MELL Conference Program 2014 Visualizing ELL Potential STUDENTS + TEACHERS + PROGRAMS November 19-21 2014 The Westin Kansas City Crown Center Organized by: Missouri Migrant Education & English Language Learning With Support & Collaboration from: Regional Professional Development Centers In cooperation with: MU Conference Office Visualizing ELL Potential STUDENTS + TEACHERS + PROGRAMS 4:30-5:30 Please Join Us! Ask the Experts Join us to ask questions of our experts. There will be a board by the registration table to post your questions prior to each session. Wednesday : Jo Gusman Jaime A. Castellano Debbie Arechiga Thursday: Jaime A. Castellano Melissa Castillo Cristina Sanchez-Lopez Session Tickets and Ticket Exchange Participants will receive Session and Meal Tickets for their pre-selected sessions and meals in the materials that they picked up at registration. Session and Meal Tickets will be required for entrance into all sessions except for the 3:15 – 4:15 breakouts and the Ask the Expert sessions. Please review your session selections. If you do not have a Session Ticket or would like to change your session selection you can go to the Ticket Exchange. The session ticket exchange, available to all attendees, is located near the registration area. MELL staff will be available to assist you with your exchanges and requests for tickets. Reception Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:00 - 6:30 Please join us for a glass of wine and hors d'oeuvres before dinner at the National Geographic Hospitality Suite. Please stop by the booth for more information 2 Program e Conferenc MELL-DESE Shawn Cockrum Migrant/Title III Director Drew Linkon Assistant Director of Assessment Yaya Badji Supervisor Diane Herx Migrant Student Exchange Diane Mora Sarah Knoll Instructional Specialists Becky Smith Instructional Specialist Marlow Barton Debra Cole Instructional Specialists 2014 Visualizing Region 1 Hannayd Ruiz Migrant Recruiter ELL Potential Region 2 Robin Thompson Migrant Recruiter Key Strand: Region 3 Pendy Trujillo Migrant Recruiter Claudia Franks Instructional Specialist Region 4 Yeni Vasquez Migrant Recruiter Jesse DeLeon Instructional Specialist Region 5 Angel Castro Migrant Recruiter Academic Language & Literacy Effective Practices Program Management National Initiative Migrant Audience: EC = Early Childhood ES = Elementary School MJ = Middle/Junior High SS = Secondary School AD = Administrators CH = Coaches EL = ELL/ESL CT = Content Teachers SE = ELL/SpEd FC = Family/Community MG = Migrant TE = Teacher Education Participant Experience Level: 3 Beginning Limited experience Novice 2-4 years experience Featured Speakers Wednesday, November 19 Jo Gusman began her teaching career in 1974 as a bilingual education instructional assistant and later a teacher. In 1981, her career led her to the nationally known Newcomer School, where Jo worked in a multilingual setting with refugee and immigrant non-English speaking children. It is there where she developed her many Brain-Based ESL Strategies™. She has received numerous awards from organizations such as the National Hispanic School Board Association, California Reading Association, and the California Association for Bilingual Education. Jo has been featured on national television (NBC) in a news series titled, “The New Kids in Town.” In addition, Jo received recognition for her teaching excellence from President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Department of Education. Jo is the creator of the Foundation-Frameworks-Tools School Improvement Model© and author of many books. She is the founder of New Horizons In Education, an education consulting company dedicated to assisting school districts create highly effective programs for their bilingual-biliterate students and their families. Diane Staehr Fenner, Ph.D., is president of DSF Consulting, a small business specializing in English learner (EL) achievement. She provides professional development and technical assistance to districts, states, universities, and organizations. Much of her work focuses on ensuring ELs succeed with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), including supporting the collaboration between English as a Second Language and content teachers around implementing the CCSS for ELs. Prior to forming DSF Consulting, she gained research and policy expertise with the George Washington University’s Center for Equity and Excellence in Education. Formerly an ESOL teacher and assessment specialist in Fairfax County Public Schools, VA, Dr. Staehr Fenner writes a blog on the CCSS for ELs for the popular Colorín Colorado website. Her new book Advocating for English Learners: A Guide for Educators (2014) is available through Corwin Press. She is currently writing another book on teacher evaluation that is inclusive of ELs and students with disabilities. 4 Featured Speakers Thursday, November 20 Dr. Jaime A. Castellano is an award-winning principal, author, scholar, and researcher; the 2010 principal/administrator of the year for Apache County, AZ; a 2012 finalist for the same award; a published author with four books in the field of gifted education, including dozens of articles and chapters written for multiple publications. Jaime is recognized as one of our nation’s leading authorities in identifying and serving low-income, racially, culturally and linguistically different gifted students; with particular expertise on identifying gifted Hispanic/Latino students, Native American students, and gifted English language learners. A Rationale for Connecting Gifted Education with Dual Language Programs is another one of his popular publications. In 2013 he also developed and copyrighted the ELL/ SPED Screening Instrument, a tool designed to assist educators in determining if a referral of an ELL/bilingual student to special education is warranted. Jaime founded the Gifted Education Special Interest Group (SIG) with the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) and the Professional Interest Community (PIC) on Gifted and Advanced Learners for ASCD. Debbie Arechiga is a literacy staff developer for The Tools for Literacy Professional Development Model which has helped many teachers and schools come closer to realizing the goal of every child becoming a successful reader. Debbie has a passion for the discovery of new ideas and possibilities in literacy. In the best tradition of education, she imparts not only valuable teaching philosophy and useful tools, but the vision and can-do confidence that genuinely empower teachers and students to make bold strides toward literacy excellence. Teachers leave the Tools for Literacy training sessions knowing they’ve been given practical and imaginative tools that will build capable, confident readers. Debbie’s thorough modeling of techniques gives teachers the practical how-to they need most of all. Her ability to provide specific, focused direction for working with second language learners has been a particular plus for many teachers and districts. School districts whose teachers have attended the courses and implemented the methods she presents have experienced significant positive impacts on student achievement. 5 Featured Speakers Friday, November 21 Dr. Melissa Castillo, Lead consultant for MelCast Educational Consulting, works with educators in several states across the country on the explicit development of academic language and literacy, vocabulary, sheltered instruction techniques, coaching and guiding educational organizations in planning and implementing training to build capacity. Dr. Castillo co-authored Language & Literacy for ELLs Creating Systematic Change For Academic Achievement. She is also a contributing author to 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners and The SIOP® Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Learners. Her professional experience includes many years as an elementary teacher in a Dual Language and Bilingual program, professional development coordinator, and director of ELD programs at the primary and secondary level. Her doctoral research focused on effective instructional programs for language minority students, specifically coaching teachers to successful implementation of researchbased practices in Sheltered English Immersion classrooms. Cristina Sanchez–Lopez is an education specialist at the Illinois Resource Center (IRC). She collaborates with educators in the US and Canada on ELLs and special education; middle school mathematics; literacy across the content areas; multilingual education, engaging parents, and supporting Pre-K educators who serve English Language Learners (ELLs). Prior to coming to the IRC, Cristina taught at the elementary, middle school and university levels in the US and Mexico. At present, Cristina teaches graduate courses in the areas of ELL reading and the foundations of language minority education. Cristina has been working extensively with her colleague, Theresa Young (SLP), in collaborating with school problem-solving teams as they support ELLs. Cristina is co-author on the book Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services (Caslon Publishing) as well as various articles and chapters on addressing the needs of ELLs. Cristina and her husband have raised their daughter bilingually. 6 Wednesday 7:00-8:15 Breakfast Program Century C Ballroom AM 8:00-8:20 Opening 8:30-11:00 Featured Speakers Session 101: ELA Standards and ELL: Processes and Strategies to Use Immediately! Jo Gusman Century A Learn effective processes and strategies to help meet the diverse needs of your ELLs. Participants in this session will use Jo Gusman’s 4 Cs – Culture-Context-Content-Contact Model© for planning and teaching highly effective reading lessons. They will also experience Mind-Brain-Education Science reading processes that help ELLs better process and comprehend text. Session 102: Strategies to Successfully Advocate for English Learners Diane Staehr Fenner Century B Drawing from her book Advocating for English Learners: A Guide for Educators, the presenter will build a case for the urgent need to advocate for English Learners’ success. She will share practical strategies so educators can build their EL advocacy skills to help support ELs’ strong voices in school. Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions Session 103: Curriculum Mapping to Maximize Your Instructional Time Mary Forst, Heather Barbeau & Melissa Wheeler (Bayless) Where do you start when planning a curriculum for your ELL students? We will show how Bayless Elementary ELL Specialists used the Missouri Learning Standards, WIDA ELD Standards, and our district curriculum to develop an ELL Curriculum Map which includes content driven vocabulary, ELA standards and incorporates the four domains. (Repeated #205) Location: Pershing East Strand: Effective Practices, National Initiatives Level: ALL Audience: ES, EL Session 104: Early Childhood/Kindergarten - Developing Oral Language & Emerging Literacy Dana Maple & Adrianna Henderson (Branson) This presentation is geared toward ELL Educators in the Early Childhood and Kindergarten range. We will focus on engaging activities to develop oral language while facilitating emergent and early literacy practices. Participants will see activities based on songs, poems, chants, and rhymes to build oral language and concepts of print. Location: Century B Strand: Academic Language and Literacy, Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: EC, ES, EL 7 Program Wednesday AM 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 105: Much Ado about ESOL: Using Reader’s Theater Erin Ivanov (St Joseph) Active engagement is critical in building reading comprehension and motivation skills, and what better way to engage students than by putting them into a story! Not only is Readers Theatre engaging; it is a great tool for students to practice fluency, think creatively, and work interactively. Let’s act! (Repeated #218) Location: Pershing North Strand: Academic Language and Literacy, Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, SS,AD, CH, EL Session 106: DUAL WHAT?: One District’s Journey Toward Language Enrichment Education! Landon Wood (Confluence Academy) Presenters will describe their decision making process to pilot a dual language program. They will share research and give honest answers about dual language curriculum selection, recruiting highly qualified faculty members, cost of the program, developing the best program model for your school’s demographics and MORE. Location: Pershing South Strand: Program Management Level: Audience: ALL ALL Session 107: Creative Writing With iPads Marya Leaich & Anna Coe (Hazelwood) iPads have become a resource used in schools around the nation. Learn how to teach your students to expand their creative writing using different apps on the iPad. You will learn the benefits of using technology and leave with items you can use immediately. Bring an iPad if you can. (Repeated #215) Location: Mission Strand: Effective Practices Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: ES, EL Session 108: The Art of Personalized Literacy for ELL students Ike Moore (Capstone Publishers-myON reader) Pershing West Using an innovative digital approach, schools are dramatically increasing student engagement and reading scores with personalized literacy experiences that provide anytime, anywhere access to just right books. With reading supports, naturally recorded audio, highlighting and an embedded dictionary students, engage in reading and educators track progress and forecast reading growth. Location: Pershing West Strand: Academic language and Literacy Level: ALL Audience: ALL Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 8 Program Wednesday AM/PM 11:00-6:30 Exhibitors 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 109: You’re Invited! Teach in China this Summer in July! Gloria and Charles Juedemann (We Teach in China) Learn how you can experience the culture and educational system of China up close and personal! Use your skills to work with Chinese English Teachers to help them improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and provide some methods of teaching for them to use in their own classrooms. Location: Shawnee Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 110: Judging a Book by its Cover - Using Guided Reading Merica Clinkenbeard (Hollister) Century A Participants in this session take part in a mock guided reading lesson using a non-fiction text. As the mock lesson proceeds, participants will practice reading strategies that support academic language and content. Participants will take away tools and templates to easily create their own lesson plans when they return home. Location: Century A Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, SS, CH, EL, CT,TE 12:30-1:45 Luncheon Century C Ballroom Keynote: Jo Gusman 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions Session 111: What? ELL and PBL? Exploring Potential Samantha Anth (Hazelwood) & Debra Cole (Ed Plus) Have you wondered what Project or Problem Based Learning (PBL) is and how you can make it work for ELLs? Join us for an overview of PBL. Problem-solve common barriers to implementation of PBL. Learn to realize the potential of ALL students. Leave with a start to your own unit. Location: Pershing North Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, SS, EL Session 112: Unique Elementary ELL Model is a solution to Rapid ELL Growth Debra Stidham (Independence) & Wendy Mejia (Raytown) This session will describe how the Independence School District restructured their program. The ELL Elementary Success Center targets students with support, which resulted in dramatically increased ACCESS scores. The Raytown School District is adopting a modified version of the model this school year, and its program will also be described. Location: Pershing South Strand: Program Management Level: Audience: ES, AD, CH, EL, ALL 9 Wednesday Program PM 11:00-6:30 Exhibitors 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 113: The ESL Binder: A Resource for mainstream Classroom Teachers Judy Shreves (Warren County) This session will demonstrate the benefits of providing an ESL Binder to classroom teachers. The presenter will share the information she has culminated into a great resource. Basic contents that needed to aid the teacher in understanding the academic and social needs of an ELL will be discussed. Location: Century A Strand: Effective Practices, Program Management Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 114: Language Objectives for Elementary ELLs: Rigor in Reading and Writing Laura Lukens (North Kansas City Schools) & Linda New Levine (ESL/EFL Consultant) Teachers are urged to incorporate academic oral language interaction into content classrooms in order to help students achieve higher levels of literacy. Specific language objectives targeting language form, language function, and scaffolding strategies will be demonstrated. Participants will be guided to create appropriate language objectives for their students. Location: Century B Strand: Academic language and Literacy, Effective practices Level: All Audience: ES, AD, CH, EL, CT, SE Session 115: Incorporating Visualization Tools to Build ELL Potential Cammy Goucher (Neosho) The benefit of any tool depends on how it is used. This is especially true of technology. This session will provide ways to involve ELLs in learning through the effective integration of technology into already developed lessons. You will leave with materials and resources for immediate use with your students. (Repeated #207) Location: Pershing East Strand: Effective practices Level: ALL Audience: EC, ES, SS, AD, EL, Session 116: Surprise! We Are Here Peggy Strange (McDonald County) Hear the story of one rural district that has whole-heartedly embraced the children of the world. Many students have come to the US as refugees from places as diverse as Somalia and Myanmar. Learn strategies to assist students who come with very little formal education or English proficiency skills. Location: Pershing West Strand: Effective Practices, Program Management, Migrant Level: Audience: ALL ALL Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 10 Program Wednesday PM 11:00-6:30 Exhibitors 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions (continued) Session 117: Boost Academic Talk Patricia Lewis (National Geographic) Turn up the volume on Academic talk. Give students the tools they need to use their academic language skills. Through collaborative practices and individual techniques, your classroom will be bursting with exciting discussions. Location: Shawnee Strand: Academic Language & Literacy, Effective Practices Level: Audience: ES, EL ALL Session 118: iPad, iMovie, iSuccess Sam Bennion & Brandi Shores (East Newton) How I used the iPad app "iMovie" to engage students, increase autonomy and motivation, and accomplish ESL Objectives. Participants will become familiar with how iMovie can be used in the ESL classroom to facilitate student progress across the four modalities. Bring your own iPad with iMovie installed. (Repeated #210) Location: Mission Strand: Effective Practices Level: Audience: ALL ALL 3:15-4:15 Breakout Sessions Networking Meetings Pershing North Exhibitors Century Ballroom Foyer Ask DESE Century B Poster Sessions Pershing East Virtual School Visits Pershing West 4:30-5:30 Ask The Experts in Century C Ballroom Jo Gusman ELA Standards and ELL Jaime A. Castellano Gifted ELL Debbie Arechiga Reaching & Teaching ELLs in the Classrooms 11 Thursday 7:00-8:15 Breakfast Program Century C Ballroom AM 8:15-8:20 Opening 8:30-11:00 Featured Speakers Session 201: Talent Development for ELLs: Identifying & Developing Potential Jaime A. Castellano Century A Identifying and developing the talent and potential of English language learners is important to their individual and collective future. This session will be dedicated to identifying and sharing classroom practices for talent development and creating an infrastructure at the school and district level that supports this unique population of students. Session 202: Reaching and Teaching ELLs in Regular Classrooms Debbie Arechiga Century B This presentation will provide both the knowledge and ability to use effective scaffolding strategies or “energizers” to support ELLs’ reading and writing. Peek into real classrooms through video footage to see how to apply these techniques throughout literacy events during whole class, small group and side by side instruction. 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions Session 203: Getting to The Core with Math Language Elena Okanovic & Heather Tuckson (St. Louis Public) Presenters will share resources to implement math standards. Participants will learn strategies for teaching content and language together to ensure students gain deep conceptual understanding of math standards. They will gain resources to differentiate and learn how to incorporate writing using language functions and sentence frames in math instruction. Location: Century A Strand: Academic Language and Literacy Level: Novice, ALL Audience: ES, EL Session 204: Addressing the High Stakes of Academic Language George Haynes (Francis Howell) Elementary ESOL teachers are rightly required to live within the educational communities and the demands of several buildings, multiple administrators, and competing requirements regarding how to deliver instruction. The only way to survive, thrive and successfully rise above this challenge is to have a tenacious focus on academic language. (Repeated #305) Location: Century B Strand: Academic language and Literacy, Program Management Level: ALL Audience: ES, AD, EL 12 Thursday Program AM 8:00-4:30 Exhibitors 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions Session 205: Curriculum Mapping to Maximize Your instructional Time Mary Forst, Heather Barbeau & Melissa Wheeler (Bayless) Where do you start when planning a curriculum for your ELL students? We will show how Bayless Elementary ELL Specialists used the Missouri Learning Standards, WIDA ELD Standards, and our district curriculum to develop an ELL Curriculum Map which includes content driven vocabulary, ELA standards and incorporates the four domains. (Repeated #103) Location: Pershing North Strand: Effective Practices, National Initiatives Level: ALL Audience: ES, EL Session 206: Beyond Tacos and Sombreros: Latino Cultural Competence M. Virginia Braxs (Washington University) This workshop will reflect on Latino culture key topics, such as the concept of time, the importance of family and communication skills, among others, and how these issues play an important role in the classroom teaching & learning experience as well as in the interaction between teachers, students, and parents. Location: Pershing South Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 207: Incorporating Visualization Tools To Build ELL Potential Cammy Goucher (Neosho) The benefit of any tool depends on how it is used. This is especially true of technology. This session will provide ways to involve ELLs in learning through the effective integration of technology into already developed lessons. You will leave with materials and resources for immediate use with your students. (Repeated #115) Location: Pershing East Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 208: Practicing Grammar Correction and Revision to Improve Student Writing Kate Berger (Saint Louis Language Immersion Schools ) This session presents ways to develop students' writing skills through frequent short compositions, followed by comprehensive corrective feedback and revision. By establishing a routine, based on practical correction codes, teachers can provide meaningful, integrated, and differentiated support for their students, helping them learn to write with greater accuracy and control. (Repeated #306) Location: Pershing West Strand: Academic Language and Literacy; Effective Practices Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: MS, SS, EL, CT, TE Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 13 Program Thursday AM/PM 8:00-4:30 Exhibitors 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions (continued) Session 209: Kurzweil Education Systems Corey Navis (Kurzweil Education Systems) Adapt instruction, not curriculum to support English Language Learners: ELLs face two challenges: learning a new language while simultaneously encountering unfamiliar academic material. Kurzweil 3000 Firefly offers an integrated literacy software solution, providing powerful reading, writing, study skill and test-taking support for ELLs from elementary students to adults. Location: Shawnee Strand: Academic Language and Literacy Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 210: iPad, iMovie, iSuccess Sam Bennion & Brandi Shores (East Newton) How we used the iPad app "iMovie" to engage students, increase autonomy and motivation, and accomplish ESL Objectives. Participants will become familiar with how iMovie can be used in the ESL classroom to facilitate student progress across the four modalities. Bring your own iPad with iMovie installed. (Repeated #118) Location: Mission Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ALL 12:30-1:45 Luncheon Century C Ballroom Keynote: Jaime Castellano 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions Session 211: Science Instruction in the ELL Classroom Adrienne Johnson (Missouri Western State University) This session will advance participants' understanding of how to plan for both language and content area instruction in the diverse ELL classroom. Using the science classroom as a model, participants will learn how to engage learners in the content area, while developing rich academic language skills. Location: Pershing South Strand: Academic Language and Literacy, Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, MJ, SS, EL, CT Session 212: Create a Connected Collaborative Community Sarah Hanf (Cape Girardeau) & Samantha Anth (Hazelwood) Have you ever thought about how to incorporate more PD and collaboration into your busy schedule? Join us to learn how to use Twitter as a collaborative professional development resource. You will sign up for Twitter, learn how to tweet, and find professional journal articles, blogs and chats using Twitter. Location: Century B Strand: Effective Practices, Program Management Level: All Audience: EC, ES, SS, AD, CH, EL 14 Program Thursday PM 8:00-4:30 Exhibitors 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 213: Using the new DESE ELL/SPED Pre-referral Flowchart Lori Hanna (former DESE) This session will explore the ELL/SPED pre-referral process by reviewing each step of the DESE’s Consideration of Factors that May Impact Academic Success for ELLs Flowchart. Participants will discuss examples scenarios for each of the steps using guiding questions and identify possible data collection points. Location: Pershing North Strand: Effective Practices and Program Management Level: All Audience: EL, SE, CH, AD Session 214: Same Goals but Different Roles: A Visual Transformation Carla Owen (Springfield) Research shows instructional coaching leads to achievement, but what exactly does an ELL coach do? ELL Coaching can provide job embedded professional learning and leadership in ways that are strategic. Learn how ELL teachers can take on the role of an ELL Coach to be more effective collaborators in their buildings. Location: Century A Strand: Program Management Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: ALL Session 215: Creative Writing with iPads Marya Leaich & Anna Coe (Hazelwood) iPads have become a resource used in schools around the nation. Learn how to teach your students to expand their creative writing using different apps on the iPad. You will learn the benefits of using technology and leave with items you can use immediately. Bring an iPad if you can. (Repeated #107) Location: Shawnee Strand: Program Management Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: ES, EL, Session 216: Cooking Up Math, Science and Literature Barbara Eckenfels & Mary Standish (Washington) Cooking is an exciting, interactive way to integrate reading, math, language development, writing and science. In this session we will share some of our “literature and science recipes” with you that you can incorporate into your own lessons/curriculum. Join us for some hands on, fun cooking activities for your ELLs! Location: Mission Strand: Academic Language and Literacy Level: ALL Audience: EC, ES, EL, CT, SE Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 15 Program Thursday PM 8:00-4:30 Exhibitors 2:00-3:00 Breakout Sessions (continued) Session 217: Examples of Best Practices in Using Imagine Learning Justin Hewett (Imagine Learning) There are currently over 100 schools in Missouri using Imagine Learning to serve their ELLs. Whether you want to improve your implementation or are just curious what everyone is up to, come listen to teachers from Park Hill, Kansas City, and North Kansas City talk about their best practices. Location: Pershing East Strand: Effective Practices Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: ES, SS, SE, AD, CH, EL Session 218: Much Ado about ESOL: Using Reader’s Theater Erin Ivanov (St Joseph) Active engagement is critical in building reading comprehension and motivation skills, and what better way to engage students than by putting them into a story! Not only is Readers Theatre engaging; it is a great tool for students to practice fluency, think creatively, and work interactively. Let’s act! (Repeated #105) Location: Pershing West Strand: Academic Language and Literacy, Effective practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, SS,AD, CH, EL Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 3:15-4:15 Breakout Sessions Networking Meetings Pershing North Exhibitors Century Ballroom Foyer Ask DESE Century B Virtual School Visits Pershing West 4:30-5:30 Ask The Experts in Century C Ballroom Jaime A. Castellano Gifted ELL Melissa Castillo Language & Literacy for ELLs Cristina Sanchez-Lopez RtI2 for ELLs 16 Friday 7:00-8:15 Breakfast Program Century Ballroom AM 8:15-8:20 Opening 8:30-11:00 Featured Speakers Session 301: Language & Literacy for ELLs: Creating Systematic Change for Academic Achievement Melissa Castillo Century A Participants will be introduced to four principles coined “TIPS” for facilitating a language-rich interactive classroom that are easy to implement, research-based methods that impact ELL academic achievement. The uniqueness of this model is its strong emphasis on structured oral language development as a vehicle to developing literacy across content areas. Session 302: Developing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS, or RtI2) for ELLs Cristina Sanchez-Lopez Century B In this session participants will become familiar with a framework and resources that will support schools and districts in developing more culturally and linguistically responsive MTSS or RtI2 for their English Language Learners. Participants will examine seven integral factors that help contextualize ELLs’ instruction, intervention and assessment within this system. 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions Session 303: The GO TO Strategies: Scaffolding Options for Teachers Laura Lukens (North Kansas City Schools) & Linda New Levine (ESL/EFL Consultant) How can teachers create scaffolded, yet rigorous and relevant lessons for ELLs? This workshop introduces resources that enable teachers to incorporate a variety of research-based strategies in content lessons. After presenters model strategies, participants plan scaffolded lessons using strategies resources. Participants receive copies of all resources shared in the workshop. Location: Century A Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 304: Working with Katy Booher (Webb City) Do you find it difficult to plan targeted effective lessons due to limitation? Come to this session and learn how to use a reading passage from the FREE website as the foundation of an entire unit designed to help students acquire academic English vocabulary and sharpen all four modalities. Location: Century B Strand: Academic Language and Literacy, Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, MJ, SS, EL, TE 17 Program Friday AM 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 305: Addressing the High Stakes of Academic Language George Haynes (Francis Howell) Elementary ESOL teachers are rightly required to live within the educational communities and the demands of several buildings, multiple administrators, and competing requirements regarding how to deliver instruction. The only way to survive, thrive and successfully rise above this challenge is to have a tenacious focus on academic vocabulary. (Repeated #204) Location: Pershing North Strand: Academic language and Literacy, Program Management Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 306: Practicing Grammar Correction and Revision to Improve Student Writing Kate Berger (Saint Louis Language Immersion Schools ) This session presents ways to develop students' writing skills through frequent short compositions, followed by comprehensive corrective feedback and revision. By establishing a routine, based on practical correction codes, teachers can provide meaningful, integrated, and differentiated support for their students, helping them learn to write with greater accuracy and control. (Repeated # 208) Location: Shawnee Strand: Academic Language and Literacy; Effective Practices Level: Novice, Advanced Audience: MJ, SS, EL, CT, TE Session 307: Teaching English Around the World Sandra Anderson (St. Louis Public) The session will introduce opportunities provided through the U.S. State Department for K-12 teachers and teacher educators who are interested in teaching English abroad. The presenter will explain which overseas teaching programs are available, the process for applicants, where to find application information, and share insights and experiences. Location: Pershing East Strand: Program Management Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 308: iPad Apps for K-5 ELL Amber Murdock and Laura Mosely (Fort Osage) Technology can be a useful tool to help students reach their potential. In this session we will collaborate about what iPad apps are useful for our students K-5th grade. Participants will be able to download apps and check them out. Bring your iPad and get ready to learn and share! Location: Mission Strand: Effective Practices Level: ALL Audience: ES, EL, SE Please take a moment to evaluate the session you have attended 18 Program Friday AM 11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions (Continued) Session 309: Meet the Parents Claudia Franks (Southwest RPDC) Parent participation is a key indicator of student success. Working with parents from different cultures can be challenging. Empower yourself to meet that challenge and to lead your school towards greater success in meeting the needs of the parents of your ELs. Location: Pershing South Strand: Program Management Level: ALL Audience: ALL Session 310: Map it Out with Jessica Cinco (Arizona State University) Fast, fun and free-- that’s exactly what you get with! This interactive session introduces a website that helps students organize thoughts with easy to manipulate graphics thereby allowing structural issues to quickly be seen and corrected at the start of the speech or essay crafting process. Location: Pershing West Strand: Effective Practices Level: Novice, ALL Audience: MJ, SS, EL, CT Thank you to our 2014 Conference Sponsors Crown Chiefs Compass Publishing Education Plus Missouri Western State University Graduate Program Pearson Learning, Inc Santillana USA Publishing Townsend Press Imagine Learning Kurzweil Educational Systems Capstone Publishers-myON reader National Geographic Learning We Teach in China Royals 19 American Reading Company The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center Get the kids of Missouri reading! MELL and First Book are teaming up to get brand new books to the kids we serve! Every $2.50 donated will help us get one book for a child in need. Help MELL get to our goal of $1000 for books for ELL students across Missouri. Donate today at: First Book is an international nonprofit that elevates the quality of education for children in need by making available high-quality affordable books and educational materials. Since 1992, First Book has distributed over 100 million new books to programs and schools serving kids in need. First Book’s network-130,000 strong, with approximately 7,000 additional educators and programs joining every month-is the nation’s largest and fastest growing network dedicated to serving children in need. 20
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