Supporting Information Sagi et al. 10.1073/pnas.1420162111 SI Materials and Methods Materials. Most generic reagents were obtained from SigmaAldrich Chemical Co.; ketamine HCl was from Fort Dodge; [32P]γATP 3000 Ci·mmol−1. For physiological experiments, stock solutions of 2,3-dihydro-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo(F)quinoxaline (NBQX; Tocris Bioscience) and (S)-4-carboxyphenylglycine (Tocris) were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, <0.1% final concentration) whereas L-NAME (Tocris) and APV (Tocris) were dissolved in water. CREB1 recombinant protein (H1385P01) was from Abnova. Antibodies were as follows: β-actin (4967, 1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology); GFP ([Western blot (WB)] MAB2510, 1:1,000, Millipore; [immunohistochemistry (IHC)] 1218, 1:500, Abcam); sGCβ1 [(WB) G4405, 1:5,000, Sigma; (IHC) 1:200]; VGAT [(WB) AC5062P, 1:500, Millipore; (IHC) 131003, 1:500, SYSY]; synaptophysin (ab52636, 1:200000, Abcam); α-synuclein (ab1903, 1:5,000, Abcam); DARPP-32 (1) [(WB, IHC), 1:2,000]; T34-DARPP-32 (2) (1:5,000); p44/42 MAPK (4696, 1:2,000, Cell Signaling); p44/ 42 ERK1/2 (T-202/Y-204) (9101, 1:1,000, Cell Signaling); CREB (9104, 1:1,000, Cell Signaling); pCREB (S-133) [9198, 1:1,000 (WB), 2 μg (ChIP, blocking peptide 1090s, 10 μg), Cell Signaling]; RNA Polymerase II N-20 [Sc899, 4 μg (ChIP, blocking peptide Sc899p, 10 μg), Santa Cruz Biotechnologies]. Animals. In behavioral experiments, L-NAME, 10 mg/kg, was injected intraperitoneally 10 min before the test. For lesion experiments, 26–28 gram C57/Bl6 mice (WT or Drd1-EGFP) were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine. For lesion experiments, 26– 28 gram C57/Bl6 mice (WT or Drd1-EGFP) were anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine. 6-Hydroxydopamine HCl (1 μL/ 3.6 μg) was dissolved in 0.9% sterile NaCl with 0.02% ascorbic acid immediately before it was stereotaxically injected at a constant rate (100 nL·min−1) using a calibrated glass micropipette (Drummond Scientific), to the right medial forebrain bundle (MFB) (coordinates were −1.2 mm, −0.7 mm, −5.00 mm lateral, anterior, and ventral from bregma). Control animals were injected with the vehicle. For all biochemical studies including Western blot, transporter activities, and binding, mice were killed by cervical dislocation, and striata were quickly removed. For RNA isolation studies and for synaptic preparation studies, brains were dissected immediately without prior freezing. For immunohistochemical studies, mice were perfused with PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. For chromatin i.p., mice were perfused under 3% isoflurane with 20 mL of cold PBS containing heparin (10 u·mL−1), sodium phosphate (20 mM), sodium vanadate (1 mM), and glycerophosphate (5 mM), followed by 50 mL of 1.42% formaldehyde and 20 mL of cold PBS containing 125 mM glycine. For electrophysiology studies, mice were deeply anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine, transcardially perfused with oxygenated, ice-cold, artificial cerebral spinal fluid (ACSF), and decapitated. For analysis of cyclic nucleotide levels and protein phosphorylation level, mice were killed by focused microwave irradiation. For primary cortical culture, cortical cells from embryonic day 17 rat embryos were isolated, triturated, and plated. Characterization of sGCβ1 KD in Vitro. The sequence of the mouse soluble guanylyl cyclase sGCβ1 gene (Gucy1b3) was confirmed from IMAGE clone 6822142 (Invitrogen) by sequencing, and the gene was subcloned into pEGFP-N3 (Clontech). An shRNA construct against sGCβ1 (sequence ACCACAGATCCCCGCACTGAGATAGACATGAACTTCCTGTCATTCATGTCTATCTCAGTGCTTTTTTGGAATCTAGAACTATAGCTAGAGSagi et al. CATGGCTACGTAGATAAGTAGCATGGCGGGTTA) was inserted into pAAV.H1 as previously described (3). AAV2 particles were packaged with either pAAV.siGucy or control plasmids (pAAV.siLuc), and viruses were concentrated to 5 × 1011 viral particle number (VPN) using heparin columns (GE Healthcare). To study the effect of AAV.siGucy on endogenous sGCβ1 level and activity, 25 × 108 VPN were transduced into 2 × 106 cortical neurons on day 2 in vitro (DIV), after which the medium was replaced every 3 d. Translatome Profiling. For global transcript analysis, 15 ng of RNA was amplified with a Two-Cycle Target Labeling kit and hybridized to Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays, which were washed and scanned according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Affymetrix). CEL files of three biological replicates were imported into Genespring GX (Agilent Technologies) and processed with the GC-RMA algorithm. Changes in gene expression were determined using the Student t test followed by the false discovery rate (FDR) with the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure to adjust for multiple comparisons. For quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis, 15 ng of RNA was reverse transcribed using a WT-Ovation kit (Nugen Technologies), and 20 ng of cDNA was used as a template for analysis, using TaqMan Gene Expression Assays. Fluorescence was detected using ABI 7900HT (Applied Biosystems). Immunohistochemistry. Brains were postfixed for 1 h in 4% PFA and cryopreserved in 30% sucrose overnight, after which they were frozen and cut on a cryostat. Sections (30 μm) were washed twice in PBS, blocked in 1% normal goat serum (Invitrogen), and incubated overnight with primary antibodies. For immunofluorescent detection, Alexa secondary antibodies (Invitrogen) and the nucleic acid dye, DRAQ5 (Alexis), were used according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Fluorescent images were detected using a confocal LSM 710 microscope (Carl Zeiss). For positive cell number and immunolabeling quantification analyses, X20 air and ×40 oil (N.A. = 0.75) objectives were used, respectively. Brain sections were scanned at 0.45-μm depth intervals (total depth of 10 μm). For labeling quantification of VGAT and DARPP-32, serial sections throughout the dorsal striatum and the globus pallidus and substantia nigra were used. Mean pixel values from the grayscale images were determined using ImageJ software (Universal Imaging), in fields of 1940 ± 84 μm2 (three to six fields per section, four to five striatal midbrain/ globus pallidus sections per animal), followed by subtraction of the mean pixel value of the nonspecific background from within the field. The ratio between VGAT and DARPP mean pixel values was determined for each field. To quantify the level of VGAT in dSPN and iSPN, Drd1-TRAP mice were injected with either AAV.Gucy or control AAV. Striatal sections were immunostained for GFP, nuclear marker, and VGAT. Regions of interest were defined around somas (30–40 somas per slice, five slices per brain), and mean pixel value of VGAT immunolabeling was quantified (71 ± 18 GFP-positive cells from control; 66 ± 12 GFP-positive cells from KD; 102 ± 27 GFP-negative cells from control; 115 ± 33 GFP-negative cells from KD). The value of somatic VGAT was identified as either dSPN or iSPN according to the presence of GFP labeling. Similar analysis was performed for VGAT using antibodies for parvalbumin or neuropeptide Y. 1 of 11 Electrophysiology. Tissue processing, mIPSC recording protocols, and data analysis were performed as described (4). The striatonigral afferents were stimulated by placing the poles of the stimulating electrode in the striatum on either side of the injection site. Synaptic potentials were evoked by just suprathreshold pulses (1.5–2 × threshold) to minimize activation of the neighboring globus pallidus. The paired pulse protocol consisted of two stimulating pulses with an interstimulus interval of 100 ms (10 Hz). This protocol allowed for the initial IPSC to recover to baseline before the second pulse. Clampfit software, ver. (Molecular Devices) was used to analyze the paired-pulse ratio, amplitude of pulse 2/amplitude of pulse 1. Pooled data are presented as means ± SE or cumulative probability plots using IGOR 5.00 (WaveMetrics). Whole-cell voltageclamp recordings were performed using standard techniques. Individual slices were transferred to a submersion-style recording chamber on an Olympus Optical BX50WI microscope and continuously superfused with an ACSF at a rate of 2–3 mL·min−1 at 22–23 °C. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were performed on either striatal medium spiny neurons or SNr neurons and were detected in the slice with the help of an infrared-differential interference contrast video microscopy with a Photometrics coolSNAP HQ2 camera/controller system. The following were added to the superfusion medium for all experiments to isolate mIPSCs: 50 μM 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5; Tocris Cookson) to block NMDA glutamate receptors, 5 μM 1,2,3,4tetrahydro-6-nitro-2,3-dioxo-benzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide (NBQX) to block AMPA/kainite glutamate receptors, and 1 μM tetrodotoxin (TTX; Alomone Labs) to block sodium channels. Patch electrodes were made by pulling Sutter BF150-86-10 glass on a P-97 Flaming/Brown micropipette puller (Sutter Instrument Co.) and fire polished before recording. Pipette resistance was typically 2.5–4 MΩ after filling with an internal solution containing the following: 140 mM CsCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Hepes, 0.1 mM BAPTA-Cs, 5 mM QX-314, 2 mM ATP-Na2, 0.4 mM GTP-Na2, pH 7.25–7.3 adjusted with CsOH, 270–280 mOsm·L−1. IPSCs were recorded with a Multiclamp 700A amplifier, a Digidata 1322A 16-bit data acquisition system, and pClamp software, ver. 9.2 (Molecular Devices). For mIPSCs, neurons were voltage-clamped at −80 mV and allowed to reach a stable baseline (∼5 min) before mIPSCs were recorded for 7 min. Mini Analysis (Synaptosoft Inc.) was used to analyze mIPSC amplitude, frequency, 10–90% rise time, and decay time. A threshold of five times the root-mean-square baseline noise level (commonly∼20–25 pA) was set for event detection. Records were then visually inspected, and all events triggered by noise were discarded. Frequency and amplitude analysis was carried out on all mIPSCs that met threshold criteria. Events were then selected for 10–90% rise time and decay time analysis on the following criteria: (i) Events with 10–90% rise times faster than 1.5 ms were selected to minimize space clamp errors and electrotonic filtering; (ii) Events with decay times faster than 45 ms were selected to minimize events in which multiple events precluded accurate decay-time measurement. For stimulated IPSCs, SNr neurons were voltage-clamped at −50 mV and allowed to stabilize for ∼5 min. Stimulation (200 μs) was performed using steel bipolar electrodes (Frederick Haer & Co.) delivered by a constant current isolated stimulator model Ds3 (Digitimer Ltd.). The striatonigral afferents were stimulated by placing the poles of the stimulating electrode in the striatum on either side of the injection site. Synaptic potentials were evoked by just suprathreshold pulses (1.5–2 × threshold) to minimize activation of the neighboring globus pallidus. The paired-pulse protocol consisted of two stimulating pulses with an interstimulus interval of 100 ms (10 Hz). This protocol allowed for the initial IPSC to recover to baseline before the second pulse. Clampfit software, ver. (Molecular Devices) was used to analyze the paired-pulse ratio, amplitude of pulse 2/amplitude of Sagi et al. pulse 1. Pooled data are presented as means ± SE or cumulative probability plots using IGOR 5.00 (WaveMetrics). Optogenetic Stimulation and Recording. Slices were generated from animals that were genetically engineered to have the Cre protein expressed under the A2a promoter. Floxed channelrhodopsin (hChR) was introduced into these animals either through injection of a modified channelrhodopsin virus [AAV2/9.EF1a. DIO.hCHR2(H134R)-EYFP.WPRE.hGH; Addgene 20298; University of Pennsylvania Vector Core, Philadelphia) into the dorsal lateral striatum or through genetic crossing into an Ai32 line that expresses floxed channelrhodopsin in all cells. Presynaptic GABA release was induced in hChR2-expressing cells using a 200-μs duration pulse of 470 nm wavelength light delivered via an LED light source (CoolLED EE-100) through the objective. The intensity of the LED used varied from cell to cell and was determined by the value that yielded a middle range of responses from an evoked I/O curve. After induction of deep anesthesia (ketamine and xylazine injected intraperitoneally at 50 mg/kg and 4.5 mg/kg, respectively, with additional isoflurane administration by inhalation), 2- to 4-mo-old A2a-Cre transgenic mice (blk6) were perfused transcardially with 5–10 mL of icecold artificial CSF (aCSF) containing 124 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 26 mM NaHCO3, 1 mM NaH2PO4, and 16.66 mM glucose, continuously bubbled with carbogen (95% O2 and 5% CO2). The animals were subsequently killed by decapitation. The brain was removed from the skull and dissected on ice, and sagittal brain slices (300 μm) were prepared from the isolated hemispheres using a Leica VT1200 vibrating blade microtome (Leica Microsystems). The slices were then transferred to a holding chamber where they were incubated in aCSF containing 2 mM CaCl2 and 1 mM MgCl2, pH7.4, at 35 °C for 60 min, after which they were stored at room temperature. Slices were transferred to a submersion-style recording chamber mounted on an Olympus BX51 upright, fixed-stage microscope (Olympus Corporation) and were continuously perfused (2–3 mL/min) with carbogen-bubbled aCSF at room temperature, 22–24 °C. Neurons were visualized through infrared-differential interference contrast video microscopy using a CoolSNAP HQ2 CCD camera (Photometrics) operated by in-house software. Patch pipettes were pulled from thick-walled borosilicate glass on a Sutter P-97 puller (Sutter Instrument Co.) to resistances of 4–6 MΩ when filled with recording solution. The internal recording solution contained 120 mM cesium chloride, 10 mM tetraethylammonium chloride, 10 mM Hepes, 2 mM QX314 chloride (Tocris Biosciences), 0.2 mM EGTA, 3 mM MgATP, and 0.3 mM NaGTP; pH was adjusted to 7.3 with CsOH and osmolarity to 270–280 mOsM. Electrophysiological recordings were obtained with a Multiclamp 700B amplifier (Molecular Devices). The amplifier bridge circuit was adjusted to compensate for series resistance and was continuously monitored during recording. Current signals at the headstage of the patch-clamp amplifier were filtered at 2 kHz and digitized at 10 kHz using a Digidata 1440A data acquisition board and pCLAMP10 software (both from Molecular Devices). The amplitudes were obtained from the peak current resulting either from a single pulse or from the first pulse of a double-pulse stimulus protocol. The intertrial interval in both cases was 30 s. The intensity of the LED used varied from cell to cell and was determined by the value that yielded a middle range of postsynaptic responses from an evoked I/O curve. Off-line data analysis and figure preparation were performed with Clampfit 10 (Molecular Devices) software, Prism statistical software (GraphPad Software), and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (Adobe Systems). Western-Blot Analysis. Proteins were extracted from dissected tissues using 1% SDS buffer. For analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fraction contents, the NE-PER extraction kit (Thermo 2 of 11 Scientific) was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Protein concentrations were determined by the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method, and 10 μg of total protein from total lysates, 100 μg from cytoplasmic extracts, or 20 μg from nuclear extracts were loaded and separated by SDS/PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, which were incubated with primary antibodies followed by goat Alexa 680-linked IgG (Molecular Probes) or goat IRDye800-linked IgG (LI-COR). Fluorescence was detected using the Odyssey infrared imaging system (LICOR) and quantified using the Odyssey software (LI-COR). Cyclic Nucleotide Analysis. Frozen striata were weighed and homogenized in 120 μL of 75% ethanol. Samples were dried and lysed in 0.1 normal HCl. cGMP and cAMP levels were determined using an enzyme-linked immunoassay kit (Assay Designs) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Electromobility-Shift Assay. Probes for the CRE sequence in the VGAT (5′ VGAT WT, CACTCAGATTCTGCGTCAGGGCCTCTT) gene were purchased from Invitrogen, labeled with [γ-32P] ATP, filtered, and annealed. Labeled probe duplexes (17 nM) were incubated with 20 ng of recombinant CREB1 in a buffer containing 20 mM Tris (pH 7.9), 4 mM MgCl2, 5 mM DTT, 0.5 mg·mL−1 BSA, 13 ng·μL−1 poly dGdC, 0.5% PEG 8000, and 12% glycerol for 40 min at 30 °C. Excess of the WT probes (3.4 μM) or CRE-mutated probes (5′ VGAT dT: CACTCAGATTCTGTTTTTGGGCCTCTT) were added to some samples. Samples were loaded on a 6% DNA Retardation gel (Invitrogen) and separated by electrophoresis at 125 V in the presence of 0.5× TBE for 40 min. Dried gels were exposed to Kodak Biomax MR film (Eastman Kodak Company) overnight at −80 °C, and images were developed and analyzed. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation. Dissected brain areas from individual animals were lysed in cell lysis buffer containing 10 mM Hepes, 5 mM MgCl2, 150 mM KCl, 0.5 mM DTT, 1× protease inhibitor mixture (Roche), sodium phosphate (20 mM), sodium vanadate (1 mM), and glycerophosphate (5 mM), and chromatin was isolated using a SimpleCHIP Enzymatic Chromatin IP kit (Cell Signaling Technology) according to the manufacturer’s instructions with the following modifications: DNA was sheared using sonication (9 cycles of 15× 1 s, power level 2 on Microson XL sonicator; Misonix). Although chromatin input samples 1. Hemmings HC, Jr, Greengard P (1986) DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3′:5′monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein: Regional, tissue, and phylogenetic distribution. J Neurosci 6(5):1469–1481. 2. Valjent E, et al. (2005) Regulation of a protein phosphatase cascade allows convergent dopamine and glutamate signals to activate ERK in the striatum. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102(2):491–496. Sagi et al. contained 10 μL of sheared chromatin, each i.p. sample contained 150 μL of sheared chromatin, 30 μL of magnetic beads, 650 μL of ChIP dilution buffer containing 3% BSA, and antibody. Specific activities of the RNA polymerase II (4 μg per i.p. sample) or S133 pCREB (2 μg per i.p. sample) antibodies, were confirmed by comparing them to IgG (20 μg per i.p. sample), and by using blocking peptides. DNA custom probes and primer sets were designed using the Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems). Primers for the proximal promoter region of GAPDH and VGAT were F-GGGCCACGCTAATCTCATTTT, R-GTTCACACCGACCTTCACCAT, Probe-CTCCTGCAGCCTCGTCCCGTAGAC; and F-TTCCCTCAGCCTCCTCCAT, RCCTGACGCAGAATCTGAGTGTTA, Probe-CTCCCAGGCACCGGGCTTC, respectively. Primers and probe sets for these genes were tested using sheared genomic DNA and showed similar efficiencies. Gene levels from chromatin elutes were measured by qPCR using ABI 7900HT (Applied Biosystems). Open Field. Each mouse underwent a 1-h trial, which was analyzed in 5-min bins to quantify distance traveled and time in motion. Data were collected automatically using Fusion 3.2 software (AccuScan). Three-Day Accelerating Rotarod. The mouse was placed on a cylinder that can rotate at constant or accelerating speeds (4–40 rpm) (Med-Associates). The latency to fall off the rod was measured for each of three trials per day. The average latency was used as the primary variable. Statistical Analysis. Changes in global gene expression were determined using Student t test followed by the false discovery rate with the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure to adjust for multiple comparisons. Differences in expression of a gene with a P value lower than 0.05, FDR less than 0.1, and fold change over 1.5-fold were considered significant. Cyclic nucleotide levels, protein levels, and phosphorylation levels (determined by Western blot) and bound protein levels after ChIP (qPCR) were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test followed by a post hoc Student t test. mRNA levels (qPCR) were statistically confirmed using a onetailed Student t test whereas statistical analysis of the changes in mean values of mIPSC and IPSC were analyzed using unpaired Student’s t tests. Statistical analysis of the averages of immunolabeling ratios was performed using a two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. 3. Musatov S, Chen W, Pfaff DW, Kaplitt MG, Ogawa S (2006) RNAi-mediated silencing of estrogen receptor alpha in the ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus abolishes female sexual behaviors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(27):10456–10460. 4. Heiman M, et al. (2008) A translational profiling approach for the molecular characterization of CNS cell types. Cell 135(4):738–748. 3 of 11 A. GFP DARPP-32 B. 250 N.S 200 GFP+ cells Merge AAV.siLuc AAV.siGucy 150 100 50 0 DARPP-32 + DARPP-32 - Fig. S1. Mice were injected with either AAV.Luc or AAV.siGucy, and striatal sections were coimmunolabeled for GFP and DARPP-32. (A) Representative images from AAV.siGucy-injected mice showing colocalization of GFP in cells expressing DARPP-32, indicating that the targeting area was the striatum. (B). After transfection with either AAV.Luc or AAV.siGucy, 252 ± 15.5 and 242 ± 21.1 cells positive for GFP were inspected, respectively, for DARPP-32 labeling; 232 ± 25.3 and 220 ± 29.4 of the respective cells were also positive for DARPP-32 (n = 3 mice per group). A B VGAT Control Striatum sGCβ1 KD Striatum Merge control sGCβ1KD 9 VGAT level (A.U) GFP (Drd1) 10 8 7 6 * * 5 4 3 2 1 0 GFP + GFP - Fig. S2. VGAT immunolabeling in dSPN and iSPNs. (A) Representative images showing colocalization of VGAT and GFP from Drd1-BacTRAP mice transfected with either AAV.Luc or AAV.siGucy. Mean pixel value of VGAT labeling was determined in somas from GFP-positive (indicated by open arrows; 131 ± 33 cells from control, 157 ± 42 cells from KD) and GFP-negative cells (indicated by closed arrowheads; 210 ± 56 cells from control, 229 ± 38 cells from KD), from Drd1-BacTRAP control (n = 5 mice) and sGCβ1 KD (n = 6 mice). (Scale bar: 50 μm.) (B) Analysis of VGAT intensity indicates that VGAT level in sGCβ1 KD mice is reduced in both GFP positive (*P = 0.02 vs. control) and negative neurons (**P = 0.04 vs. control). Sagi et al. 4 of 11 A. NPY PV B. Merge VGAT Merge VGAT 12 control sGCβ1 KD 10 8 6 4 2 0 NPY PV Fig. S3. No effect of sGCβ1-KD on VGAT immunolabeling in striatal GABAergic interneurons. (A) Representative images from striatal sections of sGCβ1-KD illustrating prominent VGAT immunoreactivity in either Neuropeptide-Y (NPY, Top)-expressing or parvalbumin (PV, Middle)-expressing neurons. (Scale bars: Top, 50 μm, Bottom, 10 μm.) (B) Mean pixel values were determined for VGAT in somas of NPY-expressing neurons (18 ± 3.2, 23 ± 3.1 cells from control and KD, respectively) or PV neurons (26 ± 4.7, 31 ± 6.2 cells from control and KD, respectively). Bars represent mean ratios of mean pixel values as percent of that in control ± SD. Sagi et al. 5 of 11 A Control B sGCβ1 KD Paired pulse ratio (P2/P1) 2.0 1.5 50 ms 200 pA 200 pA 1.0 0.5 0.0 Control sGCβ1 KD 50 ms Fig. S4. Extrastriatal transmission is unchanged in sGCβ1 KD. (A) Representative traces of paired-pulse IPSCs in substantia nigra neurons from control (n = 12 mice) and sGCβ1 KD (n = 9 mice) elicited by striatal stimulation. (B) Bar graph summary of the data presented in (B). Bars represent means ± SEM. Cytoplasm PKG1 Striatum Hippocampus control sGC-KD control sGC-KD PKA Synaptophysin Nucleus PKG1 PKA CREB B 140 Protein level ( % of control ) A 120 Nucleus Cytoplasm 100 80 * * 60 40 20 0 PKA PKG1 C D 2401 attctgCGTC Agggcctctt tcacgaggat tcacccccat tctctcgtcc tgtggcttag CRE-like cite 2461 gcacaagtct gtctccatct agcgccccct agcgatagtt ttgggctata ccccagggtc 5'- Start 2521 ccttttcaag aggatcagct gagctcctgg gtctggttgc ctctttgcac cacagggcat 2581 gttcgtgctg 3'-End Exon 2 Lane 1 2 3 4 VGAT- CRE CREB WT X 200 + - + + - + + + - + + + dT X 200 Fig. S5. PKG1 and CREB involved in the transcriptional regulation of vgat. (A) Representative immunoblot images of proteins in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions from brain lysates of control (Luc, n = 4 mice) and sGCβ1 KD (Gucy, n = 4 mice). (B) Quantification of the data presented in A, indicating that the levels of PKG1 in both subcellular fractions are reduced in sGCβ1 KD mice (*P < 0.05). Bars represent averages of protein levels from striatal sGCβ1 KD normalized to synaptophysin (cytoplasm) or CREB (nucleus) as percentage of control ± SD. (C) cAMP regulatory element in Slc32a1. Sequence analysis of mouse genomic VGAT DNA (slc32a1, GenBank accession nos. NM_009508.2, NT_039207.7) identified a conserved cAMP response element (CRE)-like motif (in bold capitals) in the intron of the gene [(−) strand]. Forward and reverse primers (in bold) were designed for qPCR analysis of the levels of genomic DNA bound to Ser 133 phospho-CREB or RNA polymerase II. Reverse primer overlaps the site of exon 2 initiation (right angle arrow). (D) CREB interacts with vgat. Electromobility shift assay showing the migration of the vgat gene on a native gel. Radiolabeled probes of the CRE-like motif in the vgat gene (17 nM, lane 1) were incubated with recombinant CREB1 (20 ng, lanes 2–4), in the presence of excess unlabeled WT (3.4 μM, lane 3) or CRE-mutated probes (3.4 μM, lane 4). Sagi et al. 6 of 11 A. DARPP-32 VGAT Merge Cont. Substantia Nigra Ipsi. Cont. Globus Pallidus Ipsi. B. 125 VGAT/ DARPP-32 ( % of contralateral) 100 75 50 25 0 Globus Pallidus Substantia Nigra Fig. S6. Effect of dopaminergic lesion on VGAT labeling in extrastriatal terminals of SPNs. (A) Representative images from a 6-OHDA–treated mouse show full colocalization of VGAT in terminals of SPNs (identified by DARPP-32 staining) both in the substantia nigra (Top row) as well as in the globus pallidus (Third row). No change in VGAT labeling was detected in either area after the lesion. (Scale bar: 20 μm.) (B) Mean pixel values were determined concomitantly for DARPP-32 and VGAT. Bars represent mean ratios of mean pixel values as a percentage of the contralateral ± SD. Sagi et al. 7 of 11 Table S1. Effect of sGCβ1 KD on mRNA expression of synaptic vesicle-related genes in Drd1expressing SPNs Gene level, A.U. Protein\mice SNARES VAMP1 VAMP2 VAMP3 cellubrevin VAMP4 VAMP7 Sec22-like1 SNAP-23 SNAP-25 SNAP-29 SNAP-47 Syntaxin 1A Syntaxin 1B2 Syntaxin 2 Syntaxin 3 Syntaxin 6 Syntaxin 7 Syntaxin 13 Syntaxin 16b vti1a Tomosyn (b, m) Amisyn Small GTPases and related proteins Rab1 Rab2 Rab2b Rab3A Rab3B Rab3C Rab4A Rab5C Rab6b Rab7 Rab8A Rab8B Rab9B Rab10 Rab11B Rab12 Rab14 Rab15 Rab18 Rab21 Rab24 Rab25 Rab26 Rab27B Rab30 Rab31 Transporter and channel proteins VGLUT1 VGLUT2 VGLUT3 VGAT VAChT VMAT2 V-ATPase E2 subunit ATPase, H+ transporting, V1 subunit A1 ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter (APLT), class I, type 8A, member 1 Sagi et al. Control sGCβ1 KD 1,153 19,923 1,026 269 480 6,395 65 3,023 281 — 3,956 21 — 293 13,165 5,614 — — 296 627 42 843 20,515 1,290 533 1,022 6,222 187 3,417 331 — 4,951 29 — 107 13,734 8,270 — — 344 864 51 16,892 9,759 13,734 13,459 3,022 888 836 280 17,336 13,878 998 1,644 574 8,120 10,787 1,701 27,255 14,909 3,317 1,947 6,579 1,474 708 236 701 1,537 19,029 13,654 16,092 12,498 3,052 886 860 217 18,065 16,454 938 2,474 956 8,028 10,101 2,145 31,424 13,180 4,063 2,474 6,989 1,596 794 283 1,041 1,771 408 180 — 10,070 16 8 57 7,563 3,564 591 185 — 6,226 4 9 79 9,303 4,949 8 of 11 Table S1. Cont. Gene level, A.U. Protein\mice Proline transporter GLT1 solute carrier family 1 (glial high-affinity glutamate transporter), member 2 NTT4 VAT-1 homolog Na/K-ATPase F1-ATPase a1 F1-ATPase b1 Cytoskeletal proteins Tubulin a4 Actin beta cytoplasmatic Actin gama cytoplasmatic Actin alpha smooth muscle ARP3 Dynein Cytoplasmatic, light chain1 Internexin-alpha Kinesin family 3C Kinesin family 21A Kinesin family 2C Kinesin family 5C Kinesin family 5B Kinesin family 2A Kinesin family 3A Kinesin family 1B Kinesin family 17 Kinesin family 3B Kinesin family 13A Septin 5 Septin 3 Septin 7 Septin 4 Myosin Va Myosin VIIb Cell-surface proteins Basigin Cadherin 13 Contactin 1 Contactin-associated protein 1 Brain link protein 2 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 4 LSAMP N-CAM Rab33 Rab35 Arl10 RalA Rabphilin3A c-K Ras2 Di-Ras2 Arfaptin Arhgap1 Rac1B RhoB Other trafficking and SV proteins Synapsin1 Synapsin2 Synapsin3 Synaptophysin Synaptogyrin 1 Synaptogyrin 2 Synaptogyrin 3 Sagi et al. Control sGCβ1 KD — 64 — 72 2,679 396 40,749 36,539 37,173 3,190 396 37,947 40,734 38,627 42,096 46,048 40,703 596 14,328 44,737 4,131 3,917 3,411 3,115 2,636 1,671 1,298 975 907 345 306 277 22,879 8,062 6,410 2,986 7,127 80 42,295 46,190 40,703 336 17,537 43,585 3,981 6,762 5,784 1,940 2,644 2,508 2,166 972 693 612 657 404 17,461 8,660 10,830 3,320 8,923 52 1,111 1,596 9,508 12 333 706 1,472 7,154 12 321 — — 3,022 1,682 6,578 1,962 3,341 2,782 14,940 1,360 35 51 237 — — 3,052 1,930 7,083 2,393 3,415 2,552 16,912 1,976 38 42 255 2,363 12,230 47 18,718 215 130 3,650 2,472 18,878 34 18,010 192 103 3,061 9 of 11 Table S1. Cont. Gene level, A.U. Protein\mice Control sGCβ1 KD Synaptogyrin 4 Scamp1 Synaptotagmin XI Synaptotagmin I Synaptotagmin VII Synaptotagmin XVI Synaptotagmin IV Synaptotagmin V Synaptotagmin II Synaptotagmin XII MUNC-18 VPS33a VPS45 NSF VAP-33 CSP TRAPPC1 TRAPPC3 TRAPPC5 Bassoon Doc2b Lamp-1 Piccolo Similar to SNAP25 b-SNAP Reticulon 1 Reticulon 2 Reticulon 3 Reticulon 4 Snap25bp Pantophysin OBCAM Neuronal growth Neurotrimin Stromal cell-derived factor 2-like 1 Thymus cell antigen 1, theta Ig superfamily, member 4B Intercellular adhesion molecule 4 Myelin basic protein Myelin-associated glycoprotein Myelin proteolipid PLP Signaling proteins CaMK II a CaMK II b CaMK II g CaMK II d CaMK II 4 Casein kinase 1a1 Casein kinase 1d2 Casein kinase 1g3 Casein kinase 1g2 Casein kinase 1e Casein kinase 2a Casein kinase 2b PKCa PKCb1 PKCc PKCd PKCe PKCz 4,574 12,658 14,605 9,261 2,885 2,610 1,623 1,490 868 736 337 1,517 747 19,395 9,314 8,619 1,840 2,948 822 1,087 — 7,177 935 43,127 8,546 17,837 1,331 22,574 44,016 1,558 — 546 4,940 1,524 496 18,014 1,913 4,075 31,075 801 17,919 28,644 4,220 14,385 19,904 10,799 2,532 3,589 1,505 1,150 907 363 242 1,592 1,011 24,283 11,490 9,401 1,551 2,861 997 1,077 — 5,950 1,103 52,455 10,089 17,507 1,160 22,857 44,016 1,151 — 797 6,511 1,612 480 12,953 1,596 3,072 33,496 489 17,969 23,096 3,741 18,243 1,371 331 6,739 12,703 12,135 4,027 2,543 2,433 1,956 1,451 13,257 27,224 257 236 4,149 10,964 2,664 23,675 2,046 729 9,330 18,205 12,995 5,653 2,208 2,729 2,236 1,760 13,904 33,181 349 238 4,275 10,783 Sagi et al. 10 of 11 Table S1. Cont. Gene level, A.U. Protein\mice Control sGCβ1 KD ITPR1 PI4K2 a PI3Kd PI3Kp85a PI3Kp110a PLD3 S100A16 16,737 3,421 38 1,095 617 7,444 4,998 19,732 3,309 40 2,100 1,067 5,736 4,740 The gene list is composed of synaptic vesicle-related proteins (1). Averaged expression values from Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays of control and sGCβ1-KD Drd1-TRAP mice (n = 3 samples per group; each RNA sample was pooled from striata of six mice). Bold values indicate a statistically significant difference (Materials and Methods) in expression level between conditions, showing that the expression level of 4.5% of the synaptic vesicle-related genes is down-regulated in sGCβ1 KD mice. None of the other seven genes down-regulated by sGCβ1 KD is functionally related to VGAT, suggesting that the transcriptional regulation of VGAT by NO is specific. 1. Takamori S, et al. (2006) Molecular anatomy of a trafficking organelle. Cell 127(4):831–846. Sagi et al. 11 of 11
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