OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH 131 Davis Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center and St. Bernard’s Oratory: 132 S. Fifth Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center hours 8 AM – 4 PM daily Monday thru Friday (except holidays) Phone: (610) 252-7381 • Fax: (610) 252-6757 E-mail: info@olomercy.com • Website: www.olomercy.com Through Stewardship ~ Reaching Out With Love Pastoral Staff: Administrator: Rev. Keith Laskowski Permanent Deacon: Mr. Jose DeCastro Permanent Deacon: Mr. Henry Fleck, Jr. Catholic Ministry to the Sick: Rev. Elias D. Munyaneza, A.J. Easton Area Catholic Youth Group: Mrs. Kelly DeRaymond Business Manager: Parish Music Director: James Convery PREP Coordinator: Mrs. Johanna Florez Baptism/Bautismo: (Pre-registration is required) English Preparation Class: 7:00p.m. 1st Monday of Month Baptisms in English: Third Sunday of the Month 2:00p.m. Charlas Pre-Bautismales: Primer Domingo del mes Bautismos en Español: Segundo Domingo del mes 2:00p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday / Sabado 3:30 – 4:15p.m. at St. Bernard’s Oratory or by appointment at any time. Ministry to the Sick: Communion Call List/Homebound Visits: Call Parish center to be put on list. Hospital Calls/Last Rites: Notify your hospital staff. They will contact priest on call or dial 610-252-7381 x309. Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Notre Dame High School (610) 868-1431 Parish Religious Education Program Classes are held: Sunday/Domingo 8:45 – 10:15a.m. Grades 1-8 and Special Sacramental Programs in the Parish Center. For information call Johanna Florez at the Parish Center. Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LCP Confidential Telephone: (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sr. Meg Cole, S.S.J. - Telephone: (610) 866-0581 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: St. Bernard’s Oratory 4:30p.m. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory 7:30a.m. (English) 9:00a.m. (English) 10:30a.m. (English) 12:00noon (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory Monday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Tuesday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Wednesday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. 7:00p.m. (Spanish) Thursday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Friday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. New Parishioners: WELCOME! See the Priest after Mass to register. CHRIST THE KING Mass Schedule Upcoming Weekend Schedule November 29th & 30th 4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Elizabeth Kennedy Eucharistic Ministers: Susan/Louis Cordero, Betsy Kennedy Altar Servers: Madeline Squarcia, Anna DiFelice Greeter: Pat/Larry Bleam OUR LADY OF MERCY ST. BERNARD ORATORY Saturday, November 22 4:30 pm Francis H. Connolly-12th Ann. [Delores Connolly] Sunday, November 23, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE 7:30 am Dorothy McLaughlin [Carol] 9:00 am Walter Smith, Jr. [Mother/Sister] 10:30 am Frank Fioca [Reilly Family] 12:00 pm Julio Corales [Family] Monday, November 24 8:00 am Carmine Patriarca [Kim Stempien/Fam] 12:10 pm Bridget Murnin [Mary Forys] Tuesday, November 25 8:00 am Gloria T. Stocker -8th Ann. [Family] 12:10 pm Francis McNally, Sr. [McNally Family] Wednesday, November 26 8:00 am Spec. Int. [Robert Cordero] 12:10 pm Daniel Machon [Wife, Maryann] 7:00 pm Jose Raul/Julia Isabel Martinez Thursday, November 27, THANKSGIVING 8:00 am Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy 12:10 pm NO MASS Friday, November 28 8:00 am Jean Morber [Pat Blake] 12:10 pm Paul Harak [JoAnn Harak] Saturday November 29 4:30 pm James P. Donegan, Sr. [Catherine Donegan] Sunday, November 30, FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30 am Joseph Schrantz [Wife/Daughters] 9:00 am Bonney Cervasi [Larry/Pat Bleam] 10:30 am Nina Knott [Nancy Lazzara] 12:00 pm Amaya Turcios Fam. 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Diane Wallo Eucharistic Ministers: Janet Robertson, Frank Prekel Walt Witucki Altar Servers: Zariah Mekile Greeter: 9:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Don Gunn Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Louise Evans, Sally Lerch Jason Wambold Altar Servers: Nicholas Kummer Greeter: 10:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Elias Lector: David Jablonski Eucharistic Ministers: Virginia Dalsass, Dora Gaviria Anne M. Fritz Altar Servers: Gannon Corpora, Jimmy Donovan Greeter: Millie Reichard Collection Counters: Loretta Susen, Elizabeth Stevens Eppie Smull Catholic Daughters, Court Easton #358 will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, December 3 at 11:30 AM at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. This will be our Christmas celebration luncheon. For details and reservations, call Sally Ann Lerch, 610252-0202. PLEASE NOTE: There is no 12:10 Mass on Thursday, November 27. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Parish Nurses The Parish Nurses are in need of wheelchairs and shower seats for their Sharing Closet. If you would like to donate one, contact the Parish Center, 610-252-7381. Budgeted Sunday Offering $7,500 November 15th & 16th Offertory – $6,072 Poverty & Relief - $1,803 Don’t Forget to take your dry cleaning to AL’S CLEANERS at 1134 Northampton St. 10% of each dry cleaning order is donated to our church. Mention the church (Our Lady of Mercy) when dropping off your cleaning order. Holy Father’s Prayer Intention: November That young Seminarians and Religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. 2 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH November 23, 2014 Our Lady of Mercy will be celebrating the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe on December 12. There will be Mañanitas with Mariachi at the 4 am Mass in the Oratory, followed by refreshments in the social hall. The Oratory will be open in the evening from 7 pm-8:30 pm for a prayer service and reenactment. Thanksgiving Day (November 27) has always been a wonderful day for families and giving thanks for the gift of life and love that surrounds you each day. What better way to thank God for eternal life and His love. Mass will be at 8 am in St. Bernard’s Oratory. (There will not be a 12:10 Mass on Thanksgiving.) SHOPPING WITH OLOM FOR CHRISTMAS Donations to the Memorial & Endowment society The following have been enrolled Memorial & Endowment Society: in the Are you gearing up for Christmas yet? Here’s a great way to budget. Buy your gift cards for teachers, loved ones, family and friends right here at the church. Save yourself time and the hassle of crowds. Save gas in your car, save your time and give something everyone can use. SHOPPING CARDS! We have a large supply of shopping cards both small and large increments. We have Regal Cinemas in both $25.00 and individual tickets. We have $15.00 ITunes cards, $10.00 and $25.00 Barnes & Noble, Dunkin’ Donuts, TJ Maxx, Kohl’s, Target, Red Robin, Olive Garden and many others available. You can also browse the SCRIP book to see what is available to order and they can be ordered and available for the following weekend. We also need people to help sell cards. If you can help, please call the Parish Center. In Memory of Mary Mattes MM Robert J. Wasser $25 Carlton/Luann Glantz Maryann/William Bittel Charles/Sarah Mattes Eppie Smull Charles/Michelle Glantz $25 $25 $50 $20 $50 In Memory of Mary Jane Wilson Josephine Oliver $25 In Memory of Ruth Collinge Miichelle/Alan Legath $50 If you would like to enroll a loved one, a donation of $25 may be made in their name and they will be remembered each month on First Friday for the life of the parish. Catholic Parent Revival All Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors - please pick up your books for 2015 in the sacristy. Your names are on the books. During the season of advent be treated to an afternoon of inspiring national speakers and meaningful prayer meant to breathe new life into the vocation of parenthood. Parents, grandparents and guardians are invited to gather together to be reenergized in their faith and supported in the daily effort of growing faith as a family. Will be held Saturday, December 6, at the following locations: St. Elizabeth, Fullerton, 2:30-5:30 pm; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bethlehem, 12:30-4:45 pm. This event is free, but registration is requested. Call 610289-8900, ext. 221 or oyyam@allentowndiocese.org no later than Wednesday, December 3. INTERFAITH CHORAL FESTIVAL The Easton Area Interfaith Choir concert will take place at First Presbyterian Church at 333 Spring Garden St. in downtown Easton on Sunday, November 23rd at 3 pm. This is a beautiful afternoon church choirs from the Easton area all gather under one roof to worship and give thanks in their own way. 3 204 CHRIST THE KING CONFIRMATION Easton Area Catholic Youth Group News & Upcoming Events Tuesday, November 25th 4:30 p.m. at St. Bernard's Oratory Students must report to the Oratory Hall by 3:45 Sponsors need to be seated in the Church by 4:00 NOVEMBER 23 - Youth Group New Members’ Welcome 7:00 in St. Bernard’s Oratory 14 of our young people will be receiving the Sacrament. Please, keep them in your prayers this week. Make Shut-in gifts and cards DECEMBER 6 - Advent Vesper Practice - 10:00 In the School Santa’s Helpers set-up – 11:00 in the school 7 - Santa’s Helpers Day – 1- 3:30 in the school DID YOU KNOW… You can gain Indulgences when the Bishop Visits: As the bishop is present for his canonical visitation, the following indulgences may be gained. ---A plenary indulgence to the faithful who assist at ceremonies at which the Bishop presides during his pastoral visitation. ---A partial indulgence to the faithful who make a visit to their parish church at the time of the Bishop’s visitation. SANTA’S HELPERS Sunday, December 7th The Easton Area Catholic Youth Group would like to help any Mom or Dad who may wish to go shopping without the kids for the afternoon. FREE Babysitting Service from 1-3:30 in the St. Anthony School Building. There will be activities which include: Arts & Crafts, Games, Movies, and much more Sunday 30th there will be no classes for all grades Teen RCIA class, NO wed. 26th class, we will meet again on Dec. 3rd. Check out the new Catholic magazine founded and run by young adults in the Diocese of Allentown! Rambling Spirit is a quarterly magazine and multimedia community designed for those who intentionally wander. Its mission is to celebrate life, engage communities in dialogue, enlighten the wandering truth seeker, and encounter Christ through all things while seeking the true, the good, and the beautiful. For more information, visit ramblingspirit.com Protecting God’s children for grades 1 thru 4 (tentative date) December 7th Protecting God’s children grades 6, 7 & Special Communion Class (tentative date) Dec. 14th Parent consent forms are being sent home for this lesson. Dec. 28th NO PREP –Merry Christmas! Prep will resume on January 4th, 2015 Monday November 24th Saint Andrew Dung Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs (Thirty fourth or last week in ordinary time) Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 (503) Tuesday November 25th Weekday Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr Rv 14:14-19 Lk 21:5-11 (504) Wednesday November 26th Weekday Rv 15:1-4 Lk 21:12-19 (505) Thursday November 27th Weekday Thanksgiving Day Rv 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 (506), or, for Thanksgiving Day, any readings from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Mass “In Thanksgiving to God,” nos. 943-947 (see esp Sir 50:22-24 (943.2)/1 Cor 1:3-9 {944.1}/Lk 17:11-19 [947.6] Friday November 28 Weekday Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2 Lk 21:29-33 (507) Saturday November 29 Weeday BVM Rv 22:1-7 Lk 21:34-36 (508) Sunday November 30 First Sunday of Advent Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37 (2) Calling All Young Adults! City Lights: Comedy Night will take place at St. Joseph the Worker Parish Center, Orefield from 8:0011:00 p.m. on Sat., Jan 10th, 2015. Join us for an opportunity to meet Bishop Barres . Music will be provided by comedy duo Dave & Brian. The event is $10/person which includes appetizers and nonalcoholic beverages (cash bar available, please bring valid ID). The attire is classy casual (no jeans, t-shirts or sneakers). Pre-registration is required by visiting allentowndiocese.org/city lights. Any questions, contact the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry 4 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH Week of 11/23/14 Time 1:30pm 3 pm Sun. Mon. 9:15am & 7pm 10:30 Tues 4 pm 7 pm 6:30 pm Wed. 7:30 pm Thur. Fri. Sat. 5 pm Event Ultreya de Cursillo Juan XXIII Mtg. Book Club November 23, 2014 Location ST. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Rosary Group Confirmation Knitting Ministry Divine Mercy Cenacle Juan XXIII Thanksgiving Day St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Grupo Carismático St. B O Week of 11/30/14 Time Event Loc. Sun. NO PREP St. B O 1:30 Ultreya de Cursillo St. B O Mon. 7 pm Bap Prep Class 9:15am Book Club St. B O & 7pm Tues. 10:30 Rosary Group St. B O 7 pm Knitting Ministry St. B O 1 pm Catholic Daughters mt St. B O Wed. 7:30 Juan XXIII St. B O Thurs. Fri. 5 pm Spanish Charismatic St. B O Sat. 7 pm Encuentro Matrimonial St. B O Los Sacramentos Confesiones: Sábado 3:30 – 4:15 PM Bautismo: La charla para los bautizos será el primer domingo del mes después de la Misa de las 12:00 del mediodía. Los bautizos se celebrarán el segundo domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Hablar con el Padre o el Diácono después de la Misa Dominical para hacer los arreglos. Requisitos Debe estar registrado y asistiendo a Misa por lo menos 3 meses y dar constancia, en preparación para todos los Sacramento. Favor de usar los sobres en la ofrenda. Matrimonio: La Diócesis requiere un tiempo de preparación de 6 meses para matrimonios. Favor de hablar con el Padre con tiempo para más información. Clases de Religión (catecismo)- todo niño estudiando en una escuela pública debe venir a las clases de PREP. Empezando el 1er grado. Misa en Español: La Misa dominical en español es a las 12:00 pm. Hay una Misa durante la semana en español, los miércoles a las 7:00 pm. Lecturas: Ezequiel 34:11–12, 15–17; Salmo 23; 1 Corintios 15:20–26, 28; Mateo 25:31–46 Salmo: El Señor es mi Pastor, nada me faltara´. Misa de Domingo 11/23 Ministro de Eucaristía: Carlos O, Bertila C., Maura G. Lector: Daysi Diaz & Margarita Carreon Scrip: Margarita Palacios Contadores: Roger Cruz & Adan Campos, Evodio M. Misa de Domingo 11/30 Ministro de Eucaristía: Ynes Herrera & Ana Cruz Lector: Daysi Escalante Evodio Mendez Contadores: Iris & Deisy Escalante Scrip: Carlos Orellana Intenciones de la Misa: Julio Corales (Familia) Tema de la Misa: ¡Qué visión nos presenta el Evangelio de hoy! El Hijo del hombre en su gloria con todas las naciones congregadas ante él y juzgando las obras de todos los Que están reunidos en su presencia. Y, ¿cuál es el criterio para el juicio? Dar de comer al hambriento y de beber al sediento, vestir al desnudo, cuidar de los enfermos, visitar a los prisioneros. En nuestra economía internacional moderna puede ser difícil descubrir quién es responsable de qué, pero todos debemos de asumir esas responsabilidades a las que se refiere el Señor. Dediquemos un tiempo hoy a pensar cómo vamos a contestar las preguntas del Señor. 5 204 CHRIST THE KING Registraciones están abiertas para adolecentes de 12 años o mayor que este en necesidad de uno o más Sacramentos. Empezaremos el miércoles 12 de noviembre de 5:30-7 pm y será todos los miércoles de ahí en adelante. Favor de llamar a la parroquia para registrarse lo más pronto posible. 610-252-7381 ext. 303 o por correo electrónico al Johanna.Florez@olomercy.com Próximo encuentro Regional de Hombres del Reino Miércoles 26 de Noviembre en la Parroquia María Auxiliadora Hanover Ave. and Jasper St., Allentown, PA 18109 ** Para reservar su cupo a tiempo un deposito de $500.00 es requerido y llenar el formulario de inscripción. Puede abonar a su pago durante los próximos meses y el 50% del pago debe estar cubierto para el mes de diciembre para asegurar el precio del viaje. El saldo total deberá ser saldado 30 días antes de la fecha del viaje** Folletos de la peregrinación a tierra Santa en el mes de Marzo estarán en el vestíbulo. RESERVA YA! Reservas Confirmadas con el previo pago de $500.00 por persona Comunícate con: Carmen Padilla 610-797-9733 Bernarda Liriano a: oha@allentowndiocese.org bliriano@allentowndiocese.org Se ha incluido al costo ya previsto del viaje la transportación al aeropuerto del JFK desde Allentown y viceversa 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Tema: ¡Conviértete en el hombre que Dios te ha creado para ser! “No se engañen, nadie se burla de Dios: al final cada uno cosechará lo que ha sembrado” (Gal. 6,7) www.allentowndicoese.org/oha Oficina de Asuntos Hispanos 610-289-8900 EXT. 234 12 de Diciembre- Misa para la Virgen de Guadalupe con Mariachi a las 4 a.m. en el Oratorio San Bernardo. Habrá un refrigerio después de Misa en el salón social de San Bernardo. Presupuesto de la Ofrenda Dominical $7,500 Noviembre 15 & 16 Ofertorio - $6,072 Pobreza & Descanzo - $1,803 El día 12 de Diciembre el Oratorio San Bernardo estará abierto de 7pm8:30pm, para las personas que gusten visitar a la Virgen de Guadalupe, o escuchar la narración que será leída por Marcos Fuentes PREP No habrá PREP el 30 de Noviembre por el festivo de Acción de Gracias 6 204 KARL H. KLINE Attorney at Law Lehigh Valley Families Together, Inc. Experience and personal attention a winning combination Contact us to learn about making a difference in the lives of children by becoming a foster parent. 2925 Wm. Penn Highway karl@karlkline.com www.lvfamiliestogether.org 610-559-8668 “We CLEAN for You!” Residential & Commercial Locations Reasonable Prices Reliable • Professional • Experienced Contact: Jessica 484-838-4727 int_JessL@hotmail.com 610-432-9420 YOUR 1ST CLEANING SERVICE W/ AD 610-252-8875 602 W. Berwick St., Easton, PA 18042 RONALD P. PLANTONE SUPERVISOR 610-258-7211 2101 Northampton St., Easton PA 18042 MELISSA PLANTONE RECCHIA SUPERVISOR www.strunkfh.com Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted 15% OFF FUNERAL HOME, INC. FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! PennDot Online Motor Vehicle Services FedEx • UPS • USPS •DHL •Se Habla Espanol Stop By & See All We Have To Offer! In The Exxon Plaza, Sullivan Trail • 484-373-3150 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 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John A. Morello F.D., SUPVR Hope S. Newell, F.D. Morgan Stanley RAUB’S FLORIST and GREENHOUSES Office Supply 610- 515-0103 808 Packer St., Easton The Regan Family FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Potted & Garden Plants From Our Own Greenhouses • Homegrown Fruits & Vegetables In Season Morgan Hill Rd., Off Easton Exit of 1-78 1-610-250-8795 2 Acre Facility Ample On-site Parking Advance Planning Specialists Michael R. Glovas, CFP® Directors Council CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM 700 Bushkill Drive, Easton, PA 18042 Resident Manager (610) 253-6215 101 Larry Holmes Drive Suite 301 Easton, PA 18042 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Main 610-515-1062 • Toll Free 800-965-9110 FUEL OIL Michael.r.glovas@morganstanley.com 1-800-359-UNION ©2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member of SIPC T& H ATTORNEY AT LAW AUTOMOTIVE Transmission • AC Beth A. Knickerbocker 101 S. Third St., Suite 203, Easton, PA Family Law Wills & Estates Real Estate Diagnostics General Repairs Emissions/Inspections 290 N. Riverside Dr., Easton 610-253-8227 610-252-6653 BELL APOTHECARY Home Medical Equipment & Supplies Mastectomy Products Prescription Services • Drive Up Window Stair Glide • Stairway Lifts Oxygen and Respiratory Supplies Maryann Isaac, R.Ph. John Isaac, R.Ph., Parishioner Kathy Kelly R. Ph., Parishioner FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 2045 Fairview Ave. Easton, PA 18042 R. Kline Ashton, Sr., F.D. • R. Kline Ashton, Jr., F.D. W. Scott Ashton, F.D. • Debra Jo Ashton-Chase, F.D. 14th & Northampton Sts. Easton, PA 18042 (610) 253-4678 Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 Law Offices of Alan R. Mège Parishioner Free Consultations All Legal Matters Including Immigration & Bankruptcy 70 East Broad Street, Bethlehem 610-954-5393 Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. PHILLIPSBURG MEMORIAL CO. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Monuments & Markers Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning 1300 South Main St., Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 258-2311 252-4411 Experience Peace of Mind: Phone: (908) 454-2341 www.philipsburgmemorial.com EASTON BAKING, CO., INC. G. Mosellie Family, Proprietors Italian Bread Donuts Rye Bread Cakes Cookies Cannollis 34 North 7th 610-252-6343 Or go to burialplanning.com for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. William K. Murphy, Esq. ATTORNEY Real Estate • Title Insurance • Wills • Living Wills Family Law • Contracts • Estates • Trials • Trusts HERSTER, NEWTON & MURPHY Initial Complimentary Consultation 127 N. 4th Street • Easton, PA 18044-1087 610-258-6219 GUTTER CLEANING FINEGAN 4080 William Penn Hwy. Easton, PA John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Supervisor 204 Our Lady of Mercy, Easton, PA (back) R FUNERAL HOME, INC. (610) 258-7021 www.FineganFH.com 610-776-2000 1837 Washington Blvd. Easton, PA 18042 GUTTER DOCTORX David J. Williams, Supervisor John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Director Licensed & Insured PA 050067 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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