 Troop 243 13 10 11:30-2:00 Senior M. 5:15 Finance 5:30 Membership 6:30 Church Council 6:30 CNHRC Steering 7-8:30 Families Sharing 7:15 Chordsmen 12 9 9:40 Hymn Sing 10:00 Worship 17 8:30-noon Senior M. 1:30-3:30 D.A.R. 7-8:30 Families Sharing w/o Shame 7-8:30 Troop 243 Comm. 7:15 Chordsmen 11 16 10:00 Worship HS Tea Time following Children’s Time Following the service the HS and MS Youth Groups: Thanksgiving Bake-Off 3:45 Al-Anon 23 10:00 Worship 11:15 Outreach Comm. 24 25 11:30-2:30 Senior Momen 6:30 Rotary Board 7-8:30 Families Sharing 3:45 Al-Anon w/o Shame 7:15 Chordsmen 30 8:45-9:45 Advent Study 10:00 Worship 6:00 Christmas Tree Lighting Service
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