We Believe That God’s Plan For Our Church Is That We Become . . . Excellence Experiencing Expounding Extending A Church of God and His family, November 20, 2014 His Word, the and Beacon in Dr. David W. Spencer His Kingdom. davids@fbcmilton.org Shining the Light of Christ for Over 150 Years THANKSGIVING! First Baptist Church 6797 Caroline Street Milton, FL 32570 Office/Prayer Line FAX On the Web 850-623-3122 www.fbcmilton.org 850-626-0582 The Morning Worship service is recorded and broadcast on WEGS-91.7 FM at 12:00 p.m. every Sunday. SUNDAY - November 23, 2014 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 5:00p Church-wide Thanksgiving Feast (FLC/Gym) MONDAY – November 24, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) WEDNESDAY – November 26, 2014/Church Office Closed at Noon 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) No Supper/No Evening Service/No Activities THURSDAY – November 27, 2014 Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving FRIDAY – November 28, 2014 Church Office Closed SUNDAY - November 30, 2014 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship/Observance of The Lord’s Supper (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 5:30p First Cup Opens 6:00p Celebration of Carols (Sanctuary) MONDAY – December 1, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) WEDNESDAY – December 3, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 4:45p Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club 5:15p First Cup Opens 5:30p Church Nursery Open Children’s Pageant Rehearsal Until 7:00p (Sanctuary) Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E) 5:45p Prayer Meeting/Budget Discussion (Bamberg Chapel) Youth Activities (FLC) 6:00p NEXT Young Adult Bible Study (Upstairs, Bldg. B) 6:30p Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room) 7:00p Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C) 7:05p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY – December 4, 2014 9:30a Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup) FRIDAY – December 5, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) We all know about that first Thanksgiving celebration of the Pilgrims in New England, but did you know that there was no national celebration of Thanksgiving until a woman named Sarah Josepha Hale made it her life’s mission to get our public officials to declare a national holiday just to give thanks? She was a wife, a mother, a school teacher, and an editor of a popular woman’s magazine called Godsey’s Lady’s Book. She was a great influence on the moral and educational issues of her day. She also wrote a very popular children’s poem you and I know as Mary Had a Little Lamb. In 1827 Mrs. Hale wrote, “We have too few holidays. Thanksgiving, like the Fourth of July, should be considered a national festival and observed by all people.” For over three decades she campaigned for Thanksgiving, writing hundreds of letters to presidents, governors, and other influential people encouraging them to make the last Thursday in November a national day of thankful observance. Finally, during the Civil War, President Lincoln issued the National Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3, 1863. He said, “I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens…to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our Beneficent Father.” In 1941, Congress established the fourth Thursday of November as the national holiday. We must never forget that it was created to thank and praise “our Beneficent Father.” YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST As you now get down to the serious business of planning your Christmas list, don’t leave the Lord off that list! After all, it’s HIS birthday, not yours or mine. His last command to His disciples was that they take the Gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19-20). A good way to help accomplish this mission is to make a generous gift to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. I‘ve always believed that to do this right, you have to plan your giving. Pray, plan, and give this year. I’ve already started giving weekly but I will make a major gift on December 7. Will you join me? 2014 FLORIDA BAPTIST CONVENTION Thank you for providing a convention allowance so that I could attend the convention last week in Lakeland. It was a good time of hearing about our work in Florida, especially about planting churches and caring for children. James Peoples was elected as our new president. Dr. John Sullivan attended his last convention as our Executive Director. The Search Committee has asked for our prayers as they seek our new leader. DWS Observance of The Lord’s Supper Sunday, November 30 Morning Worship Service Sympathy The Pastor, the staff and the church family express Christian sympathy to Bill Timmons and family in the death of his wife, and our Sister-inChrist, Joan Frances Timmons. Joan passed away Monday, November 10, 2014. 1st Student Ministry Minister of Education Children’s Ministry Student Ministry Minister of Education and Outreach Director of Children’s Ministry bmills@fbcmilton.org gnichols@fbcmilton.org elaineg@fbcmilton.org The Richness of Children’s Calendar Rev. Bo Mills Studying the Bible Winter Retreat Connect Conference December 28-30 Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Cost: $100 $25 Deposit due by Nov 30th to hold your spot Don’t let the price scare you away, let Bo know if you want to go and we will find a way. 3 Days of great worship, speakers, concerts, and free time in Pigeon Forge (Free time options: Go-carts, putt putt, outlet shopping, and others) Passion Conference for College Students/Young Adults Atlanta, GA Jan 16-19 (MLK Weekend) Cost: $150.00 2 Tickets left. Contact Bo if interested – bmills@fbcmilton.org Administrator’s Article Rev. Bob Lowe Church Administrator bobl@fbcmilton.org 2015 Budget Schedule (Tentative) Nov 23-Dec 3 Advance copy of budget to Congregation Dec 3 Budget Discussion Dec 14 Budget vote December Cart Drivers Dec 07 08:45 & 10:00 Dec 14 08:45 & 10:00 Hunter Lindsay Max Williams & Zane Lowe Dec 21 08:45 & 10:00 Jimmy Stephens Dec 28 08:45 & 10:00 Jacob Jordan Church-Wide Thanksgiving Feast This Sunday Evening The truth of God’s Word is an essential in creating an atmosphere for growth in Christlikeness. Paul wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith: The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. (2 Timothy 3:16, TLB) NOVEMBER Wednesday 19 3 year old Play/Praise Parent night Wednesday 26 No Activities-Thanksgiving Sunday 30 Celebration of Carols Wednesday 3 Children’s Pageant Rehearsal Sanctuary 5:30-7:00 Sunday 7 Parade of Flags Sanctuary 10:30 DECEMBER Greg Ogden wrote in Transforming Discipleship that this God-breathed document is the plumb line of truth about God, ourselves, and all matters of faith and practice. First Milton has chosen Sunday School to be its primary disciple making instrument. As people grow in their knowledge and practice of God’s Word, the church grows because we are compelled by the Good News of Jesus to bring others. Additional opportunities for Bible study are provided as the Sunday School organization grows. Right now, there are two new classes in the planning stages. You will hear more about that later. Also right now, two ladies are needed to facilitate Bible study in two of our senior ladies SS classes. I considered walking over to the Milton Quality Bakery, it’s only 3 doors west, and asking ladies coming and going at that establishment if any would be willing to teach in our SS. I thought better of that idea because of the donuts I would be tempted to eat and the crazy looks I would receive; probably worse than the crazy looks I have received when some of you have been asked to pray about teaching. Children’s Christmas Pageant Sanctuary 6:00-7:00 Cookie Fellowship FLC (Bring your child's favorite cookies) Wednesday 10 Caroling/Parties Forsyth House 5:30-7:00 Sunday 14 Christmas at First (Adults) Wednesday 17 Children’s Movie Night The Way 5:30-7:00 Sunday 21 Family Movie Night FLC 5:00-7:00 Wednesday 24 Christmas Break Wednesday 31 Christmas Break Children's Christmas Pageant The Children’s Ministry will present our Christmas Pageant Sunday night, December 7, 2014. Our pageant is for all children 3years-5th grade. Costumes will be provided for your child. Children’s Christmas Pageant DVD’s will be available for $5 each. Preschool Kindergarten 1st and 2nd grade 3rd grade-5th grade Lambs and Donkeys Stars Angels, Donkeys and Cows Shepherds, Wise men, Mary and Joseph, Inn keeper Our dress rehearsal will be Wednesday night, December 3, 2014. However, that’s not God’s plan. God Please make every effort to have your child present for this rehearsal. has two ladies in First Milton whom He intends to be part of the Bible teaching ministry. Again, Paul wrote, 5:30 And He personally gave some to be . . . teachers, for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ . . . (Ephesians 4:11-12 HCSB) I remember a bumper sticker in the ‘70’s which read, “God isn’t as interested in your ability as your availability.” When you make yourself available, the Holy Spirit will empower you. And your church will equip you. The church will provide the meat, dressing & gravy, rolls, drinks and paper goods. The church family will On mission with you to Expound need to bring vegetables, salads, God’s Word, side dishes and one dessert. We are asking each family to bring enough in your dish to feed your family + 4 more people and bring your food to the FLC prior to the service at 5:00 p.m. Please remember to bring your food in disposable dishes. The Thanksgiving Service begins at 5:00 Gary p.m. with the Blessing at 6:00 p.m. in the FLC. Elaine Gillis Dr. Gary Nichols 6:00 7:00 Schedule for Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Children meet in their Mission classrooms Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Parent pick-up in your child’s Mission classrooms V{Ü|áàÅtá tà A MUSICAL CELEBRATION OF THE SEASON Featuring the Celebration Choir & Orchestra of First Baptist Church Sunday, December 14, 6:00 p.m. Fall Festival 2014 XZY Delta Safari 2014 `xÅÉÜ|tÄá 10-19-14 Men’s Ministry In Honor of Jimmy Stephens Given by: Charlotte Boles In Honor of Kevin Balderson Given by: Charlotte Boles In Honor of Max Williams Given by: Charlotte Boles 10-26-14 Sanctuary Benches In Memory of: Debbie Downs Given By: Steve and Carol Ann Jones 11-02-2014 Men’s Ministry In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: William and Mary Wertz In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Gwen, Richard and Beth, Larry and Pam Wingate In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Bo & Helen Frier In HONOR of: Charline Wingate Given by: Bo & Helen Frier In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Doris Kingry In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Lermerle Birdsong In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Clyde Gracey In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Melinda McCreless In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Bubba and Paula Drinkard In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Joey and Misty McMath In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Glenda Weekley Bereavement Fund Food Pantry In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Donna and Debbie Long In HONOR of: Bob Booth Given by: Mary Arnold and Lois McCurry Student Ministry In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Chris and Ginger Musso Outside Benches Dear FBC Family, Thank you for the flowers, prayers, and love the church family has shown and given to our family, during the loss of my brother Octavious Cleveland. Love, Cathy Swint and Mrs. Edward Cleveland In HONOR of: Guy Thompson for Christian Leadership in the City of Milton Given by: Steve and Carol Ann Jones In HONOR of: Pat Lunsford for Christian Leadership in the City of Milton Given by: Steve and Carol Ann Jones In HONOR of: Buddy Jordan for Christian Leadership in the City of Milton Given by: Steve and Carol Ann Jones In MEMORY of: Johnny Duren Given by: Steve and Carol Ann Jones 11-09-2014 Men’s Ministry In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Mike and Agnes Long In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Ray and Ann Callaway Sight & Sound In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: George and Elaine Dunn Children’s Ministry In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Greg and Elaine Gillis In MEMORY of: Debbie Downs Given by: Greg and Elaine Gillis In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Greg and Elaine Gillis In MEMORY of: Rhoten and Jimmie Willhoit Given by: Greg and Elaine Gillis In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Mary Arnold Please welcome these new members to our church family and fellowship: Beverly Bassett Baptisms: Ann Callaway Ryan Walters Gary Davenport Kori Stacey Hallie Ueberroth 11/9 11/9 11/16 11/16 Profession of Faith: Ryan Walters Grant Mills Jade Mills 11/2 11/9 11/9 By Statement: Patricia Christy 11/2 December Greeters Larametta Harvell Carolyn Jones Sandra McFall Clayton Perry Pat Walters Glenda Weekley Ernestine Williams
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