Speakers Dr. Thurid Ahlenstiel, Hannover Medical School Dr. Wolfgang Arns, Transplant Nephroloy Köln-Merheim Dr. Jörg Beimler, Division of Nephrology, University Hospital Heidelberg Dr. Anja Büscher, University Children’s Hospital Essen Prof. Dr. Carsten Bergmann, Institute for Human Genetics Ingelheim Dr. Lena Brunkhorst, Hannover Medical School Dr. Alexander Fichtner, University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Christine S. Falk, Hannover Medical School Prof. Dr. Hans H. Hirsch, Div. Molecular Diagnostics Clinical & Transplantation Virology, University of Basle Priv.-Doz. Dr. Britta Höcker, University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Markus Kemper, University Children’s Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf Dipl.-Inform.Med. Lennart Köster, Medical Biometrics and Informatics & Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Heidelberg Dipl.-Inform.Med. Kai Krupka, Medical Biometrics and Informatics & Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Stephen Marks, GOSH, London, UK Prof. Dr. Anette Melk, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Hannover Medical School Prof. Dr. Lars Pape, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Hannover Medical School Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Ekkehard Schütz, Chronix Biomedical GmbH, Göttingen Prof. Dr. Tomaš Seeman, University Children’s Hospital Prague, Czech Republic Prof. Dr. Caner Süsal, Department of Transplantation Immunology, Univ. of Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tönshoff, University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Lutz Weber, University Children’s Hospital Cologne Prof. Dr. Steffi Weber, University Children’s Hospital Essen Priv.-Doz. Dr. Elke Wühl, University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg Organizers Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tönshoff Burkhard.Toenshoff@med.uni-heidelberg.de Prof. Dr. Lars Pape pape.lars@mh-hannover.de Congress Office and Registration Barbara Korn, Secretary Prof. Tönshoff Department of Paediatrics I (General Paediatrics, Neuropaediatrics, Metabolism, Gastroenterology, Nephrology) University Children’s Hospital, INF 430 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Tel.: +49-6221-56 36688 Fax: +49-6221-56 4203 E-Mail: Barbara.Korn@med.uni-heidelberg.de 32nd Symposium Interdisciplinary Study Group Renal Transplantation in Pediatrics Congress Venue Parkhotel Adler, Hinterzarten Adlerplatz 3, D-79856 Hinterzarten Tel: +49-7652-127-0, Fax: +49-7652-127-717 http://www.parkhoteladler.de/en/parkhoteladler.php Scientific Committee Prof. Dr. Ryszard Grenda, Warsaw Prof. Dr. Peter Hoyer, Essen Priv. Doz. Dr. Ulrike John, Jena Prof. Dr. Markus Kemper, Hamburg Prof. Dr. Stephen Marks, London Prof. Dr. Dirk Müller-Wiefel, Hamburg Prof. Dr. Lars Pape, Hannover Prof. Dr. Tomaš Seeman, Prag Prof. Oguz Soylemezoglu, Ankara Prof. Dr. Luca dello Strologo, Rome Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tönshoff, Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Lutz Weber, Köln Prof. Dr. Nicholas J A Webb, Manchester December 5-6, 2014 Parkhotel Adler Hinterzarten, Germany under the auspices of the GPN, ESPN and IPTA Friday, 5.12.2014 Saturday, 6.12.2014 13:00 Lunch buffet 8:30 Update Belatacept 14:00 Welcome 9:00 Management of BK in pediatric RTx: 14:05 The clinical spectrum of de novo donor- 14:30 15:00 Tönshoff, Heidelberg specific antibodies (DSA) Marks, London Fichtner, Süsal, Heidelberg Mini-START: Identification of early diagnostic Tönshoff; Hannover, Heidelberg 16:00 Coffee break 16:30 Update CERTAIN registry 10:15 Schütz, Oellerich, Göttingen Krupka, Köster, Hoecker, Tönshoff, Heidelberg Long-term efficacy and safety of an EVR- vs. an MMF-based regimen: a case-control study within the CERTAIN Registry 17:15 9:55 markers for cAMR - Pape, Melk, Falk, Update on novel biomarkers in RTx 17:00 9:40 The significance of complement-fixing DSA 15:30 16:45 9:25 Brunkhorst, Hannover Update international CRADLE study European Paediatric Renal Transplant 17:35 The renaissance of polyclonal anti-T-cell AB 18:00 End 19:30 20:00 Arns, Cologne Cocktail Dinner Application for 12 CME credit points has been filed. Update IVIST trial - Ahlenstiel, Hannover Impact of mTOR inhibitors on CMV – an analysis of the CERTAIN Registry Höcker, Heidelberg Hypertension posttransplant – analysis of the CERTAIN Registry data base Melk, Wühl; Hannover, Heidelberg The significance of posttransplant proteinuria Büscher, Essen Coffee break 11:00 NGAL as a biomarker for AKI posttransplant 11:15 Dyslipidaemia: CERTAIN Registry data and 11:40 12:05 12:30 Recipients – an ongoing CERTAIN project Höcker, Heidelberg an European survey - Hirsch, Basel 10:30 Tönshoff, Heidelberg Vaccination and Immunisation Status in Beimler, Heidelberg 12:55 Seemann, Prague current management guidelines Weber, Köln Risk assessment for living kidney donors Kemper, Hamburg Clinical significance of heterozygous mutations in living-related kidney donors S. Weber, Essen Clinical significance of heterozygous mutations in RTx recipients Bergmann, Ingelheim Announcements and News (ET, ESPN, DTG, IPTA) Tönshoff, Pape 13:00 Lunch 14:00 The CERTAIN Registry: Priorities for future clinical research CERTAIN Research Committee 16.00 End
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